No no no bro, its SUPPOSED to be generic

>no no no bro, its SUPPOSED to be generic

Attached: dqxi_panel_us.jpg (1437x1788, 477K)

>T. Hasn't played the game

if you've played one DQ, you've played them all. this is coming from someone who likes the series.

If you do the same shit over and over it becomes "a tradition" that must be upheld.

Try harder, Barry.

>if you've played one DQ, you've played them all.

Reminder to always say this at the start of your posts so people can quickly disregard you

Not really honestly. There are noticeable differences in gameplay. If you want a classic jrpg experience with in depth classes and open ended party members, play DQ 3 or 9. If you want a more story driven DQ game, play dragon quest 5, 11, or 8

Yes, that's the point. It's the first chosen one story in the series since 4 where you're actually the chosen one because it came out during the 30 Year Anniversary

>The game doesn't reinvent itself with every title so that means they're all the same
The series as early as 3, 4 and 5 are all very different from one another.

Isn't that the point of Dragon Quest?

>QoL improvements
>Orchestrated music out of the box along side 8's music
>you can wear costumes over your armor as a option
>the choice to marry people in your party
>can go to past DQ worlds
>more character development in sidequests
>more mounts
>16-bit mode
>and more

Attached: Drunk Delinquent dot jaypeg.jpg (650x500, 112K)

Wrong, DQIX is an entirely different beast, probably the most unique in my opinion.

user, it is THE original.

I dunno, how many JRPGs end in a failure state and then ask you if you want to doom a timeline to make another, better one or make the world as good as it can be and put the controller down?
Seems pretty non-generic to me.

Then why is there literally nothing like it out there?

Attached: D_hvEqIXsAASQZH.jpg (1093x1200, 380K)

Even 2's really different from 1.
>1: You're the descendant of legendary big dick man, you need to solve the puzzle of how to cross the moat.
>2: Your grandpa was a king guy, you and your cousins should find a way into the snowy wastes to fight evil.

More enjoyable than any other JRPG I've played in the past 10 years. I'll take it.

>They keep going with Malroth.
Call him Sidoh you cowards.
And call it Dharma Temple.

I mean I fucking hate the series but I know you're wrong. How can you possibly say IX and IV are the same?

God i want to marry jade

Add me to the (You) pile, the idea that DQ7 and DQ9 are anything alike is laughable, let alone DQXI vs DQV.

I actually disliked the third arc and thought the bittersweet ending hit the perfect sweet spot. I was kinda salty when Veronica came back since it handwaved any sort of emotional weight to her "death".