Show us your battlestations, Yea Forums

Show us your battlestations, Yea Forums.

Attached: 1-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Turn monitor around, play games from bed.

That looks comfy though i find overwatch repulsive.

Attached: room.jpg (2320x3354, 2.58M)

Attached: 1536097640357.png (900x675, 843K)

I am thinking of changing the flags to curtains or different flags.

Attached: 1564933336210.jpg (4912x2765, 2.63M)

>chair with cup holders

What's your daily estrogen intake? Do you plan on chopping your dick off at some point (don't do it)?

Post tits.

Im not home so this is the best picture I could find

Attached: desk.png (720x748, 726K)

Attached: 1559328183277.jpg (2048x2048, 626K)

>glass desks

Attached: 1382215458044.jpg (1024x768, 284K)

>being a fist smashing incel

Guys really live like this and don't see any problems...

very nice ikea showroom you got there minus the desk that's not ikea

Recently upgraded to a smaller PC.

Attached: fixed.jpg (2542x1907, 965K)

yeah shitty particle board furniture is terrible. cant wait to get rid of it all

I don't have a dick

im too poor to have one. i just sit on my bed and use my laptop

Post bed

Attached: 56DF59B7-76A7-4129-8EC4-AF41CB26DBC6.jpg (1024x768, 89K)

Good. That flag is a symbol of hate and bigotry.

I will fill it with Hong Kong revolutionary flags

Attached: CLEANHongKongRebel.jpg (5000x3334, 385K)

yo shit is that like a reader for normal HDD so they function as externals?

HDD/SSD docking stations, yeah. Pretty cheap and handy to have.

>all these neat gay rooms

No wonder girls go for the bbc.

damn, whats the name of the one you've got, is it any good?

They're all about as good, just get yourself a USB 3.0 one.
I've got a Sharkoon QuickPort XT Duo Clone.


Overwatch faggot living with parents
Millennials amirigt
Console faggot
Lives in the south, or texas because of the way he brims his hat.
Somewhere in the depths of hell, has a second monitor because it's cool not because he really needs it.
Privileged white kid.
Lives in the city, is well off and is into editing/music because he is pretentious.

Attached: dennis.gif (250x232, 808K)

reposting so I can do rates without getting yelled at
honestly there is no reason for a man to ever need anything else than this
that is one fuckhuge monitor, I wouldn't like it, pretty simple otherwise
I've probably rated it before, comfy and efficient, I don't think I'd like having my desk right in front of a bright window like that though
user everything is so red it must be on fire do something quick
not the biggest fan of the napkin meta but hey
nice french beer picture
also that is another big ass monitor
that room looks very very bright
pretty comfy though, I'd like it here I think
a bit basic but nothing offensively bad about it

Attached: bst1.jpg (5141x4407, 3.61M)

so like 40-50 year timespan, you fucking idiot?

Nice setup, furniture/decor is pretty bad though. Some dope figs though, are Onion and the doll Gecco?

Houston, that is scary accurate detective work there.
The flags are all I got right now to block out the light. I need to find a way for curtains.

Attached: joke.jpg (192x263, 8K)

I use the other monitor to multitask like watch shows and keep up with discord

>uses second monitor to "keep up with discord"
>thinks he is "using" it.

Attached: 1563709851416.jpg (2125x2086, 917K)


Attached: ryosuke.png (500x375, 150K)

>i was only pretending

>Lives in the city, is well off and is into editing/music because he is pretentious.
Ha, not far off. I just like spending money on audio gear.

>that is one fuckhuge monitor, I wouldn't like it, pretty simple otherwise
I sit pretty far from it. Digging the SNES setup though.

Attached: 1.jpg (2859x1906, 767K)

Attached: 67079301.png (864x960, 710K)

Here is a better quality picture of the desk
The other camera was pretty bad

Attached: Desk 2.jpg (720x1280, 57K)

now you've got a plutonium leak
are you doomguy and are you on mars

>dedicated discord monitor
I hate people that do this.

>hurr durf le funny picture

Bepis :DD

>Your Lie in April
Dont make me vomit.

I live alone so its just a massive tv and ps4 I'm only 21 so its pretty empty atm except my mattress is in my living room.

Attached: 20190806_162129.jpg (3024x2826, 3.83M)

Attached: Doom sweat.png (386x314, 102K)

>headset hanger
>keyboard on pullout track and not on desk like a true gamer
>11 apps pinned so he wont have icons
Style over substance.


Why? Its not just discord but I keep it up
Nope its custom
>headset hanger
If its any consolation the thing fell off so now I dont use it
You got me there
>keyboard on pullout track and not on desk like a true gamer
it was on the desk but If I have the try then I may as well use it
>11 apps pinned so he wont have icons
You got me there too

Attached: 45665785.png (528x728, 563K)

Where did you get this picture of my house?

Is this russian
What is the purpose of the small desk on the far left
The retro TV is a nice touch
Simple and functional
But is that just one long room
This looks like my friends dream room
Spacious yet comfy at the same time
Looks more like a workstation than a battlestation

not the best pic, my phone is pretty new but I'm just bad at getting the camera to not be blurry at the edges cause I rarely use it. Could probably do with a bit of a clean or repaint of the wall too

Attached: blurryphotoofsetup.jpg (4128x2322, 2.11M)

And this dream is all possible in an RV.

>What is the purpose of the small desk on the far left
Used to be a dining table, now just storage space.

Looks alright
You got a zoomed out picture of the desk?
That makes more sense than it should
Okay I understand that
I have a writing desk that is just shelving now

It's cluttered but usually it's clean. I love my setup I just wish I had some good arms for my monitors and a decent way to hide my dac/amp

Attached: IMG_20190805_001235475.jpg (4032x3024, 2.8M)

I don't have a pic of the desk from further away because It would expose how small my room actually is and that I haven't vacuumed the floor under my desk for a week or two, and my cable arrangement is awful especially with my Keytar's power cable just hanging there

Fuck off back to /g/ where this belongs.

youre telling me we cant show off what we use to play video games?

Attached: why yes i do use 1024x768 bb.jpg (2048x1152, 218K)

I really wish for a table like this, but sadly i have not enough space in my room. Its shit and i dont know how often i punched against the wall, while playing vr

>falling for the streaming mic meme

you're not too bright huh? just using 4:3, and not stretched...
no wonder you're so bad at the game

All is well
Just curious about the desk size
Do you use that gameboy often?
Also screw Seele
That mic cost alot?

Fix your cables, jesus christ man.
Braided cable sleeves are cheap.

it was on sale for $25 buckaroos
fuck stretched

Oh in that case the desk is 120cm wide, 60 deep, and 74 high with a slim cabinet on the left and two legs on the right

Yeah I use it often.

It's not a Gameboy though. It's a little chink copycat

Attached: IMG_20190805_005509526_HDR.jpg (539x838, 236K)

Yea My cables were all over the place especially since my multi-usb adapter had fallen in that pic


Not really into waifu figurines, but otherwise pretty comfy

People like you are so tiresome

Attached: you dumb fuck.jpg (640x628, 40K)

There's no joke there you socially retarded weeb

people like you are a scourge waiting to be eradicated

remember, the nazis LOST ww2. your time is next, fascist.

Nice reddit desks

Good taste on the big chair; looks like a comfy hangout.
Cool lighting setup. If it doesn't dominate your night vision that seems neat.
Clean and simple, if a bit bland-seeming desu
Tasteful. Weirdly small and ugly keyboard but everything else seems nice.
best itt. a man of taste and culture
respectable and modest. the depressioncore wallpapers and books make me think I know people like you personally and they're cool. Hope all is well for you in your life.

Attached: comp corner.jpg (1920x1080, 455K)

Attached: 20190718_174913.jpg (4032x3024, 3.3M)

i like yours too
>christmas lights
hello r/cozyplaces

>gay fairylights and a shit ricer case

heh, a nugget.

>hello r/cozyplaces
never been there. I've used colorless christmas lights in my rooms for over a decade since I visited a college dorm as a high schooler and saw them used for comfy evening lighting.

Attached: 1562103772712.jpg (686x974, 143K)

that table electrically moves up or down?

Naw the lights were on bright for the pic but I usually have them as a dim fade when im on the PC

You have the same tower case as me

>I visited a college dorm as a high schooler and saw them used for comfy evening lighting
Every basic bitch on the planet has these in their college/university room.

Yeah, it's got motors in both legs. Great for when I play fighting/arcade games, the I can stand and use my stick like an actual arcade panel

Cool. I don't care; I like them for their own sake.

Attached: 1563896242888.png (320x320, 90K)

So? He can't use them because other people use them? You ok, user? What's wrong?


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Your alright user

Attached: iowMSZB.gif (720x402, 2.53M)

All is well, I've got some issues and there are days where I'm not feeling all that well, but I don't think I'm depressed, I've still got enough energy to do things and I still like the things I like. Thanks for your concern user.
I just thought those two papes went really well together on top of looking nice and I like rain in general

>an alien race following homosapien make up guidelines

Dude it's 2019. Save up some money and get LASIC.

Attached: nope.gif (300x300, 2.32M)

I am not 100% sure how it works with glasses, but you have to go some weeks to 2 months of no contacts till you can get lasic.

>I've still got enough energy to do things and I still like the things I like.
Glad to hear user. You obviously know what's up. Hope everything gets better for you.

Attached: so cool.png (800x766, 1.07M)

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Glad you caught that.
There's a spam can pillow just out of shot on the couch to the left too.

Attached: spam can plush.png (984x364, 386K)

That's correct for contacs, for some people it's the first time in a very long period when they are forced to use glasses. But if you are already using them, then you can get LASIC pretty fast.

Well, I don't know how it is really related to the image.

i need to see you sitting down and using it

Attached: file.png (1236x854, 1.81M)

this was my battlestation from 2016-2017

Attached: 2016pic.png (2324x1307, 3.9M)

What monitor and keyboard is that?

Attached: 1564367458813.jpg (890x890, 143K)

you just know these threads have the worst people in this board


Attached: 1563139484935.gif (237x304, 2.04M)

I might actually consider it once I have a job to save money, since I really don't like wearing my glasses. I started needing them in high school and I still only wear them outside. It's just so expensive.

My man

She unironically looks better to the left

T-Thanks, user

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What case is that?

>christmas lights
>hello r/cozyplaces
I'd never heard of it so I looked it up and this is the second highest-rated post on the subreddit. At least they're aware of it.

Attached: sub.jpg (1024x1400, 207K)

Corsair Vengeance Series C70

Looks comfy

>not sold anymore anywhere
AUGH, it's so cool looking, I'm gonna look for a modern release

Fuck you rich kids!

I have the money to rape your body into oblivion, but don't worry. I'll be gentle.

how about you get a damn job you dumb nigger

Attached: Nova Estação.jpg (4032x3024, 2.12M)


Attached: 1552474388339.jpg (10000x5973, 3.64M)

tranny or girl? either way comfy setup

>how about you get a damn job you dumb nigger
I have a part time job cleaning in a fruit market, the rest of the time I'm a college student, there's no way I can afford this.

>plushie vegetable
>pink chair
>pink pajamas
>the bed of either an animal conservationist or a lightweight furry but it's fucking massive
>classical art framed on a wall above a bin
>modern stylistic chairs with oldschool wooden desktop
There's so many conflicting visuals and aesthetics, that you're either completely visually tone-deaf or a woman


Attached: 1559733134873.png (593x643, 124K)

I'm a man.
I mean maybe my painting doesn't fit but everything else more or leas for together, I think...

I'd say at least have the chair and pajamas match the overall brown-orange the larger furniture and such [mainly desk and bedclothes] are leaning towards, would look much more visually consistent

you f-forgot to say no homo
everything alright, big guy?

>those cables

My bedsheets are actually purple, I just keep my tiger blanket over top so you rarely see my comforter.

Attached: 1544775100946.jpg (852x589, 180K)

the discord attention seeking tranny is in and the orbiters are in full swing. thread lasted but now it's dead

Please don't put so much strain on your computers audio input . Please use a Velcro strip and give your audio input some strain relief. Thanks man.

What's wrong?

>Thread ruined by attention whore furry tranny
>Again again
Why doesn't he kill himself already? You people said they all kill themselves.

Attached: 853.png (325x533, 240K)

I'm a guy, sorry!

Attached: 1554101976344.jpg (495x415, 23K)


Do all of you live with your parents? My battlestation is in my living room since I own the place.

i have a 4 bedroom house and one of them happens to be an office

I entertain guests in my living room and dining room so all my personal stuff is away.

Yeah but I got reasons y'know medically homebound for a few years cause of a series of pretty big operations and recurring complications, I'm good now but getting on my feet and actually finding my way in the world feels a lot harder and scarier now i'm several years behind my peers and have been out the system for so long

R8 shitty setup, can't figure how to manage the wire for my snowball

Attached: 20190721_184714.jpg (1960x4032, 603K)

>Starting Strength book

Attached: 5f4ab74a97a7571d9aa538d839bc5066--fitness-inspiration-athlete-motivation.jpg (236x188, 11K)

been rebuilding my game room in my basement, was delayed as there was a risk of a second wave of flooding though luckily nothing came of it. (the delay came from evacuating the basement of items and i'm still putting stuff back again)

another distraction is i bought a 1973 El Camino about a month ago and that has been taking some of my time.

Attached: DSCN1513.jpg (1224x918, 171K)

> Is this russian
no, this is

Attached: 1565113103173.jpg (4000x3000, 3.37M)

The fuck user?

I've a much better setup nowadays but i kinda miss my comf corner

Attached: Screenshot_20190806-104325.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

inb4 a fucking leaf

Love these threads. Everyones' places are so confy in their own ways

Attached: IMG_20190806_204831.jpg (4784x2704, 3.04M)

sorry for the light at the top, its dark out so i couldn't get any natural lighting

Attached: 1563178784594.jpg (3016x3120, 743K)

Cringe but comfy nonetheless, nice balance user

I hate everything about this aside from the squidward art
Get a real bed, ditch the kekistani shit, and get a non meme mousepad

Not the best but ok i guess

Attached: 67782548_1310520515785560_5805748065574846464_n.jpg (2048x933, 165K)

Should I get jbl 306ps or the rokkit 8s?

No I live with my grandmother but she cant go upstairs anymore so the top floor is all mine

Rippetoe's coming to my city in a couple weeks and doing a deadlift workshop I'm attending. I got out the book to refresh myself.

It is evolving, lads.
I still gotta do a bit of cable management though. Also the corner part of the desk can't support much weight so I don't know what to put there so it doesn't look so boring. Any suggestions?

Attached: IMG_5043.jpg (4032x1742, 1.66M)

Need to add some decorations to the wall, thinking panels with underlighting.

Attached: bs_072719.jpg (2976x1889, 858K)

It's not the comfiest, but it works for me

Attached: setup.jpg (3120x4160, 2.35M)

What's with the watermark?

>Funko Pops

Based & Doriftupilled

I got it gifted in an exchange. It would be rude not to display it

I know I know, it was a gift.

I'm not in love

Attached: 20190525_234940.jpg (4032x3024, 3.63M)

Attached: IMG_20190805_001954.jpg (4032x3024, 2.98M)

So don't forget it

Remind me to gift you a bag of diarrhea so you can paint your walls with it, you spineless faggot.

you can get a support beam that you could mount to it from ikea (if it's thick enough to have screws put into it)

It's just a silly phase...

Attached: 20190712_022833.jpg (4032x3024, 3.69M)

Attached: BST.jpg (1280x960, 183K)

I have that same keyboard. It's great.

I know my shits super plain, but I didn’t get a single r8?

Bonus shot of my empty room

Attached: C7995DEB-8A8B-4D8A-BBAE-EBD9EE2861E9.jpg (4032x3024, 2.29M)

What's the keyboard?

You are devoid of any personality

But even if I reinforce it, what should I put there?

Attached: 643719872364.jpg (1125x1358, 63K)

>listening to nigger music

Attached: 20190806_112859.jpg (2448x3056, 2.7M)

>Based God
>Nigger music
Fuck off newfag

Anyone know where to get a good L-shaped table?

just buy two normal desk and put them in a L shape.

Get cancer, you tranny loving zoomer fuck.

Would it be better if I was a flamboyant trans furry?

Your skeletor hand looks like Michael Myers in the thumbnail

Wash your mouse pad

China phones. Not even once.

Search for B01872MCIA on Amazon. It will take you right to it.

Attached: 1541978436355.png (839x375, 218K)

Thanks for proving my point.

Just get some shitty job at someplace that people of all ages work like Walmart. It should help build your confidence if nothing else.
You can do it.

Only organic desk in here. Fuck the rest of these display pieces

>Skeletor has some strong looking hands
Thanks user, yeah It looks like a horror villain

i feel like i've seen your setup in these threads before and I just wanna say I really like it.

Attached: 1540613101659.jpg (474x335, 25K)

first time posting this, how'd i do
>Lil B
TRULY based

Attached: 20190728_170936_HDR alt.jpg (2328x1746, 2.2M)

>tfw gf destroyed my battlestation
>tfw she found out I donated over four grand to twitch streamers
>tfw she thinks twitch is chaturbate

Could be worse. At least she still stayed with me.

>gay mousepad
>flat keyboard.
>obvious dildo up your ass
>2 clean, prob dont even play videogames
user, its not looking good

>gf destroyed my battlestation
Jesus what a fucking worthles cun-
>she found out I donated over four grand to twitch streamers
You deserve it you pathetic faggot.

Attached: 3671293847.png (562x604, 197K)

Not that guy but
What browser do you use?

>ITT show-offs and trannies as usual

>donating to twitch whores
Shoulda left you too desu

Could you post that wallpaper in the vertical monitor, please?

Would like to change my desk

Attached: 6CF10052-64D5-4DE0-9F97-49FA7BA77FF5.jpg (4032x3024, 1.93M)

If you can't appreciate the fact that there's even a router plugged in, you're a humorless faggot

Attached: umu-03.png (1080x1920, 824K)

What Audio Interface do you use there, lad?

what crt is that?

>coffee cup positioned so everyone can see what an epic gaymer you are
>epic gane store
Jesus fuck. At least it looks lived in

ok retard

U-Phoria UMC22

Attached: UMC22-large.jpg (750x216, 23K)

Just moved

Attached: 20190602_201516_HDR.jpg (3264x2448, 2.09M)

why the hell is the table sticking out in the middle of the room? are you fucking retarded?

>Pam's painting
Nice. Where'd you get that?

Meowie suck my dick

I see those fucking Power Rangers you absolute Legend

Ok neckbearded kissless virgin.
Try having sex

look at all that space to move the mouse around

How is it? Any problems?
Does it work plug and play on windows?
Ever tested it on Linux?

Attached: 1564958833754.jpg (1500x1500, 1.24M)

It's not much, but I am choosing to live a poor lifestyle while I save up for a house.

Attached: Sort of Poor College Student 12.jpg (3999x3238, 3.48M)

Oh you mean Dragon Ranger? He's from Zyuranger, not Power Rangers.

Attached: 20190618_211808.jpg (1512x2016, 1.35M)

rate mine

Attached: 20190806_211444.jpg (4000x2250, 2.75M)

Was a birthday gift, probably online somewhere I imagine

>1 big mousepad for keyboard while having two small ones for actual mouse
what did he mean by this?

I apologize, I didn't realize you were a gigantic faggot.

Nice riders, though, couldn't make them out in the first pic.

Im guessing you are in a hotel?

I fucking hate snowball mics.
Just get a decent headset with the mic on it.

where'd you get the cute curtains user?

Attached: 1413367513010.gif (203x182, 17K)

profoundly comfy

>unnatural display of boxes, you put them there to impress us, not because thats your natural desk state
>no one cares what you drink faggot
At least you got an extra thicc mousepad for gayman

>fist smashing
Those glass desks have been known to spontaneously explode for pretty much reason, probably temperature variations or something. It happened to my brother when we were young, the whole family was in the kitchen eating dinner and we suddenly heard a huge crash from his room, went in there and the glass had exploded. Wasn't overloaded either, all he had on it was a laptop and a few miscellaneous small things.

Thanks, user.

I would like you if you were not such a dumb MAGAtard

God that tv setup was made for watching porn

Attached: 1548074425614.png (225x225, 4K)

Better a MAGAtard than a pedotranny.

You gonna adjust the desk for your eventual t-rex mode?

Round 2

College kid
30 year old weeb
Reddit faggot
Guy that tries to stream/make videos but will never make it.
lives in the south maybe? Into ASMR? you are a fickle beast.
Gamer family man, and/or reddit faggot.
Foreign fuck
Laptop gamer, may you die in a fire you piece of shit
Low key Techie neckbeard.
Nintendo fanboy, probably apple drone
Lives with parents
Poor, and/or lives with old people
Lives in Ohio probably, retro faggot
Needs more vodka
fighting game enthusiast
Child with an art degree from community college
Racecar bed, you are truly a king.
Faggot that eats up any fluffy advertising that graces his eyesockets.
Pretentious faggot.
Pretentious faggot.
Pretentious art faggot.
A man of taste and culture, but also a faggot. Probably literally.
Mexican. 80% sure.
A hero.
9 to 5 worker.
Green thumb. Probably Mexican.
Computer illiterate.
Computer literate.
30 year old faggot.

Attached: dennis.gif (498x351, 1.21M)

women like men who are stuck in retarded feedback loops

okay? They look nice and are most cost effective than a standard bulb.

damn this is a good setup

Because if you aren’t one you are the other?

Nebraska actually but there wouldn't be too much difference from the houses you would find.

nothing wrong with retro stuff, they don't make them like they used to so it provides a unique experience from brand new releases and is a great way to take a break from games that require significant time investment.

Attached: 67383748_10157132528526675_4049119511096328192_n.jpg (720x960, 156K)

Please bully me

Attached: IMG_20190806_144655213.jpg (3264x2448, 1.6M)

hey Yea Forums redpill me on gaming chairs
should I buy one or a comfy la-z-boy/recliner?
my primarily use is for the tv/console but my pc is next to it, so I'll be using on pc as well

Attached: 1562712540714.jpg (700x700, 138K)

Yes, because it is in the manufacturers interest to have fucking jihadi glass on the market, there is absolutely no way something like that could fuck over the producers of said glass, no sir-ee.

...Why two webcams?

those are for VR you dumb nigger

stereoscopic camwhoring

Why do you have a race car bed user, i'm jealous

good headset and mic
you can probably put the mic to the left of the laptop and it will still pick up just your voice, gotta mess with sensibility and stuff

so this is the average /pol/ user

dumb lesbo

You're a fencesitting coward that can't take a stance.

I really hate this tiny shitty desk, and this chair, took em both off the street, gonna upgrade once i start work.

Attached: 20190806_130810_HDR.jpg (4656x2218, 2.5M)

You look like you live in the basement of a lakehouse

Can i get your wallpaper?

>I reply to every post in the thread with comments no one reads

Attached: 1553197364607.png (1317x982, 73K)

oh fuck it's you again

Attached: racecar.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Are people still playing BoTW? I'm fairly slow at videogames but all I see from switch posters is BoTW stuff.

Yes, I still live with my parents, and all those stain looking things on the walls were me messing up when I painted this room. Posting more shortly.

Attached: 20190806_150717.jpg (5312x2988, 3.35M)

some people can somehow play that game twice, I played the 100 hours it took to do the campaign and every shrine and stopped, it offers nothing after that is over, but the switch does have more games, like three houses right now which has more content than botw

Took a chair off the street ? Enjoying your skin diseases are you ?

Attached: 20190806_150911.jpg (5312x2988, 3.31M)

Bold and brash?

is that a penis?

it's victoria canada, everyone here is old and leaves expensive stuff for free for no reason, the chair hasn't given me a disease in 3 years so i'm good I think.

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Attached: DSC_10143326.png (975x1215, 2.09M)

Battlestation help please anons.
I need a table.

I have 2 27 in monitors (maybe 29, i forget) but all the normal "computer desks" are too small for both monitors, and my keyboard, at least if I want some room for my arms.
Currently I have one that's big enough, and I can use my drawing tablet on it as well well I need to, but it requires it to be stored on a different table. Its also not big enough for my computer, and that's kinda annoying.

What's a nice big table I could get that fits all my shit on it, without having to buy a kitchen table.
Pic related.

Attached: 1562786382174.jpg (1000x1000, 315K)


this one?

Attached: 1547575510419.jpg (2000x1091, 2.18M)

i wish i had a better chair

There's something intensely nostalgic about your setup. Like I've lived years of my life in a setup identical to yours, with exact lighting and wall color, and carpet.

Attached: IMG_2513.jpg (4032x3024, 1.69M)

simple & clean, just like Utada;s best song

You, sir, are a swine.

hey you got the same dac+amp setup as me

You're forgetting the fact that when we talk about manufacturers here, you're talking about massive networks of Chinese middlemen and subcontractors who are all basically immune to international prosecution or lawsuits. Spontaneous explosions are nothing surprising when it comes to tempered glass, either, there's a whole wiki article on it ( and ample chances for any of the conditions mentioned in that article to happen with these desks, especially given the endless corner-cutting present in the Chinese supply chain, and the fact that Chinese factories are NOTORIOUSLY bad at heat treating, something that's really critical to making safe and reliable tempered glass.

The reality is that these desks are fucking stupid and the only reason they're still on the market is that only a tiny fraction of people who ever have problems with them are going to bother to go to court over it.

Yeah thanks.

>potted plants in your room
Do you like bugs and bacteria getting all over your shit, user?

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Attached: battlestation.jpg (4250x2391, 2.27M)

It's good stuff, except my D30's USB jack died and I'm going through optical for all input there sadly.

never even tried usb on mine, optical just works

Are those 3D Sony TVs IPS or TN?



Why would I get bugs?

just be warned if you plan to hunt one done, they are prone to overheating issues, turn the default brightness down some and it will stop giving you problems. (factory setting maxes it out for some reason causing it to eventually go black for a second and come back and eventually stop working altogether)

maximum gay
very cool, probably the best in this thread so far
I see your handheld emulation device
>that keyboard angle
*russian profanities*
love the PVM

Attached: battlestation23.jpg (2560x1440, 1.48M)

Attached: 20190806_135046.jpg (4032x3024, 3.75M)

pretty terrible. a 3/10 at most.
>Terrible cable management.
Even people who don't care about cable management never get this bad
>leg space.
The desk doesn't seem to have much leg room.
>1 big mouse pad and 2 small ones.
What the fuck is this? You're supposed to have one big mouse pad so you can place your keyboard on it while being able to use your mouse on too. It defeats the purpose if you can't even use it. A big benefit of having big mouse pads is so you can basically use your mouse throughout your desk without thinking about placement. This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever seen.


There isn’t a fence between being a MAGAtard and a tranny supporter, they aren’t on the same field.

Please bully.

Attached: 18DD336A-7FF9-4DB1-B848-20C6313671E7.jpg (3802x2826, 1.9M)

do you even game or live in these rooms or just keep them as a model for these threads?
heres what a real gamer's battlestation looks like

Attached: lolcomfy.jpg (1600x1200, 153K)

howd you get your rig on the ceiling like that?

Every potted tree/plant I've ever had always attracts bugs, even small ones. I think it just has something to do with the plant residue/food in the leaves that attracts them in droves. They're certainly not flowers, but all of my grandparent's have always attracted gnat-sized bugs.

Not to mention that soil can be filled with awful bacteria.

nice one spiderman

fucks wrong with your ps4pro? is it melting?

Progressiveness vs conservatism is a thing, user.

Well I live an apartment so I don't really have that issue.


There are MAGAtard that are ok with trannies there are liberals who are not.

They are not on the same line.

There's no real MAGAtard that's okay with child trannies though. No real conservative either.

isnt it the fact that its a boomer who is zooming aka playing racing games?

whats the point of that tiny ass sub with those big ass hitters?

I feel bad for you

Attached: 93D7DC92-1BAA-4207-8402-7BE6E2393A2E.png (1062x629, 219K)

theres no real sane individual whos okay with that shit, why bring it up

Too many memes

What memes?

Your backgrounds. We get it...youre wacky.

Try most of Europe and most major cities.

>a video game, anchorman, and ostans are wacky


You told me to bully and youre being a bitch. Kys.

Attached: modest.jpg (2800x2100, 1.3M)

My boyfriend would not appreciate that. No.
I don't live with my parents and haven't in years.

why do you sit on a tshirt did you shit on your chair and wanted to hide it?

so he doesnt get cum stains on his actual seat

you lose to some retard in a walmart with an ak47 you wouldnt win against the actual neonazi militia

just let me clean the cum from below my folding table

Attached: and this is our son's room.jpg (638x479, 93K)

What a fucking loser.

all those screens to look at but how void is the hole in your heart anime tranny

Not a tranny nor am I gay.

nice Slime plushies

head like a hole
cant stop sippin skol

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>complaining about anime on Yea Forums

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Ok. I planned on it soon anyways

>meowie has a bf

I call bullshit

Enjoy dying at 35.

Kissing your sister?

Why 2 gamecubes?

I want newfags to fucking leave

>orange one is jap
>bought hd cables
>end up playing everything on dolphin anyway

Attached: 1565039090385.png (500x500, 320K)

Attached: leak.jpg (5152x3864, 782K)

>buying glass desks

Well, there's yer problem.

nice rotten house


I dont have a sister.

Attached: battlestation.jpg (4032x2268, 2.66M)

>fridges get hot on the back

bye hardware

>pizza bagels

>tranny discord
>Fat men
>That dinner.

Attached: 35.png (448x273, 191K)

Attached: ZZZ999.jpg (1000x750, 201K)

Got one yesterday.

Prove it.

How...? I have nothing to prove either way.

a pick with his cock in your mouth.

No way, fag. We're not that far along yet anyway.

>fine opportunity to have some natural lighting in your photo
>close the window curtain

Do you want to suck his dick?

I want to take things nice and slow and form a healthy, lasting relationship.

>upside down rig

I doubt the cost is worth the effort.

thanks user. yes they are gecco
it has a skin and it's peeling off

Didnt answer the question cutie.

only nice chair I've seen of all these shitty threads

I can't help but find this so fucking free. I know I wouldn't live with it for more than 3 months but god, this is the real shit.

>Getting buttblasted

Serves you right, I see that death screen

I am not concerned with such things right now. I want to let things develop naturally, however I feel sex and such things are natural, normal parts of most healthy relationships, so I'm sure it will come in time.

Are you going to stop posting on your twitter?

My who now?

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Thats mean.

Please understand.


Attached: donald2.png (904x768, 518K)

why is there no room to move your mouse around?



Take a better picture


Not a fan


Eh not for me but its okay

nope low tier

Still rocking this setup after all these months?

That tower seems huge

I kind of like this

pretty nice

get rid of the lights and change the tower

Not bad not great






get rid of the clutter and i would love this

I like this a lot

How big is your condo?

Man i love el caminos


I really want a curved monitor but i cant justify spending $1,000 even though i make 6 figs

Any recommendations on what i should add to my station? I really wish i had some old pictures of my grand parents

Attached: battlestation1.jpg (816x612, 59K)

>I sleep in a racing car-core

Attached: kirk.png (200x150, 53K)

Don't judge me too harshly please I'm a broke neet.

Attached: i love you guys.jpg (4032x3024, 1.82M)


Attached: Butts.png (1421x720, 1.79M)

>not liking funny pictures
you sound like a joyless faggot. why would you even come to this website when you don't like funny pictures?

why do you have acoustic foam and no audio equipment?

Why do you have dolls?

I am not to be sexualized. I am a good, pure, innocent boy.

Probably the best in this thread desu

Attached: nice.gif (600x338, 3.04M)

Yes thats why I have jacked off to your nudes.

Attached: komugi8.jpg (512x384, 50K)

>coffee table used as a tv stand
>ottoman used as a coffee table
this always makes me seethe

because i like the black backround behind my monitor

why does this look familiar?

I post in these regularly.

Attached: 1552213664177.gif (540x304, 1.22M)

Dont make me post them.

Attached: komugi draq.jpg (1024x1410, 211K)

i wanna cuddle you

Every thread you post and everythread i ask to see your feet

>I'm a broke neet.
this only makes me want to judge you harder.

Your missing out.

My parents are dead. I will always miss out.

Attached: 18.png (635x476, 719K)

Do what you think is right.
I'm taken, sorry.

Attached: 20190315_182513.jpg (2016x1512, 457K)

it's a little messy

Attached: room.jpg (2560x1536, 922K)

... im sorry... Im just sad and lonely.

Attached: Ashely.jpg (424x613, 37K)

Reminder that if your computer is on the floor, you disgust me and should re think your life decisions up to this moment

desk name?

please post

These threads are pretty gay.

Whats everyone watching right now?

Attached: Boars.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

Don't be sorry. Just improve yourself a little every day!


Attached: she shoot.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

I think im just going to kill myself.

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Can I join you?

If this is meowie no. You are too cute.

Attached: Ashley Mad.jpg (350x490, 64K)

I'm not meowie don't worry.

Don't do that.
You either.

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No, i am fat and ugly and in massive debt and a virgin and 35 and I just deserve to die.

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thats actually a really clever way to show off your battle station.

Why is phantom sight so shit Yea Forumsro?

honestly this is basically the definition of cozy. Being surrounded by darkness, but faint lights that don't wake you up

>browsing Reddit

Do you draw the shades in the morning?
also nice light. got one of those for my painting desks.

Do you watch current rider?

Attached: Rider.jpg (640x480, 108K)

Anons, this thread is dead and no one will see this, but I am not doing good right now...

Please post it.

No. When you only bought 3 games for the system in 2+ years, you can only show off those three. BOTW is the safe choice.

Work in progress.

Desk composed of:
>98" (8'2") wood countertop, locally procured
>two IKEA Alex drawers
>two IKEA Adils legs (not pictured)
I need longer cables for my monitors to hide them. When I have everything I need, I'll tie the power strip and all cables down to the underside of the desk.
I'm looking to add a UPS, another monitor arm for my drawing tablet, and a USB hub mounted underneath, flush to the edge of the desk.

Attached: file.png (1389x1570, 3.98M)

>the "I'm so poor, look at all my nice electronics and exercise machines" post that gets posted in every thread

It should be a rule in battlestation threads that the current battlestation thread be visible on at least one monitor. And if battlestation threads can't survive without year-old images being posted in every single one, then so be it.

They are shit. Surprisingly high input lag, overheat, color reproduction issues.

Walmart was selling them for $25-50 for a solid year straight locally. I bought a few and gave them away to a local game con after regretting the purchase.

IKEA is the worst part of that setup. Mini dell monitors not far behind.

IKEA makes everything look cheap. Even when you get a less shit countertop.

You wanna fuck?

No, I would crush you.

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I do this and I'm still pretty okay at 30.

Jokes on you, I like it when you’re aggressive.

im not aggressive im just so heavy.

>all these nice setups
I thought Yea Forums was a hikiNEET board, now I feel even more out of place.

those people are just less likely to post

love this one with the exception of the tile. I can just hear the sound of the wheels rolling over it everytime.

Still fixing the place up

Attached: 20190608_231127.jpg (4032x1960, 1.99M)

Oh. Well how thicc are you?


back to /o/

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literally perfect

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How does that work?

Get some cord management on that shit, user.

Yeah, its why im probably killing myself tonight.

Attached: Stations 2010 to 2019.jpg (2478x1596, 1.15M)

Its difficult to find time to play anymore. Kids are hell sometimes. Havent even gotten the time to rebuild my battlestation corner after fucking PCSing here. This is what I have to resort to. Kill me quickly

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I mean, we can still fuck atleast.

I stopped watching after Gaim

How is the weather in Australia?

Its not the best, but its ok

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Probably not. I havent had an erection in 5 years and if I could it probably wouldnt come out of my fat.

anyone with a keyboard that doesn't have a numpad is a fucking retard, why did you get a computer if you refuse to use it to compute? Also, fuck anyone who uses a mic that isn't part of a headset, I'm sick of hearing your shitty little dog in the background.

Fucking god damn it.

What if my mouse has number keys on the side instead?

I do both of these things.

Attached: 23414234234.jpg (554x439, 38K)

Well shit.

Old pic but all that's changed is some stuff on the table and a couple new figures. Can't update it either due to being on the other side of the country at the moment

Attached: 20190525_105911.jpg (4032x3024, 3.97M)

Why do you have so many joycons? With a setup like that I doubt you have friends.

do you not know how to use a number row? do you now know that regular mics are 100x better than headsets?

Lol, the fridge is just used for storing food. Using it as a pc case has crossed my mind once or twice tho.

I wanted to clean my shit up to join the fun but the further and further the thread went on the more depressing shit got. I'll be in here one day lads.

r8 and h8

Attached: 52513921_10156792235676125_6503108470768664576_n.jpg (960x720, 74K)

What for?

cant be that bad. there are people with worse and still post how shit it is.

Can someone recommend me a decent chair and desk? No shit gamer chairs, as i’ve tried them out and they are terrible unless i’m spending over. 200 on fucking pieces of vinyl, plastic, and fake leather. Desk can lean on the small side, as im only putting the monitor, keyboard, and mouse/pad on it.

had mine for 10 plus years now... holy shit i think i need a new desk now.

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Is that a mosin or Mauser

Attached: Ouch.jpg (1024x769, 127K)

Imagine being this fat.

it was actually just a cheap Chink chair with air pressure that fucked up and caused the chair to go straight to his asshole.

I just stopped. No real reason.

someone post my battlestation, anybody have it saved?

The plant really ties it all together

Attached: 1230436946057.gif (320x184, 497K)

I quite like your setup. Only a couple things. I would use a bigger mouse pad, I would use identical size and model monitors with identical settings, and I would move the computer case as it constricts leg room.

But other than that, very simple and functional. Much better than most flashy over the top garbage.

the sub is powered. fills more than the speakers

i hope whoever made these chairs got sue'd or put in jail or something at this point

I wish I had someone to talk too.


You missed a spot cleaning

Attached: a fucking leaf.gif (960x200, 135K)



After 10+ years of being on this board as a console pleb, I am proud to say I have joined the mustards.

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Here's what a real dirty gamers rooms looks like.

Fuck me, I still own my Dimension C521 from 2006, too. The motherboard on it always had a fucking problem as years went on.

Are you happy like that user? It's never too late to start working towards happiness.

Attached: desk.jpg (3024x4032, 2.58M)

No I am not happy. Its why I will probably kill myself.

Attached: stat.jpg (1024x768, 231K)

I got a second detolf since taking this but no new figs and I can't be bothered to make a new pic.

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school shooter tier

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Attached: battlestation2.jpg (2880x2160, 2.35M)

I'm going to run my tongue down your leg.

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nice megumin daki

Attached: 6e4plgwct4h21.png (640x820, 518K)

Attached: battlestation.jpg (1000x609, 168K)

sorry, not gay

Attached: 20180814_221833.jpg (2160x2880, 2.08M)

What amps dude

How and why would they die from that? Prop up pillows against the wall and lean on 'em and you got a comfy battlestation extension.

Decent layout. A little cluttered and unbalanced but--sorry, I keep forgetting I'm not watching HGTV. Good room. I like the flooring and rubs.

I'm a really clean person but I sweat a lot and there's sweat stains on my chair. It's fucking nasty so I'm getting a new one but until it arrives there is a blanket instead.

>sorry, not gay
I never said you'd want me to.


Attached: E9854DB5-AB76-4F9D-BCBF-086D7AF72437.jpg (3422x2439, 2.4M)

imagine using topre switches to play CSGO. sell the HHKB and buy something with better feedback you mong

Cool and comfy, but I feel like you're a little bit of a hipster/basedboy. Its the journey posters. Looks kino but reeks of onions. Sorry man.

sup K

be gentle fellas ;u;

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>gaming laptop
wtf is wrong with you

Attached: disgust.jpg (486x720, 66K)

>no reverse image search
is this real

Attached: 47680594_208406773370917_4600262006715449344_n.jpg (750x405, 24K)

Me on the right

is this an iphone camera or what

I want that desk.

holy fuck XG3 just bowled over me with a wave of nostalgia

w-who’s that on the right

>fighting Irish

you ok by me user

Thanks for making me feel immediately better about my dirty pigsty

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none of your cowards have custom keyboard cables to match your keycap colorway

what kind of monitor is that? is it white or is it a sliver color?

t. has never used a topre board to gayme on

Do your worst. For I shall do mine.

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