Series got popular because the immense difficulty caused by pure jank filled with gamedesign flaws...

>series got popular because the immense difficulty caused by pure jank filled with gamedesign flaws, poor execution and unpolished gameplay
none of these games are objectively good, yet autismos defend them cause the tedious challenge of beating them gives them purpose and fulfilment.

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call of duty exists for you

>stuck on Taurus demon

>after playing it, all other games with combat start to feel like mindless button mashing
>literally all triple A games try copying it
>most of them still feel shit in comparison

are you actually defending the game and claiming none of what i said are true?

>game is popular because it's the best game in 20 years
whoa, why this is allowed?!?!?

>Immense difficulty
The only difficulty is that the games are the bane of impatient people.
They're not hard, nor fun.

If you want help, all you have to do is ask. No need to bash the game of the decade

they're definitely janky to a degree but they're also better than almost any other modern vidya

lmao name a game that does it better oh wait you can't


does what better? the combat? first devil may cry has better combat and it came out in 01

theres no difficulty unless you want to play it like if you are mentally dead ,
>gamedesign flaws
like? ground where you shouldn't fall and you do?
sliding terrain? sure i agree with those
>unpolished gameplay
the only unpolished shit on the gameplay is the retarded backstabs
i think DaS is shit and DeS is better made

sekiro > BB > DS1 > rest is trash

>none of these games are objectively good
There's no such thing as an objectively good game

slide thread

devil may cry is button masher...
ok you got point because dmc1 dont have braindead enemies like rest of the series

Pretty accurate OP I bought sekiro got to that gay big monkey and realised this shit is way too fucking tedious to be enjoyable so I traded it in not worth the cortisol of grinding to get to some level or watching some video to see how to beat some unbeatable boss

even bushido blade on the fucking ps1 has better combat

A guy completed DS1, DS2, DS3 and BB in a row without getting hit once.
The only jank and broken mechanics are your cognitive skills.

damn dude thats edgy. relax

>claims other people are seething
>his OP is literally comprised of nothing but seeth and coping mechanisms

The best and worst thing about it is it did so many things right but there are also so many things wrong that you will never see something this beautiful again, and nothing can even come close

not a chance

the only unfair moment in the entire series is the first Seath encounter, change my mind.

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even Blade of darkness have better combat
even hand of god have better combat
retards like simple things like mash r1+circle

yeah the game where you can lose to a chicken if it attack first

>retards like simple things like mash r1+circle
so just like in every souls game?

Correct. Nowadays they use the e-celebs to pass their lie.

op is full of telling you how things really are


where did you get this impression? both of them janks are bad.

I'm just also making broad generalizations about certain audiences.

shit taste m8.
git gud.

you would be right, to some extent, if sekiro didn't exist
sekiro removed almost all of the design flaws of soulsborne while keeping the high difficulty

only sekiro is better
In BB you have all triggers for attacks but you still mostly mash r1 and circle

Not defending op, I like the souls series, but you’re a retard if you think dmc is a button masher.

>punching bag simulator

I like styling on niggers simulator better

this. dark souls is boring

The entire bed of chaos fight begs to differ


Why do people praise Souls combat so highly?

You can't even do combos and most enemies have no hitstun.

confirmed never played the game
even trash-poise-tier weps stun most mobs, and you can stun even bosses with a few hits of an axe

>You can't even do combos
in BB you can
>and most enemies have no hitstun.
oh god......

>series got popular because the immense difficulty
If you seriously think DS is well-loved because people thought it was hard, you don't understand the series.

>The only jank and broken mechanics are your cognitive skills.


Because you can't sleep at the wheel and the game is responsive.

OP btfo

op is just mad he got filtered, please give him some slack guys

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Why would you need combos when most non-boss enemies die in 1-3 hits, anyway, depending on the weapon?

Because Dark Souls is not a fucking action game. It excels among its peers because commands have actual consequences and high commitment, making your every next move count in a life or death situation. This was unheard of in the era of QTE button mashers that Demons' Souls arrived in, turning the paradigm on its head. Of course, DMCNiggers have an eternal axe to grind, and insist on holding an Adventure RPG series to their inflated standards. Assuming this isn't a retarded stance to begin with, asking the question of "should there be combos in dark souls" misses the point of the game entirely, a fundamental mistranslation of the game's design intent.

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this doesn't even make sense you never played any of these games

>Combat is exactly the same as the witcher
>Yea Forums likes souls and hates the witcher because one is European and one is Japanese

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its not a real death its a teleportation gimmick. Also you can leave the room before he kills you and come back

>Combat is exactly the same as the witcher
batman combat = souls

I can't stop thinking about Bloodborne, bros. I wish the Bloodborne "franchise" got expanded further than just one game.

>DeS was so bad that no one liked it
>FROM only escaped from bankruptcy because American weeboos will eat up literally anything
>FROM proceeds to make fantasy call of duty
>it's mediocre but American weeboos continue to shovel shit down their throat
>it's now and established franchise
Once again Americans ruin gaming

>slash slash slash
It's the same

You're right, witcher combat is better because it actually has some depth with its magic and bomb system but soulsbabs have no taste, so here we are

grow up zoomer trash
attacks with tracking =/= souls
even souls have better magic and usables you fucking retard

>game is responsive
ok, can you suck the from dick any harder?
>camera glitches to walls
>can't cancel animations
>enemies attacks are homing towards you and this doesn't work vice versa
>numerous bugs and glitches
>enemies have collisions for a while after they're dead these can block your movement and cause your death
then the problems that aren't about responsiveness but about the actual gamedesign
>levels are beyond retarded
>walk a plank simulator sections where they add enemies to there narrow sections
>tunnel runner which manages to be confusing and the environment doesn't tell you clearly where to go

these all are major gamedesign flaws and i didn't even list everything. most games from 90's did better job.
i work and study video games on a professional level and no matter how hard you larp git gud gamer these are bad, flawed to extent games. and i can bet big sums that even the biggest soulsautismos recognize the problems the game has and have died numerous times because of them and probably still are.

If my son had those opinions, I would probably abort him post-birth

Bed of chaos is not unfair, its just bullshit.

too bad you need to have sex in order to have a son so that will be something you will never have to worry about

well, I guess that will not be a problem for the both of us

reevaluate your premise

Souls games are good, but they feel kinda repetitive as you progress through. Most of the bosses were cool but sometimes just feel a little meh.

true, the game is clunky and slow, thats why its hard, not cuz the bosses are hard

>ground where you shouldn't fall and you do?
>sliding terrain?
Those are not game design flaws, those are programming fuckups. They didnt intend the character to not pass over an half inch brick, its just the shit enjine and japs being shitters at developing.

A game design flaw can be the forced death at seath, the whole lost izalith area or the bed of chaos boss fight. I can add to that even yur weapon ricochet hitting walls while enemy attack going through them like nothing.

You need to die in that fight to being able to complete the game, making a legit deathless run impossible

This, it's not even a real boss fight, it's just a puzzle with instant death traps.

no you don't, you can skip it

>I can add to that even yur weapon ricochet hitting walls while enemy attack going through them like nothing.
this is a really minor flaw, if at all. If you aren't are a retard you can figure out the rules early on and they are applied consistently in a way that doesn't make the game any less fun to play. It only offends some few autists' expectation of having a 100% perfect model of reality to play in which was never the intent of the game in the first place.

It's not a major flaw, i know, its just a big inconsistency between your weapons and the enemy ones
I mean, humanoid enemy are literally playable characters, with even the possibility of doing parry and reposts, so why theyr weapons can pass through walls while yours cant?

But yea, after you figure out the game rules, you can easily work arount that, still its annoying being hit from another room by an aggroed enemy or through a door you just closed.



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You can jump onto the railing on the elevator up to the boss fight, then jump onto the one of the balconies. It takes a few attempts to nail it, but it's totally doable. Pretty much skips to the garden bonfire.

Oh that, i aready know i, but it's not an intended route, it's more one of the many skips like the one in the undead burg
As i said, there is no legit way to skip seath.

he doesn't know how to equip weapons

>Can't cancel animations

This is not the same as a game not being responsive you mental midget.

It literally doesn't matter as to why they got popular. I like them because of their interesting worlds, great atmosphere, and amazing level design.
People look for different things in games.

then why has nobody else done it better yet?

git gud noob your just shit at the game

Lmao imagine sucking so bad at the game that you have to make a post justifying yourself because you're that insecure

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how shit are you at vidya kid?

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>pure jank filled with gamedesign flaws, poor execution and unpolished gameplay
name one. you can't cuck

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Fucking yikes and I thought the DS2 defense force was bad

mad cuz bad

>b-but OTHER game!

zoom zoom

>jank controls
ah yes, the ur-excuse. Didn't stopped Dark Souls and MonHun from becoming popular.

>tfw slept on Souls until 4 months ago despite owning DS1 for years
>tfw I decided to gove it a proper whirl and not give up like a bitch
>tfw I loved the fuck out of it, instant top 10 vidya, replayed it 5 times since and got through the entire trilogy

Don't listen to fags like OP, DS is legit fantastic and I cant believe I didn't play the sooner

Jank is what makes it all work. It’s all about conserving stamina and being deliberate. Jank doesn’t work outside the Souls setting, which is why Sekiro has fluid combat.

Its very weird for me, I wouldnt call the games "difficult" or "hard", im not really sure how to call them. All the hours I have in DS is like 6 hours at most, because I only play it at my friend's house. And yet the second time I visited him, I was able to defeat Nito, and these past weeks he has been inviting me and some other friends to take on the Nameless King, which apparently is the hardest boss ever(not counting dlcs), and in I managed to get him off Stormdrake by the 4th attempt, and the next time I visited I got the guy to 25% of his life.
This doesnt feel right to me, I dont play action games, I have relatively little to no experience in the franchise, imo his build doesnt seem overpowered. In my logic I shouldnt be able to advance so much in this boss fight in so few attempts. So im just gonna assume the skill ceiling for this franchise is extremely low.

git gud

Your feats aren't that impressive. The games definitely aren't as hard as what people claim but those aren't exactly jaw-dropping wins.

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Nito is one of the easiest bosses in the series lmao. And the first phase of NK is also very easy.

1. It seemed hard at the time to people who had never played a real game before.
2. Mostly it was the lack of hand-holding and "no guardrails/no free lunch" model where if you fucked up, you died and got penalized. If you didn't display the minimum level of competence require to beat the bosses, you would just keep losing until you figured it out. Bosses like Quelaag aren't exactly "hard," but they aren't trivial either. You can't just coast through.
3. Several bosses are legitimately hard. Ornstein and Smough is a hard boss fight, anyone claiming otherwise is just a try-hard faggot (and yes I've beat them dozens of times). You have to keep track of two aggressive enemies with lots of health and powerful attacks. Gwyn is also challenging, he is quick with long range attacks and narrow vulnerability windows. (The fact that you might find him easy to parry doesn't mean everyone does).

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by that logic every story game like for example RDR2 is "souls esque" since it's giving priority to animations.
>but muh commiting to decision
how is it any different really, RDR2 punishes you too if you don't play your actions right because there's lots of lengthy animations.
really makes you think huh

That's why it's a sequel to a once niche game that eventually sold 1.5 million copies? Also challenge isn't the game's appeal, you've been tricked by the marketing team it seems.

obtuse retard

This, the reason why I love Dark Souls is because it's so simple. You just go around slapping shit with your sword, and after you do that for a while you reach a boss door and have to do it on a big enemy.
It's like a SNES game. And that's why I like it. It's also why I didn't like Sekiro, they added too much shit.