Cancer in this board

The thread was going somewhat well

Just please can we not mention /pol/ or anything related

So what can we do to fix this board

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its not there

/pol/ or anything related

Actually ban porn threads.

Fuck niggers

How about some actual communication from the moderators? Or at least start slapping public bans instead of janny sweeping everything under the rug.

This is our way of communicating with the jannies mods whatever please listen to us

Ban women too

Current /pol/ is not the same group of people who used older /pol/ or /new/. Nowadays it's nothing but bots, literal shills and terrible bait (usually reposted endlessly by bots.) To blame a group who left to 08ch for the state of Yea Forums makes no sense.

The people responsible for politics in modern gaming are the quixotic developers on the west coast. If you want politics in games to go away you have to demand they stop injecting them in.

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OK but can you not do it here use twitter or whatever where devs will actually see

You get banned from twitter for wrongthink.

Console war faggotry, wojakposting, falseflagging, and all these cope, seethe, cumskull and all these shitty words
It's ironic that these autistic retards that keep complaining that the gaming industry is as stagnant as ever are contributing to turn this site into the same kind of regurgitated shit

I'm still mad the autistic faggots on 8/pol/ got the entire website banned, had some great loli and /ss/ boards.
Why can't you autistic "m-muh white race" faggots post your stupid fucking manifesto shit on twitter or something where people will actually see it instead of our little corners of the internet where it'll just end up getting a site no one cares about purged?
Fucking cunts.

and you think that shitting up Yea Forums solves anything
talk games not to see rl politics injected into the discussions

At the moment theres alarming increase in fap bait phone games. Can't we just have "adult game" category or something between those lines? Yea Forums is already one of the fastest boards so so what if it gets slower.

It'd be nice if the mods weren't so strict about what's considered a "general." Feels like anything that's popular for more than a couple days (besides smash) gets kicked over there, where they usually die because they have no chance of competing with MOBAs/gachas/MMOs/etc.

Delete vg, replace it with /incel/ (internet celebrities) and stop bitching about people talking about videogames on a videogame board.

>express reasonable view on twitter politely
>banned for not being hard-left
>then someone finds your parents' home address and tries to get you fired

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Yea Forums shouldn't allow phone games or browser games, they're hardly games and most of them are scams.

NO. This is a gamer board and always has been.

>He is a nigger
Opinion discarded

White nationalists aren't known for being particularly intelligent.

at least confine them to a gacha general or something like that

go protest use cyber attacks make a civil movement
just leave that shit outta my board godam that goes for faggots on the other side too

Delete all Dead or Alive threads. They may be video games related but those threads are nothing but porn image dumps.

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Yea Forums is definitely too fucking fast, any sort of split in order to slow it down would be welcome, a Nintendo board, east and west boards, mobile games board, online-only games board, even an arbitrary "/v2/"

Ok tranny

>Why can't you autistic faggots post your stupid fucking manifesto shit on twitter or something where people will actually see it
Because they were just another false flag. (((They))) want these "bastion of free speech" websites out of the picture. Wanna know why facebook is still up after livestreaming those mosques?

maybe make it so that all images of video game characters have to be official artwork, no fanart.
is this a good idea or not?

The fact that those generals exist and it still floods v just shows vg not only doesn't work, but actively kills games with actual discussions.


This is better than vg, splinter by category but leave v as an "anything Vidya" board

>just stop getting deplatformed bro

Any attempts to "protest" would get you taken down like 8ch was, right down to the ISP level. There is no easy solution for this because one side staunchly opposes free speech or dialogue of any kind. Meanwhile what you're doing is akin to blaming the Ukrainians for being victims of the Holodomor, as if the people being deplatformed or ran out haven't been trying to play by the rules all this time.

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Ban reddit

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Ban him

>fucking right-wingers
>why cant I just browse CP in peace

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Would definitely help against threads devolving into porn threads.
>game has mildly attractive character
>can't have a discussion without the thread turning into semencerebrum central

I know OP doesn't want to mention /pol/ but
Autoban any faggot that bashes /pol/, I'm so tired of the shitflinging by the redditors, reseterafags and discord fags

You'd have a point if Ukranians were known for shooting up random people and posting about it online and getting random websites shut down for it.

Yeah I think even 2ch has quite a few different video game related boards. If this site is still to be based on that site, we probably should do this.


May as well take down every social media platform there is by that logic

Sorry, I'm not white, so I can tell the difference between reality and fiction.
Maybe you should go shoot up another elementary school to really stick it to those disgusting CP peddlers drawing loli on the internet.

>not a single mod reply yet

dont ban ecchi imagery if it's attached to a quality post. ban ecchi that is nothing but a calling card for porn addicts.

to be honest i dont care about you faggots and the opression i just wanna talk videogames

there is a board for all that shit already

i will stop now before this thread gets all politics filled again and then its ruined

one solution to both low quality posts and Yea Forums speed is to increase the post timer
people would then blame hiro for trying to sell more passes unless pass only bypasses captcha with no timer reduction


/pol/ is the most important board of all the chans

Bashing us and our influential community should be grounds for a permaban

The mosque shooter quite literally disavowed the president, the United States and the right-wing. He was an accelerationist who wanted to provoke everyone into extreme action and it worked, great job

I'd be 100% okay with that, social media is cancer.

>Sorry, I'm not white, so I can tell the difference between reality and fiction.
Meanwhile real life says otherwise

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>what is the cancer in this board?
>also can we not mention the clear answer?

Porn threads are banned. What you're probably calling porn threads aren't.

turn /vp/ into a general nintendo board, their franchise is dead anyway

Unless you are east asian you categorically shoot more people per capita than whites.

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this, screenshot threads get retards to click into the thread to read the screenshot or read posts from other retards and reply

I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but come on.

Phoneposting would bypass that. Horrible idea.

>/pol/ is the most important board of all the chans
Found the plebbitpedes

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Oh shit, are you black user?
Because whenever I see someone on the internet whining about drawings it's usually a white person.
Gotta protect the drawings, but fuck those real life kids, I'd take a thousand dead kids a day if it means I get to keep muh guns.

Ban twitter screencaps
more word filters

>Facebook filename

Mr. Banks would you please sit down?

I bump this motion

Y'all need to stop being so damn horny all the time. Ban every wojak edit. Ban Twitter screencaps. Ban any OP that's just a period and a bait picture.

The thing is there were made lewd threads on porpouse to taunt the board.

character threads or whatever you call them. people dont discuss video games in them at all. I doubt these people even play video games. its the same tier cancer as watching streams or letsplays.

what about an r9k style word filter where you get muted for saying certain words?

>Make all bans public
>Implement the /r9k/ robot
>Make screencap threads a bannable offense

The last thing this site needs is more mod activity.

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brown people are dumb and smelly

>let's talk about the cancer on Yea Forums
>but without mentioning the cancer on Yea Forums

>nigger proves my point that leftists and nonwhites have no fucking sense of reality

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get a haircut
get a job
get a clue

OP here

holy shit now i get it can you niggers stop bickering about politic for one second and talk about vidya i though
>go back to /pol/
was an overreaction but shit thats all you fags talk about i wanna talk vidya if i wanna talk pol ill go to fucking /pol/

the anwser is to nuke chan straight to the server
there is no point of saving the board if its gotta be like this

>So what can we do to fix this board

You can't. this whole website along with many others is a psyop being used for manipulation and control

What you can do is get off it, this place will get a lot worse as they get more desperate

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gas the kikes

I'm sorry for mentioning it but it is a core issue
fucking faggots put in obviously political shit and then scream "muh /pol/" when they get blown the fuck out

Shoo moron, shoo, go shoot some more little kids and jerk off your AR-15.

/pol/, /pol/ has changed...

It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of endless shitposts by shills and bots.

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Ban corporate bootlickers and shills.

I'll jerk off my shotgun to shoot faggots like you
I'm not a false flagger, I go after the people I hate

I dont think you realize what era you're living in. The people who produce games, movies, television, music, etc. all want to pump politics into it from the base level and many of them get paid for doing so. What you are doing is complaining about the audience — you and me — taking notice and demanding they knock it off. Yes I just used a formal em dash, this shit is important so I'd like you to pay attention and consider this.

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8ch got nuked?

>I'm not a false flagger, I go after the people I hate
And make them stronger in the process.
Maybe if you white nationalists weren't retarded you'd go after the politicians fucking you over, but you're moronic niggers who exist to throw tantrums, so you'll just shoot randos and make things worse for yourselves.
Y'know, like you did just a few days ago, by getting one of your main hubs deleted because you couldn't contain your autism.
Good shit.

The greatest appeal of some games are their characters, which doesn't disqualify them as games. Therefore, threads about characters are video game related, whether it is waifu threads or not.

anyone who claims to have an unironic waifu gets permabanned from all boards except /jp/.
apply this rule on Yea Forums too.

>And make them stronger in the process.
More like show the people how crazy you actually are
I dont browse cripplechan for the record. Now go dilate your mockery of a vagina and try a .44 while you're at it too

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I thought a fraction of phone IPs were already banned

You act and type like someone who doesn't belong here. Let me ready my N key.

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i dont care faggot i wanna talk vidya

make a petition for a board for politics in vidya if you care that much

moot daddy isnt here anymore so you gotta ask the japcunt but put enough pressure and he should give in

just fucking stop im sick of this shit

But waifus are fun. What do you have against fun?

This but for ironic waifus instead. And ironic posting in general.
Ban irony.

>More like show the people how crazy you actually are
By going out and shooting random people?
Are...are you retarded?
>Literally started out by complaining about retards getting a website full of great loli and /ss/ porn removed from the net
>/pol/ reddit refugee: "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE NIGGER!"
What's it like being retarded?

Ban females.

>i wanna talk vidya

Politics are in vidya nowadays and its put there by the developers. Its nearly impossible to ignore unless you play older games.