The Big Bad of the series isn't revealed until 4

>the Big Bad of the series isn't revealed until 4
>it's your ally from 3 who had shown no signs of being a bad guy
>start calling him by a completely different name in 5
>at the end of 5 find out he's not a bad guy and it was all a misunderstanding

What the fuck did Kojima mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


A mixture of being a shit writer and getting too attached to your characters.

Zero was revealed in 3, actually.

>reading comprehension

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I thought the villain was sunny and her disgusting eggs with pussy juice

>start calling him by a completely different name in 5
actually it was piece walker

Cipher = Zero was established in Peace Walker, though

Zero didn't think he was "a bad guy," there were definitely "signs" of his desire for order in 3, and the PSP games explain exactly what happens. 5 doesnt show it was a misunderstanding at all.

Kojima is a hack.
Making MGS3's crew the villains was incredibly forced.

Zero also isn't "the big bad." there is no one "big bad." That's the whole point. It's a sprawling bureaucracy of people, AI, governments, beliefs, organizations, etc. etc. etc.
All of these things interact and no single one is the enemy or the arbiter of the whole thing.

nobody is in charge of it, there is less of a "master plan" than a ratcheting series of competing desires and objectives that slowly lead to the coalescence of what ultimately happens

4 was a retarded mess mostly driven by misguided fanservice, everything afterwards was only an awkward although occasionally interesting attempt to fix it

Did it not? Thought there was a recording near the end of the game showing that Zero wanted to reconcile with Big Boss, but he got turned into a potato by Skelly Jelly so the animosity never had a chance to get cleared up.

Can you give me a quick rundown? I never played portable ops or leave Walker. How does he go from the chill guy he was in 3 to the guy he is in 5?

a ton of the latter, kojima just couldn't make any of his characters 100% evil

The villain having his own thoughts and regrets doesn't mean it was all a wacky misunderstanding

Anything beyond MGS3 was a mistake.

What I don't get is if he became a vegetable at some point during TPP. Who was causing all the shit to happen in mgs 1-4? AI wasn't a thing in mgs 1 was it?

Why are we still here, just to suffer?

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Fukushima wrote every good MGS, when Kojima is in charge of the script it's a pile of dogshit.

How long did it take you to understand that Kojima is a hack? If it happened on V then you're beyond help.

That's the annoying part of this series for me. I fully understand that nobody is inherently evil, but he wanted to absolve his characters of doing anything bad on top of it. Sometimes people do bad shit for reasons they feel are right in their own lense

So I still don't understand something. Was Jack aware of the black ops help he was getting behind the scenes? If Big Boss in V wasn't really Big Boss, does he mean he let and went along with the Patriots propagandizing his not so amazing feats during his career? So the events of 3 and the spinoffs more or less happened but not clearly to the extend in which they are portrayed? I'm so confused.

Would have been way too garring for this to have made the game. Even by MGS's standards.

MGS 4 is such a piece of shit
The series ended with 3, as far as I'm concerned

Even Zero dying didn't change much, if Revengeance is canon

0, big boss, liquid, solidus and any villain in the series is inspired by the ideals of The Boss. They each put their spin on it, but 0 goes full autismo and clones big boss in case he defects so he can have a banner for his army, an inspiration of sorts. They clash but 0 is never able to let go and supports big boss behind the scenes. Big boss thinks he is the enemy though, but we don't get the truth until the end of V.

PW came after mgs4

>Ultra intelligent A.I. that controls the entire world's culture, society and warfare against each other
MGS 4 is so shit

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It isn't, Kojima said so himself.

Vamp was a massive cunt

Tony from Policenauts is a truly irredeemably evil son of a bitch

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Ahhh, so it's true. 4 haters are brainlets. Pretty much figured that out, but thanks for reaffirming this OP.

Gotcha, so is skullface meant to be the faceless antagonistic side of America that mgs 1-3 comes to hate, according to everything that's been taught to us in mgs 1-3? I was under the assumption skullface is left a mystery to basically be the enemy youve considered zero to be the entire time.

I miss the Chico = Quiet theory

Must be nice as a writer to know that whenever you write yourself completely into a corner you can fix it all with "nanomachines" and some people still eat it up.

>Farewell sausage.

Back when the ruse cruise was at its peak.

Didn't some terrible Western vidya writer who got fired from his previous company get brought on board for MGS4? I vaguely remember seeing something like that.

I don't think they could get any more garring after pic related

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Some parts of 4 were cool. I liked that snake was basically fighting against time, I think watching someone you're rooting for slowly wither away, but doing their damnedest to fight it was a cool send off for snake, but every conclusion to every arc felt so shit and fan fiction level

He kicked it off, but the patriots were literally legion.
It turnes into a pretty good ending if you see it the way that zero was obly kept alive by the patriots for bureaucratic reasons. This way it's BB letting zero die, after zero let him live in 5.

The plot of mgs is generally a total hackjob, but that's what you get when people keep asking for more and more background.

that's good i guess

Skullface was supposed to be a super secret unit that no one but 0 knew. He went rogue and also wanted to try and force his view of The Boss' ideals upon the world. His main role as you said it was to be the enemy you thought 0 to be, but is revealed to be working against. His work leads to the creation of nanomachines but is otherwise unknown to most of the world.

If I remember correctly, Zero had Drebin or someone to start making the Patriot A.I during PW/TTP.

Nah, it's still a retarded hack ending that reads like fan-fiction and no amount of brainlet fanboy interpretations can change that

Fix what? Vamp? That's the only thing that changed.

Kojima was brought into MGS4 when the game already finished pre-development and actual development started, and only got into the game because people were sending him death threats when he said he wasn't working on MGS4.
He simply didn't want to make the game.

>everyone wants to carry out The Boss' will
>Everyone fucks it up

All she wanted was everyone to netflix and chill, how do you even fuck this up so bad

learn to read faglord

I definitely think Fukushima had more of a nuanced view and an interest in actual political science all that stuff and helped round out Kojima's wacky hollywood theatrics and plot-hooks into something cohesive and at least a little grounded

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Shame no one suggested to maybe stop focusing so much on the shitty plot.
I don't play videogames to get one cutscene every 4 minutes.

Yeah, every time it wasn't Kojima and there were death threats and he didn't really want to do any of it but forced at gun point
So people please stop ragging on poor Hideo like this, he's been punished enough

So don't play MGS then dipshit

its not about characters being good or bad you child

Why the fuck would anyone make a game to focus on the cutscenes and a story that's terrible written?
Not that it would be justified even if the story was good, since it's a videogame, not a movie.
It's a shame only Kojima got fired, the entire studio should have been told to fuck off since they clearly have no idea about videogame development.

>"Wtf, the kooky commander that loves james bond turned out to be an evil villian later in life? That doesn't make any sense"
you mean like how MGS3 has you playing as a man who would turn into a child solider rearing terrorist warmonger who's deathly afraid of vampires and believes santa is real?

MGS4 is a bad game with lots of faults in the writing but the characters of MGS3 being assholes was absolutely hinted at, it was just all in optional codec calls and largely stuff that doesn't sound suspect until after you already know the reveal. it was always planned.

He didn't. If so, source.

Revengeance did far better for the franchise and Raiden's character than anything else after 3

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Idk, but clearly it worked seeing how popular MGS was
You not liking it is irrelevant

Yes, because people are fucking retarded.
Thank you for the movie game fad, MGS redditors.

and before 5

>it was always planned
>when 2 was supposed to be the end of the franchise
>and then 3 was supposed to be the end of the franchise
>and then 4 was originally supposed to end with Snake and Otacon's deaths
>but hey the medic and the tech nerd were always supposed to be the doctor that tortured Grey Fox and the DARPA Chief all along!!!!!!1

This is one of the things i've never understood, WHAT THE FUCK DID PRETENDING TO BE LIQUID DO.

>wtf nooo, why isn't every game catered to meeeee, how could this happen to me broooos

Yeah, who wants gameplay in his videogames?
Or not being annoyed with constant interruptions to deliver a shitty story to me.

why did you post a bunch of unrelated plot points in response to my point that "the characters of MGS3 were always planned to be assholes"?

again, are you just a secondary that never played metal gear 2, even after it was bundled with MGS3: actual good camera edition? you had plenty of time to realize this shit

That enemies can only be our enemies in relative terms
Except Kaz who is nothing but a dirty traitor with no soul and Huey did nothing wrong ever.

We will never again have a real world mad scientist coincidentally line up in appearance and goals with a video game theory.

Mess with Snake's head. But Ocelot was also just a complete fucking kook like everyone else that isn't Solid Snake or Otacon.


Signit being the Darpa Chief is in the epilogue of 3.

She didn't state diddly shit. She's the worst character in the series.

>hey the medic and the tech nerd were always supposed to be the doctor that tortured Grey Fox and the DARPA Chief all along
yes, they clearly were. paramedic directly talks about cloning snake and sigint being the darpa chief is so obvious even people who try to find fault with the other reveals generally accept it.

again, this is a game where you play as a man who believes santa is real and that eating glowing mushrooms will recharge your batteries, who goes on in a few decades to talk about how he'll start a war, turn all the orphans into child soldiers and ship them out to the next war. that was always canon even if most US metal gear fans didn't play the game when MGS3 first came out.

you can be mad about a lot of things in mgs4, but you being a fake fan that didn't play the game so good it put kojima on the map in japan so you were confused about the entire fucking premise of the game (a start of darkness for what was at the time one of its main antagonists before kojima fucked it up later) is on you

Something something get the ai to recreate the Solid/Liquid confrontation to something something destroy them

My point is it couldn't have been always planned for them to be bad guys when 4 shouldn't have even existed in the first place and there were no plans for it when Snake Eater was developed. Nothing ingame pointed to Para-Medic becoming someone even remotely similar to Dr. Clark, and there was no reason to associate Sigint with DARPA. Same with Zero, 3 is filled to the brim with 60s references but for some reason talking about spy cliches and movies means it was obviously implied he'd end up being a bad guy. You're a retard.

The Patriots are the big bad. Zero is just their father.

Before MGSV there were lots of theories. Yea Forums actually was on point predicting that Boss would actually be Medic. However there were details and branches as to how Medic=Venom would work, one being plastic surgery and some centered around transplants. Well coincidentally at the time a doctor made news talking about how he planned to do the worlds first head transplant. The doctor also was the spitting image of the "It's been 9 years" doctor in the trailer. People assumed he wasn't for real, actually thinking he could do a head transplant while looking the same and assumed it was a publicity stunt. Like one of those ARG games like Halo did. Anyways turns out it wasn't a publicity stunt, the doctor really does think he can do head transplants and him looking like the character was a coincidence.


>there was no reason to associate Sigint with DARPA

you didn't even play this game

Why do I see you in every MGS thread
Do you crave attention from MGS fans? Don't you have any games to be playing?

>and him looking like the character was a coincidence.
It's called meme magic, user.
When humans are involved, there is no such thing as coincidence in this world.

It's a bit complicated but the simple version is that Solid needed to believe that Liquid still exists because Solid would never let this go and would hunt him anywhere he goes, Ocelot needed to use Snake to fight he patriots. That and the Patriots would actually be fully okay with Snake hunting Liquid because using a Snake to stop the Outer Heaven (in this case Outer Haven) uprising is a program th Patriots AI is hardwired to follow and that is why they let Snake come close to them.


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>Explains everything Solid Snake was pointless and Ocelot was the true hero all along.
>Explains everything Naked Snake did was because Skullface insured the mission would be a success while behind the scenes.
What was Kojima trying to tell us?

That while we might have played the games, he was the real hero all along

This is completely nonsensical and proof MGS 4 is shit

>after shadow moses shit Rex just stayed with it's fucking rail gun chilling in the hanger
>it's still there in MGS4

Not ONE fucking person ever thought to check the island?? what the fucking shit

Am I the only one who hated MGS3?

Likely yes.

is not big, is not bad

based suffering poster

>yfw you realize Solid and Liquid were named after Zero and Ocelot

>go through extensive effort to establish Ocelot having psychic powers that would explain how Liquid lives through his arm
>dude it was all just fake nanomachines and forget about Liquid being alive in MGS2 lol

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You do realize that cipher is literally a synonym for zero right

Ocelot is just a ruse cruise all around. It's what makes him so based

It was a ploy to fool the patriots AI you illiterate fuckwit

The most retarded ploy of all times. How was Ocelot so sure that Liquid would even allow him to regain consciousness again?

So if someone asks me if I had sex I can say - "I had cipher sex over the weekend"? That doesn't sound right.

>Be Revolver Ocelot, a known trusted ally to the Patriots
>Decide to pretend to be Liquid Snake, a known enemy to the Patriots
>This is a good plan because this ultra intelligent A.I. that is responsible for controlling the world's culture, infrastructure, economy and warfare for the past half decade will act retarded and open itself up to him by thinking he's against them instead of thinking he's an ally, because robots beep boop
MGS 4 apologists are absolutely braindead

It's not as amazing as people make it out to be but it's still pretty good

>This is one of the things i've never understood, WHAT THE FUCK DID PRETENDING TO BE LIQUID DO.

My memory from last time I played is that the plan was literally:

"If I trick the AI into thinking I'm possessed by the ghost of Liquid, it will assume I - like him - am 100% retarded. Then it won't take the threat seriously."

you could, yes. you'd sound like a weird faggot though which would explain the cipher sex.

Part of the reason people complain about MGS4 being pure fan service, it makes absolutely no sense for Metal Gear to still be there, army would’ve salvaged it after they cleaned up and arrested all the genome soldiers.

Even if they didn’t how come Snake and HAL didn’t go back to completely destroy it considering it was their mission to destroy all metal gears in the world.

>favorite MGS?
>why yes its MGS4 of course
>I find the intimate solid snake and otacon conversation scenes on the plane to be the most kino of the entire series, kojima really nailed down true bromance in a video game
>I can really relate with my fellow gigachad bromance

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>Part of the reason people complain about MGS4 being pure fan service

but... that's the whole point of 4

>completely fail to grasp major plot points
>call other people retarded

This is the Yea Forums I know

IIRC, another tape in Phantom Pain said that Zero had already commisioned Sigint to start planning the AI before he got fucked by Skullface.

Yeah, but the price of fanservice was more plot holes and inconsistencies.

Thanks Gigachad. For all his flaws, Kojimbo managed to pull off an entertaining duo between a spec ops soldier and otaku scientist. I think we can all respect that.

>the Big Bad of the series
The "Big Bad" what?

Zero was revealed as the Patriots in Portable Ops
"The man with the same codename as Null"

>"Why isn't MGS written like a shitty summer blockbuster movie with an evil mustache twirling bad guy and super awesome good guys, what do you mean I fell for shitty memes?" thread #53181438

a world without borders and no loyalty to any state or a world unified under one banner, what would you choose?

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Portable Ops isn't canon

It's canonical in 4. Kojima only changed it because he was upset he didn't make it.

I highly doubt the former would supply me with neetbux, so latter I guess

Neither. If the patriots could be universally just and unbiased then a unified world under a God-machine would be ideal but otherwise the former is pure chaos, stagnation and suffering while the latter is an unstoppable oppression.

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Those two options are not much different to each other.

It's not really nonsensical, a Snake was necessary to stop Outer Haven. The Patriots are not that smart in the end of the day, they just follow protocols

>the cute girl you talk to that likes cheesy monster movies turns into a mad scientist committing crimes against humanity

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>A.I. that was able to control the entire world's culture, infrastructure, warfare and media
>T-t-t-t-they're not t-t-that smart, t-t-they'll fall for someone going "I'm Liquid now", p-protocols

There's a lot of retarded shit in Metal Gear but I still like it

>Zero in general
>Ocelot's existance
>Master Miller / Kaz
>Venom Snake

A lot of it was V, but the handhelds have a lot of dumb shit in them too. Things like the Third Child are unnecessary and take a cool one off character and sort of ruin them.

The good guys are evil, the bad guys have reasonable points, everything and everyone you love is fucked, war is hell and will always be unsatisfying, and (You) perpetuate the conflict simply by participating. This has been Metal Gear's core message since Metal Gear 2. Every single game since then has come with the message "stop playing Metal Gear games."

Ocelot used Snake to destroy the AI after enlisting Naomi to help him. Simple as that.

From the beginning, in the fallout of Zanzibar's destruction, they knew they needed to take JD offline in order to wake Big Boss from his coma, without killing him, but didn't actually know how to accomplish that.

So MGS 4 frames it that Ocelot's actions and influence on the events in MGS 1 and 2 was a process of trial and error to expose deficiencies and loopholes in the AI's MO to keep the global economy and geopolitical dynamics in homeostasis.

JD, acting as a kind of hypervisor for the other AIs, has the ability to adapt and implement different conditions and events to reach desired outcomes that would fulfill its programmed mission. Because of that, it's assumed that they have to infiltrate it directly or destroy it through the physical mainframes that are hosting it, but they don't know where JD is physically located until they hijack the GW AI through the events of MGS 2. In learning JD's location, they also find Zero's. Then they run into another issue where taking the system offline outright would "basically" cause global society to collapse along with the world's digitized militaries, due to SOP, the result of the S3 trials, being pulled offline along with GW and JD, so Ocelot, posing as Liquid, decides to take control of the system instead using the GW AI.

They intended to get Solid's DNA via Naomi, to be able to access GW under circumstances not stated, but as it turns out, neither He nor Liquid were genetic matches, so they have to resort to using Solidus, assumed to be Big Boss by the Patriot AIs.

At this exact point, I've lost my place in this shit heap so I can't write anymore.
Somebody else can iterate on this and about Naomi's role in creating the virus that would, I'm assuming, flash the AI or modify it, or some shit, because destroying the AI in the end while leaving the rest of society intact IS a total cop-out

Jesus christ, please consider suicide

Is it weird that I enjoyed Revegence more than any other Metal Gear game? Its plot was ridiculous and crazy, but at least it made sense.

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Volgin was 100% evil and had no redeeming qualities.

Why would it be weird to have one of the most plebbit-tier normie opinions in existence that also happens to be correct?

MGS 4's ending has it that Naomi's virus was able to destroy the AI network while leaving global society intact, but that seems to go against the entire reasoning for Ocelot and Co having to put on the charade and worry about the consequences of GW and SOP being pulled offline.

I have to wonder if that's what they had always intended in the story, because MGS 4's original ending had Snake and Otacon turning themselves in after the fact and being executed on crimes against humanity and treason.

Prove me wrong

>had no redeeming qualities.
he tortured women for fun

Smart was the wrong word anyway, they are just machines and act on previously collected data. Their previous data on Outer Heaven is that Snek makes it boomboom so they send a Snake.
I'm not saying 4's story isn't retarded either, the whole thing about Ocelot pretending was retarded since 2, killing off Liquid early was a massive mistake

Doesn't help that Ocelot suddenly gets Liquid's voice actor in 2 when his fap arm takes control. That was dumber than anytihng in 4 and that means something.

It's only a machine carrying out programmed instructions through pre-programmed routines and systems. They tell you that GW and JD can't know the difference after Ocelot hijacks GW through the events in MGS 2.

They needlessly complicated things with the localization. Solidus and Solid have the same voice actor in the Japanese version of MGS 2, and Ocelot and his Liquid persona are voiced by Ocelot's singular actor in the Japanese version of MGS 4.

>vamp is one of the coolest fucking villains ever
>Hes a real supernatural vampire jesus fuck hes walking on water and surviving shots to the head this is so cool

>oh, its just nanomachine powers and not cool supernatural shit.......sigh,
>and hes dressing like a giant gay faggot too

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Kojima's message in every game has been "do u rike? preasu buy mai geemu"

i applaud your attempt to explain it, but unfortunately got nothing to add

Hayter's voice wouldn't really have been a good fit for Solidus though whereas Akio Ootsuka was made for both roles
Besides, don't they still do the voice switch for Ocelot/Liquid in 2

So in summation -- as simple as possible -- Global, digitized society, in this universe, is being influenced and continually "balanced", by an AI network influencing the global economy.

This AI network is also keeping Jesus sealed away in limbo. Jesus's disciples really want Jesus to wake up, but they can't force him to without killing him, and the only way to wake him up safely is to destroy said AI network.

They run into some problems, and have to resort to some crazy retarded shit to get the job done, but they eventually manage it, and everything works out.

Because the author of this universe is a total hack cuck, and his subordinates were total pussies, almost nothing in this universe changes in the end, at all, but everyone lives happily ever after :]

He didn't mean anything. He's a fraud. You're supposed to believe that Zero and fucking Paramedic are the worst assholes to have ever lived even though they were harmless borderline comic characters for all you knew. The whole game was just this annoying jap taking a steaming dump on his fanbase to feed his ego. That's all.

What was the point of having those ladies in weird power armored suits in MGS4 as bosses? And then all those brainwashed female soldiers?

Ive forgotten basically everything about that game.

MGS2 did this, it was impossible to follow up after the 2deep4u shit that Kojimbo pulled

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People who don't like whacky stories should never have picked up metal gear.

oh man, almost forgot about this guy. seriously though, what the hell IS mgs4?

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>Jack, I need to have sex with Roy to decieve The Patriots.

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thanks for not being complete shit today Yea Forums

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At least we know Sunny becomes a major QT.

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And it's not believable at all that a machine that simple that is merely running pre-programmed routines and systems would be able to control the world for half a decade. What are you not understanding about this? The Patriots are as smart as the author needs them to be until the second they are dumb retards for plot convenience. Kojima is a hack. MGS 4 is absolute garbage. The series ended at 3.

Sunny is cool
Cunny is sool

Shes hot fuh days

This doesn't remotely explain how an A.I. that controls the world for half a decade would be stupid enough to believe Ocelot is possessed, nor why it would be stupid enough to be weakened by that wrong information which should make them believe their ally is actually a rival.

MGR is the best man

Rose is such a whore

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>MGS 4's original ending had Snake and Otacon turning themselves in after the fact and being executed on crimes against humanity and treason.
What a kino ending that would be.

>I going to cum
>those reaction faces
I will never not laugh at this image macro.

Attached: lol.gif (406x202, 3.42M)

im reading and reading but i still don't understand

What about skull face?


it's because all the conspirators involved have nanomachines.

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Skullface did nothing wrong. He was just fighting back against imperialism in all its forms.

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>Not that it would be justified even if the story was good
It would be since video games can be whatever they want. I do agree that the storytelling in MGS games is complete dogshit. I'm convinced you have to be mentally impaired to a degree in order to enjoy it.

He just thought he was doing the right thing.
He's supposed to be a gimmick; Opposite to Big Boss, he was doing all the same shit Big Boss was doing with MSF in Peace Walker. His ZEKE happened to be the parasites until he Shanghai'd Huey from them to build him a better ZEKE (that doesn't even fucking work without children)

Isn’t that just null from portable ops? Even if he was pretending it was Chico

>your ally
he was ally to big boss. had nothing to do with snake

Beneath all the dumb shit and plot holes, I want to believe there IS a great story and universe in there somewhere...

It's got all the right stuff but they've been winging it the entire way, without vision.

It's concept art of Chico with comparison to Null's character. Kojima said he wasn't satisfied with Po-Ops's Null and its impact on Gray Fox.

The theory is that at some point they were planning to retcon Gray Fox (Frank Jaeger) as Ricardo. On some level, it would have been fitting to have Chico as a deployable buddy and cinematic character again, to be manipulating or using him in the same way Big Boss manipulates the player character in TPP's final version.

>have Chico as a deployable buddy
People keep wanting this but I can't even begin to imagine any use that Chico could have as a buddy. If he snuck around with BiBo it would just get in the way and get you spotted. There's really no point.

He wouldn't be for stealth. If they were going to transform him into Gray Fox, you can only assume they'd equip him with various blades to go in and massacre outposts. He'd probably be seriously OP.

Then again, at one point, they claimed that all your buddy characters could be permanently killed, which obviously never happened.

>world without borders and no loyalty to any state
Separate groups would be formed, one would gather enough strength to become the dominant force and fight for its own status.
>a world unified under one banner
Would crash and burn eventually unless humanity is under constant, direct control

Neither sound good to be honest.

So he would be like Quiet in terms of making the game much easier but would serve no purpose other than that, and would also completely trivialize game play even more than Quiet does?
That's even worse than the idea of him sneaking along with you.

World under one banner is literally impossible because humans will never see themselves as equal to each other. People always look for superiority and want to hold dominance over others. They want to be king at the expense of everybody else they deem inferior.

There are only 2 buddies that are individuals, and Quiet dies in the plot so I would guess only DD is unkillable. Pretend that D Horse is a new horse every time and same with D Walker.

>mgs1 ocelot
A cowboy with a torture fetish
>mgs2 ocelot
A cowboy possessed by your twin brother
>mgs3 ocelot
A homosexual twink who had a crush on big boss
>mgs4 ocelot
A faggot

What did Kojima mean by this