Does sex sell videogames?

Does sex sell videogames?

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Please have sex OP

Well Pyra and Mythra doesnt get ravaged on screen by Rex so its a poor example.

>not the pantyhose version

It sure sold that one

Why is censorship okay when nintendo does it?

pantyhose is hot faggot
I don't care for your censorship debatte

Sadly yes. I wouldnt give a fuck if so many games wouldnt suffer because of this. Xenoblade is a prime example of terrible characterdesigns because the designers clearly mostly went for virginbucks and made the most generic animesluts possible.Same with shit like Fire Emblem where you get a million walking waifu tropes thrown at you instead of actual characters,

Sex is overrated

I want Mythra to slap me and call me a pervert.

More like "lack of sex".

I want to have sex with Mythra!

Thanks Yea Forums
Now every time I want to fap I remember u guys saying "gamer" and I start to laugh and get back to work.

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Forcing people to kill Waifus in FE is kino as fuck. Its a shit example for your shitposting

The pantyhose version looks worse. It destroys the color balance.
If they were white pantyhose it could work

Is there anything that sex isn't selling at this very moment?

The normies were not interested in the Xeno series before ass and titties

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>making a sexy character that manage to stand out is easy

Absolutely. Sex sells is the oldest marketing trick in the book.

Anything to get you to cut that habit a bit

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If Xenoblade 2 had ugly mutts like eastern games, would it be better?

>most profitable game in the world is literally just collecting pictures of pretty girls

Must be a coincidence.

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You open your bathroom door late at night and see this. Wat do

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Yes but only good sex like this

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Only if you're non-white.
The white man is too evolved to find the female form attractive, boypussy is where the white man finds his joy.

Go away faggot.

>no nipples
>no vaginas

Disgusitng non-white breeder scum.

>he doesn't prefer the garter
yea ok whatever fag

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is pyra taller then mytha

I love all kind of legwear

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Tell them to get the fuck out of my house

I explain to them how cum is good for the skin

God no. It would be markedly worse.

Prove to the world that blades can become pregnant.

Only total gamers buy games for titties

We really do live in a society....

Sex sells everything
It controls modern society

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Nah, look at all the steam porn games that barely has any buyers

Did you buy this game? If not, sex doesn't sell.

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Nah, as we have learned through the internet almost nobody buys porn.
There are websites dedicated to cataloguing and retaining porn vids as old as the 1980's vintage shit.

Nah, the black has better contrast and accentuates the legs better.

It's always controlled society. Never has it ever not.

>belly button through loose clothing
How the fuck is this possible?

Sex doesn't sell by itself. At the most it can help something that would have sold already do a bit better. If sex sold by itself then all those lewd Vita games would have sold gangbusters.

Sexy girls make a good game better, but do nothing for a bad game.


>kumbrain thread

It's financially viable ONLY when produced very cheaply to sell bad games because it's significantly less successful than everything else in the market. You will never see a $100 million porn game because the market will simply not support it.

Do you consider Nier: Automata a porn game?

To faggots like you it does

Mythra is good for my Heart and dick

In other words, to anyone who isn't white, since white guys are all closet faggots.

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Nintendo was forced too cover her legs by the Japanese rating board. It was the only way to get her into Smash, even as a spirit. So they made her more sexy with the leggings to spite them.

I control all of my consumer spending on whether or not it make my pp become the big PP.

I am happier than 95% of people on Yea Forums.

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I watched a few reviews of XC2 on Youtube before buying the game and pretty much everyone complained how it looked "too anime".
There was even a guy pissed because they made Pyra's tits too big and jiggly, and that he prefered XC1 more "western" style, what the fuck is wrong with these people?

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Sex sells everything. Welcome to life.

Big boobs are repulsive.

The FBI has been notified and a van is on the way to collect you.

He probably likes the taste of dick in the morning.

I'll take anime tiddies anyday, and I'm not even a huge weeaboo.

Their asses are too small on the other hand.

People will buy a decent game first, and then hipsters and detractors will try to de-legitimize its success on people being horny. They did it with the popular Fire Emblem, they did it with XC2, they did it with Nier Tomato, and so forth.
There's no shortage of free porn on the internet, and no shortage of fanservice-y games coming out in Japan that don't sell shit in the first place. Sex wasn't going to save that.
If anything, they've got an uphill battle now since it's far easier to just get lewd shit on a "free to start" phone game that someone with poor impulse control can just drop 500 anime bucks on every once in a while. Think about how many people were rushing to draw new Kancolle girls, or new Fate gacha girls, or naturally the eternal Touhou cycle.
If anything, you could argue that focusing too much on fanservice can turn potential buyers off. There's that image macro of Rabi-Ribi with all them reddit quotes complaining about how sexualized it is and how creepy they find it, in spite of the game being a very good hybridization of Metroidvania with bullet hell elements in its boss fights. It's a fucking meme, but it is true that there's a limit of tolerance for some people.

Even before OP's pic, I remember a lot of XCX's reviews saying the game was good, and then as an aside talking about how creepy it was you could put the young teenage Lin in revealing outfits. It wasn't a huge knock against a game they were still positively reviewing, but it was still something they felt the need to mention.

If there's anything to take from these situations, it's that sex can sell or at least help, but you have to put it in a palatable way. Overwatch isn't heavy on blatant sexualization, but it's no secret it got a lot of free advertising and mileage because it had attractive characters that weren't too overly sexualized to a point most people could find tasteful, and then people were still free to take it from there into their own kinks and niches.

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But XC2 is pretty bad...

Only if your're a tranny or a retard.
So which one are you?

I'm a game connoisseur, nice to meet you.

Yeah. It’s hilarious how most of the people posting about ass in Automata threads haven’t even played the game or are just trying their hardest to make it seem like people like it for that. Like why bother putting in the effort to discredit a video game?