Now we have proof this game is rigged trash. They already had the algorithm ready to go

Now we have proof this game is rigged trash. They already had the algorithm ready to go.

Attached: 200px-Zephrys_the_Great(90825).png (200x276, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Play MTG Arena

Magic is FUN!

Attached: well.jpg (1920x1080, 285K)


MTG is objectively superior but you basically HAVE to pay up to keep playing. The selling point of HS is that you can buy boosters w/e you want and never think about it while playing.
Also MTG is way more time consuming and it's community fucking smells because it has no time to bathe, probably because they must follow the ever-changing meta.

As long as you win 4 times a day and aren't a draftlet, you can play competitively and casually for free. It's far more Pay2Jank than it is Pay2Win

That's rigged too. You can actually run a deck with 14 lands and STILL get mana flooded because of how stupid the algorithm is.

How does this work? Do you literally pick any card in the game

This guy is right I've made one competitive deck and one jank deck with wildcards and I still have all these wildcards left. I haven't spent a cent on the game yet.

Attached: Wildcards.jpg (160x168, 7K)

That's only in Bo1

commit die

The algorithm picks three cards that are best for your current situation.

You did waste your soul playing hours to grind that shit

It's not grinding if it's playing fun Magic. Even the precons you get at the start are fun to play with.

is mtgo any good? hearthstone is still leagues ahead of them in popularity

Zephrys the Great is overrated and doesn't have a place in existing meta decks, screencap this faggots

Attached: hearthstone karazhan.jpg (1362x832, 689K)

MTGO is trash and costs money
Magic Arena is where it's at

whats the difference

>playing fun Magic
Magic is fun when you don't play meta.
Making intentionally-underpowered decks with a theme is fun.
Playing meta netdecks is unenjoyable for me, especially in ranked

>Coin toss match up rng
>Not enough rng for you? shitty land draw RNG that has also been called out by many to be potentially rigged in order to force 50% winrate

Better never play Jeraxxus Warlock

Mtgo has all magic formats and cards and its insanely expensive unless you are really really good at draft.. Mtg arena is standard only and its cheap as free.

I honestly don't know where Hearthstone would be if they didn't constantly bribe streamers to continuously play this shit. The game is just inherently shit due to lack of interactivity and small expansions. If they had shit tons of cards in each expansion like MTG then they could easily push archtypes without condemning a certain class to worthless archtypes like Freeze Shaman. Then you have the world's worst balancing team on Earth not nerfing Bomb Warrior or saying Jade Druid was a cool deck when it was in its prime. Oh and you had them casually butcher the artsyle. People talk about succubus, but everything else past WotoG was a fucking sin since its so damn cartoonish.

Fuck them.

>playing TCGs
imagine being this much of a cuck

>I don't want meta but also I don't like the precons
Precons are fun
Drafts are fun
Competitive standard is not fun

>a singleton card doesn't have a place in existing meta decks
>in a meta that didn't have singleton cards
you don't say, fucking retard

It reads the board state, you and your opponent's health, your hand and remaining cards in order to offer you 3 "best solutions" to whatever predicament you're in.
Which probably means you're going to see a lot or mountain giants or understatted healing minions because blizzard is shit at execution

You need to register a credit card to even be able to make a mtgo account
tat should tell you something

>potentially fun expansion
>completely ruins it with a card that makes burn strategies broken
every time with this kusoge
almost got excited for the first time in years

Attached: file.png (427x551, 356K)

MTG is fucking garbage, no good game would let RDW or teferi be things that exist.

If you're looking for the MTGO experience (every card ever made, multiple formats) without the related jewness, I suggest the open source alternatives: Xmage if you want to play online, Forge if you prefer to play against friends or AI.

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>need to play a minimum of 7 battlecries in a game to start taking advantage of the effect
>you're 1 card down the whole game
>you need to pay 2 mana each turn you want to use the effect
I fail to see how this quest is anything but unplayable.

then you might be a brainlet because it's considered the strongest deck of the expansion
there are multiple cards are 1 or 2 mana battlecry : get a 1 or 2 mana batltecry minion in your hand
this quest is finished turn 4 or 5 on average
from then on all the minions in your deck turn into fireballs with a body attached

oh right lackeys exist I forgot about those
forget my post then I thought it was going to be hard to complete the quest to begin with


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>mfw Kripp has to force himself to play HS or else viewership/subs will plummet

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I used to watch Krupp every night before bed, back when he still enjoyed the game. I can’t watch him anymore since he shit up his stream with Lettuce betting and ads and those donation effects.

umad yboi?

>it's a kripp talks about his wow past for the 70th time episode

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huh, going downhill when his controlling wife took over
hmm, probably just a coinkydink

I mean, we all know what the "perfect card" in that case is, but does Zephrys actually create it then?

I'm playing Teppen

Attached: 1553141164797.jpg (1157x1285, 699K)

I'd long for the days when I was streaming for fun too if I were him. Is he going to play Classic? It's clear that HS is just draining the last bit of life that he has left but can't quit it because of the money.

What are you talking about? His wife "took over" years ago, this is months ago.

Never watched him on Twitch.
Is it THAT bad?

The alternative is fucking "auto chess".
He has to play something, otherwise yeah.

anyone have the original?

I got that one too.

Attached: 1536533042760.jpg (833x925, 157K)

I found it easily

thanks brother

>new expansion just launched 12 minutes ago
>this viewership
there's basically no hype for hearthstone expacs anymore

he'll probably play it for like a week (probably less) to cash in on the hype, but he'll go on about how he can't be committed anymore to something like it

Attached: FxnbKsT.png (1026x655, 967K)

Ok how many other variants do you have

Me too, was kind enough to post it :)

Don't underestimate Blizzardrones. The fact that people are still even playing the game should tell you all you need to know.

As far as I know the only edit is the Dante one, but I'd love to be proven wrong. Also play Teppen it's fun and the first post-launch content is getting revealed tomorrow night.

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>Legendary wall is red, white and blue
What the fuck did they mean by this?

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It'll still make them a shitton of money for basically no effort from Blizzard

>Now we have proof this game is rigged trash.

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HS was fun for like its first year or so, then Blizzard showed it had no interest of making an interesting game or good balance. I honestly can't understand why anyone would still play it willingly when there's been vastly superior alternatives for years now.

>track my packs 4 expansions before I quit
>ignoring the first 1-10 packs that gave you a guaranteed legendary my average was 30.4 packs per legendary or something like that
1 in 20 my ass blizzard are fucking jews

teppen is getting old quickly, half of the art are trash, the same 3 deck get played over and over over anything else

Not even fair to compare HS to MTG, HS is kiddie shit compared to MTG.

What a dull presentation, this is why Hearthstone is at the top.

they have gone as far as making an algorithm that picks the right cards for you instead of implementing lists like in mtg and make player decision matter

>dont play the garbage that is hearthstone
>instead play the SJWs horror show that is Magic

>has algorithm that can tell what cards the player likely wants right now
I'm sure that's not being used on your normal draws

Btw, only retards play this game past 2016

Blizzard tasked with a MTG client would create the fucking GOAT online TCG.

>As Pramikon sky rampart enters the battlefield, choose left or right

what did they mean by this?

dalaran heist is pretty fun because you get to do broken shit all the time
fuck giving blizzard money for anything though

What happens in april to spike up like that?


Attached: 1527618310217.jpg (493x482, 156K)

lots of commander games are 2v2, so left or right sitting opposite you, I suppose.

iirc expansions have always been in april august and december

>literally every stream except one is opening packs

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Just elderspell planeswalkers and use a life gain deck agains rdw

>there's basically no hype for hearthstone expacs anymore
why would anyone get exited for this xpac?
zero new mechanics combined with cards so situational you know every new meta deck is planned out by Blizzard 2 months in advance

f2p experience in mtga is way better. the fuck?

go back to yugioh you weeb

why everyone complains about rdw? it never felt bad to play against them

I wish he played POE full time.

Yeah, I dunno, I'd lose 5 times in a row to RDW before I lost one to Esperniggers, if I had my way

>playing p2w games where you have to gamble your money
Literally the worst type of game possible

>Now we have proof
Just fuck off. If you played this game in the last 2 years you shouldnt post here on Yea Forums.


You don't have to gamble anything in Arena

>playing SJWs the gathering

card games in general are for autists

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