Is this game any good?

Is this game any good?

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Yes, one of the best of last year.

No, one of the worst of last year.

In terms of artstyle and animations, i prefer the remake Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap.
It had much more care put into it, visually.
But Cursed Kingdom still looks...decent, and it expands on the ideas of the original.
In my opinion, if you have to get one, you need to get both.
They're only worth it if you own both, so you get the best of both worlds.

Attached: WonderBoyCover.jpg (720x1080, 191K)

Wonder Boy was worth it because it was only $10. They're asking $40 for this though and that's pretty steep.

If you like the older wonder boy games or things like shantae/zelda 2 you'll enjoy this a lot. If not, don't bother. Since Dragon's Trap was a 1-to-1 remake of an old game, I thought this one would go all out updating the formula. With the exception of changing forms on the fly, which is a fantastic addition, everything else in terms of level design, story progression, and blatant padding feel super archaic. It's all by design to feel "authentic" to the old games, and as a love letter it serves very well, but that was really unnecessary when Dragon's Trap came out a year prior

Just wait, it'll go on sale for sure.

It's because of the unique situation this game found itself in.
It started as a completely different fan game that was meant to be a homage, and then suddently they got the full rights to the IP, so they made it much more faithful at that point to capitalize on the IP itself.
So we got two games that are extremely similiar out of sorta coincidence.

I understand how it came to be and don't blame the team of either project, I just hope that we get a truly modern Wonder Boy project out of all this. I feel like a remake of Monster World 4 is much more likely though

To be fair Monster Boy Cursed Kingdom is at least twice as long. Expect to spend at least 15 hours with it.

One was a remake, one was a brand new game and is also one of the best in the exploration platformer genre.

>Expect to spend at least 15 hours with it
Can confirm. Just beat it with 61% total after 15 hours

I thought it was BoF from thumbnail. What the fuck is wrong with me.

>Expect to spend at least 15 hours with it
That's it? Hollow Knight was a 40 hour game and it only costs $15.

I'd rather spend 15 hours playing a good game than 40 hours of a boring slog

Hollow Knigh is ugly and drags

Monster Boy looks like it was drawn by an art school drop out.

Attached: 246483_w926.jpg (926x521, 148K)

>Using years old pic to support your point.
Why lie?

Attached: new_characters_blog_2.jpg (1280x720, 221K)

C'mon nigga.

hollow knight is another generic corridor exploration platformer proudly featuring double jumping. each room in monster boy is carefully considered for every game play possibility.

Attached: monsterboy.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

yeah pretty great. i got stuck in the sky area soon after you get the lion transformation. help plz

visit the shops and talk to the villagers, get the armor and equip the boots that let you walk on clouds. then go to the exit in the upper left near the inn.

Yeah it sgould be on the lower left of the sky can drop down there and find cloud walking boots i think

Yeah, pretty good. And it's on Gog, so you can buy it without getting cucked.

...I like the old style more.

thats some nice soul you got there in just one short gif

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