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>implying trump isn’t just buying time for the white revolution

>donald trump is stupid as fuck

>conservatives need to understand video games don’t cause violence!
5 min earlier
>we NEED to do something about these hyper sexualized women in games, they’re creating a toxic male environment that causes physical and emotional trauma on women!

why are lefties like this?

>violent gun deaths
Compared to non violent gun deaths?

>I don't know how to defend the above so I'm going to bring out a new debate in line to destroy the left. My God, I'm amazing at discussing things.

Double think

The two party system makes fools of us all.

Copelets seething
>implying we give a flying fuck about disarming america


Amazing how the right-wing has to compare the fucking president of the United States with literally who SJW bloggers. Such a lazy and blatant deflection.

>2019 and 2017
Now that's dishonest.

Yeah China has no guns, that's why the government got away with tiananmen massacre

No one has critical thinking anymore

How? Are you stupid?

gubment can stay away from my guns and my titties

>sjw bloggers

well they pretty much run most western studio's now, but sure just ignore it bro, they will go away right?

You have no idea how many people Super Soakers kill

Suicides are excluded

>china has no guns
>tiananmen massacre never happened in china
>usa has guns
>tiananmen massacre happened in usa
Ergo, there is a direct coorelation between owning guns and the Tiananmen massacre.

A single piece of legislation or even executive order would be more devastating to games than a thousand SJWs. You're making false equivalences of the worst kind in a shameless attempt to protect your god emperor's mind-numblingly retarded proposals.

Prove that vidya revenue in the USA wasn't higher in 2017. Chances that's literally the cause of the "violent" gun deaths. Then it decreased by 2019 because the shooters died or got imprisoned.


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Good, fuck American devs

...So your answer to my question is yes, you are stupid.
>inb4 merely pretending

games have been affected much harder by the sjw bloggers than by anything a president did in the past 20 years.

In Spain video games are the main form of entertainment, see the OP chart. There are millions of players in steam, spectators in twitch etc. Why don't they shoot each other and in the USA they do? Does the issue of weapons possession have anything to do with it?

They're pretty much equal in terms of internet activity

>doesn't get obvious jokes
Yeah, I'm the stupid here.

>In Spain
>don't they shoot each other?
Because they're too lazy. Also too busy partying and napping.


It's the abysmal state of metal health in the US + Israeli undermining of the nation
Trump even addressed the mental health part alongside his vidya ranting.

so no relation? good

Remember that time the constitution guaranteed every citizen the right to vidya? Me neither.

Here's a tip, Republicans stay away from our vidya, and Democrats stop censoring our vidya and we will keep enjoying our dumb games not committing mass murder.

It's the pills that are the problem anyway.

Try to give a coherent answer. I think, not ironically, that the subject deserves much more than you have offered. Squeeze those neurons, give work to your iq.

That's Mexico you retard

if you like a game because it has hyper sexualized women youre a brainlet

Guess they are too busy laughing (and saving their bullets) for the Cucktalonias.

Also, they are like, really really lazy.

No, that's Spain. Mexico just inherited the customs.

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>Pursuit of happiness

I think blowing your head of should still be classified as violent.

Remember that time that negroes and /pol/tards were considered a "good regulated" militia? Yeah, me neither.

man, you're dumb. Not dumb as an insult. Scientifically dumb. You can't even scratch a single logical answer. Also you are an ignorant

t. cucktalonian

How's your "country", bro?




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I’m not saying they’re going, I’m saying they don’t cause violence against women either, yet lefties say they do

not even close nigger. Good luck next time you squeeze a thought


Guns make me happy, and they are guaranteed to me by men much smarter than you or I.

>incoming shittalk on the men who made the nation that kicks your nation's ass

Not an argument

Yet he wants to take our guns away too
>It's the abysmal state of metal health in the US
And which party caused this? Oh, right, the Republican party.
>+ Israeli undermining of the nation
And which party is full of Christians that worship Israel?
Oh, right, the Republican party.

>being a literal (low quality) coal burner
LMOAing @ ur lyfe

extremely low quality bait

Another identity politics retard who thinks red ties are literally Hitler's and blue ties are little Angel's. Grow up kid. Trump has been an outspoken Democrat for 90% of his life. Think about that before you defend the party that condones child murder and open borders with failed states

Denying someone else their right to live is unconstitutional

You are seething harder than your coal, lol

Good thing I dont do that than. You're talking about the party that supports abortion right?

t.Murciano with inferiority complex

I'd kill myself if I were a huertanigger.

>mining low quality coal for centuries because you're too dumb to learn anything different
At least you aren't Basque, I guess.

That's what the gun is for. When someone tries to deny me my right to live, smith and Wesson is there to speak on my behalf.

>At least you aren't Basque, I guess.
you have a point I guess, but stop trying so hard to get a (You). This is the last one.

But this is a funposting thread my man.

Getting flipped off at a red light isn't being denied your right to live
Nor is getting robbed in your home for that matter

>Trump bans videogames in the USA, development of them is punished akin to manufacturing drugs
>A new era of Japanese domination
>Sony is bitten hard by the removal of their california front, but without the eternal anglo demanding progressive movies they can return to form once more, with anime titties abundant

If only.

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look at you making excuses for your political project
neck yourself loser

Okay, not a reason to remove my constitutional rights either. You think I'm shooting people in trafficking? You guys are a sick bunch if this is the way you see the world. Sip that media koolaid a little less and look at Neil degrasse Tyson's Twitter if you want to see a reasonable reaction to statistically insignificant shootings.

no this is actually the opposite of true
you really need to uninstall your life

FUCK the videogame industry
I don't like it, but I like the current state even less

You think guns are being used properly more than improperly?

no it isn't

>Trump has been an outspoken Democrat for 90% of his life.
Then why did you retards vote for him? "He's so based and redpilled xD"
>Think about that before you defend the party that condones child murder and open borders with failed states
Abortion bad, sending teenagers off to war to die for Israel good

yes. you have no comprehension of the scale of gun ownership in the u.s.

>the party that condones child murder
The one with concentration camps? :^)

Well on average there are enough guns in the country to give 9 to every man woman and child. So the real question is: how are Americans handling their guns so well?

Yes, the Democrats who put the Chinese American citizens in concentration camps during world war two. A grim reminder of how easily your rights can be taken if you dont have the means to fight back.

Feels good being a waifuchad

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>You're talking about the party that supports abortion right?
I don't get the big deal surrounding abortion.
Right wingers care about a fetus, but love war and sending their own children off to die for oil and Israel? Something doesn't add up here.

>if you dont have the means to fight back
But you fags never fought back.

Your only argument for it is a strawman. Good job.

>Yes, the Democrats who put the Chinese American citizens in concentration camps during world war two
Sounds like based and redpilled Trumpkino to me.

Fair point, but the same argument could be used in favor of video games. So many people play them, even the violent ones, especially the violent ones. Considering the scale, gamers are remarkably non-violent.

Sports, on the other hand...

Because they didn't have guns.

>no reading comprehension
That's so American.
Keyword: you.

At some point people just need to admit that humans glorify violence and this has always been the case for all of history regardless of the medium of delivery that is used.

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>cant even comprehend what he himself types.


>no u
Pathetic, indeed.

Oh look the worlds biggest loser is talking again. Everyone remember to do the exact opposite of what she says or you too will become the biggest loser in the history of ever.

Agreed. Personally I hate how these mass murderers are labeled as monsters when we all have the same potential to kill. All it takes is losing the slightest bit of respect for the life of your target. The problem definitely lies within humans.

>blue checkmark

>Yet he wants to take our guns away too
Good. Honestly, the second amendment is 100% pointless.

Fucking Amerimutts lmao

Argument is actually garbage.
Faggots need guns to be able to act upon it.
You would need to compare countries with / without vidya with same amount of guns.

Don't support retards just cause they preaching for our side.

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Yeah it's so pointless, it was only the very first thing our founders decided was necessary to protect the first amendment. You do like being able to speak your mind dont you?

rich jews fund the democratic party and overwhelmingly vote democrat.
the process of deinstitutionalization in the united states follows from the publication of one flew over the cuckoo's nest, and was supported by the mental health professionals, and begun with kennedy's plan to open community treatment centers. from there, states began passing laws to limit involuntarily commitment. states also began cutting funding for state hospitals, because they couldn't cost shift institutionalized patients to the federal government under medicaid law.

Why do other countries have such an obsession with comparing themselves to based america? You are nothing like us, there is literally no comparison. Not a single other country in the world even comes close to being similar to us.

where did i tell you that video games cause violence? a connection between video games and violence is probably secondary and incredibly small. for example, that cool guy that beat a toddler to death, because she spilled a drink on his game console. definitely not directly due to the video game.

Having them is fine, but using them against the government is still a crime; i.e. something done by criminals, and making guns a crime doesn't stop criminals from having them. Pointless.

i'm not sure why i would be concerned with the legality of overthrowing an illegitimate regime.

Revolts and uprisings against oppressive governments are generally classified as crimes by said governments, yes.

Ex-fucking-actly. Legality has no relevance whatsoever, which is why it's pointless.

Can you remove gun deaths caused by back people from that total?


you might be retarded
the legality of owning a weapon prevents the state from incarcerating you for possessing it, which reduces the state's willingness to do overly oppressive things. they either have to take their chances or criminalize your weapon. either of which provide you the opportunity to hunt for pols.


can you remove all the gachashit at least?

we'll remove you since that graph only includes mentally capable people. Retards don't need guns to act liek retards.

can you just remove the black people then?

Retards need guns to defend themselves from other retards who were blessed with retard strength tho

you have a point there

The problem are not guns or video games.
The problem is education and an over burning society that makes their individuals lazy, egocentric, selfish, and resentful, as simple as that

Nobody's accomplishing anything meaningful against a state with something like a ruger, and they need their federal and local government's permission to own something that can. The second amendment is security theater at this stage. Like the TSA but even less effective and causes even more harm.

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Why does it always come back to retards thinking that the military will obey an order to hunt down their fellow Americans? The vehicle you posted cant go into a bunker and root out people hiding in their basements.

how many of people shot in a bar in ohio did that vehicle protect bro

>but muh trump
Fuck off fucking right wing faggots vote tulsi 2020 xdab

Blame retard that closed asylums

it doesn't even matter if the state's bootlickers defect or not. you aren't going to track down officer micropenis and shoot at his carriage.
if you want to deal with the bootlickers you'll just mine the roads

It would start with a portion of the citizenry attempting a revolt, and a well equipped policing force being called into do what they do: prevent criminals from committing crimes. Why does it always come to retards thinking that people assume the government is going to start sending out death squads?

police don't prevent people from committing crimes bro

And how many government policies did the gun that shot those people change? That's what the second amendment is for, after all.

These threads are going nowhere

There’s zero chance they’re letting her have the nomination. Vote third party.

who knows? there are a lot of mad chimpanzees, might be quite a few.
the second amendment is actually just recognizing your right to self-defense. the fact is that this includes from people like you that haven't found a state authority whose boot is too covered in shit for you to clean.

All the Democrats voted for the iraq vote too

Ignoring the whole gun thing for a moment... how come per-person game revenue in Japan is so low?

The government cant stop a population from defending its land guerilla style

Remember that time when America's mighty military lost to rice paddy farmers with 50 year old bolt actions?

>Smith and Wesson
Springfield Massachusetts
>Sturm, Ruger & Co
Southport Connecticut
>Sig Sauer
Newington, New Hampshire
>O.F. Mossberg & Sons
North Haven, Connecticut
>Savage Arms
Westfield, Massachusetts
>Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC
Hartford, Connecticut
>Winchester Repeating Arms Company
New Haven, Connecticut

Interesting how all these New England states are full of guns and gun manufacturing yet New England is the safest region in the country.
I wonder why that is.
I wonder if there's some...connection.

it's harder to name a war that the u.s. actually won.

It's not there to protect the citizenry, it's there to protect members of the state. The vehicle serves its purpose. In this situation, the gun is the tool failing to serve its purpose under the second amendment.

It's almost like both extremes bring invalid and stupid points in order to strengthen their statements!
Has it ever come to your mind that nobody in the middle gives a shit about the two poles? I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't since you sound like a mouth-breathing sperg and can't substantiate your arguments without pointing at another problem.
Either learn how to think properly or feed bullets to your rotting brain

Other than WW2 of course

Fuck off /pol/tard

i hope they can fit the entire state in there and that they won't be too disappointed about not being able to supply it with fuel

Retarded, nijinigger

Dotposters deserve Auto-bans.

To both arguments "Its Video games" and "It's guns", I have the same stance.

If 99% of people can use it responsibly, bending the knee to the 1% who can't is foolhardy.

My 2 cents is that it's moreso a result of internet echo chambers. People can just forego real life social conditioning and wind up with like-minded people with twisted worldviews online. "internet radicalization", as much as I hate the term. We see surface-level, relatively benign instances of it all the time. Furries turning a fetish into a lifestyle, Resetera, /pol/, etc. Hell, Facebook Groups are guilty of housing hives of degeneracy.

Just a constant stream of "Yes what you believe is 100% correct and there's nothing wrong with you and all of society has got it backwards" and nothing else will just screw you up mentally.

I'm thankful I have a diverse network of people from work, school, and hobbies so I can browse shitholes like this without sacrificing too much mental stability.

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Could it be that the country with by far the most guns per citizen also far exceeds any other country in gun violence?

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>Sends missiles in some poor shitty third world country
Can anyone be more retarded than this what's next gamers will be blamed for Irak ?

Doesn't Switzerland have gun handling courses in their Teenage Education regiment?

Right, because they only have one of them and you're going to completely disrupt their fuel supply with your Title 1 firearms.

I support the gun grabbing stuff because I want to see this country descend into another civil war and want to laugh at our borderline-incompetent military getting BTFO by a bunch of hicks in the bayou.
Kind of like what happened in Vietnam.
And Afghanistan.
And Iraq.


Literally all they have to do is stop producing ammo. They don't even need to grab your guns. You will run out eventually.

it doesn't matter how many of them they have, because there isn't going to be any fuel for them

It's much easier to produce your own ammunition than to produce your own guns.

after they killed all the kids

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No user, you don't understand, the gubment's going to have an entire army of robots to refuel them automatically so no one will ever have to leave their armored vehicles.
They'll even sleep in them, can't risk someone breaking into their house and murdering them in their sleep until they get their autonomous house drones up and running of course.

It's much easier to produce your own kids than to produce your ammunition.

just go to a gas station bro lmao

they should probably use those drones to put out all of their burning houses, and then refuel their tonka truck

With the time and resources it takes to have a kid and raise them to be old enough to correctly wield a firearm, you could've just bought enough ammo to fill your entire house to the brim.

>dude let's revolt against the corrupt powerful people by burning the powerless peoples houses down

Research has proven that video games don't normalize, let alone incite violence. On the other hand, there's a shitload of evidence that media can normalize other things, often subtly.

If you raised a kid and only showed him only '50s sitcoms where the women are all ditzy housewives and the husbands were responsible men in suits, then that kid would grow up thinking that was how the world works.

Have you read the El Paso shooter "manifesto"? That poor kid grew with /pol/ memes. I blame the parents tho.

oh no i better let a statist faggot micromanage my life because there are casualties in war
you'll find out the hard way why all of those people in iraq died

tiananmen massacre happened cause the chinese government knew the protesters were unarmed

shall not infringe, cuck
it was never up for debate.

the joke
you're head

My 15 year old cousin spouts literal /pol/ memes and calls people degenerates.
He's also a black pothead, so take that with a grain of salt.

The entire constitution is up for debate, which is why the founding fathers laid out the framework for introducing and ratifying amendments.

thank you user for reminding the lefties on Yea Forums how retarded they are.

I gotta be honest, no, I don't really "need" my guns. They've only ever shot paper targets, they've sat in my closet for years, their only purpose is to blow away some piece of shit who thinks my property is worth his life and steps into the Castle Doctrine Pwn Zone, a day that will likely never come. Here's the thing though: I WANT my guns, and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Same with the Christchurch shooter.

I think it's hilarious that totally-not-/pol/fags draw the false equivalency between brainless simulations of cartoon violence in video games and actual conditioning/propaganda which is objectively and scientifically a real thing (any and all advertising you see is strictly based on carefully researched, well understood manipulations of the human brain).

But nah, the fuckin libcucks are definitely hypocrites because it's not like these are two very different things.

also because communists are stupid enough to stand in front of tanks

>everybody shits on white people constantly
>some white dude snaps out of anger and pressure and kills people
>everybody shits on white people even harder
>some white dude snaps out of anger and pressure and kills people
>everybody shits on white people even harder
>some white dude snaps out of anger and pressure and kills people
>everybody shits on white people even harder
>some white dude snaps out of anger and pressure and kills people
This will go on until 2030 when being white is illegal and owning a gun is grounds to sic the military on you immediately.


sounds like a case of move out of this country. I hear plenty of english speaking alternatives that banned everything you hate are up your ally.


>when being white is illegal and owning a gun is grounds to sic the military on you immediately.
And when the majority white military disbands in 2026 I wonder how the remaining 400,000 people will police the entire country.
It'll be funny to watch.

>Complain that harassment online is stupid and just tell people to learn to take simple banter
>joke about white people
>They shoot up public places

So, sweetie, who are the snowflakes now?

it'll go on until one party is just the bloc white vote and puts the other party in neo-dachau

>>everybody shits on white people constantly
>>some white dude snaps out of anger and pressure and kills people
>this is tragic
>>everybody shits on black people constantly
>>some black dude snaps out of anger and pressure and kills people
>this is confirmation bias that blacks are violent
Really makes me think.

>a single isolated case of a massacree done by the government is worse than continous massacres done by the citizens

because they only play bing/bing/wahoo! and mobile games.

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blacks snapping every day in every country they live in

>White people get a mild taste of what minorities in the US have been going through since it's creation.
>Immediately start shooting people.


>"if you don't like the state of America then leave"
If everyone did that, there'd be nobody left to make America great again

nah it'd be pretty good actually

the real problem with americans

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We need go make America 2 Electric Boogaloo

They don't use anesthetic?


those cost money goy, who cares what your baby feels while mutilating it

Love how they manipulate the graph on the left to visually make it seem like the disparity is that great when they are only a few points off

>United FUCKING states of america
>Three hundred twenty seven million FUCKING people
>Three hundred twenty seven million FUCKING opinions
>Two FUCKING options
That's gotta be some of the KEKest shit I've seen
I live in a 3rd world post-soviet shithole and we have 25+ political parties running in elections here

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the real problem is that revenue per person is not a useful at all for this comparison
imagine hamburger revenue per person

And that's why you will always be a shithole.

they're going to cry anyway, who cares

Remove niggers and US would have homicide rate equal to French.

Seriously though why do they still do that? It's pointless and barbaric even. How come there's no outrage about this? Does really no one cares?

Most states let you write literally anyone onto the ballot. Most Americans can vote for practically whoever the fuck they want in the entire country, but instead they vote for the two candidates the media tells them to vote for.

its almost like they are objectively both wrong and retarded and the vast majority of people understand this, just some numbnuts journalists and politicians are scapegoating for media attention and deflection

So resetera has truly invaded Yea Forums...

why do you think that matters
to form a government you need to be able to form a coalition that can pass bills
those coalitions simply exist within our parties, although as the polarization intensifies the need for homogeneity will increase

>muh sekrit club hugbox!!

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>people think the government will take away your hunting rifles

>Oh look the worlds biggest loser is talking again.
She lost on purpose because Israel wanted Trump.
It was close, but in the end he as willing to offer more support to them, so he got to win.
I'm happy it turned out this way.

yeah it's called re'era
have you been invited yet?

Nobody needs to ban guns. Guns just shouldn’t be accessible to insane people.

>nooo the feminazis sjw cucks have invaded my prefered internet shithole!!!!

This. COD doesn't necessarily normalize gun violence, but it does normalize that the army is totally cool and worth getting into.

yeah, ok, ameriCUNT.
I know most people with their small brains can't handle more than a choice between 5 - 7 options, but 2 is fucking sheep tier.
Sorry for my ANGRYsh.

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i bet she killed a man when she realized she managed to lose to the orange
somewhere in chappaqua is a shallow grave with the real robby mook in it

The difference is those people don't live in a society where they're hit with a 5-6 figure debt that could likely stick with them for life by going to school to better themselves or going to the doctor to get better or recover from that mental illness. But yeah let's blame the guns never do anything to address what drove them to use guns.

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Wouldn't happen. Trump would call in Russia and Israel if he had to.
Hell, all Trump would have to do is tell his supporters to not fight back and they'd listen.

That's only in America and by 2030 no one will be white around there anyways.

Tribalism is a hell of a drug

free apeech to
and voting
and it should be defined by whoever screeches the loudest
sounds like a solid plan

holyshit 2 posts in and leftards already btfo

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yeah they went insane
the only reason i have to vote anymore is to vote for the most incompetent and/or insane people in hopes of destroying this gay country faster.


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yah man the left btfo

Neither vidya nor guns are the problem, it's the retarded brain damaged americlaps. Switzerland has almost the same gun laws as Murrica yet you don't see anyone going on killing sprees there.
Burgerclaps are like chinks except brown.

>oppress muslims constantly
>some muslim snaps and beheads people
>oppress muslims more
>some muslim snaps and beheads people

I'll at least give them props for not being so blatant as to start counting on the literal day after 9/11 like some of the other stats I've seen.

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you aren't getting healthcare or anything else. you are getting simpson-bowles
you are a useful idiot

The purpose of violence in fantasy does not parallel the purpose of violence in real life. On the flip side, the purpose of sexuality in fantasy aims to simulate and exaggerate the purpose of sexuality in real life. This is why for example, porn addiction is so much more sever than video game addiction, and why we don't allow the consumption of pedophilic material.

In short, violence in games is just a means of accomplishing the true objective, while sexuality in games is simply there to stimulate primal urges and reinforce certain thought patterns of what constitutes "attractive".

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We should have to join the military too.
At least for a few years.

Switzerland has the population of New Jersey and is twice the size. It's tiny with an even tinier population. You wouldn't compare Switzerland alone to the whole of the EU, so why compare it to the whole of the US?

Also shit on every day in every country they live in

Idk what this is trying to say other than Obama and Clinton were clearly in the wrong.

it's literally illegal to look into it in anyway and will get you fired from your job if you say it's bad.

see, you can't help yourself. you are a jon leibowitz-poisoned shitposter fantasizing about marginal tax rates on the people that fund your gay party and not on what your bigeared friend was up to for stabilizing the ruinous budget trajectory of the u.s. government

This probably helps with any mental illness too

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Because the hospitals benefit from it so the doctors won't be the first to tell people of the possible ill effects. Baby foreskins can be used to cultivate skin for treating skin damage from burns and skin cancers. The cells from them are sometimes even used in beauty products. It's all about the money.

black people should really stop shitting on black people in black countries

>Seriously though why do they still do that?
Dumbass Christians.
I fucking hate my retarded family.

I think it's a form of cope when fathers do it to their sons, like not doing it to their sons means admitting something bad was done to them, which they don't want to process

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>to form a government you need to be able to form a coalition that can pass bills
this is not true

Call them idiots if you want but at least that shows they're not hypocrites. They support something because they believe is right even if it doesn't benefit themselves.

I don't agree with it but I can respect that, to be honest. It's pretty rare in modern politics.

>Seriously though why do they still do that?

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But black countries are owned by white people.

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That's fair. I'd sooner say it's more a "my dad thought this was good for me so I'm going to trust him and say it's good for my son", but if you trace it back far enough you'll find out it was originally done because they thought it'd stop their kids from masturbating.

Damn, it's almost like those articles are written by different people who don't necessarily hold the same beliefs as each other.

Ban blacks

Both of these
That's right faggots I don't fit into your gay ass political dichotomy
I like white ethnostates AND think we're (la cia) to blame for radicalization

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>even if it doesn't benefit themselves.
Everyone thinks they're future millionaires. It's the last American Dream. They're not doing it for the rich people, they're doing it to preserve their dream.

there is an entire delusional mythology surrounding "dominator culture" that posits violence as a memetic virus, which is popular among leftoids. i know for a fact it's why mcintosh and his girlfriend are the way they are, because it was picked up by bell hooks, and that's like the only author they've ever read.

This is wrong. Only military issued ammunition can't be kept at home, normal ammunition can.

>I can't believe we're still blaming video games in 2018
>picture of drumpf

I thought this whole shit sounded familiar. Everyone was panicking that Drumpf would ban videogames and then the entire story disappeared like a week or two later and nothing happened.

It's also done for pharmaceuticals

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How does the fact that those articles are written by different people detract from the point that leftists also argue that video games negatively influence people?

The effective tax rate for the top tax bracket was not 90% though, there were far more tax brackets and deductions, the effective tax rate was actually 45%.

Because they aren't all necessarily leftists? Also, stop interchanging liberals and leftists, leftism has fucking nothing to do with this.

Mutts are psychopaths

It wasn't initially, and I haven't heard of people being pressured into it by doctors or anything. Neglecting to mention a few things, sure, but if it was really that profitable, wouldn't there be an industry-wide push for it?

>Polygon journalists
>Not leftist
Yeah bro, they could totally be MAGApedes.


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>the only ends of the political spectrum are leftists and trumptards
This is your brain on Yea Forums.

imagine if you actually read anything, instead of sitting around watching steven crowder videos to dunk on with your troon discord.
ten minutes with you and the leftists in the french revolution won't actually be leftists.
your entire life is a waste of calories

>intelligent space man
>can't leash his own public speech to avoid smashing his reputation into the ground
Is it autism?

holy strawman

see This is America
Don't catch you slippin

I agree with black science man for once. Stop whining about this, it's a minor issue.


He's right. Ban assault trucks.

>only the US has black people

>They're not REAL leftists
Shut up

Imagine letting fear of the outrage mob curtail your free speech.

>your entire life is a waste of calories
Jokes on you fag, I don't eat.

who are you quoting? nothing in the post says that

What a fucking retard. He's saying that as if medicine and medical practices aren't always steadily improving. He's saying that as if they aren't accidents and no one is trying to do anything about them. On the other hand, nothing effective is being done regarding these mass shootings.

I'm glad that people are defending gamers but it just feels so disingenuous and that it's only being done to own Drumpf. His statement was stupid but I can't help but feel that if it was a liberal who said the same thing then all these journalists and industry figures wouldn't be rising up to defend us.

In fact it'd probably be quite the opposite, with anyone who disagreed being called a bigoted gamergater. I can't prove this but it's been the case with similar things in the past.

good luck fighting against drones with ar15s

That isn't what free speech means, dipshit.

Why is he comparing the AVERAGE deaths from those other things to an outlier peak amount of deaths from mass shootings? Wouldn't it prove his point even more if he did the average amount of people killed in mass shootings every 48 hours?

>China violent gun deaths is near zero
prolly because they get hit by trucks and smashed by escalators in the way to the gunfight

>Liberals: "It's not muh video games!"
So what the fuck is it? If you want to be a huge retard you'll say "GUNS" by the way. Access to powerful weapons isn't helping but putting full blame on it is fucking retarded.

The United States population is 315:1 in relation to the Army. Dilate.

it's true, it's time we started to deport nonwhites to do something about these shootings.

It's not what the first amendment is, but the overall idea of "free speech" isn't exclusive to the first amendment

Im starting to realize that the lower and middle class would rather suffer than see someone they dislike prosper with them.

you also shouldn't trust any statistics from china.

>the overall idea of "free speech" isn't exclusive to the first amendment

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You seem to have mental illness, do you perchance also have guns?

libs are hypocrites

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good luck getting more than a small fraction of the civilian population to join your revolt


tell us what free speech is, johnstuartmillfan69

You seem to have not answered my question. No answer, user?

missing something?

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Yes that's what I said, and it's correct.

>Blame everything but your shitty gun control
Why are some Murricans so fucking retarded?

That's right goys, never in history has guerilla war been effective. Asymmetrical warfare always ends in just a few days because destroyers and fighter jets would just destroy the cities you're hiding in. Just hand over your guns since it's pointless anyway.

It's not a matter of blame, it's the catalyst that allows this shit to happen time and time again. I don't see why people argue about this. America is the only country where this happens. And it will continue happening because people more concerned with getting NRA money than preventing human deaths will procrastinate and impede any initiative. Want to be like Switzerland? Do it like Switzerland. Just don't do nothing.

um... delete this

thanks for encouragement, friend. good luck getting potable water in your city.

It's nothing to do with fearing them, it's do with that tweet being a net loss
Normalfags getting all emotional and making "bold" stands for free speech instead of just manipulating people into perceiving them in a positive light

>suicide is the third biggest issue in the USA
nigger what the fuck.

no one cares about the nra's money they care about the nra's votes. you are incredibly dumb.

I'm not even American nor I have guns but the 99% meme it's absolutely true. Also, there would be desertion and even riots within the Armed Forces. In any case, if having guns isn't really a thread to democracy, why are neoliberals so interested in taking them away?

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Poorfags are just crabs in a bucket
Class war is the only thing that matters but the shiny keys that are race war and flag war are dangled in front of them and they giggle and drool like a good worker unit

>rampart medical errors
>literally dying to the flu in the XXI century
>high suicide rate
wew lad

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them. I mean, just look at this thread.

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Fuck off. Self defense is a human right, and squealing about the NRA won't change that.

The ability to say whatever you want without the government infringing on that ability.
No you stupid nigger. Free speech is the 1st amendment, period. It has nothing to do with your ability to say something without public outrage or without being pulled from a privately owned platform.

Public figures should be careful not to say stupid shit if they don't want people to get mad at them for saying stupid shit. Guess what, that's free speech too.

What's the bigger play here?
Is it an appeal to the lowest common denominator right?
Is it about protecting the NRA/private prison/corporate interest?
Is it Russian extortion to sow civil unrest in america?

These people aren't stupid, they know video games aren't actually the cause. We just have to figure out the motivation(s) behind protecting guns.

>epic centrist meme

because they are incredibly weak, mentally ill faggots that want to destroy your standard of living so they can afford house servants with a thinktank sinecure


So you'd rather do nothing? You'd rather have people die in armed attacks regularly for the off-chance of protecting yourself from such an attack? Keep your guns, but control them better. That's all. Do SOMETHING.

>no one cares about the nra's money

You must be 18 to browse 4channel

so when you are on vacation in north korea and they arrest you for saying something, i guess your free speech hasn't been violated. very cool. which devry did you get your degree from?

you have no idea what you are talking about

>bringing up north korea while discussing american laws
user are you completely retarded, or just a little bit retarded? That's a rhetorical question by the way.

Based. Leftist hypocrites btfo

>muh Russia

Based retard.

can't defend your position i take it

>So you'd rather do nothing
Nobody said do nothing. Gun control is not the only solution, because these mass killings have numerous factors besides the accessibility of guns, including but not limited to mental health issues, social isolation, tribalism, etc.

>Free speech is the 1st amendment, period.
Right, because nowhere in the entire goddamn world throughout its entire fucking history has supported and enforced free speech. The idea only exists in the 1st amendment of the united states constitution and absolutely nowhere else in the entire universe. You stupid fucking idiot.

would you like to compare wais results with me, anonymous


The top is wrong the bottom is correct and backed by actual data

(((Actual data))).

guns are a tool, look at the people who commit the crime instead

cite your papers brah

>second row from the top, third from the right

[citation needed]

>muh independent freethinking brought to you by the /pol/ hivemind
Must be a tough pill to swallow that you got racebaited by slavs. Don't worry, uncle Moscow Mitch is faking a broken back to protect your fee-fees while slowly dissolving your freedoms behind the scenes.

Democrats have not censored video games, literally the only censorship was done by Republicans, fucking retards

>would be
Key word right here.
>more devastating to games than a thousand SJWs
Except SJWs literally dominate media and the gaming industry you disingenuous rat.

This graph was posted by Vox you fucking idiots.

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Do you niggers not realize Neil lives in the US? Ergo, he's not curtailing anyone from stealing his freedom of speech by sperging out on twitter unabashedly. He is guaranteed his rights by the first amendment as long as he lives here.

I don't think I can even understand how you people operate a computer when you're this stupid.

Those were Obama's concentration camps retard.

will never get tired of video game revenue per person as the stat
what the actual fuck

Here's a motivation for you.

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Even if you don't think guns are the root problem, assault weapons are the common factor between each of these disasters. They are the most actionable, immediate and the most likely to reduce the deadliness of the attacks if they get controlled more tightly. But above all, it's BETTER THAN DOING NOTHING. And nothing will get done so long as this finger-pointing rhetoric keeps happening, because that's exactly why it gets used by politicians.

It's almost like three years of shit memes and cuck buzzwords have annoyed everyone

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still not answering that question
>he's not curtailing anyone from stealing his freedom of speech
holy shit esl adlib says what

Black Panthers were quite based. A pity Republicans hated them.


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The US constitution was the first to enforce it, yes.

You're missing the point and a lot of context. The first amendment exists to protect you from the government because the purpose of the entire bill of rights was to protect people from the government. Not each other. Freedom to speak your mind is an ideal that individuals support regardless of whatever the law says. Yes, a person CAN ban someone from their forum for saying a bad word and this does not violate the first amendment, but the act still curttails the banned person's ability to speak freely, even though it didn't come from the government. There are no protections against this, nor should there be, but that doesn't make it right.

Indeed, I hope the pepe and wojak fad finally dies soon.

Brain dead conservacucks don’t care about the hypersexualization of society and the damage done to the world after the sexual revolution because you faggots are just liberals with a different name, actual conservatism would reject this sexualization and return to traditional modesty, there’s a reason less and less men are having sex while a smaller pool of women are having tons of sex. There’s billboards of tranny children standing next to naked pedophiles and apparently sexualization still isn’t a problem to you

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i can't believe a liberal party didn't like ethnocentric maoist looters


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Government enforcement doesn't matter. Nobody enforces morals but we still have them and generally strive to adhere to them.

it's mostly just newfag refugees from other sites because they're all awful. neogaf, case in point.

Did you not see the statements from the NRA this weekend? They're practically on your side and calling for more gun control.

>assault weapons are the common factor between each of these disasters
Mass shootings make up less than 1% of all gun related deaths in America, and rifles make up less than 5% of guns used in gun related homicides. Fully automated firearms are already banned, and any ban on rifles would have little to no effect on gun related homicides in the US.


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Is that why massacres keep happening? Citizens with guns allowed to play vigilante for any beliefs they see fit? It's a cute meme, but in practice it hurts our society more than it helps. Besides, the technological turning point has already passed for a successful revolution to happen with small arms- that is unless you feel comfortable with these "metally ill video game players" being legally allowed to hold WMDs in the name of freedom.

Fucking based.

i'm not a conservative in the first place

>these inanimate objects don't cause violence but these inanimate objects do

>Government enforcement doesn't matter.

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>WMDs in the name of freedom

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>the technological turning point has already passed for a successful revolution to happen with small arms
Then let them keep their arms.

returning to their progressive era when scary blacks and drunken irish needed to be kept in check eh

The video games are killing people!
The video games are making gamers bigots!
We're killing civilians because the SJWs are ruining our video games!

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>this is user's actual data
What do tranny children have to do with sexualized women?

>still not answering that question
If Neil was tweeting in fucking North Korea, then yes, his freedom to speak without being arrested by the government would be in danger.

To reiterate: the original post claims that he isn't letting the fear of outrage mobs curtain his free speech (this is a direct quote) which is admirable. The reality is that his freedom of speech is already provided to him because he's a US citizen. He isn't preventing outrage mobs from curtailing his free speech by sperging out on twitter.

Contextually, other countries' handling of free speech laws is fucking irrelevant, why did you niggers bring it up? Semantics?

>holy shit esl adlib says what
??? Can you not read? That's a perfectly legible statement.

The context here is that we're talking about an American citizen's right to freedom of speech which is exclusively granted by the first amendment, and only by the first amendment. You have literally zero legal rights to say whatever you want without worrying about being held accountable by outrage mobs or private businesses.

Neil isn't admirable for sperging out on twitter with zero regard as to whether or not some people might read it and think "What a fucking dipshit." As a public figure, you SHOULD let the possibility of PR disasters and/or getting deplatformed deter you from saying stupid bullshit.

>Tyranny is worse than a handful of Normalfags getting killed by a specific weapon to which is only a fraction of actual deaths in the country they live in
Seems right to me.

I don't need the government to tell me how to treat other people in order to know how I should treat other people.


If the government is willing to use WMDs on its own people you're proving the "meme" correct.

>I will give up my first amendment right to protect NRA profits
Conservacucks gonna cuck

This is what the average gamer looks like.

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