Imagine only buying games on one platform and not being a multiplatform chad

Imagine only buying games on one platform and not being a multiplatform chad

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they're called idorts summerfag

Replace all of those with just mobile phone gaming


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Why would you but a Xbox ONE or Playstation 4 when PC has everything except nintendo and nintendo has nintendo

imagine buying games

Just rent a PS4 for bloodborne

I still kind of regret buying PS4. Can only imagine how bad it would get with switch.
Funny enough, I don't regret buying PSP or Vita.

Dark Souls isn't good.


>buy consoles i have no interest in for the sake of adding another box to a shelf
why would anyone ever do this? are these the same retards who post the same copy and pasted "durr switchsux" threads?


Imagine buying games.

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Yeah, if you're a faggot.

umm sweety your'e opinion is wrong

>own a pc and a blu ray player
Feels good being able to play absolutely everything

>540p not even stable 30fps overpriced tablet
PC+PS4 is best move
xbox = pc

Absolute chad lad

where's Epic Game Store?

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Yeah I don't care if a game is on steam or the epic store, it makes zero difference.

The only redundant platform is Xbone. PS4 and Switch each have a few decent exclusives but virtually all Xbone exclusives are also on PC/end up on PC at some point.

Schlomo but I'm not wasting money on an interactive movie player and a redundant PC with no exclusives and paid online.

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I have exclusive game for you, bend over.

Xbone has more power, hardware cross compat with PC, play anywhere and gamepass, not to mention halo 5 blows the fuck out of any Sony exclusive

>halo 5 blows the fuck out of any Sony exclusive
>all halo games coming to pc
oh no no no

Xbox doesn't have a single worthwhile exclusive to its name. No reason to ever own one either, since Microsoft is third party now.

Halo 5 isn't and it's the best in the series content wise

>540p 15fps ports machine
nice tablet

I can't think of any game I'd play if I had an xbone.


Your average chad plays sport games or shooters on his Xbone or PS4 if anything.

Halo is medicore as fuck game
story is pure kino nothing more


> Steam instead of Jolly Roger

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Imagine wasting your money on an XBone, a BOTW machine, and a Netflix box.

The story went to shit in 2 what are you talking about?

Based Rich Chad

Imagine still not being able to play game of the generation

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Grow up

I don't have to imagine at all since this shit will never be game of the generation no matter how much you cope with your buyer's remorse.

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Lol seething

You don’t need an Xbox One.

Imagine not at least owning a

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why do you need so many redundant consoles?

need me a ps1 ps3 and a dream cast but im working towards that for sure

>purchasing a xbone when you already own a pc, ps4 and a switch
You must be extremely retarded to do that or have plenty of money to burn on nothing


>overpriced tablet
>a good tablet will run around 600-800
>can only use shitty IOS or android games
>switch is 300
Keep trying, sonyfag

This. People engaging in console/pc wars are just broke fucks and NEETS.
All you guys use your energy for this bullshit while I enjoy every game I want.

You already can emulate most of the consoles on PC, plus official ports.

How the fuck do you find time to play all those games? Even on one platform there is more than enough for me.

Not everyone has a gaming PC though.

This image is from a few years in the future, when people moved on to the next trend and Sweeney ran out of fortnite bux.

This if Sweeney wanted to really compete with steam he would have pumped that money into the actual store.

The best choice this gen has been switch pc. This is by far the biggest bang for your buck. Ps4 gets some multiplats early but nothing in terms of exclusives. And xbox is very niche and should only be gotten under peer pressure from your social group.

What's the point of buying a PS4 and especially an Xbox if you have a PC? For the sake of wasting money?

>All this copy-pasted comments

I guess that’s why kids today call them idort? But originally, in the nineties, back before memes and when building a gaming rig actually took some semblance of skill, an “idort” was an idiot because he chose to game on a lesser platform, a console, since building a pc was too hard for him.

Chad only buys the normiest console his other friends bought before him and he barely plays with it because he is too busy slaying prime pussy.

>imagine buying video games