Worth a play-through these days?

worth a play-through these days?

Attached: 220px-Mass_Effect_Andromeda_cover.jpg (220x309, 23K)

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it's worth sticking in the nearest fucking pit of fire you find
absolute fucking dogshit

fpbp kill the thread now thanks

its not that bad, atleast try it if you liked the original trilogy (gameplay-wise)

The game is still a broken mess on PC because bioware abandoned it. The characters suck, the story sucks, the planets suck, they some how made exploration worse than the Mako.

The gameplay is literally the worst part.
...is what I want to say, but jesus christ the story is actually worse.

The combat is better than the Witcher 3 and according to most 2019 GAYMERS thats the best RPG ever

>taking advice from casuals
Return to whatever cesspit you came from.

>...is what I want to say, but jesus christ the story is actually worse.

as fucking difficult it is to imagine, I would spare yourself the horror

It's pretty good

The game is alright.

Actually it’s not that terrible. It’s just uninspired but probably worth a run if you are a sci-fi fag.

Yes (If you love ME universe and sci-fi). Most of the animations and bugs were fixed later. It's not a masterpiece, but it's not that bad either. Solid 7/10.
Somewhat similar to ME1. Quite a lot of exploration. Medium sized open world. Some planets are boring, others are lots of fun.

how does it compare to me3?

If you know you're in for an absolutely mediocre game with 'good enough' combat, then sure.

I would rather play ME3 twice than play this mess once.

Gameplay is alright. But the story and characters, which should be the main selling point of a BW game, isn’t worth pursuing.


don't give SJWs money

The combat is the best in the series and the level design accomodating the jetpack was good. It felt really mobile and fun than previous games.
The problem is that, since powers are not restricted to classes, you are just way too OP and there's no enemies that can counter you.
The story is dogshit, and the open world is typical Ubisoft busywork, but the combat is fun.

It's the definition of a forgettable 6/10, but if you liked what Mass Effect 1 was trying to do, it's worth a playthrough.

Game is basically inferior to every other mass effect (even 3) and had only 2 dialogue options for most conversations. But hey the game looks preeeeeeeeeeety

Worst fucking game ever made, people that like it now paid 5 bucks for a game that had to be patched by the "main team" at bioware WEEK ONE because they went into panic mode.
Did they fix most of the BLARING issues and bugs? Yes. Does that make the game better in any way? Fuck no.
The people that made it don't even understand the fucking universe. There are MULTIPLE scenes where NORMAL Asari/Humans stop SHIP TO SHIP MISSILES with bionic shields. Mass effect 2 making guns take "ammo" *cough cough* heatsinks - was a stretch, but bionics stopping fucking ship to ship missiles? Fucking retarded. The most powerful bionics in the universe (Jack and Samara) had trouble with fucking BUGS. IT WAS HARD TO SHIELD BUGS LET ALONE FUCKING SHIP TO SHIP MISSILES.

That is just a single pet peeve of this game. It is bathed in political correctness and the biggest rewards you will get are a 2 minute recording of Liara and a fucking planet named after you that you never fucking see again. So let me get this right, I just did 30 hours of extrra shit so you could give me a 30 second cutscene that is never fucking mentioned again. No item, no bonus ending, a fucking 30 second cutscene?

Fuck this game, and fuck everyone that made it.

Pic related: it's the only saving grace of the fucking game.

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No. The writing is shit from start to finish.

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Do you eat excrement? If yes, then play the game. It was made for your kind.

The game plays fine, and the game goes between looking nice in some planets to looking awful in interiors.
You can tell what parts of the game were planned and sealed tight for a long time, and which ones were part of the shit that was made in the last 11 months.

From interviews and all that, it seems they spend 4 of the 5 years working on the combat, driving and flying spaceships, although the later one got canned because everyone agreed it was just not fun at all.
There were also concepts for the final mission, but everything else in the game was made in less than a year.

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>a game that had to be patched by the "main team" at bioware WEEK ONE
Isn't that the standard for videogames in this gen?
Getting day one patches?

I think what Jack and Samara had trouble with was keeping the field up for so long, not specifically with bugs.

No. Its genuinely boring as shit

This was not a day one patch, there were MAJOR issues, the patch was like 2gb and was only made because the backlash to the game was fucking outrageous.Day one patches are made because the team knows shit is not done and they have to continue fixing shit. For Andromeda they literally fired all of the staff and then told the main team bioware team to fix it within a month. The money they must have spent to do that boggles my mind at times. It was a literal Manhattan project.
So in Andromeda you are totally fine with the Asari basically shielding an entire ark from enemy fire for like a minute? I guess you would just use the excuse "well there are a lot of them doing it though." I mean it is movie levels of absurdity.

If you real the lore of mass effect 1, bionics are WEAK, I mean WEEEEEAAAAKKKKK. In mass effect one they were only just starting to develop bionics (because of exposure to the mass effect), so if they introduced some sort of super-bionic soldier based on the Jack research, I would buy it. Just having Asari solders sitting with shuttle doors open so they can hold their hands out and stop ship to ship missiles is stupid.
It would be like a Jedi in a starship opening the hatch so he can block ship to ship lasers with the force.

Not in combat.
I'm replaying the trilogy and Mass Effect 3 is the only one that holds up.
Mass Effect 1 is bad, but Mass Effect 2 is just horrible, clunky, and full of shit that simply prevents the game from being fun because you are almost dead in two shots.
It's a game that forces you to stay in cover, to play it like a slow as fuck Gears of War.
ME3 is much better because I can just run into the enemy, and if I get fucked I use medi gel and keep fighting.

Bioware needs to learn a lot about the gameplay part of videogames.

Typo city sorry. This game enrages me.

Beside the fact Mass Effect 2 gutted the RPG system, the characters and story were best in the series. Mass Effect had some really good moments and the trippy/lonely/spacey/eerie feeling you get while playing it is never really captured again by any other game.

The fact Mass Effect 1 had full voice acting on the Data/Lore book was fucking phenomenal and every game should have done that.

>This was not a day one patch, there were MAJOR issues, the patch was like 2gb and was only made because the backlash to the game was fucking outrageous
What are you talking about?
All games get patches to fix their bugs.

>For Andromeda they literally fired all of the staff and then told the main team bioware team to fix it within a month
That didn't happen until about 6 months after the game came out, actually.

>The money they must have spent to do that boggles my mind at times.
How much do you think they spent?
I always love asking Yea Forums about money spent in developments considering the fascination people here have with money, as if people here were publishers or something, like with MGSV.

>the characters
I didn't like any of the new ones, and 80% of the game being solving the daddy issues of your squad made the entire game boring as fuck.
ME2 is a glorified side quest, literally nothing of repercusion happens in it beyond introducing Cerberus, and it's obvious they just wanted to stretch the whole thing to 3 games and that this one wasn't really planned, considering how sidelined all ME2 characters got in 3, to focus again on, mostly, the ones from Mass Effect 1.
Even with the ending, I still think Mass Effect 3 is much better.
Not to mention the combat of ME2 is just awful compared to 3's.

thing that pissed me off about ME3 was how they completely fucked Miranda's character.
>I would lay down my life for Cerberus
>Cerberus bad lol

Attached: Miranda_Character_Box.png (802x785, 549K)

It starts with the babby reaper. She disagrees with using the station for humanity.

Everything about Cerberus in ME3 is a leftover from the original plan where Cerberus was completely indoctrinated from the start.
Hell, in the first mission, the one in Mars, Ashley removes the helmet of a Cerberus soldier and you can see that it looks like a husk, and that shit is not mentioned ever again.

brainwashed by the D



Why are you talking bitch I thought you were dead reeeee

>that had to be patched by the "main team" at bioware
You mean the Anthem lead team?

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>What are you talking about? All games get patches to fix their bugs.
Yes they do, sadly expansions and complete games are gone. But NORMALLY patches are made by a small skeleton crew, comprised of the people that ACTUALLY MADE THE FUCKING GAME. Andromeda however, tanked hard shit and they fired the entire development team and then had their other studio WORKING ON A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME stop everything they were doing to put out a patch to fix the game because their other studio WAS NOT UP TO THE TASK. When has this ever happened? Never.
>That didn't happen until about 6 months after the game came out, actually.
BioWare Montreal was taken out of the Andromeda situation as soon as the shit hit the fan, if they were not fired, why did they not make the patch?
>How much do you think they spent?
Considering the game cost 100million+ to make (with advertising) who the fuck can guess.
>I didn't like any of the new ones, and 80% of the game being solving the daddy issues of your squad made the entire game boring as fuck.
I assume you are talking about Miranda and Jack? Because a 2 fucking loyalty missions are hardly 80% of the fucking game, and two characters out of 13, 14 if you include Morinth is laughable.
>ME2 is a glorified side quest, literally nothing of repercusion happens in it beyond introducing Cerberus
Cerberus was introduced in Mass Effect 1, and I could say the same about Mass Effect 1, you start as a universe threatened by the reapers and you end a universe threatened by the reapers, only with no Saren.
>Even with the ending, I still think Mass Effect 3 is much better.
Ok now I know you are trolling.
>Not to mention the combat of ME2 is just awful compared to 3's.
No shit, and Andromeda has better combat than all 3, Imagine that, as the games go on, combat improves. Huh.

How far they have fallen.

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>ACTUALLY MADE THE FUCKING GAME. Andromeda however, tanked hard shit and they fired the entire development team and then had their other studio WORKING ON A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME stop everything they were doing to put out a patch to fix the game because their other studio WAS NOT UP TO THE TASK.
Except that didn't happen, Bioware Montreal was disbanded in August of 2017, when Andromeda stopped getting patched, up until then it was Montreal patching it.
The only thing Edmonton worked on was the last months because they weren't going to make it to the release date, but they didn't work on the patches.

>if they were not fired, why did they not make the patch?
Where do you get this from?

>Considering the game cost 100million+ to make (with advertising) who the fuck can guess.
Actually the game cost 40 million. Besides, who the fuck cares?
That's EA's problem, not mine, i'm not going to give a fuck that studio overspends money.
In fact, i'd be glad if some studio sent EA into bankrupcy due to spending too much.

How does this work? I understand how most biotic powers in ME work as manipulations of the mass effect (e.g. Pull, Singularity, Slam, etc.), but I don't get this. How does mass manipulation repel a swarm of bugs? Surely they fly into the shield and, best case scenario, drop to the floor under their own weight (but that doesn't happen, as we don't see any fall)? Can someone with the biggest of brains explain this to me

Attached: shield.png (1280x720, 1.5M)

>Except that didn't happen, Bioware Montreal was disbanded in August of 2017, when Andromeda stopped getting patched, up until then it was Montreal patching it.
The only thing Edmonton worked on was the last months because they weren't going to make it to the release date, but they didn't work on the patches.
I wonder what it's like to think you can just fire an entire team overnight. You think there is no paperwork involved?
When shit hit the fan the noose was already around their necks.
>Where do you get this from?
The fact the Anthem team had to take over maybe? Before we even knew it was Anthem.
>Actually the game cost 40 million.
>Mass Effect: Andromeda required a team of over 200 developers and, as reported by the Edmonton Journal, was given a total budget of C$100 million
which would be around 75 million US

>I assume you are talking about Miranda and Jack?
No, I mean all of them.
Garrus and Tali were okay, but that's it.

>Cerberus was introduced in Mass Effect 1
Barely, they were in one side mission and the lead writer said they were just some evil company that would appear whenever they needed it for sidequests.

>I could say the same about Mass Effect 1
No you can't, at the beginning of ME1 you are just some grunt who knows nothing. At the end of the game Shepard is a hero, humanity gets a spot in the council, you learn about the Reapers and meet all the characters.
Mass Effect 2 is entirely about something that happens only in ME2.
You could jump from 1 to 3 and the only things you'd miss would be the side missions related to ME2's characters, which got sidelined hard besides EDI.

>Ok now I know you are trolling.
It is, though.
The story actually matters, the combat is not clunky garbage, and the Citadel feels like an actual space station instead of a space mall.
Not to mention getting rid of those obnoxious hacking minigames.

It's a literal shield.
Not much is explained about biotic powers, they are just the Force on steroids.

>I wonder what it's like to think you can just fire an entire team overnight. You think there is no paperwork involved?
So, what do you base yourself on to say that Edmonton handled the patching?

>The fact the Anthem team had to take over maybe?
And where did you get that information?

>which would be around 75 million US
So, about 40 million for development.

>I wonder what it's like to think you can just fire an entire team overnight.
You can't, because that didn't happen.
The ones who didn't leave the team got reassigned to other parts of Bioware.
The studio itself ceased to exist, the staff just got reassigned.

Why would I play a story driven game if the story is absolute dogshit? If I only want to have fun gameplay and skip all the dialogue i'm better off playing a multiplayer game or anything else really.

>So, what do you base yourself on to say that Edmonton handled the patching?
Use google, its a known fact. I know EA tried to bury all this shit so people would forget but come the fuck on.
>So, about 40 million for development.
We have no clue how much fucking development cost, and the overall cost was the point, why does development cost mean anything in this context?
>You can't
>The studio itself ceased to exist, the staff just got reassigned.
hrm why did it cease to exist? you guys are fucking retarded.

At least 3 was pretty decent up until the ending.

The fact that people think like this is why videogames are dying.
Gameplay is what matters, plot and everything else is secondary.
Not like that's enough reason to play Andromeda.

>Use google, its a known fact. I know EA tried to bury all this shit so people would forget but come the fuck on.
All I get is that in August of 2017 Montreal was disbanded and it's staff moved to EA Motive studio.
There's literally nothing about Edmonton patching this.


Mass Effect is dead

>hrm why did it cease to exist?
Because the game was a flop, that's not what's being discussed.

Good, this pathetic bootleg Star Trek shouldn't have gotten a single sequel.
So creatively bankrupt that their entire universe revolves around
4 entries of the franchise and we still haven't seen any ships from some of the main races.

The story was always shit in all ME games.
It's the scifi ambiance and setting that are good and make great moments, mostly on some particular space stations or planets, but the reaper arc story shit is japanime tier

Just fuck my lore up senpai

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Ok regardless of your opinion on whether the original trilogy is shit or not it's still better than Andromeda. Can we agree on that?

Depending on genre, it all matters. I have no idea why or when this mentality that there must be a trade off between game aspects started, but it is utterly retarded. The story and the gameplay should be well designed, this either/or nonsense is idiotic.

It's braindead zoomers that grew up with multiplayer shooters and Nintendo plaformers. They have no idea what it means to be immersed in a game.

No it wasn't.
Daily reminder that pretty much every sidequest in ME3 was one of the three
>running around scanning planets
>taking endless hikes around the Citadel
>killing a bunch of Cerberus guys in a map reused from the multiplayer mode

Literally Anthem prototype.

Take it from someone who completed about 70-80% of the game NO

And Anthem was the game nobody asked for.

I'm only interested in the opinions of people who finished the 30-20% you missed.

>running around scanning planets
There was literally nothing wrong with this. In fact doing so in ME 1 at least and reading all the planet descriptions and flavour text was the comfiest thing.
>taking endless hikes around the Citadel
As opposed to the other ME games being different?
>killing a bunch of Cerberus guys in a map reused from the multiplayer mode
Never played the multiplayer so I wouldn't know. Maybe Mass Effect games aren't for you.

Wonder why. But in truth, yeah I just looked, and yeah, it is hard to find anything about it. It was easy as the game was coming out because you could follow the developers/writers/staff twitter and a lot of the employees were pissed and talking. Closest things I could find were some kotaku articles about it and posts made by Aaryn Flynn. But I assure you montreal did not make the patch.
Yeah I was discussing why they were fired slow, which was because the game was ass, so thanks for making my point for me and confirming they were fired.

>the first patch in the game fixes a tranny's dialogue so that her second sentence isnt literally HI I USED TO BE A MAN BUT NOW IM HERE SO IM A WOMAN IM SO HAPPY TO BE A WOMAN
Virtue signalling gone completely fucking awry

>There was literally nothing wrong with this
Yes because it was boring as fuck, it felt like a goddamn phone game.

>In fact doing so in ME 1
Yes, in Mass Effect 1, where you could actually land in planets.

>As opposed to the other ME games being different?
Very few missions consisted of just walking around.
I'm replaying Mass Effect 3, and in the 6 hours i've played, maybe 2 were spent running around the Citadel completing side quests.

>Never played the multiplayer so I wouldn't know. Maybe Mass Effect games aren't for you.
I barely did, I didn't like it, but that doesn't change the fact that the few side quests where you actually did something involved running around multiplayer maps.
There's not a single good sidequest in Mass Effect 3.

This video explains very well why all of ME3 is crap, not just the ending.

In fact, the entire series shows that all the games are heavily flawed, that there's no peak in the franchise and there's something in each game that makes it fall apart.

The peak in the ME franchise is very obviously ME1

>But I assure you montreal did not make the patch.
So you have literally no proof of what you are saying and you keep insisting on it?

This just rapes the lore so hard. Why would a female only species want to use MALE pronouns. Doesn't make any fucking sense at all. It would make sense if a species that consists of only one sex doesn't used gendered language because you would think the concept of gender doesn't exist but fuck it whatever the writers saw an opportunity to push their political ideology and they took it.

>Yeah I was discussing why they were fired slow
But they weren't.
Some staff left, the others were reassigned to other studios.
Dude, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Firing slowly?
The fuck does that mean?

>Yes because it was boring as fuck,
>getting immersed in the setting and the lore is boring as fuck
Yeah clearly RPGs aren't for you.

It isn't because the Mako controls like shit and the combat is crap.
Not to mention even exploring is not good because all you'd find would be the exact same copy pasted warehouse.

Still better than ME2 and 3. Sorry dude you're never going to convince me that ME1 isn't the peak of the franchise. Literally all downhill from there.

You want to immerse me?
Let me actually pilot the Normandy in a 3D enviroment.
A minigame worthy of a smartphone game is not going to immerse me in anything.

Then it's sad that the franchise peaked with a 6/10 game where every bit of gameplay is terrible.
4 entries and we have yet to get a single Mass Effect game that actually feels fun to play.

>people that say "eh its okay, not that bad" when its unironically one of the, if not the worst games I've ever played

What fucking planet are you people from where this game passes as "okay"?

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>Let me actually pilot the Normandy in a 3D enviroment.
Who are you kidding, you'd complain about being bored if you weren't shooting something at all times while piloting the normandy.

>4 is better
Objectively fucking wrong.

Next you're going to tell me that Diablo 3 is a better game because the combat feels more fluid than in Diablo 2.

I thought people hated on it just for the sake of hating on it.
I was wrong.
I hate this game, not dislike, i hate it.
This game ruined any chance of more Mass effect.

Why, because I don't like the stupid navigation system of Mass Effect?
ME1s was the one that handled it the best no stupid "fly this little ship around tehee", you just picked a planet and went there.

The same people that say DA2 is good. Bioshit apologists.

>4 is better
Where the fuck did I say that, you illiterate idiot?
I said "FOUR ENTRIES AND WE HAVE YET TO GET A SINGLE MASS EFFECT THAT FEELS FUN TO PLAY", I don't think that's too hard to understand.

>game not included

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I don't understand why they make you buy weapons and shields for the normandy in ME2 when there is no actual space battle to use them

I think it contributes to the ending. Like maybe you get a different ending if you don't buy them. I'm not 100% on that so correct me if i'm wrong.

I liked it. Comfy Mako exploring, just what I needed.

They are upgrades for the suicide mission where the Normandy fights the Collector ship.
Without them, a lot of the crew dies during that space fight.

What? Seriously?

Attached: popcorn.jpg (300x268, 10K)

This is what happens when the Normandy has no upgrades.

I personally know people who are just uncomfortable with having negative opinions about things for fear of offending someone who might like it.

Not the first time EA pulls that shit.
Battlefield 1 had a $130 special edition that had no game included.

Diablo 2's precision is far more enjoyable than Diablo 3's over the top bullshit.

I agree though i'm sure you'll find casuals and zoomers that will disagree.

they edited the scenes to hide their faces because they couldn't make her not look like a double digit mongo. They didn't fix shit just swept it under a rug. Fuck off

>If you love ME universe
It's barely in the Mass Effect setting at all

Pic very much related.

Attached: mea pronouns.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Absolutely not. Only zoomers unironically enjoyed this game.