Don't mind me, I'm just the best companion in the Fallout universe

Don't mind me, I'm just the best companion in the Fallout universe.

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*blocks your path*

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>some spic

Finally, someone posts the truth on this board.

Why is there so much hate for the companions of FO4? I found most of them interesting. Danse, Nick and Piper especially.

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Black Mountain radio is the best NV radio.

Pic related is the only FO4 companion worth a single damn, and is also best waifu.

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>not having an illegal fixing everything for a cheap price

I wanna fuck Cass

> waifu
> companion
valentine hands down

-She's just shit like cait
-Shit level as bethesda shilling to the lowest common denomanator

every year I replay 1, 2 and NV. every year I take him as a companion in 2. and every year I kind of regret it because this nigga fucking blasts Cass to kingdom come. but he's so likeable

I just wanna get drunk and get married to her by the King

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Valentine's up there. Piper's just cut from the same template as Veronica and Cass.

Curie is okay though

Pretty boring save for Valentine who was great. Curie was shameless waifubait.

That is a horrible picture of Nick.
What mod make Fallout 4 look that bad?

Because Bethesda kicked Obsidians ass at something Obsidian was supposed to be good at.

Cassidy exists. Not the roastie hag in NV, the dad in 2.
Piper has nothing interesting going on with her other then being a moralfag like Nick.
>Go into dugout inn
>Guy goes on about how he wants to kill Travis
>Realize he's joking from how the brother is acting and play along
>Nick and Piper absolutely sperg out over this because they can't into a fucking joke
Deacon and Danse were good. Longfellow is your typical gruff old guy but he's still pretty cool. Curie is the most obvious of waifubaits, Cait is a junkie whore, MacCready was pretty chill, Hancock is at least not as much of a moralfag as Piper or Nick, Codsworth is okay, Preston is boring as fuck and X6 I pretty much forgot everything about. The nuka world guy is basically edgy Preston with retarded armor and retarded eyepatch. Dogmeat is a doggo.

One of the few good parts of Fallout 4

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I loved Nick Valentine, felt like a real bro.

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It's Tycho, the Desert Ranger for me.
Fucker walked all the way to Texas and doubled back because he can.
Plus, he a pre-NCR Desert Ranger, so that's always a good thing.

You have very particular tastes I don't agree with but will respect.

FO companions in general have always ranged from ok to being dull. I can't say any of them outright suck, which is something I can't say for most or the comoanions in Bioware's games. On that same token I can't say any of Fallout's comoanions have blown me out of the water and made me feel their presence was invaluable to my experience.

That's not my grandma nightkin

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Danse is the only companion I need. All of you are filthy ghoul loving synth sympathizers that deserve to have your technology confiscated, don't @ me.

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worst companion in my opinion

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better as a robot


fo4 BOS is closer to Enclave than BOS change my mind

Too passive aggressive for my tastes.

>Danse is the only companion I need
>you are filthy ghoul loving synth sympathizers

Uh huh

Did... did you really not play fallout 1&2? Or NV? Even if you only played 3 before, the brotherhood outcasts exist to explain that Loyns' chapter are a buch of aberrant bleeding hearts. Why would you make that statement whilst being so ill informed?

4 had some of the best companions in the franchise, but due to the limited scope of the game they suffered greatly in terms of potential depth.

Danse coming to terms with his existence and challenging the Brotherhood's ideals is interesting, but the questline was neutered.

Curie brings into question the potential for AI in the commonwealth, as well as suggesting the idea of robots becoming synths en masse.

Nick backstory plays around with a weathered and interesting personality who is the closest thing to the protagonist available in the Commonwealth.

Codsworth is a loyal servant who will follow you to hell regardless of his capability to help.
All that said:
>Strong is the worst
>Piper is shallow, only really has a cute personality
>Never bothered with looking for X6-88 or whatever the synth guy is called. He seems too one note.
>Not all dog's have to be Dogmeat
>>>Rex was better.

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even compared to the west coast brotherhood the fo4 BOS seem exceptionally dickish

West coast brotherhood literally sends you to die in an irradiated scap heap.



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the only other fallout game i played was new vegas but i am generally aware of most of the plot of the other games and that the real secret of the brotherhood is that they're wrong and ultimately bad for the wasteland but for some reason they stood out as way worse in fallout 4 like some of the shit they say wouldn't feel too out of place being said by the imperium of man maybe i'm just retarded but whatever

They aren't terribly wrong. The means to produce prewar technology does not exist. They barely have the means to repair power armor and laser rifles. It makes sense to concentrate these limited resources in hands of those best able to use them.

i think Caesar says it best as to why the brotherhood is ultimately a dead end. Even though Caesar is ultimately wrong himself he does often provide legitimate critique of most every faction in the wasteland like a well written villain should be having legitimate points but still being ultimately wrong

Fallout 4 starts by juxtaposing the promise of science and technology with nuclear armageddon. You're then used as an unwilling test subject in one of many vault experiments across America, but something goes wrong. A group calling itself the Institute infiltrates the vault, killing everyone, except you, and kidnaps your son to use in one of their experiments. You later discover that the Institute has been kidnapping people for over 100 years, turning them into Super Mutants, then releasing them back into the Commonwealth. Most, if not all Super Mutants in the Commonwealth were created by the Institute. And then there's the Mechanist Lair, full of living brains that have been alive for over 200 years, used in macabre experiments for no good reason, with terminals scattered around the facility showcasing the sadism of the scientists involved. The entire narrative, from start to end, shows what happens when technology is abused. The Brotherhood are trying to prevent this abuse of technology, and they're the most organized, well-equipped faction in the Commonwealth, if not America. They're the only faction that can deal with the raiders, the mutants and ferals that are preventing people from rebuilding, the only faction that would even be able to stop the Institute if not for the SS. The Brotherhood of Steel are the good guys.

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fallout 5 should have a joinable enclave perhaps one that doesn't have the more pants on head retarded bits about pure humans and the like

what would be some interesting motivations for the enclave though? maybe trying to get back to their glory days?

literally old world blues manifest the ultimate desire to return to the glory days of america long past by any means necessary


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