First Person Shooters

Is this a dying genre?

Arena FPS seem to be all but dead. TF2 is slowly dying. What is even left? Destiny 2?

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apex legends

good riddance

so basically garbage

counter strike
call of duty

Halo MCC is gonna be good when it comes to Stream. I wish Microsoft would give us Perfect Dark also.

Good, now we can go back to RPGs

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rainbow six siege

I think political insertion has made it dull. Games like Doom which are free of it still do very well.

>rainbow six siege

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>slowly dying
It's been dead for years, I wish it wasn't though.


cod mw

>destiny 2
gay as fuck

>Day of Infamy
All excellent FPS games. You're retarded OP.

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Tactical FPS is enjoying its second resurgence.

The newly resurrected Microprose is also going to be making an ArmA type military game after they're done with the new Warbirds.

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Arena FPS died because no one played them.
I am not talking about Quake Champion which the godawful payment model, but games like Warsow or Ratz Instagib

>hurr gay retard
siege is big, bigger than any of those source games you listed
you may not like it due to autism but that is not what this thread is about

>when kf1 exists

I'd say VR but its as dead of a genre there as the entire platform.

as long as the community spirit exists, it shall live forever

>babbies first tacticool multiplayer vidya
Siege wouldn't be so bad if the gunplay wasn't completely shit.

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fuck anyone who says this is a good game


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FPS died long ago with Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Fuck you zoomers.

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I miss the grittiness and banter of 1 but you can't deny KF2 has very satisfying gunplay.


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The genre has been mostly dead for a while.
CoD 4 came out, causing the west to pump out nothing but generic modern military shooters every year for the masses of Dew chugging children and stupid lower class mutts who SWAT each other.
Arena shooters are fucking dead. Some boomers just want Quake 3 again, others want something new but are never satisfied. UT4 is EGS exclusive and has ceased development for Fortnite.
Quakeworld TF was good, then GoldSrc TF and some people didn’t like it. TF2 came out and people were divided on the artstyle. It stayed decent for a while, but went F2P with cosmetic garbage and formed a community of bronies. Overwatch came out to “kill” TF2 with le epic diverse characters and ridiculously high TTK and more lootboxes.
CS 1.6 was replaced by CSGO, which is worse and also adds fucking shit rainbow colored knives that people obsess over.
I haven’t played Siege, but it looks like CS with heroes.
Halo MCC is apparently coming to PC soon, but they haven’t given a release date. If you even like Halo, that is.
Royales are what’s in right now, are the kids are playing Fortnite and Apex is dying.

again, this thread is not about whether its good or not, its about popularity
read the op next time le hardcore gamer


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based titanfall 2 bro

>fps a dying genre
What? First person games are always coming out, if it features shooting, then it's also an FPS.
Are you an retarded?

Doom eternal is the biggest fucking release of the year
Maybe astral chain will end up selling a little more if the people complaining about 30 fps end up buying it anyway

nu-Doom is shit.

>inb4 shitters whining about how difficult it is or futuristic gadgets

Works fine on my machine

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Any FPS that has that look in OPs Pic? id love to play them. I mean i wait for XIII but I'm sure there are other games.


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single player games are doing great
>Ion Maiden
>DOOM Eternal will propably be good
>Amid Evil

fuck all of you

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this and this OP is a faggot as usual.

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Void Bastards is kind of similar looks-wise.

Give one(1) good reason why CSGO is worse than 1.6

Modern styled FPS aren’t my thing, I stick to the simpler, faster ones, so I’d say the genre is doing alright. Tons of indie and AA games like said are already out or are coming out soon. You just have to look.
Of course, if you only look at the predictable, western, tacticool AAA trash that’s getting spewed out every month like COD, then of course you’d think the genre is dead. You could say the same for any genre, really.


Why are you attributing to the game what is the fault of the server?

Any genre as basic and versatile as FPS won't ever die.

but phife is dead

Which Eff Pee Ess are you playing (semi) regularly Yea Forums?
Titanfall 2 MP
RS Vietnam/Swat 4
>Single player
Far Cry 2

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Tiny bullet decals and impact particles make spray control unnecessarily difficult, cosmetic bullet tracers that don't actually reflect the shot trajectory further complicate the issue.

Matchmaking also takes too long and you can't enjoy most of the map pool because of it, the game was way better in beta when there was no matchmaking or ranks, servers were persistent and rotated maps in every mode and you could join games with the competitive ruleset while they were in progress.

The original release of Tribes Ascend was one of the most fun I've ever had in an FPS. Too bad they revamped it to shit after that.

If you think political insertion didn't exist before recently in FPSs I don't know what to say

Sauce for that pic

>DOOM Eternal
>MW reboot
>MCC coming to PC and Halo Infinite
>Borderlands 3
>R6 Siege
Nah FPS are in a great spot right now.

Day of Infamy

Played a ton of Titanfall 2 and KF2 as well but got bored of those games.

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>XIV never ever

>console FPS

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So open world chore simulators took over from FPS as 'the generic game', what's going to be next?

Insurgency: Sandstorm
Apex Legends
R6 Siege

Serious Sam 2
Blood: Fresh Supply
(Soon) Ion Fury

Does Titanfall2 have an active playerbase?

There are still private/custom servers with dedicated players in them. Although I do admit its not as good as it used to be in 1.6

Also the modding and custom map scene is pretty much dead now. All those zm, kz, bunnyhop, warcraft, jailbreak, deathrun maps are a thing of the past.

Are FPS still not “the generic game?” Or maybe AAA games have shifted towards diluted first person RPGs.

All of those games are on or coming to PC, retard

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doom 1/2/3
quake 1/2
amid evil
stoic samuel

Swat is great but I'm really excited for ready or not. Hopefully it's good.

>'cuh-razy' itch satisfied forever with Doom, recent Blood sourceports and games like Dusk are also a godsend
>'realistic' itch satisifed with Stalker Anomoly and Hideous Destructor, may grab older SWAT if I feel like it someday
'Gamepad' focused shooters, especially """realistic""" ones just aren't fun anymore and I've yet to get bored of the games I mentioned. I'm also not too into multiplayer anymore.

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>multiplatform games entirely designed around controllers
>but it's okay because they're coming to PC!

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Third-person sandboxes seem to be much more in vogue at the moment, even the fact that you notice new FPS games coming out at all shows things have changed since a few years ago I think.

It's still kicking and you can still find games within minutes at night. Once in a while the game goes on sale and the player base gets a nudge.

Will it have coop?

>games like Dusk are also a godsend
Hope you got Amid Evil as well.

>DOOM and R6 were made with consoles in mind
>Also a Halo port designed specifically for PC is made with consoles in mind

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yea supposed to have sp, coop, and pvp.

>DOOM and R6 were made with consoles in mind
Yes? Even the designers at iD specifically talked about how they prefrred to play and playtest Doom 2016 with a controller during development.

>Also a Halo port designed specifically for PC is made with consoles in mind
It's a port of pre-existing console games. How the fuck is it not designd around controllers?

Unless it's a PC-exclusive indie shooter, every FPS is designed around controller nowadays.

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Cool. I've seen some webums here and the gameplay looks pretty fun, so i might get it.

Maybe someday, it looks real ugly to me for some reason and the weapons aren't too appealing. I didn't like Heretic too much either so I thought I didn't like 'fantasy themed' shooters - until pic related came along, holy shit.

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>Unless it's a PC-exclusive indie shooter, every FPS is designed around controller nowadays
Is this why games like nu-wolfenstein and DOOM feel like ass to play on PC? I can't for the life of me get into them since the shooting feels way off somehow.

t. Console babbies

FPS games have always been PC based and are alive and well on the PC

take your pils grandpa you know how retarded you get without them

Golly gee I sure hope they won't fuck everything up by dedicating too much development time on PvP and try to be the next Siege or something

>shit weapons that feel like pea shooters
>muh superawesome glorykills
>upgrade cancer
This shit ain't doom faggot.

Chinese hackers killed an entire genre. Hacks are too advanced to detect now if the user isn't an idiot. Is that guy that killed you actually better than you or just hacking? Fuck FPS

>Chinese hackers killed an entire genre
Why are you playing shitty kids games like overwatch?

I played csgo, pubg, apex, etc. Games are fub for the first week of release and then all of the hackers invade.


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You can get some milage out of DOOM if you rebind weapon keys to use them as quickly as possible; like Quake you turn into a sort of ‘gun wizard’ switching to what’s needed or preferred at the time.
Unlike Quake, though, it’s pacing is fucked and it’s padded like crazy so you have to REALLY like its graphics and music. If you keep getting fed up with NuDoom and need that itch scratched, grab Arcane Dimensions and have fun.

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Yeah, why are you playing shitty zoomer kids games?

Oh yeah, defend that rice.

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what's alive on PC

multiplayer games feel boring, bored of CS now and dont want to touch R6 and BFV


>it’s pacing is fucked and it’s padded like crazy so you have to REALLY like its graphics and music
Just graphics and music don't do it for me so I guess I'll never like it.
>pacing is fucked
It feels like enemy AI and the way they move is designed around the player using a controller instead of a M+KB which could explain why the game feels so shitty to play on PC.


I've been playing Rising Storm 2 and Insurgency lately.
Was burnt out on CS and hadn't played in about 2 years.
I've gone back to CS, but only when I have friends to play with. Still fun, but can get worn out on it real fast.

R6S took over CS for me but lately it's been getting shit with a seemingly massive influx of hackers in ranked and the community getting progressively more toxic and overly politically correct at the same time.
I hope that I'll see some developer create a game similar to R6S but without the Overwatch "heros" or waifus, and just have a class based system.

The problem for me is there almost only multiplayer games these days. I just want a regular 20-30 hour single player campaign in a modern FPS.

>I hope that I'll see some developer create a game similar to R6S but without the Overwatch "heros" or waifus, and just have a class based system.
Are you familiar with Due Process?

I wasn't until now.
I'm not a fan of that art style but fuck it whatever, I'll take anything over the cooperate shit slushy that R6S is turning into.

>20-30 hour
I can't think of a single FPS with a campaign anywhere near that long.

>It feels like enemy AI and the way they move is designed around the player using a controller instead of a M+KB which could explain why the game feels so shitty to play on PC.
The AI sometimes does cool stuff like the rare hellknight flank, but then they do absolutely stupid shit like imps hanging out on a wall while they charge an attack, or revenants hovering in place occasionally - and you’re right, these things happen so console babies and other shitters get ‘easy shootan’.

I just have this

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alright, 15-20

Maybe Far Cry if you are being thorough with the map

New COD MW will revive it just wait

Because all the old ones are either dead or filled with hackers

Single player.

Try 2-8

Destiny 2 is a superpower teamshooting simulator. Take it from someone who has reached legend in the “competitive” playlist.

I think I nearly reached that my first time into STALKER.

ah come on, I'm not running through the maps

Looks like every other MW CoD game released to date.
So, shit.

its a new engine though, so it literally doesn't

That totally means it won't be a copy/paste job like every other game in the series.

>clearly asks for multiplayer
>link to single player

>I hope that I'll see some developer create a game similar to R6S
Same. Banning people for toxicity and have a wordfilter is the gayest, most retarded shit, and I hate that I'm still supporting Ubisoft by playing their game. I want someone else to do to R6S what Fortnite did to PUBG and copy the idea so I can jump ship already

Just no pleasing some folks

Not him, but why did they decided to go backwards? All the tacticool future shit looked pretty awesome, wall running etc..

because the new games are garbage and full of retarded gimmicks that don't improve the game. going backwards is the best thing they did in years

As people grow older their reflexes and response time died.
Mine is pretty bad so I just play turn based strategy like Wesnoth or Dwarf Fortress.

Webm related was done by a literal 36 year old. You just suck, stop making excuses.

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CoD is unironically boomer-tier now

The people who play that game are as young as the faggots still trying to push that meme.

Holy shit

Thoughts on Diabolital?