
Attached: ooblets.png (616x604, 332K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You really expect me to read all that tripe?

those censored discord avatars are all furry porn, now watch them blame the alt right somehow

At this point I think the devs are just gluttons for punishment.
>It was not our intention to paint all gamers with the same brush
>Let me post several screencaps painting everyone who hated our announcement with the same brush.
>but we're not painting gamers with the same brush, believe me, please.

Talk shit get hit.

The indie dev cries out in pain as xir strikes you

>I wont buy your game now

>By engaging directly with that crowd, I mistakenly thought I could have some impact on their opinions and emotions and defuse the situation with some lighthearted criticism of the main things that drove them to attack people.

I have never in my life heard something so completely separated from reality. How in the absolute fuck do you expect to "defuse the situation" by literally shit-talking people, calling them over-reacting retards, and pretending that you're above actually engaging with criticism? That's literally the opposite of defusing an emotional or highly opinionated discussion.

To sum it all up for those who don’t want to read this garbage:
>Were we wrong for backstabbing our Patreon supporters, taking the EGS bribes, and generally making asses of ourselves instead of maturely handling criticism? No, it’s everyone else who was in the wrong here!
Not surprised they posted this to a website that measures upvotes as “claps”.

Do Americans really clap after reading a blogpost?

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No. Not reading this shit. Fuck off and kys.

















what the fuck is this game even about

is it a more faggy stardew valley/animal crossing

Oh well. That’s what they get for shit talking potential customers

>bitch about your own customer
>"muuuh i'm sowwiee"
fucking faggots can't deal with real life consequences

This. Being a snarky fucking cunt and acting like you’re above everyone despite that makes you look even worse than you already did when you sold out.

That's just some STD-related thing.

okay what the fuck is this post?

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Steam/Reddit fags are cancer.

dancing, possibly also with pokemon and farming. But all they really show is dancing

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>I have never in my life heard something so compleyely separated from reality.
Shit like this happens often on just about any major American news network, lots of documentaries, and places like twitter and facebook

>Make shit game
>Attack consumers
>Get free marketing

So they just want to throw a selected few into the gas chambers then?

They're intentionally stirring up controversy for free advertising.

And the worst part is, the post only seems to acknowledge the criticism and backlash at an absolute surface level because they're making the primary mistake every game company, magazine, blog, and newspaper in the country has for the last few years; They're noticing that what they did created an uproar, but then using the most extreme and vile messages coming from that uproar as an excuse to hand-wave and dismiss all of it completely.

Some gamers are "toxic" and send you words like kike and faggot. Some say you should kill yourself. Some are there to troll you. So OF COURSE this is what ALL of them are saying, right? This is ALL the criticism, and because we can ignore these ones, we can ignore all of it and just say we stand behind our decision and we know we were in the right because some people still support us.

That's the point of this post. It's not to accept blame or criticism, it's not to reflect, it's not to make amends. It's literally to say "Yeah shit happened, but you were mean so we stand by it, fuck you all. Except those still giving us money, you're cool."

Fuck, this dude is legit retarded.

I clap whenever a thread 404's as a way to thank everyone for the discussion here today


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fuck off jew
>make statement you know full well will cause people to get pissed at you
>stoke the flames with even worse comments
>then play victim and turn to the media to defend you and call the people you pissed off nazis or whatever

classic jew move

They took the one-off payment for their game no one gives a fuck about. They should have known that they won't be making another game after this and getting consumer support.

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>screenshot going around of me supposedly saying "gamers would be better off in gas chambers". Obviously never said that, and as a Jewish person, this one really hurt to see being spread around.

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Yup. Fortunately they are playing to the crowd that don’t actually play or buy games, and not Yea Forums, who just don’t buy games.

Don't encourage it.

My thoughts exactly. Word for word.

someone post the webm

I got really excited by that screenshot cause I thought it was info on Goose Game

oh my god.. he really said that...? wow...

Yes keep giving a random shitty indie game attention.

Masterlcass in marketing.

Steam and Reddit drones are mentally ill, it's a fucking video game, you don't even like the game at all.

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The community really lost a few brain cells during this bullshit.

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Why is he upset about people being angry at him? Theres plenty of others things to be upset about.

Here are just a few suggestions:

Climate change
Human rights abuses
The new Twitter desktop UI
The last season of Game of Thrones

I think the devs dropped this

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>please clap

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At this point, I think a lot of it is calculated, yeah. But it fits with the audience. They're part of the Tumblr woke nu-gamer crowd, the ones that make cutesy baby games that aren't about violence or being mean to sell to dumb girls who want to be "real gamers", and as a rule all these SJW faggots need to feel victimized so they can double down and be snarky and bitchy and have someone or something to protest against.

This dude needed his game to be the target of a hate mob so he could be a victim and galvanize his audience to support him so he kicked a hornet's nest and keeps kicking while inviting as much hate as possible because that's the identity he wants. He wants to be the "small cute indie game fighting against the toxic mysoginist gamer bros" and now he is in his mind.

based and perplamps-pilled

>That’s why we were totally unprepared for the attention we got from the broader gaming/internet community, which was fueled by a deep misunderstanding of the tongue-in-cheek tone as condescending and patronizing.

Stopped reading there. Dude clearly is incapable of understanding the consequences of his actions OR he's just a huge pussy that's going to keep doubling down so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong.

as if the gamersTM have the time to read all that. They're busy shitting on the epic store and play porn games on steam, like real gamers.

is it any wonder they told us to fuck off when we spammed them with HURR NIGGERFAGGOTS? Even if people had legitimate complaints we drowned them out by being little shits. This is why people aren't supposed to treat the rest of the internet like Yea Forums.

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>That’s why we were totally unprepared for the attention we got from the broader gaming/internet community, which was fueled by a deep misunderstanding of the tongue-in-cheek tone as condescending and patronizing.


Hahahaha this needs to be tweeted constantly to them

>controversy for an exposure
I don't think it is working any more. I feel like people are getting tire of this style of marketing since the feministfreq's shit.

>reading all that shit
>for a game I never intend to buy
>by devs I don't care about
Someone just tell me if they're backpedaling or doubling down.

We should send this message to everyone, we aren't changing nothing complaining here, normies are too retarded to see for themselves

You're not fooling anyone

Doubling down, reeking of desperation.

Why is Ben so close behind gwen?

>What’s amazing to me is that the other screenshots and parts of our post that have been enraging people are the ones where I called out how entitled these people are.
>“Entitled” isn’t a meaningless insult I was throwing around. It’s a description of people who feel owed something from us just because they are potential customers or that they really wanted the game. They can’t seem to comprehend that there is no difference between someone making a game and anyone else. Strangers don’t owe you anything, regardless of whether they’ve spent $200 to register an LLC or not.

Reminder that you are in the wrong for wanting a product from someone promising a product.

Now he's also a public liar

At this point, the guy is just milking the whole controversy for publicity.

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Honestly I think a lot of people were unaware of Yea Forums before a year or two ago and it's just a big culture shock for them. I remember when people could separate their online personas from their real one but I guess those days are over.

Speak for yourself.
I'm not going around calling devs niggerfaggots.

More like gamers are cancer, simple as that.

Medium uses claps instead of upvotes.

>gamers would be better off in gas chambers
why the fuck would he say something like that? really not a good look for these devs. yikes...

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>Advertise a product
>Do not deliver product quality
>Call your customers and potential customers entitled
>"I am the victim"

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You weren't, and the majority of us weren't, but enough underaged fags from Yea Forums were. And it made it ended with them doubling down because the majority of the "backlash" they saw was people with porn/ahegao avatars going on discord and spamming shit like HURR NIGGERFAGGOT GAME.

Hope you fags enjoy this being a regular thing now, Epic has made it clear it'll side with retarded troll devs against consumers.

seems legit user

>posting fakes in order to discredit the legit screencaps

>all those cocksucking replies ti his post
atleast the top one atm is based

Speak for yourself you retard. I AM. I already called them that. So fuck off and leave

>Some gamers are "toxic" and send you words like kike and faggot. Some say you should kill yourself. Some are there to troll you. So OF COURSE this is what ALL of them are saying, right? This is ALL the criticism, and because we can ignore these ones, we can ignore all of it and just say we stand behind our decision and we know we were in the right because some people still support us.
I think you need to realize that it's only "some gamers" doesn't change anything. It's the loud minority effect. Nobody else is screaming so they only hear the people who are. And the only people who are screaming are screaming at them to kill themselves and calling them kikes and faggots.

>epic spent chink money on troll devs
>get to watch the drama for free
>get to download the game for free if it turns out good
Literally no drawbacks

ok now you can have my money

I unironically cringe at some of the obvious underaged /pol/ posts he gave as examples. He's cringy because he doesn't understand to just ignore these stupid faggots, but /pol/ faggots are cringe too.

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This can't seriously be Tim Sweeny's real Twitter account can it? I reads like a fucking parody.
"Epic supports psycho developers insulting and harassing consumers"

>I AM. I already called them that

Imagine having a reaction to anything that has to do with Ooblets.

They can die for all I care.

>"Wow that's a pretty bad thing to say"

Entire post is passive aggressive and backhanded.
Not once does he apologise for what he did or say what he did was wrong. Instead he just says that what he did was misinterpreted ... repeatedly. Without ever acknowledging that he was bad at communication.
It's still shit. Dump it.

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discord trannies like you will never be real women

Someone should "visit" them at their house.

found the triggered /pol/tard lmao

Because I wanted to troll. I made 3 accounts too just to do it.

Cool. I'm not a tranny anyway but whatever. /pol/ faggots like you will never be blond haired blue eyed /fit/ aryans.

>doesn't understand to just ignore

>he then fails to set an example and also gets baited by the other user

People like you are full of shit, why don't you shut the fuck up

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found the ooblets dev

>I recognize that none of this post equates to an apology in any way that a lot of the mob is trying to obtain, and that’s by design. While some of what I’ve said was definitely bad for PR, I stand behind it.
>A portion of the gaming community is indeed horrendously toxic, entitled, immature, irrationally-angry, and prone to joining hate mobs over any inconsequential issue they can cook up.

Jesus christ how far up his own ass is his head?

tripling down

The funniest think here at this entire thing is this:

>Same people who say they arent interested make thousands of individual messages

Just say that you are mad kids and everything is fine. Everybody knows you guys are entitled little niggers that throw a tantrum like the underage pantshitters.

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nice try

>implying goose game isn't also going to get milkshake ducked by Yea Forums

That's pretty pathetic, bud. Do you understand by doing that you're giving them the support they need to act like this without consequence? It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Sad!

You really have too much time on your hands. Like, get a job, hobby or something or a partner.

Or some help... getting help would probably be the best bet.

why is the gaming industry the only one that gets away with treating its customer base like shit to their faces? you try this in literally any other industry and your ass is fired and your brand name is tarnished unless you're sucking off the CEO or are the CEO.

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People like this think they can´t be wrong and everyone who disagrees with them is. They are the "good guys"

hello ooblets devs. Mad?

Steam users are all shit skins from non-US countries aka Bongistan and Pals anyway.
Proving yet again that having money as a barrier to entry eliminates 99% of the people ruining video games. The other 1% need to be euthanized.

>ITT mentally ill steam drones went to far this time, they will literally loose their r/fuckepic hivemind sub*ddit and getting demolished by normies because even these guys are realising the truth.

Tick tock steam trannies tick tock, based Ooblets dev is literally killing your movement OHNONONONONOAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

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found the triggered /pol/ fag

Why would he need to apologize? He's on the right side of history.

What the flying fuck is wrong with you unironic gamers? Just play the game or don't. If you need a cause become (actually) religious.

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I don't think its even about the game, it just people mad the Devs are assholes and condescending

>A portion of the gaming community is indeed horrendously toxic, entitled, immature, irrationally-angry, and prone to joining hate mobs over any inconsequential issue they can cook up.
he's right, just look at the thread. Nobody here gave a shit about the game and nobody here will buy it but people are still shitting on some nobody indieshit dev and going out of their way to go to their serves to do it.

No other industry has this much direct contact with customers. Every other entertainment industry is fire and forget.

i was talking about the ooblets devs doing what they want without consequence, retard. i'm on your side

Not far at all, he's completely correct.

Not even a dev, just a concerned gamer. A very concerned gamer.

Kill yourself nigger. Nobody cares.

Don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next product.

I'm more offended there aren't any Yea Forums posts in there.

this is just good manners, only commies dont clap for yous and 404s

what do you mean? clearly all of the people behind those messages are shitskin christcucks or muzzies

Fuck that and his game and fuck niggers

Where in the hell did you ever get the idea they were on our side to begin with. Their platform exist solely to shit on consumers.

>Every single one of the 'death threats' is from Yea Forumstards

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immature people that think it's still cute to be edgy. Shit used to be funny but times change. Sorry u can't adapt

>implying I'm going to buy anything from EGS or even give a shit about ooblets
you guys are just feeding them and making it worse, next time this happens the devs are going to double down and look like the good guys for doing it when they see people from Yea Forums making 3 accounts to say KILL YOURSELF NIGGERFAGGOT.

>Mentally ill /pol/ Steam drone insults you because of "console faggotry wars" reasons
>mentally illness now wants him to apologize

What went wrong with you faggot

The real shame is that all these pompous indie devs don't get treated the same way. Remember Sam Hyde's teachings and bully early and often.

This entire thing has been a marketing stunt. And like the retards you all are, you make constant fake outrage threads for the game after taking incredibly obvious bait. No such thing as bad publicity. Congrats, you played yourself. Fucking retards.

I wouldn't doubt it at all.

literal self fulfilling prophecy

why does "ooblet" sound like something a grade schooler made up because his parents don't like him saying bad words? can we use ooblets to trick our parents, the mods?

>Yea Forums siding with Epic and the dev to "spite" /pol/

That's like Yea Forums siding with Phil Fish to spite Yea Forums, what happened to this place?

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>you're actually helping them
>p-please stop

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Based dev.

Because everyday vidya consumers dgaf. They think they are being done a favor and being catered to.
FFS, newfag much?

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Funny as hell to read.

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But okay. I'll see if I can go into more depth about the onions.
>We’ve been trying to make ourselves as available as possible to maintain an open discourse with newcomers
Sending your opinions to people is not a discourse. Understanding people's opinions and replying to them is a discourse.
>I’ve been interacting with an audience
You've been sending your opinions at an audience and they've been appreciating the opinions without returning their own.
>which was fueled by a deep misunderstanding of the tongue-in-cheek tone as condescending and patronizing.
Perhaps. But if you don't also mock your own judgements/opinions with that tone, then you're mocking the opinions exclusively of others.
>By engaging directly with that crowd, I mistakenly thought I could have some impact on their opinions and emotions
You could, if you took the time to understand people's concerns and address them. Even saying "don't care, got paid" would have defused it more than what you did. Instead you spouted your feelings at the crowd ... who already disagreed with your feelings.
>I’d challenge anyone to be on the receiving end of this for a few minutes/hours/days to not come to the conclusion that a huge segment of the broader gaming community is toxic.
And yet you don't notice yourself in the center. Toxicity breeds toxicity. None of the onions ever notice themselves in the middle of it.
>just a dude talking to people like a human. Just people talking to people, as people.
You aren't. You're talking to people like you can dictate to them what they should feel.
>I think their extreme passion for games has made them perceive the people who provide those games as some sort of mystical “other”, an outgroup that’s held to a whole set of weird expectations.
True partially. It's when the developers think of their own feelings/experiences as more valid than those of their users, that you get othered.

>Soilord and wife sell out their game to the CCP.
>They inmediately go in the defensive and shit on everyone as if they had done something terrible, when they had valid reasons.
>If they had kept their mouth shut about it nobody would give a fuck today.

Yikes. I guess the wicked flee when noone pursues. On the other hand this gave them like 10x the publicity they needed.

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You don't?

>Content warning
this gonna be good

I love (some) furry porn :3

>Told his customers that they belong in gas chambers
>He's Jewish
Almost based, now he has to join them in the chamber.

its the sjw that cried toxic gaymers.
repetition weakens the jews deception

Now THAT's a victim.

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These faggots are unironically based and my new favorite devspilled.

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If you can't handle people saying mean things to you then you shouldn't get on social media.

i honestly believe it's this. I never even heard or saw anything on this game before the whole shitstorm and now it's multiple threads a day on these faggots.Sure they pissed off a bunch of their fans but at least some people who never hear of the game will end up buying it now.

there is no such thing as bad publicity

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They're always close, user

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male on female anthro is the only acceptable furry porn

People will go on about how great they are in the face of all this, but its not going to translate into sales. Thats not how this stuff works thats not how it has ever worked. Instead of doubling down he should have hired a PR person with the epic money to sort things out to try and work it into a general "I'm not an asshole who hates consumers" thing.

Every single time this shit happens the devs get loads of support from people who don't end up buying the game.

get back to work kobold slave

>broad content warning

do tumblrettes need now a warning for any text that takes more than minute to read?

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Yes, you fuckin ignoramus. Different user but I will reiterate that there's no such thing as bad publicity. Nobody on Yea Forums was going to buy this any way, but now a bunch of SJW blogs are talking about the controversy and showed it to a much larger audience than it would have originally. Fuck ooblets but if you can't understand this than you're just dumb honestly

>pokemon swsh gearing up to be garbage
>latest animal crossing for the next year is a cash grab
>stardew valley and anything like it is stale now
the bar was so low for any market he wanted. why did he think he needed epic? he'll clearly never admit he didn't need it with over a thousand paypigs already.

>Shit on customers
>Customers shit on you back
>"wow fucking gamers are so god damn entitled what a bunch of manbabies i swear to god"

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You have no idea how bad things have gotten


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Anyone dumb enough to buy the game just to spite 4chins is dumb enough to buy it without the controversy

Their game looks like tumblr twee crap I wouldn't play anyway.


hmmm no
I'm not limited to that, but on the other hand, I only like 0.01% of all images that meet that category.
What matters to be is that its cute and I am very picky. For example, I hate breasts.

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reap what you sow

it's all so tiresome

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Was this whole thing a massive troll? It cannot possibly be real, I refuse.

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You mean a mentally ill hivemind, nobody of them are giving two shit about Ooblets fucking moron.

>Hey, this is Ben. My wife Rebecca and I have been the target of a pretty big internet storm for the last five days following our Epic Games Store timed-exclusive announcement for Ooblets.
>been the target of a pretty big internet storm
That's generally what happens when you start a shitstorm. You can't say it wasn't intentional given the content of the original post.
>I’d challenge anyone to be on the receiving end of this for a few minutes/hours/days to not come to the conclusion that a huge segment of the broader gaming community is toxic.
It's almost as if you came to that conclusion before it started, and egged that community on.

Instead of being "scared" and "mad" about people yelling on the internet, maybe you should be more concerned about these other pressing topics
>Climate change
>Human rights abuses
>The new Twitter desktop UI
>The last season of Game of Thrones
Obviously those last two are sarcastic, but they're still more relevant than people being mad online!

In the internet age that doesn't matter. All that will happen is people will virtue signal on twitter about the game and then they will never purchase it when it comes out. Its what happens every time devs do stupid shit. Welcome to the internet age

I'm not saying people are going to buy it out of spite. I'm saying the game has received a much larger audience than it would have a week ago or whatever.

Is he gunna take off her shoe and rub his dick on her feet haha asking for my frat house

litearlly why the fuck does v care about this games its indie trash aimed at 5 year olds

It´ll fuck them in the long run. They disappointed a lot of people who supported them for months. What´s more is that shit like this and the Phoenix Point/Shenmue KS-drama will end up hurting future crowdfunding campaigns.
Epic's whole strategy of appealing to devs instead of actual customers is absolutely idiotic.

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>For example, I hate breasts

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fuck off you fucking retarded shill

Bigger marketed audience = More purchases period

The last time the "fake outrage translating into money" plan worked was with FemFreq, which ended with Anita being ostracized by the industry for flipping her shit at some Activision employees, losing her clout and getting into debt.

not him but he's right and you're retarded as fuck

>These folks believe they hold the magic power of the wallet over developers who should cower before them and capitulate to any of their demands.
When those demands are "you should honor your agreements rather than trying to weasel out of them" or "you should give at least 1/10th of a shit about the customer's wishes" then they have a point, senpai.
> because we’ve never actually sold them anything and don’t owe them anything at all.
You owe them, at the very least, an attempt at making a decent videogame that they might enjoy. Are you fulfilling this obligation?
Game developers do not exist in a vaccuum. They exist in a marketplace. That marketplace may be niche, but it's an important part of why you make games.
If you were just making this game for yourself, you wouldn't be so proud of your fanbase. No, you're making it for the fans, and you're not used to fans actually having feelings and wishes of their own.
>Whenever I’ve mentioned that we, as random people happening to be making a game, don’t owe these other random people anything, they become absolutely enraged.
Because you do in fact owe them something. That something being an attempt at making a decently-made game.
>where I called out how entitled these people are.
By advertising your game to the greater world you are signalling to the world that you intend to make a game. You have promised the world a game. That, at the very least, is what you owe people.
>They can’t seem to comprehend that there is no difference between someone making a game and anyone else.
Yes, anyone else making a game thinks about the audience of that game.
>Strangers don’t owe you anything, regardless of whether they’ve spent $200 to register an LLC or not.
You're owed an honest attempt at making a decent game.

That is what you do not seem to understand. That you do in fact owe your audience something.

whoa haha where's he going

Epic Games Store: Steam is shit :)
Gamers: uh okay
Literally who dev for literally what game: I'm putting my game on Epic!
Gamers: uh okay
Gamers: huh?
Trump: video games cause violence


I get the appeal of wanting to play victim after alienating any supporters you had and telling everyone who has a problem with Epic exclusives to fuck off. Crying after getting hit back is cathartic and natural, bu task yourself if there might be anything just a tad more worthwhile to be upset about.
Here are just a few suggestions:
>Climate change
>Human rights abuses
>The new Twitter desktop UI
>The last season of Game of Thrones

It's scat fetish you stupid, ignorant little zoom-zoom gamer.

The only reason is r/fuckepic it's a hivemind for literally mentally ill Reddit faggots, but they are invading this place too.

maybe stop trying to shoot me when i eat garlic incel

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fuck me this can't be real

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This is the only appropriate response.

inb4 a bunch of retards do the retarded meme, you know the one

>it'a another retard saying retarded things on the internet and then posting screens of the internet trolls telling him mean things to show that the internet is the real villain while they didn't really say anything at all anyway
Welcome to the internet guys
fuck off shill

Don't be a cunt and the world will leave you alone.

it won't. the backlash in dollars and cents is a tiny figure. people in the real world do not give a single fuck which store the game is going to be on. steamcels today are in the same position as horse armor haters back in the day. where is bethesda now? bigger than ever.

trololol guy?

Depends, if it flops on EGS I doubt they'll get another exclusivity deal. In that case they're kind of fucked, otherwise they'll just be sucking on that Epic teat again a few years down the road when their next game comes out.


funny how people believe in something a basic economic course disproves. stop being a retard

woudnt be surprised if its steamdrone zoomers from on here. They seem to have a cult following towards valve like apple fanboys.

is there more?

And right now another gamer incel is shooting up another Walmart.

I don't care about this shit game or their developers. They were asking for trouble the way they made their exclusivity announcement and now they play the victim when some trolls send them dumb messages.

thanks ooblets

... okay, wtf is up with this game it keeps getting so much fucking attention?
>goes watches IGN gameplay reveal
You're fucking kidding me right? This shit is a non-issue.

All this faggotry for THAT!?

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>where is bethesda now? bigger than ever.
Is that really the case though...? I have no idea how the actual company is doing in terms of earning and shit, but i haven't heard anything good about them for years now.

There's more


who the fuck would take the time to write a whole article on some shitty website to display how much of a victim they a-

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Devs are absolutely right. The tone in EGS threads has always been hilariously self-important, you faggots need to calm the fuck down. There's seriously nothing more soi than treating a free game launcher like the world war of your generation.

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don't you dare call him an ooblet you fucking ooblet

Name another independent product that was a real success after a huge fake outrage controversy in the internet age. You don't understand the amount of people that need to actually purchase this game for it to be considered a success. The controversy will lead to virtue signalling and then people forgetting about the game.

People don't actually spend money on everything they support and not even all the people who support them on patreon right now will buy a copy. The game was going to be a failure no matter what and the only people who will have profited are them a week ago when they took the epic bribe.

>Name another independent product that was a real success after a huge fake outrage controversy in the internet age.


>That’s why we were totally unprepared for the attention we got from the broader gaming/internet community, which was fueled by a deep misunderstanding of the tongue-in-cheek tone as condescending and patronizing.

>lol I fucked ur mom last night :)
*autistic shrieking*

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>They were asking for trouble the way they made their exclusivity announcement
Quite literally all they had to do was not be condescending assholes and they wouldn't have people harassing them. The fact they don't even acknowledge that is why its going to continue

>this is whats considered a death threat
I hear this shit in game often, this is not a death threat. A death threat is someone actually threating to come to you and kill you. These are just petty insults by edgy teens

>where is bethesda now?
Wallowing in controversy after controversy, trying to salvage Fallout 76, removing mandatory BT logins from 26 year old roms due to consumer backlash, and basically being compared to EA and Activision in how they treat their customers and how poorly they develop their games...so pretty bad actually.

This all would have been fine if the cunt dev just said "Yeah we needed extra funding from epic so we took their deal. We're sorry for the inconvenience."

Instead he decided to act like a cunt he is.

all those different crops in the same field is really pissing me off
good thing I have DQ builders 2

It stopped being funny and it started to hurt, does this mean I am immune to this? Thank god if so.

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0.02 social credit points have been allotted

seriuosly, who cares about this fucking game
jesus christ you fags stop advertising this shit already

wtf I love ooblets now

>It’s also really hard to realize when you’re unwittingly part of a harassment group because you’ve been so convinced by the mob mentality that your anger and target are justified.
And this is the key part where you completely fail to understand what's going on.
You think that people who are complaining do not have valid complaints, and are brainwashed.
This means you think your feelings are more correct than theirs, and this is where the backlash comes from.
> Either that, or our role as two people who had the nerve to make a video game made us valid targets in their minds.
And did you intend to take that videogame then erase it from existence when you were done? Or did you intend to provide that game to people?
>A portion of the gaming community is indeed horrendously toxic, entitled, immature, irrationally-angry, and prone to joining hate mobs over any inconsequential issue they can cook up.
No, a portion of developers have no fucking clue what people believe or feel, even when people are directly screaming it.
Irrationally angry and hate mobs ... you've assumed that people cannot possibly be justified in their feelings, and your assumption is wrong.
That is what people are pissy about.
>It was never my intention to alienate or antagonize anyone in our community who does not fit that description
Implying it WAS your attempt to alienate those who do fit the description, meaning you intend to alienate people with legitimate complaints that you utterly refuse to consider as valid.

You intend to alienate people with legitimate complaints that you refuse to consider as valid.
That is why people are annoyed.

>As a Jewish person myself
Yeah I bet you are.
>to let group mentality justify our actions
Still not about that, dumbass.
>to lessen what pain is brought against whoever the next targets are
Again, you simply saying "Don't give a shit, got paid" would have worked better than what you did.

>Haha me using memes to try to come off as less of a cunt was just a prank

You know what I'll even let you use triple A non sport games. give me a successful game that didn't result in a studio closure or layoffs.

it's only a few of these retards right?

>And a final thanks to our friends at Epic, who are not only giving us the resources to make the game even better than we could have ever hoped, but are also showing us unwavering support.
Epic confirmed for buyer's remorse.

Remember you hateful toxic bigots, NO MEMES!

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i will lather every inch of my dick with steamy chiptole diarrhea and rape you if you ever call me a fucking zoom zoom gamer again you triple nigger.

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No, they control the Dem party now. AOC is a member of that specific group and takes orders from it.

Incest cuck furry is the best thing that ever happened to porn.

: ^ )

Yes, we tip too and it is mandatory. 25% for a good blog post, 15% minimum for a bad one.

Literally free, you dumb fuck.

>"go jump in a gas chamber"
>wtf why are people calling me slurs?

how do they get anything done if fucking ambient 'chatter' makes everything come to a standstill

Attached: shepard.jpg (653x786, 45K)

OK user, but I'm going to need some proof.

>the first respond people are trying to get the guy fired
fucking kek imagine if cancel/fired culture never worked these people would be fuck since thats all they can do. I..ima get you f..fired! watch your back you t..toxic bigot

Except for the part about giving your credit card to the Chinese government

more please
I like how after he used the word 'trump' in its appropriate usage he stumbled because he probably thought it could trigger people lmao

Lol. Retarded Indie Devs get a cash payout. Sudenly become to big for their brithes and think they dont NEED us consumers.. Attack the people that are suposed to be the target.. That will PAY for it.. And then believe they are better than you. Yeah. Fuck them.


k.. keep me posted

what the fuck
that's edgy as fuck

Anybody has the screenshots of they shit talking people?, i want to trigger some trannies

Just shut the fuck up, Jesus....

>don't talk to cops

Show me the guy who's getting his checking account siphoned out by pooh.

No, go back to pol.

You poor burgers.

>if you see anyone talking to the cops, tell the marshall

Attached: Tarkin.png (1200x800, 1.29M)

>Was interested in Ooblets after seeing it a while ago
>Now this
Thanks for kindly guiding me away from this hot trash. Shit devs would mean a shit game, and that's grade A shit.


Here you go senpai.

theintercept.com/2018/06/27/an-interview-with-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-the-young-democratic-socialist-who-just-shocked-the-establishment/ (archive links to intercept 404 for some reason)
Need any more? Just google "AoC Democratic Socialists"

get a job, have sex etc

stop calling it a gas chamber, technically it's a vapor chamber

She's gonna win you know

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I don't get why anyone would even contemplate buying an epic exclusive game, Epic buys 500K copies which means 500K people can play for free, there is no need to give them money at all.

>the fucking jazz hands instead of clapping
I can't believe that became an actual thing

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To be honest I appreciate their honesty about going for epic and as a small team the money will def go to them. Im just surprised how they didnt think acting all snarky and high and mighty would go well. They shouldve just said “Hey we are going to epic cause they will give us money to do more stuff. Thanks.”

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the clapping and equally loud sounds and multiple sound sources are a sensory overload and very triggering

You guys are so fucked if these retards get power. I'm from an ex-commie shithole so I know from experience.

No one wants this game

10 points per trannie you get to suicide
Protip, when you want to find trannies to make fun of, Just look for a cyberpunk thread.

The whole thing is like a comedy troupe performing every SJW meme at once
>jazz hands
>point of privilege
>male, pronouns
>adhere to my whims or you're literally a nazi

remember when this was getting damage controlled HARD when this was posted? why is that?

wtf is broad content and why does it need a trigger warning
I hate these faggots

>You guys are so fucked if these retards get power.
it'd all just be relegated to coastal/northeast states.
the South still lives

Is that real?
If it is I don't understand how one person can be so out of touch.

God damn the left are weak.

>Be rude to potential customers
>Say it was "tongue-in-cheek afterwards"

Thank you fren

Excellent post.

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>looking trough threads for trannies
user, uhhh, maybe you should havesex

It's all real, you can even search for each comment on the discord.

>i used to have an appreciative audience and that's why I decided to shit on people

Why can they use the "tongue-in-cheek" excuse but people telling them they're retards can't?

Steam is a literal tranny shithole btw, it's the opposite of being anti sjw, the irony is quite weird.

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The DNC tried to distance themselves from them. Trump shittalked them -> the DNC rallied behind them. The entire DNC is a circus right now trying to out-left each other. A good portion of the first presidential debates was done in Spanish, and they were all for free healthcare for illegals (something legal citizens/immigrants don't have access to). tl;dr: AoC and "the squad" will be the main reason why Trump wins 2020

Because morons are hypocrites by nature, if not by choice.


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Exactly you don't even have to talk specifically to them you can honk horns and their brain will shut off and they will crawl into a fetal position because they have never experienced a high stress environment before. It's almost like enduring and learning to cope with stressful factors makes you a better person

>demanding satisfaction over a game they’d never heard of
he's not wrong though

>renege on the contracts they entered with their kickstarter backers without any input from said backers
>plays the victim instead
>continues to double down on insulting their backers
>the people that paid in advance, and made it possible for them to make their game

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>Place with more people has more degerates

It's not Yea Forums has literal boards for gay, lesbian, and trans people, yet according to most people we're still anti sjw and toxic.

>50 faggot degenerates out of 50 milling
sure showed me, downloading the ebin launcher as I type this.

>They shouldve just said “Hey we are going to epic cause they will give us money to do more stuff. Thanks.”
People find shit to bitch about no matter how they say it. I mean fuck look at these threads, on Yea Forums, complaining about tone like some sensitive blue hair snowflake. As if it's more offensive to be called entitled than it is to be called a fat aidsy jew nigger trannie faggot. That card is only getting played because it's advantageous.

here am I thinking people were saying they're going to go kill the devs
what a bunch of pussies

>there's a bunch of retards in between millions of users
By that logic the entire internet is tranny internet and you should fuck off to TOR.

>spirit animal: Alpacas


>invisible disabilities

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So then why the fuck are there so many posts about it. That's exactly what half of the faggot dev's post was about. People acting entitled about a product they have no interest in buying.

>implying that's not what the school shootings are for
They are training them from young while still maintaining their faggot personalities, it's genius.

Because they started this and they're doing everything they can to shift blame away from themselves. I'm not too invested in all this but the message was horrendously stupid and doesn't help when it's in defense of an anti-consumer action. Nothing they've done is good so they have no leg to stand on, they should be profusely apologizing and literally nothing else, not patronizing and singling out their critics.

1 billion active accounts!

Attached: takishigh.png (626x474, 417K)

posting images triggers my sensory overload, please refrain from posting images and use ASCII art instead comrade


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Remember when some jackass telling you to kill yourself was something you'd ignore and move on?

>It's hasn't happened to me yet, therefore you shouldn't mind handing your info over to an authoritarian regime :)

Neck yourself

>okay let's see what little timmy is up to with the computer and the videogames.........

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I don't care, they allow anyone.
I'd rather they allow everything and everyone than only a small selection like the rest seem to like to.

What Kickstarter? What contracts? Is Patreon a contract?

People aren't acting entitled over a game they have no interest in buying. The vast majority of the backlash has nothing to do with them going EGS exclusive. Go re-read the "We did the thing" announcement. They were condescending shits about the whole thing, and then were surprised when people responded negatively. It's not like they were whining about backlash after getting it, they pre-empted the backlash by calling every single gamer an entitled toxic piece of shit.

>"if I see you on the streets I'm going to smash your face in" sent directly from a semi-anonymous account was just tongue in cheek bro

why don't THEY want to talk to the cops? seems like they'd need em

that was before retards plastered all their info on social media

nobody reads your posts faggot, kill yourself


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Smooth brains won't understand
It's all about them shitting on their audience, if we let devs get away with this kind of shit it will never stop

based kemoshotafag

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>talk shit
>articles come out shitting on gamers and spreading word of the game
At the end of the day, if people find the game worth playing, they'll buy it regardless of what they said/think about the devs. All this shitstorm does is allow people to be aware of the game. I never even heard of the game before the dev started shitting on its playerbase.
It's just marketing. I doubt many people are actually going to decide to buy the game/not buy the game based on the people making it. I also think a large portion of the people on both sides who are either defending/shitting on the devs don't care about the game and have no intention of buying it.

Steamlets are hellacringe.

This post really me RISE UP.

If this is the stance he's gonna go with he should just state he never intended for his game to see any sort of widespread release or mainstream appeal.

He's managing to word it in the worst way possible but that's what I'm getting out of everything and the only thing that makes sense. If he just wanted to make the game for himself and whoever cared enough to give him money no strings attached then yeah, he doesn't owe anyone else anything and doesn't have to give a shit All arguments about "potential customers" fall apart if he never wanted to sell his game to more than a small handful of people which, honestly makes the most sense considering everything they've said. In which case yeah sure, don't buy it, it's not actually for you, and stating you're gonna pirate it just to make a point is stamping your feet and being a baby. You might hate the epic game store but they clearly don't give a shit and don't care about you, and if you only heard of them from the controversy then you need to stop making them a soldier in your war.

Take a breath and chill out

why are people randomly waving at the speakers?

Hello alfonso

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>gamers should go into gas chambers

>It WaS A MiSuNdErStAnDiNg

>type 2 diabetic (the fat one)

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Why can't devs just say "We got offered loads of money and decided the pros outweigh the cons. We know people will be pissed but we are a business"?

They do jazzhands instead of clapping because clap sounds gives them PTSD.

Jazz Hands. It's an almost decade-old meme at this point from Tumblr about loud sounds being triggering, so "Jazz Hands" are the socially acceptable form of clapping to them.

>uses a macbook

>never heard of this shit game in my fucking life
>never even saw it mentioned on Yea Forums
>now I see threads about it as often as I see threads about fucking smash
I can never take the people who say companies pay for shills on this board when you ass ravaged ass holes are clearly willing to advertise trash for free under the excuse of it being "bad publicity"

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Based shizoposter

I really don't see it mattering. I doubt that any significant portion of the people shitting on the devs will change their purchase decision based on the devs being faggots. If the game is good, they'll play it anyway, if it's bad, they wouldn't have gotten it anyway.
In the same vein, I doubt a significant portion of the people defending the devs give a shit about the game or gaming in general, they are just looking for things to argue about.
Like I said in, It's just marketing.

And give up their perceived moral high ground?

Because they think they are righteous in taking the money because they get to shit on those entitled toxic gamers that they read about back when they were harassing Fraulein Sarkesian and Lady Q.

user, i already fapped. please do not post alizee.


The DNC is sharpening the axe used to behead them later on.

>sees balding bearded basedmale avatar
>closes article

It seems like Epic gives them a list of talking points, nearly every one of these announcements has this "EGS is the best platform for our launch" line worded almost the same way. The early ones had very different, almost apologetic, tones to their announcements, so I'd guess the terms changed.

that looks fucking retarded tho

>posts that one society webcomic, you know the one
heh...maybe next time kiddo
no hypocrisy here

Just compare these people to any far-right or Natsoc group. How do they even function?

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Because the game gets more attention this way? A vast majority of people won't give a shit about who the devs are but will likely at least have heard of the game enough to know to look for it.
It's like said. The devs could go on record saying
and as long as the game didn't get pulled, it would just inform more people of the game's existence. A majority of the people fighting about this shit on social media likely don't even care about games in the first place. All they do is bitch and argue.

It is retarded. I'm pretty sure it started as a joke. In those two clips is every joking SJW stereotype that was built up over the last decade and a half through Tumblr. It's the kind of thing you'd see one hundred years from now at a Tumblrite Meeting Reenactment.



>censoring names and avatars
Helloooo Reddit.

This is beautiful post more.

Considering the guy who said it isn't going to do it, yes. It isn't actually funny, but yeah.

>As a Jewish person myself

oh shit, are they genetically programmed to behave as victims while also offending as many people as possible with their words?

>Gaymers and developers are going to war over a game called "Ooblets"

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Guys we need to raise awareness that game developers cause violence, if it weren't for the Ooblets debacle these mass shootings would have never ever happened. Please think of the poor gamers who had to suffer from these terrible game developers, they are literally hitler. I'm shaking literally shaking.


they had a kickstarter and patreon for making the game and further developments. when you donate to a kickstarter or patreon you are essentially entering a contract with the other party. there are a few basics to contracts:

they made the kickstarter and patreon, in exchange for money you receive something from them in return. that something could be your name in the games credits, sketches, the game itself (important later), or other perks.
the people agree that in exchange for giving the developer money, they get something back in return.
something of value that is being given or exchanged. applies to the money given to the developers, and the tangible/intangibles that are received in return
all parties are capable of freely entering into the contract without pressure/ultimatums/etc. forcing them to
>mutual consent
both sides agree that the contract is fair for the parties involved (important later)
can't enforce an illegal contract, protections are in place for both sides from kickstarters and patreons policies

essentially, people gave money to the ooblets devs in exchange for a future copy of the game on steam, which was agreed upon by the parties. ooblets devs change the game provider without amending the original contract with the backer, breaching the contract.

all they had to do was announce a change to the original agreement and return the funds of anyone that didn't agree, and they'd be in the clear. and before you say "well they still delivered the game, just from a different service", that is still in violation of the contract they entered into which named steam. in contracts words have meanings. if someone wanted to bring a suit against them, it might not be strong enough to win in court, but it would definitely be strong enough to get past dismissal or summary judgement and into the trial phase, which could potentially cost the ooblets developers an appreciable sum in legal fees.

Remember people, coming in to complain is harassment, no matter how nice you are about it.

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109 countries

players aren't "customers", they're an audience. Not understanding the difference is the cause of some of the biggest assholes in video games

>dev talking like a Yea Forums teenager
Yeah I believe that, 100% truth

>people gave money to the ooblets devs in exchange for a future copy of the game on steam,

Is this really true though?

Their argument was specifically, explicitly aimed at people who feel entitled. The words you quote come from this segment:
>Feeling like you’re owed the product of other people’s work on your terms or else you’ll steal it is the epitome of that word “entitlement” that people use to discuss immature, toxic gamers.
If you don't feel entitled, then you aren't who the criticism was aimed at. Not "every single gamer".

The idea is to make an example of the devs so future devs think twice about saying stupid shit like these ones, what happens to their game doesn't matter, plus they already got epic's money so it's not like they can fail

famous last words for retards.

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>wanting feedback that can potentially be helpful and, if not, discarded with no drawbacks
Fuck you think about my feelings for a second I don't care if the product is making is good I just want to feel right.

More awesome posts from the discord.

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>Telling someone to swallow bleach is a death threat
People actually buy this shit?

>he thinks they learn

I hope someone reminds him that the latest mass shooter was far left.

>make an example
Doing what? Nothing matters beside the game selling and a vast majority of people won't give a shit about the devs when deciding to make a purchase. All this does is spread word of the game to more people.

it was written in their backer tiers that for x tier and above (can't remember which tier, I think it was 3 or 4?) you'd get a copy of ooblets on steam. if they left it ambiguous with "get a copy of ooblets", then that would have been fine. but when you add specifics then you are agreeing to those specifics.

fuck, i wasn't aware they also got kickstarter money too. i knew something about them being in bed with double fine but they dropped that also?

I'll say it again.

Take handgun, point it at your face, scream I'm gonna do it. Pull the trigger.

Be absolutely appealed that a bullet came out and now you're missing half your brain and might die in a few years.

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>someone fucks up
>people get rightfully mad
>couple edgy teens call the person a nigger
>suddenly everyone against the person is a hateful toxic incel and big websites come and paint the person as a saintly victim fighting against harassment
every time

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

It's almost like the EGS is wildly unpopular for a reason

No one would care if a dev sold exclusively on GOG

When was it even on kickstarter? I can't see any mention of it there.

Yeah no one would care because no one buys shit on GOG LMAO.


GOG has always been FREE

So literally nothing, shit I get in (You)'s daily.

Man these guys are made out of marshmallows.

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wtf this makes sense

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That fuckwit is literally lying, patreon was there to support the devs, there was no getting a game as return thing

Speak for yourself.

TLDR: abloo bloo

>Be absolutely appealed
So, now I'm interested in the fact bullets come out of guns?

>make a throwaway account and call your main account a nigger to dodge criticism


THIS POST IS GOING TO FLOP SO HARD LMAOOOOO, actually it already is dead faggot nigger user

Exactly as I thought.

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A flat out threat is a bit more ambiguously humorous than saying "You’ll have to install EGS if you wanna buy Ooblets on PC. I know that’s asking a lot but I believe in you and your ability to download a free thing and create a user account". You actually have no idea if it was serious or not, it's some random reddit user's DM. That's even a far cry from seeing the same words on here.

Nah bitch when they are reducing their staff every single year the truth is clear.

OKay, so you're just bitching about it or do you have a solution? Because it seems like there is nothing you can do about it, so you should man the fuck up and learn how to use the internet like a big boy.

Attached: you-are-a-fggt.jpg (500x375, 35K)

haha this is do funny a reddit level funny haha :)

>How in the absolute fuck do you expect to "defuse the situation" by literally shit-talking people, calling them over-reacting retards, and pretending that you're above actually engaging with criticism?
Ask literally everyone on Yea Forums all the time

Wow you're worse than the japs and hittler combined I'm reporting you to umm my rabi and my jew council

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>pay game devs
>don't even get a copy of the game

The ooblets devs are faggots, but how pathetic do you have to be to go out of your way to enter their Discord and tell them to kill themselves?
No seriously, setting aside whether they deserve it or not, what is doing that actually supposed to accomplish in the long-term?

Alright so I've not been following this shit. What got people up in arms? I saw their post announcing the move, that in itself didn't seem that bad at all. Few things here and there, and the move itself seems to have been shitting on the backers, but so many are doing that shit these days.
What's the case here?

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Yeah, people just donate to Patreon out of pure altruism
There's definitely no expectation inherent in that system that patrons have some influence over the direction of development


That isn't what the dev said though.

gog.com/work ;-)

>The idea is to make an example of the devs so future devs think twice about saying stupid shit like these ones
I hope to god I wasn't this gay when I was an underage b&

No one on Yea Forums has ever tried to defuse a situation
>B-But you're just as bad!
Yeah and we're not selling games to people who buy games


Some people don't like epic
Some people didn't like the announcement
Some people piled on afterwards and quote mined the discord for lulz

And then there's the people who just want to watch the world burn.

What makes you think it wasn't the devs themselves?

>[broad content warning]
That's not very helpful.

>The words you quote come from this segment:
I was talking about the entire article. And he goes on for the rest of it adressing enyone who dislikes as epic in the same tone. Like I said, try reading "We Did The Thing"

Any and all complaints from the devs should be met with:

you're even gayer now if that makes you feel better

they're too busy fucking up the game to bother about whacking themselves with a frying pan

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Fucking this.

If you don't like the way the Ooblets devs have abandoned their Patreon supporters, that's fine. More power to you
But to then go out of your way to wish actual, physical harm on another human being, that's not warranted. That's not justified.

But it wasn't the announcement itself that caused this, right? Plenty of devs are pulling this shit, why has this one been a bigger deal?


>people paid in Patreon 5, 10, 20 dollars a month
>did so willingly knowing they wouldn't get the game
>some lived in Guatemala or some country where Epic doesn't support their currency
>the r/eddit faggy app wouldn't even exist without them
yeah I'm thinking dev is based and /ourguy/

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>Also any inflammatory statements weren't us.

Really, nigger? You think that the two of them raided their own Discord and Twitter and other social media outlets with non-stop 24-hour long shitposts using accounts which were already highly active and several years old?

>not once does the sentence you

The thing is idle threats mean nothing to them. They don't care if you don't buy it or if you pirate it. Epic is just handing developers cash to pay for the whole game anyway so they can have their monopoly on titles. They're banking on making their money back by holding all these exclusives captive.

Because the devs insulted literally everyone who did not immediately kneel down and worship them
Anyone who asked a question was met with snark and contempt, while the dev stated and continues to claim he is having an open, positive discourse with users

















You could say
>guys I'm sorry but we accepted the Epic money so we could finish and deliver the game we always dreamed of and we did it for you!
>good news! we don't need you anymore you bunch of toxic entitled incels, thank goodness

>other devs
>hey guys, we're on the EGS. I know this will inconvenience some of you, but it was the best move for us as a business.
>We, the righteous few, have ordained to be graced by Epics money. Fuck any and all of you who dislike this, you are entitled toxic pieces of shit. Might I suggest you go be worried about climate change?
Yeah man, it had nothing to do with the announcement.

>no argument
what a surprise

It's all so tiresome. How many times have we seen this exact same scenario before? It's always victim card, it's always "muh death threats".

Devs kept insulting everyone who didn't agree with them. It doesn't matter if it was someone literally licking their boots or straight up insulting them, they all were lumped together as "toxic entitled incel Gamers™".

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Ah right so it was more the Discord stuff rather than the announcement?
The announcement itself doesn't really take that tone, not heavily anyway. I've not seen all the Discord stuff but it sounds like that's what got people pissed off. If it was just the announcement it probably wouldn't be as big of a deal I'm guessing

>treat your consumers like shit
>get treated like shit back

The devs preemptively shat on everyone who didn't like Epic, and then doubled down on it.

Is there any proof they actually said that and it wasn't an edit?

I don't know why this onions soaked faggot is acting like he's fucking Notch and set for life now that they got a couple thousand dollards from Sweeney.
This is Phil Fish levels of career suicide and this type of shitty indie hipster game won't make the kind of money that'll make dealing with this team worth it to any publisher after this.
And he's an even bigger delusional fucktard than I imagined if he thinks EGS will be back for seconds after this shitshow.

>The announcement itself doesn't really take that tone
How does it not?
>This is exactly what Marx warned us about!
>Just imagine if other companies got it in their head to offer funding in exchange for exclusives. What’d be next? Game consoles paying for games to be exclusive on their consoles? Netflix paying for exclusive shows? Newspapers paying for exclusive articles? It’d be some sort of late capitalist dystopia.
That's how they open the announcement.
>Epic paying for PC exclusives has become the latest thing Gamers™ have gotten angry about, which I’ll talk more about a bit further down.
Immediate dismissal of any legitimate complaints with it just being those angry toxic gamers we all know and love
>We’re aware of the backlash that’s been hitting games that sign with Epic. I don’t expect much of our uniquely-lovely community to fit into this weird anti-Epic contingent, but I figured I’d share our thoughts and have an open conversation about the issues.
"Open Conversation" = taking the position of the righteous by telling others how they should think; ignoring any and all legitimate concerns. Dismissing it all as toxic shit that's beneath them.

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You got some behind the scenes update that's it's, yes people donate for that, like people are buying bathwater for money. Just stop being a fuckwit and stop lying, holy shit.

The bad publicity angle only works if they keep this up until launch.
Let it fizzle and die too soon and people will forget.

It wouldn't be as big of a deal if he hadn't trolled on Discord, but you have to be very forgiving to not think the announcement absolutely smacks of holier-than-thou snark
When has a genuinely good person ever said "Your problems aren't so bad, think of the starving children in Africa!"?

But this would mean tripfags are ultra based

Jesus Christ, I wasn't even aware that this game existed or the controversy surrounding it but to make a response like this then using the couple of extreme cases (which are just people wanting attention) outside of the 100's of the sane people complaining is such a fucked move. On top of that, they go out of their way to say they won't apologize for manipulating their consumers and throw a barrage of passive aggressive insults towards those who are upset that they "did the thing that everyone gets mad about"

The most disgusting thing to me is they they knew it would stir controversy and are using that to gain amass publicity to improve sales because now people are talking about the game and know what it is.
I just fucking hate this new world where people pretend to be righteous

No, female anthro solo

You wish, Epic and journos are dead set on turning devs into the next Zoe Quinn.


fair points, it's condescending but it's not
>piss off gamers we don't need you
To me the announcement came across more as a poor attempt at trying to be humorous about the situation, but like I said I skimmed it and haven't followed the rest. I see what you're saying

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This is what bugs me.
>B-but I-I can use their tools to fight society
Then use one of the LITERAL DOZENS of alternatives available that doesn't line the pockets of one of the biggest corporations on the fucking planet.
People don't bring this shit up as a gatcha, they bring it up because if you whine about Capitalism while owning a FUCKING iPHONE, ONE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE PHONES ON THE FUCKING PLANET, you are a moronic hypocrite who feeds directly into a system you supposedly hate.
Like fuck, if you really hate Capitalism, get a fucking cheap chink phone, you get 90% of the functionality without the worthless status symbol Capitalist shit that you supposedly hate oh-so much, AND it's literally less than 1/8th the price.
God this shit pisses me off so much.
I'm not even an anti-Capitalist faggot and I'm still using the same ORIGINAL OnePlus One I got for $250 5 fucking years ago.


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This webm is the only "proof" we have
People who know more than me about html and shit say it could be faked with an injection. However, any and all video evidence "could" be faked
The only evidence it didn't happen is one of the users in the video saying it didn't happen
Still, this is obviously a lost cause because the dev and Tim Sweeney called it fake way too early for it to get any momentum. We should focus on the verifiable douchery.

Did these idiots just double down and insulted gamers? Arent we oppressed enough?

I'd believe it had ANYONE actually replied to the gas chamber comment whatsoever.

How wealthy though? Since being the child of a """wealthy""" farmer doesn't count?
Why limit it to leaders as well? Is there a particular large size of the nazi political sphere that wasn't maybe some son of a poor cousinfucker? If you are counting SA socialists, why did you skip on all the ones from poor families?

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Even if they do, it doesn't matter, Rememeber Tacoma?
After all the shilling Gone Home got for years, that shit sold fucking nothing, and no one was talking about it, including the dicksucking journos.
These people will never leave any cultural impact after themselves no matter how much they cry.

100% bullshit. I've been sitting in their discord over the past several days and the vast, vast majority of vocal complaining and screeching are coming from people who aren't "toxic" and sending death threats or slur filled insults.

Oh boy, Mr. "paying for online is better than having free online" has an uninformed opinion. Who would've thought.

I don't get these developers. How are you so thin skinned that you can not laugh at people saying bad things about you? I pin messages of angry people posting mean things about my game, because I think they're funny.

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giving a (You) since everyone else does it and I want to fit in

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ironically, discord account tokens are less than 2 cents a piece.

White Americans? Yes.

hmm that's a lot of words just to still not be justified for literally anything
This entire things is just mental gymnastics, scapegoating, appeal to emotion, and it even ends with more selling out
Pretty good example of why these clueless amateur devs are always better off keeping their mouths shut

>Be American
>Clap at blog post
>Give tip to the FBI

Attached: FBI tip.jpg (556x261, 27K)

>"don't believe all the screenshots you see, some of them are doctored."
>shares a bunch of hateful screenshots without names or citation

this really activates my almonds

this shit writes itself!

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>they think they are entitled to me accepting an apology

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im honestly surprised you havent killed yourself yet

That was not actually me!

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>i am not a friend collector
>301 friends
rly nigga
>i am a polygamy based or a love harem
what does this mean
i hate trannies

My teacher tried to make us do that shit when I was in 8th grade and I clapped every time.
Fuck retarded pussy white women and their shitty tumblr memes.

That changes everything because if he actually believes that, then that means he's fucking retarded. And he responded like a fucking retard.

The "we don't need you" part comes from the dev literally stating they don't need their paterons anymore in the discord. Also in the medium post he lied about the announcement being made first to patreons supporters, they were only asked about what to do with the patreon days after the dev said they weren't needed anymore.

it doesn't really work at all
it's not like the game is interesting, it's not like this is GTA and rockstar is doing something new and shocking to make headlines everywhere, this is some indie dev pissing off a bunch of core gamers with some game no one gives a shit about. Bad publicity only works when you have something to keep people drawn in

It's like anything
>Dev does something people don't like
>People voice their complaints
>Some people scream NIGGER
>All attention is drawn towards the people screaming NIGGER
>Any validity in the complaints are drowned out
Here, the devs moved to Epic Store, people complained, the devs aimed some choice words at the complainers and gamers in general, and now any actual discussion is being swept under the rug of some of complainers calling the devs niggers.
The OP is exactly that. The devs responded to the criticism by highlighting posts that called him a nigger/kike/etc

You write too slow and skip around too much. Plus people who take polls on progression are fags. Neck yourself.
Also open up that female only path for trapbolds because I'm a big fat faggot

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a likely story slut

what game user

these reek of 'totally-not-brianna-wu' accounts

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What's incest cuck? Is it when you cuck your sisters bf/your dad? Or like that "bully" shit where I somehow have a bully in my 20s that my mom fucks?

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If you want a male version of the farmer's maid ending, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you! One third of that scene has pregnancy as a central theme, which can not simply be handwaved without a major rewrite.
This game

Correction; People didn't get mad at them taking the Epic money, people are mad at them for their shitty announcement post regarding it.

They're not thin skinned, the entire purpose of posting those screenshots and the Medium post in general is to garner sympathy and use it as a tool for deflection.

The devs think they have "fuck you" money. They don't give a shit.

>I was talking about the entire article.
>they pre-empted the backlash by calling every single gamer an entitled toxic piece of shit.
No, you were not. The only part of the article that was calling people entitled and toxic was that one paragraph where they are specifically speaking on people who are threatening to pirate. Not every single gamer.

But I think I understand your point. That this argument is happening because the devs included themselves in the argument as a whole. At which point I would ask you, why in the god damn fuck do you or anyone else give a flying shit what this literal who has to say?

If they're trying to sell a product first, we're customers. If we were an audience, store wars wouldn't matter. You don't see this shit with movies, or books, or theatre, or any of the other creative fields. The venue doesn't matter in "real" artforms. Filmmakers don't go around shittalking their audience for not like AMC or whatever.

As someone who doesn't give a shit about steam I'm still gonna play their games

Imagine being a cuck having Steam or Epic on your PC and caring about this retarded shit instead of simply pirating everything like a chad


This, furry boys are best. Furry /ss/ is fine too

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This honestly. A lot of these so called socialists don't even support co-ops.

It’s really disappointing to see folks threatening to pirate a game just because they can’t get it on the game launcher they’re used to. Feeling like you’re owed the product of other people’s work on your terms or else you’ll steal it is the epitome of that word “entitlement” that people use to discuss immature, toxic gamers.

This desu. Never even heard of this game before it started getting hate threads on Yea Forums.

It is disappointing, because they're being massive faggots about it instead of just pirating it to begin with.

>No such thing as bad publicity


this is what happens when social media replaces any real socialising in your life. We will end up with a generation of 30 year old pre-teens. This is why i have a strict no social media rule, that shit fucks with your brain, dick and heart more than anime, vidya and pol together.

This is embarrassing.

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>As someone who doesn't give a shit about steam I'm still gonna play their games
Yeah, you show those evil Steam-loving gamers by playing this videogame made by people who hate you and wish you were put in a gas chamber!

>great opportunity to laugh at a dev
>v ruins it for itself by pretending to be sjws and nazis

Isn't he more saying that
>you are not owed somebody making exactly the game you want to play
The point people are mad about is where they're selling it, which I get, steam was already a hard sell, why would anybody want yet another DRM gate installed concurrently.
But I think what he's getting at is that if you don't like it, just don't buy it. You don't get to choose where they sell it, you aren't owed the game as you want it to be, where you want it from, and I get that, too.
Its the same as the loot box argument, people are mad about it because they're demanding the game be made differently, but that's not how it works or ought to work.
Withhold your money and hope they decide to go back on the things that made you and others do that, win back those sales, but they don't need to do that, they don't owe you your preferred version of their work.

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>Yea Forumstards
You need to go back

I've actually been following them for years and was actually fairly excited for the game until this happened.
I can't assume the same of most others though.

God, American "Socialists" are the fucking worst.
Look at all those yippie cunts sitting there with $1200+ laptops.
Makes my fucking blood boil.

I think you're sensationalizing it. If people do not want to use Epic, the alternative is pirating it. You can make that logical choice without
>Feeling like you're owed the product of other people's work
informing them is just a way of telling them that as a fact, they are losing sales that they would have gotten otherwise. It seems completely logical without you twisting it.

>"the people using the terms consumers and potential customers here are doing so specifically because we’ve never actually sold them anything and don’t owe them anything at all."
>We don't owe you anything so we won't treat you with the common decency and respect that a trader requires to make a success of a business or product
Watching horrendously stupid indiecucks get their shit game driven into the dirt through their own clownish business decisions will never get old. Fucking moron.

Yeah just subpoena Discord and get them to dig up the logs.

>what does this mean
means that he need 3 or more penises in his arse to get off

Why would I read all that shit when there are more important issues like Global Warming to deal with?

No apologies. The rules are clear.
chat shit get banged

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I think the real problem is that people can't just acknowledge that every opinion will have some extremists attached to it that overblow it.
If you would only buy the game if it was on Steam, nothing is wrong with telling the dev that you are no longer going to buy it. The problem is that it gets swept up in other people who share that opinion but believe the devs are at fault or are required to sell it on both platforms.
People are too quick to throw everybody and group and say they are all wrong. It's not so black and white.

This thing about russian subversion in the 80's was 100% true, just much gayer.

Learn grammar.

The devs made an absolutely obnoxious announcement blogpost and are now saying it was all a prank bro, what about the context bro
I don't think anyone honestly cares about the game

>free marketing
Very few people are actually going to have this influence their purchasing decision.

user was quoting from the original announcement. Also your second argument doesn't do anything to rebut the argument you quoted.

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>poor cousinfucker
the left using the "inbred hillbilly" insult on poor europeans too


They called it tongue in cheek, which is categorically was. If you think otherwise you got assblasted by reddit humor and should consider testosterone.

I don't fucking get this at all.
>dev doesn't bend over backwards to appease capricious fencer sitters into maybe becoming new consumers
>somehow this is bad and he should feel bad
Isn't the worst part about games how companies keep trying to attract people who don't just want what they're making already?
The wii for toddlers, devs making games for twitter users who don't buy games, virtue signalling for sales, alienating existing fans in the process?
Yeah, he will make less conversions like this, but at least he's not shitting on the people who do like it already to try winning new blood.

>Hair: Golden

The thing is, I don't care about what game launcher I'm using. I have game on Uplay, GOG, Origin, Battle Net, Rockstar Games, and Steam, but what makes this different is that Epic wants to antiquate Steam and take over its current market which is not something I'd like to do. I have 500+ games on Steam and would prefer to keep my inventory amassed in one location as much as I possibly can instead of no longer getting big name titles with my library.

Aside from what I want, it's just poor practice to take the funds from people for a game that hasn't even released with a set idea then turn back last minute and manipulate your word for the sake of sales.
I guess anyone who trust Indie developers deserves that fate though.

what should i call retards from v then?

>citing Marx
Nah, it was holier-than-thou. Mentioning Marx and capitalism in a post about video games makes it automatically pretentiuous holier-than-thou shit.

You know, they could have sold out and kept their fucking mouths shut and nobody would have been offended. Instead they had to talk down to gamers and insult them directly.
And then when gamers rose up they blamed the gamers.

Yeah, everything has to be a fucking movement these days. Whole generation with no war has listless faggots looking to pick fights everywhere, boycott this, cancel that, expose these guys, demand stuff from the other. Its so tiresome.

>All that blame dodging


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patreon and kickstarters are great tools to make excellent games funded by the community but we get things like shenmue 3 and this, that is why everyone is angry.

"Tongue-in-cheek" and "condescending and antagonistic" are not only not mutually exclusive, but go hand in hand

Ah so most anti epic shills are steamdrones who are terrified of their 'game collection (only as long as valve is alive) being lost. Yikers, should've bought physical.

Yeah that was a real spastic move on their part for sure. If they'd just said 'sorry but that's just how it is, we have to do what's best for us, I hope you'll give it a chance when it comes out' there'd be next to no controversy.

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PC physical is dead and Epic replacing Steam isn't going to bring it back.

>what's my national pony
>what are alt-furs
Alt-right accepts all kinds of degenerates.I agree that there's no proof they are involved though

Apologizing is literally the only thing they should have done or should be doing right now and they refuse to do it and keep shifting the blame away from themselves.

a big publisher's equivalent to this would be announcing a game and accepting no-refund preorders, then delaying one of the platform releases by 6mo-1year.
not even big publishers are this moronic. so it's a wonder ben wasser can find his ass from his elbow.

Most epic shills are salty consolefags and ebin contrarians looking for easy ways to shitpost and farm for (you)s

Gamers we gotta do better. Harassment is never ok, especially over something as stupid as Epic Store Exclusivity. You are the same type of people that complain about console exclusivity. I thought us PC gamers were better than that?

The people whining about physical and championing Epic are just consoleniggers, just ignore them, they'll be replaced by streaming in a few years anyways.

Who ever said that any publicity is good publicity is retarded. This shit had never worked ever.

>make all this stuff public
>but not your games

Hit the gym, eat more meat, stop beating it once every 3 hours, etc. Consult your doctor if symptoms persist.

How much apology is enough though, would a
>shit don't listen to us man we're fucking retards
Suffice, or
>Our bad. We came off like dicks, sorry.
Or does it have to be the full Arin Hanson paragraphs in a twitter pic, teary 10 minute video with sighs and sob storys

>tfw type 1
at least i'm not like the lardos

Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned.

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>Testosterone makes people less angry

>I’d challenge anyone to be on the receiving end of this for a few minutes/hours/days to not come to the conclusion that a huge segment of the broader gaming community is toxic. People are upset that I’ve said that word. Now imagine someone getting offended by me using the word “toxic” in the context of what this group has been saying and doing to us.

>Get called every slur under the sun
>Get upset, sink to their level and call them toxic
>See they don't like the word
>Response: "Heh, imagine getting offended by WORDS!"
The Iron knee, it's like pottery.

I'm stating that you can declare you're going to pirate a game without feeling like you're owed the product. Read the part I quoted in the full context if you're confused.

Neither of those, just a professional response. Keep it short, simple and to the point. Then shut up and wait for people to forget about it.

There's something really funny about claiming all the screenshots and even video of your messages are doctored then using screenshots as evidence in your defense.

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Is Steam winning by not even acknowledging anything that's been happening with Epic?

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Woah woah, take it back a level there and reread what I said. I've been using Steam for 8-9 years now and I have over 500 games on there. If Epic wants to compete with Steam then that's totally fine with me, but when they're securing large name titles away from Steam then it's obvious that they want to take the reigns and that would have been acceptable to me about 10 years ago, but now it just fucks me over.
I hate Valve for what they've become, but Epic Games is clearly a manipulative corporation that I'd rather not give my money to.

If anything, I'd rather just support only GOG games and be done with it all together. They seem to be a generally honest bunch of people.

Thinking that you should be guaranteed success in a saturated industry where it's notoriously hard to get recognized is the epitome of entitlement.

Yeah, devs would never fucking delete things that make them look bad in a discord, that’s an impossibility.

just taking the smart route by saying nothing

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Nobody will actually call them out on it.

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Yes. Even with all the spite towards them, it's genius that they no longer put out titles because the moment they are on the decline, they can put out Portal or Half Life 3 and bring everyone right back. I don't think it's unintended that these titles haven't released yet, but they knew eventually competition would come and are holding their cards for a big play.

For real, do they have anything to gain by doing that? Any logical objective?

That's a cool refutation of what he's saying.

I'd be really curious to hear from their patreon supporters at this point, what a fucking mess.

this. The alt right is a joke and /pol/ faggots need to kill themselves.

I know it is, bitch


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By not acknowledging Epic?
Considering the state of recent western games and all the flops, so long as Steam maintains Jap games, strategy games, and FotM multiplayer games, they have nothing to fear from Epic.
Especially that last group, since Epic has literally 0 multiplayer infrastructure, and won't even be able to provide proper crossplay support for their few online games this year.