He's right, you know.
He's right, you know
Other urls found in this thread:
Science nigger saves switch
how much did they pay him to say that?
based le black science man
Because its library is 99.99% ports
You'd think a hyperintelligent cosmic negroid man who is superior to all of mankind would think harder about this
Finally something factual, thank you mr blackhoes
Who was in the wrong here?
me on the right
>twitter screencap of le reddit science nigger thread
fucking hell. What have we become?
Call me when Microsoft Windows ports actual good games like Bloodborne or Red Dead Redemption 2.
>moeshit poster
you're getting the rope along your reddit friends
I get the basic idea ofwhat he's saying, but at the same time, Microsoft Windows isn't a machine. It's just an OS.
Every game is ported from PC, technically
Does it count when the consoles themselves get ported?
Post the ten year old with huge tits, please.
>posting anime
>on Yea Forums
oh the humanity
but computers are used to build every game
what you think those console games are built with controllers?
Post the one where he pulls actual statistics to show how mass shootings are a minuscule fraction of all violent deaths in the US and how people shouldn't be moved by emotions.
No he's not, because Windows has a fuckton of games made FOR windows and then ported to other shit.
There are almost no games that were made for the switch. Besides BoTW and even that shit was emulated day one because fuck that worthless garbage hardware 490i resolution shit.
god this site is so fucking bad
God I wish that was me
man credited for being a big genius has the logic train of a 10 year old
Fake and gay
Cringe and go back. Take Wojak with you.
No shit retard
Based user.
>Back during the Wii / WiiU era Nintendofags were forced to get into PC gaming to have something to play between Mario, Zelda and Smash releases
>Now that the Switch is the first Nintendo console to get games after two generations, Nintendofags are turning against PC
Eh. It was to be expected
Are you feeling alright?
Pretty sure that ratio of ports to the windows is pretty damn low. Cross-platform != port. I'm pretty sure there are more asian windows-only mmos than entire switch's library.
Please take the rest of the day off posting and try again tomorrow.
Switch is full of indieshit and ports.
99.99% huh? I don't see many Nintendo exclusives on any other platform; legally of course.
>All games made on Microsoft Windows
>PC players known as the most racist community
No bias at all. Switchcucks are so pathetic
like network ports? he isn't wrong, windows has like 65,535 ports
Multi-gen counts as multi-platform, retard.
>legally of course.
that's your problem, nintendinigger
Then stop replying retard
Me taking the video
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Maker 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles Torna Golden Country
Kirby Star Allies
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Astral Chain comes out in a few weeks
Octopath Traveller was made for Switch then ported to other platforms
Super Bomberman R was the same
Super Mario Party. Yeah it's not that good but it still counts
Fire Emblem Warriors was made primarily for Switch. 3DS version was an afterthought
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
If we count piracy then technically 100% percent of every platform is ported to PC and there are literally no exclusives.
>A billion Mario variants
Oh ohohohohohoho
Every single time
>t-those don't count!
this is your last (you)
I'm not the guy you think I am.
And they do count. I just find it funny because I frequently shitpost about Nintendo consoles only having Mario, Zelda and Smash, only for someone to reply with a list of games containing five or six Mario games
>good game
>black science man
but has he weighed in on the real issues?
black science man is making a lot of good posts lately
>then technically 100% percent of every platform is ported to PC and there are literally no exclusives.
Where were you when console fags got eternally btfo?
Based Ampharos poster
Microsoft Windows isn't a fucking machine purpose built for ports, though.
Shame Ampharos won't be in SWSH
Magnemite for cockblocking
Release your alien spec evolution project already you hack
This made me like Neil Tyson.
Better this way, he was better in GoSiCr
the difference is that pc mustards used to be made fun of constantly for their change.org petitions.
in contrast, switchfags beg for every game that's ever existed and it's all okay.
Makes me sad. There was a leak that made me hopeful, they said the Mareep evolution line would have a regional variation that would make it Steel/Electric. The inspiration being steel wool.
Would have been neat.
Made me think of Walt's speech about airplane accidents in Breaking Bad. Funny thing is loads of people say Walt was making a good point when he gave that speech.
The butthurt it caused is hilarious but it really isn't a good point, statistics alone don't show you everything especially when the cause and effect is completely different.
I didn't quite understand what he was trying to say with this tweet? Are we supposed to demand that there be a ban on flu? Should we consider all car accidents an act of white supremacy?
>neil degrasse tyson
People act as if porting over the entire wiiU library somehow makes the console worse
Keep dabbing on those weebs
But I have both PC and a Switch, like most normal people. Nice try, Snoy.
He's saying keep things in perspective. There every incident like this there are countless that happen that people don't even give a passing glance.
Translate to English, please.
Yeah because he himself isn't looking at it from the perspective of anything but muh statistics.
Medical errors, flu, car accidents all do not involve someone killing someone else. That alone makes them pretty hard to compare.
I only own a PC, and don't need anything else, let alone a smartphone-tier piece of hardware.
Holy shit he's dumb as fuck.
The emotions weren't a response to how many victims there were(the data), but in response to the context, the reasons, and that these events are, more often than not, avoidable.
Doctors are humans, they make mistakes, and there is no intention, not to mention the people who die due to medical errors don't randomly walk 100% healthy in the hospital and randomly get killed by medical errors.
Flu? These things happen, and we don't always have control on it, and we can't always solve these problems no matter how hard we try.
Suicide is avoidable, but ultimately is that person's life story and events that brought them to that decision, not a random crazy asshole.
Car accidents happen, mistakes happen, and with no intention, there's no one to blame...sad, but once again, we can't do shit about it.
Homices by handgun can be prevented, but they're single cases, most of the time happening inside houses where there's little the authorities or laws can do, if i want to kill someone in my house, i will, handgun, knife, or hands.
Context matters, reasons matter, being able to avoid these events matters.
That's what people react to, not how many victims, and i thought he'd be smart enough to realize it, I was wrong.
And the last line about handgun homicide doesn't count then?
Because death from illness and accidents aren't murder? How hard is it for him to grasp that?
okay, retard
Car accidents are often manslaughter and often are the result of negligence, I think widespread negligence is comparable to narrower malice.
I think murder and manslaughter are pretty comparable. The only difference is intent. Having a small number of people with violent intent is concerning, but so is having a wide number of people negligent enough to kill others.
Where was this guy when everybody was calling the vita a port machine.
Yeah, or literal hardware ports to plug stuff into. I'm surprised at how many people missed the joke.
When did I say it "doesn't count"? Don't put words into my mouth.
He brings up "spectacle" which could only be relevant to homicide since it's never brought up every single time it happens in the media. Nothing else there is comparable except suicide.
It's simply ironic that his post would be about perspective where that seems to be exactly why people are sperging out about it. He has a point but made it in the worst way possible.
That is true, but it's still an accident. Otherwise it wouldn't be manslaughter. It's different from outright killing innocents. Even then, not every case would be people being negligent enough to let others die, it's more about people being retarded when driving.
Yeah but people being retarded while driving is still a problem to be solved, just like people becoming radicalized enough to go out and kill random people who did nothing to them.
Yes, and I think that's the best point you could get from it. Even if problems are on a different scale, they are still problems that could and should be solved.
Still worded terribly if that is what he meant and the spergout is justified.
And none of them were good or worked right.
Windows isnt a machine nigger.
>When did I say it "doesn't count"?
You didn't bring it up, despite it being the obvious exception to your point.
>He brings up "spectacle" which could only be relevant to homicide since it's never brought up every single time it happens in the media.
Yeah and that is what he's getting at.
I don’t think they are on a different scale, one is actively causing more widespread harm than the other even. From a moralistic standpoint one is more abhorrent, but from them being “problems” they both cause staggering harm.
They are on a completely different scale due to the cause. One is due to a human being actively killing another human being and the other is out of negligence at best. It's not just that the effect is abhorrent, the cause is.
When you go at it from a pure statistical standpoint you come off as autistic and will get a bunch of people to lash out at you.
>Not one fucking joke/comment about network ports.
This thread is lacking in radioluminous secret agent negros.
That’s the shit that you say as an edgy middleschooler.
Fuck off
>Doctors keeping their K/D ratio over tiny spidershitter flu bugs.
To say a plane that exploded killing two people due to negligence is less bad than a plane killing two because someone rigging it to blow is asinine. The people who committed the act get different punishments due to the proportion of fault they represent but both of the problems are the exact same. I don’t care if people lash out at me, fuck people who get so caught up in outcry that they can’t think.
>neil tyson degrasse
oh, the ballroom dancing guy and the earth is pear shaped guy.
what a tard
And you had six million loafs of bread baked over the course of a few years
I doubt that many Americans died from the fucking flu in 2019 over two days
Am I weird for letting the quality of anime dictate my impression of posters who use anime reaction images? for example
this anime was good so I agree with him
this anime was terrible so I disagree with him
Sorry but OP's mother is actually the biggest port machine, because she's had more sailors stuck in her than a hurricane.
Yes, but its weirder you either think this is a valid way to decide things or (far more likely) you think pretending you make descisions based on images alone is remotely sensible.
If you disagree I'll need your favourite anime so I can post pictures of it while requesting your credit card info.
What is it with Nintendo and retard pop "scientists"?
even burger scientists are retarded
How are the problems the same? Wanting to kill innocent human beings can be due to mental illness, muh ideology, many multitudes of problems. Negligence means either being retarded, forgetful, or some other shit.
Again, cause and effect between murder and manslaughter is different. If you disagree, explain a little more.
how do you derail offtopic threads?
>enjoyed Cosmos as a show to watch as background noise and it was pretty ok and thought he was cool
>see Neil's twitter
>keeps posting the weirdest fucking shit like bitching about Disney's frozen snowflake
what the fuck
i'm seriously wondering if he developed a mental illness or something
The problem is the same, the perpetrator that causes the problem just shares a smaller proportion of the blame in the negligence case. If you are retarded or forgetful, you are either unsuited to what you have been given responsibility for or poorly trained. In both cases, two people died, the only difference is in how you divide up the blame.
he's not a scientist he's "the science guy"
There is no picture so I did not read.
Based as fuck holy shit
The only thing that makes that speech fucked up is that Walt is indirectly response for that crash by getting Jane killed
top jej
idiots, the real enemy was clearly cited in MGS2
he's not a scientist he's a science communicator
You're a good person.
the fuck is GoSiCr? GSC is the only correct way
>the perpetrator that causes the problem
Okay we're misunderstanding what we think we're talking about.
I mean problem as in WHY these things happen in the first place. As in, the guy killing people on purpose vs the guy being retarded. Completely different problems.
That's the whole issue. If you ignore that and still just go by pure statistics, it's autism. Court rulings aren't just based on how to divide up blame, you have to look at why and how the crime even happened in the first place which is what copy pasting death counts misses.
>the problem that someone became hateful is more severe than the problem that a company hired on a negligent person to handle life or death work
I don’t follow. I don’t understand why someone becoming murderous is more of a problem.
t. sociopath
No, just someone who doesn’t think one person becoming murderous is somehow more of a problem than systems that allow staggering lethal negligence. Yeah, they’re a murderer, that’s bad, we should remove them from general society, but also we should fix systems that kill more people than that one motherfucker.
*gets me too'd*
Because you can play old ports on your old computer, don't have to buy some new 299+ tip proprietary kids tablet
I think it's fake.
Nintendo babys don't know that words like PC, Microsoft, Windows even exist.
Windows is an operating system, not a peice of hardware
windows is PC gaming whether you like it or not.
He's saying people shouldn't be afraid of terrorist attacks more than they are afraid of getting run over by a car.
based science nigga making all the whitoids mad
He rambles on a lot, they actually had to cut a lot of his dialogue out in Cosmos.
>Console fags bitch that Nintendo Switch is not only getting their games taken from them but also that Switch owners also get high quality first party exclusive gsmes and can play them in max COMFY mode, aka the true patrician choice of gaming.
Sony niggers and Xbox drones btfo once again.
Is he autistic
just a little bit
I play mainly on pc and switch, what now?
based retard
Based shitposter-in-chief.
Uh, its not that we can't do anything about it. The better argument is that we are actively doing things to minimize the numbers of all those things he listed, but there is still refusal to do anything proactive about gun violence, the same way we're proactive about reducing deaths caused by car accidents by policing drivers, implementing safety standards/features in vehicles, and requiring a license in order to legally own and operate a vehicle.
I thought people here would just hate smoke degrasse but surprisngly many seem to not. I listen to star talk radio every now and then at work, it's cool most of the time
i would argue the flu deaths and medical mistakes are more avoidable than suicide and mass killings, if there were no guns theyd still do it, look at that japan arsonist, he killed more than these shooters just by lighting a fire and locking the doors
no. try CONTEXT. i'll start.
>In fact, a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related.
nobody has a good reason to care about thugs blasting each other. they chose that life.
Fuck off retard, Black Science Man is right for once. Your chance of dying to a terror attack is infinitesimally small. You're more likely to die from slipping in your bathtub. Yes, they're "preventable", but the way to prevent them has far worse consequences.
No matter what you do to try and prevent terrorism, it's always going to be worse than the act of terrorism was. 20 people die in a terror attack twice a year vs 20 million people have their guns confiscated and have no way of protecting themselves (plus 2 million dead ATF agents dying trying to grab the guns). Boy, I wonder which option is worse. Doing nothing, or killing millions and trampling on peoples' rights?
When a game is made on the OS itself, it's not a port but a return home.
He's fucking right, and you know it. The only people mad at this are gun-grabbing retards.
>requiring a license in order to legally own and operate a vehicle.
WRONG, you only need a license to drive on public roads. You can do whatever the fuck you want in private property. EXACTLY the same as guns
Eat shit you disingenuous cunt
We have all the safety standards in guns they could ever need, shit like fingerprint ID is fucking laughable and only enforcable on shit like electrically primed guns, which nobody would ever want because who the fuck wants to keep their gun charged?
>20 people die in a terror attack twice a year vs 20 million people have their guns confiscated and have no way of protecting themselves (plus 2 million dead ATF agents dying trying to grab the guns)
So glad that there are still people of reason on in this world.
I know he's a retard normally, but a broken clock is right twice a day.
He's right, you know.
haha, you see, the joke has that he's taking it literally, not like you low iq plebs would understand
>implying Sony will ever let another Soulslike drop from their death grip
This is why From Soft had to make Dark Souls in the first place instead of Demons Souls 2.
Talking about whatever the fuck you want
You seem pretty based to me?
He's saying that rather than focusing on the mass shootings problem we should be focusing on improving medical training, more funds for vaccination and better roads, and more effort on mental health.
I fucking wish. Switch doesn't even have VC. Give me that and Pikmin trilogy.