This is straight up Lovecraftian. Holy shit

This is straight up Lovecraftian. Holy shit

Attached: Metal_Gear_Survive_cover_art.jpg (258x387, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:,52651/

>This is straight up Lovecraftian. Holy shit

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Isn't that game shit?

Better than Call of Cthulhu 2018 and The Sinking City too. Metal Gear Survive is nuts. One of the best survival horrors of the last twenty years. This mist is terrifying

I don’t like horror games. Why should I play this?

the game was fine, everyone shit on it cause no Kojima.
All the youtube reviewers also never got out of the tutorial so they bitched about hunger/water and just put up a fence and poke with spear

The part the game failed at was co-op.
things were were locked behind co-op updates to inflate playtime, and there was no cross platform so since the game got reviewed bombed it was really hard to get a full 4 player game going.

its s spooky horror survival zombie metal gear game. so no


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quite possibly one of the worst games ever made and it has nothing to do with kojima fucking off, its a shitty cashgrab with garbage gameplay but every now and again you get retards that defend even the shittiest and most shameless games


>nooo don’t make fun of me on your phone!

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Underrated Flawed Gem

Pretty good game for 20 bucks and the multiplayer was fun for the month that it lasted. The story was actually on the level of a better scyfy tv movie. I kinda miss going dynasty warrior on some zombies with my burning baseball bat.

My URL bar says this is 4channel, friend.
And what the heck is a tripcode lol I'm from 8/v/ sorry I don't get your language

How is it lovecraftian? Genuinely asking you

>nooo don’t make fun of me with a pseudonym

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I'll play with you user, I admit the game had some bad parts to it, but it was way better than all the reviews claimed.
Point out something you think was bad and i'll tell you if you are correct, or just someone who never played it/hates for no reason.

For me, it's Lynchian.

Just linking these for easy reference for a special someone

mods do your job

Lmao nuked

Based mods.


The fuck are you talking about, it's just a map filled with gas and zombies.
The only thing even remotely lovecraftian is the Lord of Dust, and the design actually looks dumb as fuck when you see the whole thing.

not OP
I never understood the term Lovecraftian, I havent read any of his shit and I feel like most of the people that go on about it haven't either.
The game was about Mist that infects most people and tuns them into crystal zombies with time travel thrown in.
Game went heavily on stealth and base building survival.

Lovecraftian = this game/movie has some really weird and fucked up looking monsters.

It's mediocre, better than 99% of the shitty survival crafting games on steam that have positive reviews.

In simplistic terms, Lovecraftian (also known as eldritch) horror focuses on the fear of the unknown and incomprehensible.

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keep saying it

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seems to vague to me someone could walk out of a godzilla movie claiming the monsters looked lovecraftian
I could see exploring the mist as part of this, since you lose like 80% of your vision, cant track yourself on map, you die if you spend more than a minute in it, and it's filled with zombies that hunt based on noise. but you have to explore.

>seems to vague to me someone could walk out of a godzilla movie claiming the monsters looked lovecraftian
Because it's idiots who go around throwing the term "lovecraftian" everywhere, but that's what they mean.

>"Metal Gear" game with no Metal Gear or actual story

I'm baffled seeing people defend this.

>no metal gear
someone didnt play the game.

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Don't pay attention to it, it's one of those cases where it's 100% contrarianism.
The same people praising Survive are those who shat on MGSV despite the fact that Survive is a game that focuses entirely on the worst parts of MGSV.

Can you blame him?
It's a creatively bankrupt zombie survival crafting game built upon the worst Metal Gear game of the entire franchise.

Honestly the best progression system in a shooter basically ever. This is the sort of gameplay that other looter shooters aspire to, it just didn't have enough content :(

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And this is why Survive falls apart.
It's built on controls meant for a stealth game, not for a shooter.
It's one of the most shameless cashins i've ever seen.
Not that i'm surprised that the only apologists it has are in Yea Forums
Very happy it flopped, and even more happy that MGS is dead.
This franchise failed to deliver anything decent for most of it's 30 year long existence.

>And this is why Survive falls apart.
>It's built on controls meant for a stealth game, not for a shooter.
lol, wrong.

So MGSV is not a stealth game, right.

I was really disappointed after a couple hours in I realized it was just the Afghanistan map cut into 1/2.
it had a few good ideas but feel apart in places. but at least it made me care about stealth again, last MGS I had to stealth in was 3, everything else was run and shoot.

lol what are you talking about

Don't worry, i'm not surprised a Survive apologist lacks reading comprehension.

>Game where half of your time is spent watching cutscenes and forced action setpieces
>Stealth game

>half the time
MGSV took me 50 hours to beat, and it has about 5 hours of cutscenes.
And there's only action set pieces in what, 4 missions?

no, what you're saying makes no sense. Why would having good shooting controls imply that it's a bad stealth game?

Seems more like you're trying to set me up for your le ebic bait

Talking to tripfags makes u uber fag

I think I spent more time waiting for helicopter to drop me off and pick me up than I did in cutscenes.

>Why would having good shooting controls imply that it's a bad stealth game?
I'm not implying that, I said that Survive is shit because it uses controls meant for stealth.
The gunning of MGSV is barebones because you are not meant to use it constantly.

Should have either developed the latest upgrade, or just use "Return to ACC" in the menu.

I meant with the hours I put into the game, but yea I never used Return to ACC, so I could have used that more. I also went back to base every other missions to shower, beat up guards, and find diamonds.

you aren't meant to be gunning constantly in survive either, but there was also nothing wrong with its shooting from a control aspect either.

No, aside from the fact that it felt like shit because it was taken from MGSV.
It's a creatively bankrupt idea built on the gameplay of a completely unrelated game, and focusing on the worst parts of this unrelated game, trying to appeal to an audience that stopped existing 3 years before the game came out.


yes. They took the gameplay from V and iterated over it.

It was just shit because it wasn't a single player game and it had micro transactions which influenced certain design elements. If it was a pure single player survival game with zero MTs I would have probably loved it.

They didn't do shit save for including a clunky melee combat system and tying a lot of shit to grind bars.
Remove all the survival aspects and then we can start discussing.

They added new weapon types and an entire progression system on top of the building and meele combat. Also brought back the better PW style base management and improved on top of that. They did a lot, but people ignored it because the youtubers gave up after 30 minutes to cash in on the outrage train. The game had Silent Hill's monster designer for heaven's sake and people couldn't shut up about muh kojima and blaming konami for their headcanon not coming true. Puhlease

>Remove all the survival aspects

absolute plen

it is pretty good
normies just hate it because muh "kojima is supposed to own MG" and "konami stole his credit" despite kojima being a simple ideas man while thousands of developers actually developed metal gear and their names don't pop up at the start of every mission like kojima's does

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are you ignoring the fact that guns are a big part of MGS? last time I checked there wasn't a single MGS without boss battles demanding you to use guns

>an entire progression system on top of the building and meele comba
That's not something good, progression systems = grinding.

>Also brought back the better PW style base management and improved on top of that
That's the thing, I do not want base management, it's always a massive waste of time.
Not to mention that MGSV was simply a matter of sorting out with one button.

>The game had Silent Hill's monster designer for heaven's sake
And he half assed it considering the big bad it's literally a giant tube with legs and arms.

There's a reason why literally the only defense people, well, Yea Forumsedditors, have for this turd is

What's the benefit of them?
Having to grind?

I didn't say that, just that MGS gunplay has always been utter trash.

>thousands of developers actually developed metal gear
Considering the gameplay of MGS games has been consistently garbage from the beginning to the end, sounds like Konami should have fired every single one of them.

Look at MGSV and Survive, those two pieces of shit is what happens when Kojipro tries making an actual videogame instead of a shitty movie.
It's embarassing, one of the worst studios in the industry, they couldn't make a fun game even if their lives depended on it.

No wonder MGR, the most heavily gameplay focused game of the franchise, had to be handed over to another studio, since Kojipro completely fucked it all up.

>their names don't pop up at the start of every mission like kojima's does
Not everyones, but theres more names than Kojima, particularly the concept designers and writers.

I never did finish it but the best part was that it really wasn't an open world you could just wander and explore, every run outside the base was with limited resources (O2/food/water/ammo/etc) so you pretty much had to optimize every second such that it became routine. Grindy, sure, but extremely satisfying when you get hang of it and you're able to slaughter whole hordes without getting hit. In a way it reminds me a lot of MGS, especially the backtracking in 1/2 and repeated ops in V (probably the worst parts of those games lmao), but also just how the more you replay the games the more you remember stuff and can automatically get through areas without having to stop and think.

Not perfect, definitely good.

>This is straight up Lovecraftian. Holy shit

Yep. Anyone who disagrees hasn't played it for shit. People probably don't know but Survive was made from stuff Kojima made while being in Konami and preparing Silent Hills/Death Stranding, that's why a lot of Survive elements are similar to Death Stranding.

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And Death Stranding looks like utter garbage, what's your point?

Survive apologists throw shit at the wall to see what sticks.
One moment they say that the studio did all the work and Kojima did fuckall, and then they proceed to say that Survive was his idea.
All based on nothing, just any claim made in MGS threads about game development.

>what's your point?

You contrarians will ride Death Stranding's dick, that's my point.

>progression systems = grinding.
Not the bad kind of grind necessarily, progression systems have never been inherently bad
>I do not want base management

>There's a reason why literally the only defense people, well, Yea Forumsedditors, have for this turd is

lol cope. Just because the game doesn't pander to you doesn't mean it's bad

>What's the benefit of them?
adds an extra layer of complexity and immersion

>Survive apologists call others contrarians

>It's okay when Kojima does it!

>Not the bad kind of grind necessarily
All grinds are forms of padding out games with boring, repetitive content.
The presence of grinding means the game is a mechanical failure.

>Just because the game doesn't pander to you doesn't mean it's bad
It doesn't pander to anyone, and it's a bad videogame because it's simply boring.

There's no complexity in grinding, and immersion is a meaningless buzzword.
What "immersion" does having more stupid bars to worry about add?

>All grinds are forms of padding out games with boring, repetitive content.
>The presence of grinding means the game is a mechanical failure.

I am completely right.
It's not a coincidence that every single game featuring grinding is utter garbage.
Fits the MGS franchise a lot.

>What "immersion" does having more stupid bars to worry about add?
Having to actually forage for your sustenance makes it more rewarding when you are actually able to play within your character's prime and the slackening of abilities brings out more diverse gameplay situations. Survive's core gameplay loop is absolute kino.

No, Death Stranding looks like garbage, i've already said so.
Thing is, you can't fit into your head that there's people who dislike Survive for legitimate reasons, such as being a creatively bankrupt zombie game.
The moment Survive was announced, every single Yea Forumsedditor said
And 3 years later, you still spout it.

Survive is garbage and so will Death Stranding, because neither Kojima nor Kojipro can develop a game for shit, they are a bunch of talentless hacks proped up by a community made up of pretentious neckbeards who thought a stupid satire of 80s action movies was an ultra deep story and social commentary.

Everything related to MGS has always, and will always be cancer, which is why I don't understand why mods haven't banned any threads related to MGS or Kojima, everyone knows the "people" who run around these are all autistic neckbeard shitposters.

whatever helps you cope. If a game doesn't have any repeatable content chances are it's some on rails linear quipfest that would do well on redd*t.

No, it's all bars made for you to grind shit and pad out the game.

>Survive's core gameplay loop is absolute kino.
I don't doubt the average Yea Forumsedditor considers zombie survival shooter #185907319508719 is great.

>Everything related to MGS has always, and will always be cancer

Why are you in this thread then you idiot? Just to be angry?

>if your game doesn't have grinding it's for reddit
Metal Gear redditors, everyone.
It's amazing how you've consistently remained the most cancerous community ever.
From praising shitty movie games, to shitting up Yea Forums endlessly because of le epic as fuck MGSV trailers, to now saying that cancers that are killing the industry are good.

This is why i'm so happy that Survive flopped, that MGS' reputation is dead, and that the franchise in general is dead.
I'm also grateful that the community isn't dead yet so I can get more chances to laugh at them for unironically following one of the most terrible franchises ever made in this industry.
It was born as cancer and died as cancer, hated by everyone and with its corpsed pissed on.
A very fitting end to the plague that MGS has been.

Again, you have no actual argument why what we get in Survive is a bad grind. The traditional grind was from korean MMOs and shat on because there was no gameplay to the repetitive mechanics. Nobody actually hates to grind if the game is actually fun and the FOX engine has delivered some of the finest stealth shooting in vidya yet.

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>I was born as cancer and will die as cancer

I always come to these to laugh at the "people" who unironically try to defend MGS.
What's there to defend anyway?
A garbage plot?
The worst gameplay in the stealth genre?
A series of spinoffs remembered only by Yea Forums?

>I am here to laugh

Bro you sound more mad than anyone in this thread lmaooo. Go take a cold shower you dummy.

lol cope

well MGSV had good gunplay and the point of the game was that you play it how you like

All grinds are bad grinds.
There's no such thing as good grinds, if you introduced grinding into your game, is to pad it out because you couldn't make a long game with legitimate content.

>the FOX engine has delivered some of the finest stealth shooting in vidya yet.
Ah yes, MGS redditors, the kind that talks endlessly about videogame development, budgets etc, yet unironically thinks that gameplay is tied to engines.
Not to mention that MGSV was a mediocre game overall, which is pathetic, 30 years of development and when they finally focus on gameplay, this is the turd they deliver.

Anyone who loves videogames should celebrate MGS' death.

>There's no such thing as good grinds

>blocks your path

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i wonder how many soiboy wojaks are in existence now, that one user with the soijak gallery reaching in the hundreds showed me how deep this rabbit hole goes

>such as being a creatively bankrupt zombie game.
That's an opinion that you've not even tried to back up, not a "legitimate reason" to dislike it. The monster design is from one of the best of the industry and it has some of the best movement and stealth shooting mechanics in any video game

Because there's people who unironically defend it since the MGS community will always defend anything with the "Metal Gear" brand.
Your below average stealth franchise got turned into a zombie survival game with not a single idea of its own, and you still unironically try to defend it.
You are the worst drones to have ever stepped in Yea Forums

Metal Gear is one of those franchises that completely deserved to end like it did.
It's just it deserved it sooner.

There's a big monster I guess. Also the jungle level.

>All grinds are bad grinds.
Depends on what you mean by the term grind. If the game has a lot of shit to unlock does that suddenly make it bad?

Nope. The only bad game in the series is MGS4. I bet you liked that one, though. Now go take a shower and stop seething.

>Comes to the thread to talk shit about Kojimadrones and defend Survive
>Someone comes to laugh at the series as a whole including Survive
>You sound mad bro
My fucking sides.

>yet unironically thinks that gameplay is tied to engines.

Oh your that retard who has no idea how development works. Yes gameplay is tied to the engine because the engine handles the I/O

>The monster design is from one of the best of the industry
Yes, we can't forget zombie with a crystal in his head, and giant tube with legs and arms.

>it has some of the best movement and stealth shooting mechanics in any video game
So basically, you haven't played anything that isn't Metal Gear.
MGS will always be one of the worst stealth franchises ever.
Then again, this is a franchise that focused mostly on its garbage plot, while the gameplay was a secondary thing, and it felt like it considering how terrible it's been all the way through.
It's shameful when people imply there's ever been any talent in Kojipro when they have failed to make a single actual fun videogame in 30 years.

this is some acfag level cope

No, MGS4 is the game i'd pick to represent MGS the best, a shitty movie game plagued with 30 minute long cutscenes where the few gameplay bits it has are also interrupted by other cutscenes and codec calls.
Hell, the only purpose of codec calls was to have even more fucking dialogue without having to animation an entire scene, it's embarassing.

Want to put unlockables?
Make it by progressing through the story or finding it in levels.

okay. good thing V fixed everything by focusing on the gameplay

Don't npcs hate Lovecraft because he was racist?

You must be really bored or got nothing else to do to come to threads of games you hate and cry in them. Boohoo.

Can someone please tel Americans to stop making up lingo and destroying the English language?

that's literally what grinding is bud. Seems like you're just upset because progression isn't tied to on rails redd*t cinematic quipfests

Yes, it fixed it by delivering the emptiest open world game ever, with the most boring maps you could imagine, creatively bankrupt missions, all of which could be ended by fultoning people and...
Well, that's it.
That piece of boredome is the crown jewel of Kojipro, what 30 years of experience in game development built up to.

No idea why Konami stopped at Kojima and didn't just fire the entire team.

cry harder

While survive was far from flawless or any main games. Still had some funs with it.

I'm honestly very interested for the future of the serie. Probably not until the next gen though.

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No, grinding is
>go to this place
>go to another place

Grinding is repeating the same shit over and over and over again.
I don't see how finding shit in one level, or giving you rewards for advancing through the story is grinding.

lovecraftian horror is based on the presence of something incomprehensible, something so alien and gigantic you can only feel fear because you're vulnerable and unable to defend against it, it often turns into madness because it's the only logical reaction to something like this

for the average normie lovecraftian = it's dark and there are alien squids lol

So am I, because I hope the future of this franchise is a cheap grave with no name.
It's all that MGS has ever deserved.

No need to, MGS is dead.

are you serious? There's tons of environmental variety in V's maps and they make use of it by segmenting it off into pieces for missions and side ops. Part of the point of open world is navigating to the hot spots and MGSV has oodles of tools to mess around with once you're there.

Did anyone researched about those flying fuck? They only appears in the sky at specific cordinates and can't be shot. The files give almost no help on them.
What the hell are they? And why are they here?

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Devs always use Lovecraft when they run out of ideas.

>Grinding is repeating the same shit over and over and over again.
Well that's hardly a fault of the game given all the tools it gives you. Also if you're fultoning everything you're playing the game wrong.

Yet again another shitter complaining about the game because he never learned how it's played lol.

People complaining survive is like V are retarded. The game literally was marketed as a stand alone expansion of V.
Heck at first survive was a mgo3 expansion.

what's your idea of a good game?

Is it fun with friends?

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god dammit Konami just make a BR clone in the FOX engine already

If you hate the MG franchise so much. Why are you posting in this thread?
Also. MG is the second most selling franchise of konami. It won't die.

>Well that's hardly a fault of the game given all the tools it gives you
Tools that you need to grind in order to unlock.
And there's not much to it regarding grinding, you either fulton or nothing.

Kojipro introduced grinding to MGS because they had no idea how to make a gameplay focused game, since they have no experience in that regard, just in making shitty movies.

They appear on the bridge, right? I think it could be another DS hint with the whole theme of bridges. There are also some old concepts from Silent Hills game they were making and it had a baby near the bridge.

It's a loot grind game with not enough loot variety.
It's an open-world game with no world to explore.
It did some small things right, but can't escape feeling cheap and rehashed.
I don't hate it, I'm glad I experienced it for myself instead of forever wondering or relying on other people's opinions, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, neither fans of MGS or survival-type games in general.

Because MGS has, by far, the worst community to have ever stepped in Yea Forums
Most autistic, most braindead, most shit eating one.
It deserves to be mocked at any given chance.

Like these idiots what the hell are they talking about?
When has MGS ever treated anything in depth?
At this point it feels like MGS fags are schizos.

People, don't reply to the ACfag of this thread. Just ignore him and discuss the game.

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Sure, but it was designed with more of a persistent multiplayer environment in mind. There might be a Discord community somewhere kicking around that could make it worth it. Still worth it if you're looking for Metal Gear Undead Nightmare though

A mgo4 actually isn't out of the question since Konami are very interested by the esport market. But it won't be sold as a standalone (at least not on release, like mgo2 did.)

Yeah but only you seem to have this allergic reaction to progression.

user you are the one sounding a little trouble. Is everything going fine in your life?

It's not like theres anything to discuss.
What are you going to talk about, the drop rates of your ebin lootboxes?
How much you grinded zombies to max out the oxygen bar?
How you placed one crafting table in one square of the base or another?

>Most autistic, most braindead, most shit eating one.
>It deserves to be mocked at any given chance.

you're worse so what do we do about you?

Because it's often tied to grinding.

How awesome the FOX engine is and how great it would be to get more games in it. Some stupid shit you did while fucking around with MGSVs tools, waifus, the list goes on..

It wasn't that bad, It doesn't compare to Kojima's writing but there are worse...

What pissed me off was they made it a co-op only, micro transaction ladden shit hole. If they had stuck to pure single player, it would have been alright.

No it's not

>How awesome the FOX engine is and how great it would be to get more games in it.
Only MGS redditors would circlejerk over an engine, one that's already obsolete, of course.

Basically this. Either OP thinks the subject matter of the game is Lovecraftian, or the way the design is cobbled together is Lovecraftian.
Either would be a misuse of the term

That is so... kafkaesque

yeah but you've just brought up that term because you don't actually have any argument. The gameplay you go through in order to progress is too complex and varied to be considered the traditional "grind" that spawned that term.

This. Lovecraft is so misinterpreted now it's become cancer.

whatever helps you cope

>too complex and varied
You must be talking about another game, MGSV and Survive don't fit that.
If your game has grinding, it's because you had no idea how to make people play the game longer.

>Co-op only
You mean "requiring an internet connection" right?
From what I saw, it's because the game wasn't supposed to have a single player mode first. They already had made the system for the gear and so had to keep is linked online.

As for the mtx. They really are very low. Even V had bigger mtx.

Or we could just let MGS threads die off, much like the franchise did.

For me it felt like an updated mgs4 with the option to go ham like in mgs5.
With proper co-op, a new map and more bosses it could have been the shooter alternative to monster hunter, the game loop was solid as fuck, even without Kojima. Too bad Konami hates videogames.

I might try it because I really want a kinda creepy openworld game, it looks interesting ish,
Is there any paranormal aspects to it?

I don't think mg is near of dying user.
Next games are going to happen for sure. Different games. But still mg games.

MGSV and Survive have great gameplay though, it just has a bunch of unlockables along the way. You said it's okay to have a bunch of shit hidden around the map for progression, this is basically what happens in MGSV only you just find resources that you then spend to convert into unlocks, your argument makes no sense.

Just like TPP, Survive could have been saved if it had had open-world CO-OP, and not just the arbitrary, instanced horde morde.

Well. They did added the gekos as additional bosses. But survive had some cut features sadly. They fucking knew the game was going to sold pretty low so they didn't finished some planned shit. To go directly into another project.

>This is straight up garbage!

>MGSV and Survive have great gameplay though
No they don't, they are terrible, boring games set in an empty open world where there's nothing to do but grind, full of samey missions.
Games made by people who clearly have no experience in this thing of "your videogame needs gameplay" department.

It's already dead.

>I don't like game so there should be no threads about it ever


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Well. At least an open world co-op mod is in development by two guys.

Basically the game is like Purgatory and sky is water, everything is "beached" and there are different monsters. And the power of all is an Iris which resembles the eye of Joy. It's pretty neat when it comes to this stuff.

>No they don't,
yeah, they do. You don't have to like it but that doesn't make it shit

When a game is not fun, it's because the gameplay is crap.
They are just not fun videogames, which is why the franchise deserved it's uneventful demise.
Bad franchises and bad videogame developers deserve to pay for their terrible work.
Too bad it came 30 years late.

Seriously, by any traditional metric this is a really good game. A little soulless sure, but more than made up for with its reduced price tag. It's the whole MGS ruse cruse hullabalou along with a dose of your typical Yea Forums contrarianism that condemned this game.

And it being a mediocre zombie game years after the zombie fad ended.

MGSV is fun as fuck :)

As an active member of the discord community i can say that MG:S is dead. It was fun while it lasted tho.
The solo campaign was totally worth the price too. If you have friends and need something different to play on the weekend for a month i totally recomment it. But just as a warning, a big part of the game is not just stealth but also pretty insane action, almost like in a mosu.

It's not purgatory. It's the MG world in 2175. In an alternate future fixed at the end of the game.
The nanomachine is also the same used by Armstrong. Just in an uncontrolled state.

Cool, I think I might try it.
I like games like these, is it still the shitty gunplay from metal gear 5, because the armored skulls are a bitch to deal with.

but it's not mediocre and i don't think zombies are a fad.

Is the old staff still around? The left overs from koji pro seem to be pretty good, given what they got.

It is mediocre, it adds nothing and is built up on the corpse of one of the most boring open world games ever made.
And yes, zombies were a fad, one that thankfully has ended.

It's similar but still different. Much more focused on melee and fortification construction. There's also more interesting enemy types to go up against.

could it be that you just really hate grinding? If that's the case, then this kind of game just is not for you and there really isn't a need to argue.

>The left overs from koji pro seem to be pretty good
They aren't, they have never made a single actual fun videogame ever.
They are only experienced in making cutscenes.
Everytime they focus on gameplay it's a laughable mess.
Four games made focused on gameplay, all of them terrible. One so bad that it got cancelled and given to another developer.

whatever helps you cope. Hell they even managed to bring back the survival system from 3 and make it work.

>by any traditional metric this is a really good game
You're being extremely generous. The central gameplay loop whacking zambonies with a stick is boring and something we'd expect of rushed PC shovelware.
Yes it has the polish they managed to scrape off the hood of MGSV's door handles but it's a far cry from a good game

Yes, I hate grinding, it's a time sink, it serves no other purpose beyond wasting your time in repetitiveness.
It's a sign of
>we don't know what to do to make you keep playing for longer

Most of them are. Some are unconfirmed. There's also some who returned at konami but didn't worked on anything known yet. (like Uehara.)

Yeah, holding a button to fix yourself is a complete revolution.
Kojipro has absolutely no idea about videogame development, and they have done nothing in the past 30 years but prove it with every turd they released.

V and survive are fun as fuck :)

No I'm not. Even the progression system is the best one that's ever been tied to a shooter based game, one of the better skill trees since Deeblo 2 even and again tied to a game where it actually feels like a decent shooter and not just a fancy roll simulator.

Oh look, the millennial broke and now does nothing but get into scratched disc mode, with passive agressive emoticons and all.


seething and copepilled

>Even the progression system is the best one that's ever been tied to a shooter based game
This is what MGS redditors unironically think.
Thank god the industry was wiser than this and Survive flopped hard.

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I just like to sit back on the weekend and have some shallow fun, grind heavy games scratch that itch for me, but i feel ya.
But then you can also argue that either all non narrative or non competative games are a waste of time. Do you have to improve your skills or learn something for it to be not a waste? I guess the only thing that really matters when it comes to games is hiw entertaining they are and we all know that's subjective.

Cope with what?
Survive was a failure and Metal Gear is dead.
There's more people posting in this thread than there are playing Survive.

MGS got what it deserved, it took long, but it's finally over.

it's true, I was surprised too.,52651/
Main programmer from Mgs1 to mgs3 + ghost babel.
He also had a role in Mga1, boktai and policenaut + some Bandai games.
He left Konami soon after mgs4. But returned back in 2017. With apparently a pretty big role.

>Main programmer from Mgs1 to mgs3 + ghost babel
I don't think bringing back a programmer of the MGS games with the worst gameplay is a good idea.

you tell me you're obviously SEETHING hard.

user survive isn't even a mgs. It's like saying mga and Mgr are mgs. You are fucking retarded.

What makes you think I care that it's a spinoff?
This entire franchise has been cancer and brought a lot of negative influence to gaming.
Thisi s exactly what it deserves, to get it's reputation pissed on and then killed unceremoniously.

Just mocking the people who unironically supported this garbage franchise.

My theory is that a mgs3 remake is being made. With the old gameplay revamped a little.

I would prefer Mg1/2 or even mgs1 as remakes. But mgs3 is the easiest to do and one of the most popular game.

It isn't, you MGS redditors don't know anything about gameplay.
Much like the developers of these games, all you understand is cutscenes.

wow so brave

>Metal Gear is dead
I wouldn't speak too soon.

I love the game but man is it mishandled, my biggest gripe with it is how multiplayer makes players compete against each other instead of bonding together to win. it makes everyone do scummy shit like ignore the objective to pick up loot for points because if you have the highest score at the end you get more loot and EXP than everyone in your party so if some fag just runs around looting everything while ignoring all the main objectives he could end up getting hundred of thousands more EXP than you even though you carried him when defending and winning.

I'll never understand what idiot at cuckanmi thought that was a good idea when it was obvious the game was going to have rough sells due to cuckjima fan fgts.
Also lack of just porting over the MGV multiplayer cosmetics like the long hair, insane incompetence with this game and company.

if been keeping my eye on this game for ages now for xbox so i can play it with my brother. how is for replayability mindless wise. can everything be done with just 2 people?

I hope not, MGS is dead and buried, it now deserves to be forgotten.

It is true though :)

Fuck off lmao MGS was long part of this board until you Fortnite addicted Redditors rolled in.

>it now deserves to be forgotten.

lol no it doesn't, so dramatic.

You like MGS, your opinions on videogames have no value whatsoever.

No, it's the proper time.
It's always hilarious seeing MGSfags in denial.

So tell me what games you like?

Depression Quest

>dude just play it solo lmao

Attached: 26033.png (210x230, 4K)

If you want to roll co-op with just 2 guys you gonna have to grind for high level gear to make the lacking manpower, i wouldn't recommend it this way. Dunno if you can still find randos to play.

And everyone agrees that MGS drones are some of the most autistic, tasteless and braindead fanboys ever in Yea Forums
I mean, even you agree that every single game since MGS3 has been garbage, you lived to see your mediocre stealth shooter turn into a zombie game, and you keep asking for more.
I have never seen any other fanbase as pathetically braindead as this, even Call of Duty fans have more standards.

Yes it does, MGS forced the idea in videogames that plot somehow matters, which brought in a wave of talentless hacks who couldn't make it to literature and movies, like Kojima himself, and let them make a living out of their terrible writing.
MGS brought the cancer of movie games, and when it finally tried to be an actual videogame, it delivered the most boring open world game ever.

It had 3 metal gears and a story though
Sahelantropus, shagohod and RAY

Game was decent, I just wish they did more than just tower defense for most of the game / all of online

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low key I would let zoe hotdog me and brap on my wee wee with her big ass while giving her game a 10/10

It's a bad game but it's bad for entirely different reasons to the blatant misinformation about it that was widely spread by Youtubers like Angry Joe at the time of release.

Attached: survive.png (311x128, 45K)

MGS wasn't the first video game with a plot, idiot and if anything it argues against the importance of plot particularly after the first one.

It's head.

>shagohod and RAY
You mean those temporary farming events?

No, but it was the first one to focus obnoxiously on it.
MGS gave birth to the movie-game cancer, and it deserved to die for it.
If the world was a just place, MGS would have died back in 1998.

What? MGS4 and MGSV were still good games and both received 90 or above ratings.

again you have no argument other than that it's bad because you hate it and you're sperging out because people disagree with your opinion. acfag tier.

> MGS4 and MGSV were still good games
MGS4 was a movie, and MGSV is one of the worst open world games ever made.

>both received 90 or above ratings.
Props to Konami for their masterful technique to sign checks.

alright. thats what i was afraid of. thanks a ton user

lol not anymore, one guy is a faggot and quit it bcus hormones

4 was garbage in need of lots of heavy editing.

Yes, but he said there weren't any metal gears in the game which was wrong

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>I-It doesn't count!!
Ok user, you can go back to playing Cowadooty.

No, reviews never count.
Even the worst games get 6/10s.

Then again, it's irrelevant.
MGS was finally put down like the rabid dog it was.

hopefully they do you next

Nice last year's meme, tourist

Imagine being this user. Imagine carrying this much vitriol for a video game series.

Attached: too many memes.jpg (569x661, 66K)

my main gripe was i wanted to play online, but online loot wasn't self sustaining so i would have to go to singleplayer to grind up survival items and ammo to be able to play a few rounds of multiplayer in a rapidly dying game where it got harder to find multiplayer matches quickly. was a pretty fun couple months, shooting each other and playing grenade baseball into the pre-game room

This was the most annoying thing, it would have been great to be able to actually use all the cool shit that you never had enough resources to make - and of course the entire reason it was fucked like that was to set it up for microtransactions.

Actually, the most annoying thing was having to watch the matchmaking screen of the random rotating patterns with nothing else to do.

Remove "Lovecraftian Holy" and move the period to the end of "shit".


>game doesn't get good until you beat the main story
Not unlocking the other classes until you're at the post game was fucking retarded. For every good point this game has there are two bad points.

Yeah, that's one of the biggest issues with it. The survival-focused resource gathering of the single-player and the horde-focused resource expending of the multi-player are entirely contrary to each other. It's especially bad when a lot of the interesting traps like slip panels and spinning blades require the most rare materials in the game, so you constantly have to grind SP for materials to play MP because MP doesn't give you anywhere near enough shit to be self-sustaining.
They should've just made it so that MP doesn't eat up persistent resources and then it could've been the fun crazy horde mode they clearly wanted it to be instead of something where you hold back on what you make and use because the cost is too much of a setback.

The microtransactions had nothing to do with the resource problem, they were just tied to GDP in multiplayer which was always the least of your problems. In SP the microtransactions resulted in the obnoxious base dig system which is by far the most egregious result of their inclusion.

unironically based hate fulton poster

If they relased the game as full whole cooperative, it could have been the best game of the last five years.

that's not even how the game works though