Got this beauty for 80$

>Got this beauty for 80$
>There are people paying 3000$ on ebay plus 500$ shipping for them.

Attached: 58C306EE-B496-4AED-8B4B-1879BE42A64E.jpg (4032x3024, 3.44M)

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Nice blog post.

The TV or the game?

I got my trinitron for 10 euros on craigslist

I paid $600 for my sony pvm. Stay poor op.

>paid 0$ for a pirated copy
>paid 0$ for an emulator

stay mad, cucks

lmao cope

>Having low standards

Attached: A4A1C290-BA77-413D-92A3-A355D729E2FC.jpg (678x562, 36K)

>paid $2000 for a pc to run it on

>Not playing old games on a PVM or at least on a regular CRT.
Why are PC.ucks so pathetic?

>paid $0 for my grandparents' old tv
>already had a Wii
It's just as free, and looks much better.

>Actually thinking you need a good pc to emulate a PS1 game orgnally on an NES

>Needing a pc
Most modern phones can emulate ps1 very easily.

I'm 95% sure I have that lying around at my dad's place somewhere. Wasn't a fan.

Are you high or this bait? Can get this for 20-30 bucks on ebay.

It's so small. What's the point? I have a crappy 20 year old telly, made by LG which I know is a rubbish brand but it's still better. Because it's not bloody tiny and I can see what's on it.

Is THIS bait? Or do you not understand what a PVM actually is?
14 inch is perfect for PS1/Saturn/N64, 20 inch for PS2/Gamecube.

>paid 200 bucks on craigslist for a barely used 20M4U from a CRT enthusiast who just wanted to get rid of it
Feels good man, and he was a total bro

Attached: 1557500194686.jpg (500x375, 129K)

Where did this meme come from? People sell these for £30 in UK

Lurk more

You're a retard.

You got baited.

>FF origins
fucking yikes dude, enjoy your 5 minute loading times for every little random encounter

The fuck? I have the Jap boxed copy with little figurines and shit in my attic. How much it that worth?

a handjob at best

go back to your pewdiepie thread you fucking faggot

what is this model? i want it!

you want it? it's your my friend, as long as you have enough rubies

inb4 poorfags tell you this is not how games were designed to be played. it is

Attached: 1560266192736.jpg (1007x678, 130K)

i cant find that model

Got half of these for free from a local broadcasting studio. Met someone through my job that worked there and told me I could have em if i drove down and picked them up myself. Was super nifty and they all of the 14" sets have fantastic geometry

Attached: 20190201_230010.jpg (4032x3024, 2.78M)

I'm talking about the game next to it. This is Yea Forums, it's about games, not ugly old screens.

Go back to playing those shitty GBA bugfest ports with nerfed difficulty for braindead kids, Origins has no loading at all.


Mine's 24 inches I believe. What is yours?

singing Rex lair?

>unironically playing on some old ass granpa TV
lmao the "SOUL" autism is real

Oh you poor thing

I have a decent professional monitor that I found for free but it's 14 inches and it's a bit worn out. More recently I've just been leaving it on my desk and using an OSSC to play retro consoles.

Attached: 1519760516929.jpg (400x400, 29K)

I don't care if I never see a CRT again in my life. I don't miss them even a little bit.

t. 40yo still here for some reason

>got a CRT for free off CL for my dorm

Enjoy paying almost $100 for something you can get for like $15 at Salvation Army, retard

Personally I play the PSP version. FF1 was fun, did my run with one of each job except the mages.

>Shitty regular CRT


Where did you find it ? I unfortunately got my pvm 20M4U on eBay for an arm and a leg. I still want to get a BVM one day and would be willing to spend an amount.

Anything to remind yourself of the nostalgic past and not live in the now, right boomer-san?

cope boomer cope

Haven't we reached the point where there is enough of a market niche for someone to start producing modern versions of professional monitors like these again, you know like they did with IBM model M keyboards.

Sure professional video monitors are way harder to manufacture than keyboards but if this many people are willing to dump $1,000+ on obsolete tech there surely is demand for them.

Zoomers cope and dilate

On my local classifieds, someone just listed 4 BVM 20F1U units for 100 bucks each. I'm not sure if I should get one considering I own an OSSC and a consumer set for PS2

No matter what crt you get your old games will never look like you remember them when you were 10.

Found it on Craigslist someone from a medical supply warehouse was going to throw them away.

Cope with the fact that some of you are buying vintage shitty blocks of screens for 2k? Lmfao.

you could run this shit on a toaster

Man, I’m jealous. I would love to have a CRT and some old consoles so I can play old games as they were truly meant to be played with that classic rich look. I just play old games on emulators now. I’m sure if I spent a lot of time and money I could get all these things, but I wish it was easier.

For the CRT?
Did you miss the time when people were giving them away LITERALLY for free?

>literally no retort

The only "free" CRTs I encountered were those shitty brands with RF, or if you're lucky composite video, or if you're really lucky, stereo audio inputs. The ones with component were very, very rare and were often heavy, fuckhuge 20in+ monstrosities.

How is it to be 40+ on here and proudly showing off junk you used to have, rebought for 5 times the price today? Genuinely curious.

We in Europe are in luck. Even the lowet tiet tv had scart. But yeah 21" when they magically start to be really heavy

Don't know about the US, but in Europe the standard port for CRTs was SCART.

Get at least 2 of them senpai BVMs are the cream of the crop the best CRTs ever made.

I’m 25, spent 500$ so far on my PS1 collection and having way more fun than modern western garbage.

mirin hard
those look great user

Not talking about games, talking about said technology where you play games on.

The best way to play those games is with a PVM, there’s no debate to be had here.

You done good user.