Why are Japanese games more discussed here rather than western ones?

Why are Japanese games more discussed here rather than western ones?

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Because this is a weeb site. Duh.

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bing bong wahoo

modern western games are garbage dude, I'm sorry.

God i hope she has a feminine penis

Because weebshit is cumbait.

Is that nyan?

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more soul

>weeb board
>Why are Japanese games more discussed here rather than western ones?

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Japanese make better games

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God Asian """""people""""" look hideous.

western games are discussed more on sjw friendly forums.

>strong japanese releases in the last few years
>japanese games coming to PC way more than they did like a decade ago

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I don't see such discrepancy.
Obviously a game in particular might get more discussed by the time new information is revealed or when it's released, but all in all it's kinda even between both, ignoring the offtopic threads.

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shit fucking taste

Western games looks mostly ugly these days, the creators have lost their mojo and they puts their shitty politics in every crevice of it because requirement from shareholders
Jap games mostly don't give a shit about politics and still has soul and not politically charged in everything they do

There's your answer

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>japanese games coming to PC way more than they did like a decade ago
you can thank steam

show pic of yourself jealous fuck. prove youre not some angry incel that only hates beauty cause he cant obtain it

That is Lobitah, and that picture is probably 10 years old. She is probably an old hag by now with grandkids.

She's still ok

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western aaa games are shit
western multiplayer competitive games take too much skill
japanese games are easy and fun

Because Yea Forums is 2chan but for EOPs,the same target audience

Japanese games have stuff to discuss.

I just find most western games boring. Even more boring than the Japanese ones. Consider for a moment the absolute state of western games nowadays.


we need to nuke japan again

who is this semen demon


Western videogames honestly kind of fucking suck at the moment. "At the moment" being "the last 5+ years". I can't name a single new videogame I like that's not made in Japan.

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t. white roastie

>that face
Yeah, I think I'll pass.

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>Ishii fucked this

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western games are always shit, dude

name 5 good modern japanese games. you will see it’s just a capcom, PG or Nintendo game

>western multiplayer competitive games take too much skill
>japanese games are easy and fun
good baito 6/10

t. Amerimutts

Stupid mutts
You are the ones that need to be nuked desu

this is a different girl

yes pls. Nuke us. End my misery, I'm surrounded by imbeciles.

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Because good games upsets Yea Forums

Luigis mansion is being made by a western team and will be discussed a lot when it comes out. People don't care where the games come from western games usually just suck dick.

I want to impregnate Japanese women with my great white cock.

>t. commiefornian


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I wish I could look up every skirt

good cosplay there, except azunyan isn't a whore.

>most consumerist society on earth
>most soul

they use formulaic story and art design more than the west. undeniable fact if you study the production process and learn a bit about how movies/video games are made

Fallout was better than FFVII and Thief was better than MGS


Because while the west consistently shits out microtransaction laden sportsball of duty and mobile garbage, the east still makes actual fucking video games.
The only thing the west has at this point is the indie scene.

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How many of these are western? How many of these are Japanese?
You can even remove Nintendo if you want to make it easier for the western games but it would still be hilariously offset

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>except azunyan isn't a whore.
imagine being this delusional

They have more games worth discussing currently. If in 2020 there's several dozen decent western games and nothing from Japan you'd see more western discussion.

It's not
She used to be Lobitah, now he's Shika

Because no one here plays video games. Japanese games have a strong focus on aesthetics which is why you see ironic weeaboos running around talking about and circlejerking games they never played. Save some fanart from Danbooru, regurgitate a few memes you heard from people who played and you're in the cool kids club.

Ever notice how people always hype up PC98 games but haven't played them? It's like that.

>no tits
>bra placed so they can look bigger
just like the remake

My girlfriend is turning from left to right and I want to die

she is pure AND cute. CUTE!

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That's a dude, isn't it?

Because western games are garbage

quick, name 10 good western AAA games that came out the last 5 years

Two can play this game
Are you sure you wanna do this

Kisama what did you say about my superior nippon game you're not kawaii at all i'll assblast you with my sugoi mastery of the language desu.

The girl on the left is really cute, but I wish she was even flatter.

ok wrpg-kun.

japanese game
>wow that stage was realy creative
>that boss was realy hard i had to use everything i had to beat thim
>those enemies are pretty fun to fight against

western game
>i shot that guy and he died

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They're not for being played

It's California that needs to be nuked. Every major population center in that state and then some.

So, japan = reddit.

Yes creativity = reddit,go neck yourself

Give the code my man.

Modern games are, how do I put it? Soulless?
You need to go back in time to before the jews and other suits noticed the industry to find Western games worth talking about.

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>teenager of destiny stops ancient evil with team of tropes

>indie shit and tranny AAA


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>being able to create new stuff instead of just copying the same old formula from other sites

is the other way around
west = reddit

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Dump her you dumb fuck


This is why I don't play japanese videogames.
Plot has no place in a videogame.

>unironically trying to defend Dead or Alive 6, a game that was DOA because it tried its best to pander to SJWs

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Did it hurt?

>Kingdome Hearts 3, one of the dissapointments of the decade
>DOA6, a flop forgotten a week after release
>DMC5, a game that was more known for the pre-release hype than the game itself since it was a 7/10

Also, nice reddit language where you try to make everything sound so "WOAH BRO RADICAL".

Sorry, but not a single decent videogame has come out since 2009.
Not that I expect quality opinions from Yea Forumseddit.
After all, this is the place full of people who unironically like MGS, Deus Ex and Mass Effect.

Wanna know whats really weird? 10 years ago Yea Forums was filled with nothing but western games and tons of console war shitposting between nintendo/sony/xbox. I think it's to do with the decline of western games. Ever since we started the new era of consoles the west has fallen behind real hard. The top games right now are BR games and movie games. Thats the current state of the western industry.

God I need an Asian gf so bad

you are trying too hard

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Even in here is pretty much consensus that DOA6 and KH3 are garbage.
What, are you gonna defend FFXV too?

its a list of top games, seller, hyped or quality.

otherwise fucking fallout 76 would not be there
FFXV is on the list too during the year it was launched

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If you are not considering quality what's the point of these pics?
Just comparing the difference pieces of garbage each market produces?

Not that it matters because it's not true. Seeing the descriptions, you are actually trying to make legitimately bad videogames like Monster Hunter World, Dead or Alive 6, KH3 or Smash Bros sound like they are good.
There's a reason all those games are either forgotten (two of them within the week of their release) and why the only people who talk about Smash Bros are autists rosterfagging who probably don't even play Smash.

to show that the west only makes the same game again and again every year? how is that hard to understand? are you dense? did you mother droped you on your head when you were little?

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Really struck a nerve didn't it?

Yeah this. Yea Forums is a weeb site at its core so anything with a Japanese art style has an advantage right out the bat.

Yes, japanese videogames have a cancerous focus on the plot.
I blame that talentless fuck Kojima for this.
Plot has no place in a videogame.
Wanna write?
Fuck off to writing some book or a movie.
Videogames, with their stupid focus on plots, has become a dumping ground that lets talentless fanfiction writers like Kojima or Chris Avelone make a living out of their terrible writing which didn't make the cut for industries where they have actual standards.

>ESL making fun of someone

How, by making MS paint pics and making descriptions yourself trying to make every japanese videogame sound good even if its terrible, while simplying the western ones?
Sounds to me like people in denial over videogames turning all into garbage and trying to imply japanese videogames are not just as forgettable.

I'm looking forward to the day where gacha games kill and replace all of these.
People who do a bad work deserve punishment, and Triple A developers are some of the worst workers in the entire worldwide workforce.

oh i have it in picture form for dummies like you

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It already happened. FGO makes more than all of Nintendo.

What does that have to do with my post?

Good, I hope it continues until classic videogame development dies and smartphone games replaced them entirely.
It's about time this industry gets the punishment it deserves.

Recent western games have been plagued with at least one politics related incident. Whenever this has happened, any thread made for the game will get spammed by a comment related to that, then the dumb fans of the game will respond to that. Shitposting ensues. Weeb games are less focused on politics (or at the very least, less noticed since they're going to be based on Jap politics instead of burger politics) so there's less of a hook to shitpost about it. Threads have less plague to deal with and can have more discussion.

>Western games are terr-
>Outsells every Jap game

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man i sure do love justin bieber he is the best musian of all time


2) Japanese games have had a rebirth of quality in the last 5 years while western games have tanked at mind boggling speed in the same time period

3) Western Game Developers outright hate their audience and constantly lash out and them while at the same time employing mafia style business tactics, which has created a resentful environment on both sides

4) Japanese devs on the other hand understand their audience and the market and work to support and encourage their customers.

Am I supposed to care about what the pleb masses think?
