Will DOODWEED really make me less bored of video games...

Will DOODWEED really make me less bored of video games? I cant even play my personal classics without feeling empty inside. Theres no thrill, no scare when playing lets say Silent Hill.

Anyway its legal in my lib country now. might as well try it I guess? Should I?

Attached: pot.jpg (2400x1800, 306K)

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Nobody gives a fuck what you do, kid. Try making a decision on your own for once in your worthless life.

Pothead here, no it will not. That empty feeling will only be defeated by doing fulfilling things in your life. I can't play single player games without getting super self conscious on how im wasting my time

>Theres no thrill, no scare when playing lets say Silent Hill
Have you played something that doesn't look like a game from 1980? Like, Resident Evil 7 for example?

You are wasting your time reading this post and browsing + posting here. I take it you also don't watch movies/tv-series, read books or listen music?

I liked RE7 but that boat section really turns me off when I want to play it again. Not scary either though.

Try it on VR.

No, offline single player games dont do it for me. Multiplayer games are much more fun high. Easier to find a multiplayer game to zone out on than find decent music of videos to watch

Try Dark Souls. Perfect single-player game to get into. Or same game with interesting and well done plot like SOMA.

Weed doesn't really help you with that, but I recommend you smoke some and watch anime, like Jojo or Cowboy Dandy. If you toke enough, you usually just want to passively lay down and watch something or listen to some music instead of actively doing something, like play games.

I've also lost interest in video games over the years. I'm 30 now and user here has a point. If you got a hole in yourself, fill it with something else than video games, movies and other forms of mindless pop culture and escapism. Me, I'm getting myself fit, learning a trade, trying to get my masters degree out in the near future, maybe emigrate to somewhere else after all that and hopefully I'll have something more in my hand after a year than just a cum stained paper towel.


Attached: ClockIsTicking.png (680x680, 150K)

Alcohol is where its at. That shit makes anything fun

It's legal to fuck animals in Florida. Why don't you move there and fuck a goat you gutless retard.

steps to making your life awesome
1. buy cod MW 2019
2. hit the dude weed
3. ????
4. profit

idk why but pretty much the only thing i can seem to enjoy is call of duty while stoned

Wow, that was totally uncalled for. Since you brought it up, why don't YOU move to Florida mister Animal Lover? Hmmm?

My fucking ears.

OP here
I'm actually a functional alcoholic. I always play game with booze, doesn't really do it anymore, I end up browsing this place while listening to music instead all the time.

It makes them more immersive. If that's something you usually enjoy, go for it. If you're bored of vidya, it's not too likely to remedy that.

When i don't smoke I just play one main game for like 2-3 rounds a day then I get bored but I still want to play vidya but it feels like there is no thing to play (200+ steam games)

when I smoke weed I play and install shit I would never play normally and actually enjoy them too

Feels good man

Yes. Do it. I'm at work right now so I can't really elaborate but smoke weed it will change your life.

Playing games high is pretty fun. It adds a whole new layer to the game that you never get sober. Just don't overdo it and be completely baked because then you won't be able to do shit lol or do dumb shit like curing enemies on accident in FFIV.

completely the opposite for me. Can only play familiar multiplayer shit for 1-2 hours while stoned and really want to explore something new when sober.
can confirm if you overdo it it stops being fun.

It won't. If anything it will make you more board because it will be fucking with your dopamine levels.

Also, chance of schizophrenia so stay away.