Based and Volcel-pilled

Based and Volcel-pilled

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Why are Japanese vidya protagonists always alpha Male volcels who reject whores, like Kiryu and Leon Kennedy, whereas western vidya protagonists such as Geralt and Shepard are walking gamers who think with their dicks and run after females like animals?

he channels his virginity into his fists

Nigga, there's no way. It's pretty heavily implied that he bangs the girls from the teltel club in Yakuza 0.

He's an emotional virgin, one who has never truly loved. But not a penis virgin though, that has been used a lot.

The Chad volcel vs the virgin incel.

But he's not a virigin.
I really hate after Yakuza 1 and 2 they Kiryu a character, a bad guy with a heart of gold, to some spatic social retard eho can do no wrong

A producer has 0 say over what a character is and is not. Sorry virgin-fags.



What? He's over 18, right? Looks like it... How is that possible?

I don't see how people doubt this.
In literally all the games, Kiryu is super awkward around women and dorky as fuck.
He's completely clueless.

cause westerners think that sex is the most important thing in the world
while japs can jerk off to mangas and animes and be happy by themselves

A true man doesn't sleep around, only with the woman he has dedicated his life to. Kiryu is a true man, and he is not married. This is a logical situation.

>procreating isn't the most important thing in the world

get extinct

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Sub 80 iq id brain retard

get extinct already

If he said that about a hot chick Yea Forums would roast his ass.


Because japanese virgins are intimagted by characters who have had sex. In the west our virgins rightfully know they're worthless and don't deserve to be represented in media.

fuck procreating humanity is a pile of misery and politics thats ruining the planet

and implying anything ever matters, you cant beat entropy and EVERYTHING will be gone

jerk off to magna&amine

Was that scene in the original game?

if the world is so shit kill yourself faggot

virgins are cute and good boys
chads are gross just like thotsluts are gross
unless you're into that, you dirty dirty pervers

I think he had implied sex with that cop in I think 3?


no reason to do that, I will continue doing things that make me happy

>be happy by themselves

Not with those an hero rates

Um. I don't see Kiryu pulling the trigger?

kek of lies

2 literally ends with him making out with sayama. She might have been sent to america and got with another guy but they fucked like rabbits for a good week after that bomb didn't go off.

Substories and side content are not canon. Or do you think ghosts, time travelers, and Japanese gods that can shoot fireballs out of their fists exist in the Yakuza universe as well?

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I could not care less what a gay dude thinks.

implying an hero is not the ultimate enlightenment

really though more salarymen kill themselves, not cause they alone but cause its draining to exist with constant work and nothing else in your life

much nicer when you live in fictional worlds

kiryu should've ben with makoto
they were perfect for eachc other

>are not canon
You can easily make the argument they have to be because of picture related appearing in 4's main story path.

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who says im gay

And yet substories are the only times kiryu acts like an awkward virgin.

>Substories and side content are not canon.
>source: my ass

>source: common sense

Me. I've never met a woman who wanted a virgin man.

To be honest, japanese video game characters usually are.

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>what is the virgin toy race car guy sidequests

You mean the country with a lower suicide rate than Belgium and barely above the USA?

Realistically they can't be. Multiple major minigames take place over the course of weeks if not months (Real Estate being a quick example, Elise being another), and if we use 0 as an example Kiryu would only have around two days max to:
>Go from novice to the best Pocket Circuit player in minutes.
>Date six separate girls.
>Meet Miracle Johnson and escort him through Tenkaichi, the latter event taking place apparently weeks or months later because he flew back into Japan.
>Compete in disco and beat Ogita.
>Beat up both Shakedowns five times each.
>Take over Kamurocho's real estate and recruit 30+ people into it and then have a time skip where he's shown recruiting someone else.
>Beat the top score at bowling.
>Get a girl a bizza.
>Train a dominatrix.
>Like ten other things I'm blanking on on top of visiting Sotenbori and competing in the tournaments there.
6 is the only time the substories make any realistic sense as the story takes place over multiple months as far as I could tell.

thats pretty sad
but most women are either thots looking for a manthot to fuck them
or want you to provide for them fully and not do anything (still might want a virgin if theyre rich, cause it doesn't matter)
if you find a girl who wants to take care of you instead you hold on

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>you can't beat entropy

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Good taste

So I've been playing as a virgin all this time?...

That's kinda ewwww t.b.h....

Virgins are bad in bed and good sex helps a relationship, it's not rocket science.

Imagine being enough of a beta to care about how woman feels during sex

A man should be good at everything he does.

>kiryu Virgin
>Ryu virgin
>Doomguy virgin



you can teach anyone to fuck
also there are a lot of things more important than sex in a relationship
you dont realize this cause you've only been with sluts or a slut yourself

That one of the reasons of sex, retard incel.
You cant be better at something if you dont do it.

Imagine being enough of a virgin to like dead fish, bloody sheets, and pained grunts, and think that makes good sex.
Imagine being enough of a virgin to care at all about a girl's virginity.

Kiryu is gay

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He's a Polish character

>barely above the USA?
lol Japan is pretty fucked up if it is above USA.
I know you tried to make them look good, but to anyone outside the USA this is just lmao

If a woman has had a previous relationship there is no reason to believe that you won't be left in the same way as the last one was.

>poland isn't apart of the west

Okay breeder

Same with men.
Can't know if it won't just end like the last time.
Better to be a bitter incel forever instead.

>Not a part of the west

Am I missing something here

What if the woman is virginal, but she thinks she hasn’t had enough experience with romance or even people so she leaves you because of that

slavs arent "western"

Why would a woman want to teach a man to fuck. It's our job to teach them. I've taught women what I like before, that's normal.
Don't ever talk to me unless English is your first language.


Except there are plenty of virgin men for the women who want that.

Then she's a whore? She's just saying she wants to fuck around more before settling down.

Kiryu wasn't the one shooting, the other waiter could have stopped the moment Kiryu put the guy in front of him. Doesn't count.

Only men should date men

What if she was in a bad relationship before but now wants to be with you and is no longer a virgin because of that

It is so the japanese hikkis can relate

cause like I said more important things in a relationship
also you not wanting to learn what makes your partner feel good says a lot about you

Read the second biggest paragraph from the top.
Always ready to help.
>same with men
No. Being a slut impacts a woman way more than it impacts men. To be mentally deranged like a woman on their second partner, a man has to sleep with 7 to 15 women, which is literally impossible to over 50% of the earth.

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Depends. If everything else is great about her then I think most would be okay with 1 or even a few past relationships but at the same time a "bad" relationship can show a poor judge of character on her part. Alternatively the relationship being bad may have been partly her fault. It's hard to know.

Oh, and the guy didn't really forgive her, he bought a car and drove away, to parts unknown.

>accel class ever winning when a speed class enters the lobby
Topkek, who made this shit?

>breaks his neck

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this is why conservatards dreams of "traditional families" doesnt work

I foresaw the guy losing his powers but ending up with the damaged goods gook due to "power of love" after we learned her backstory.

What if all side stories happen after the main story ends.

That person was clearly peer pressured because what she was doing wasn't "normal". Women have a hard time going against the grain and being different.

Follow the rule of wrestling.
>if you want your marriage to last, don't let your wife near the pirate ship at all
The moment you let your wife talk to "sex and the city" women, you lost her.

yeah the whole "ideas are dangerous and everything will just work if we never, ever consider the alternatives" has always failed

I believe there's several times throughout the games where they say they've got to get back to -insert main story event- or they reference events in the main story happening very recently. That could make it make more sense but I'm pretty sure I recall a lot of them mentioning the main story in some manner. I think the Flower Triad in 2 or 6 reference something or other like that, and the HHA in 3 has to be done as the story progresses since it's an urgent thing and introduced during the story.


you can be like that in judgment

t. subhuman

Protecting and progressing the species is the most important thing. Contributing to overpopulation does not help that.

Throwing the body doesn't help the argument.

I laughed reading this
But it was a hollow laugh
Full of terror and agony
Echoing in a cave full of unknown horrors

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overpopulation is a lie

while it's a better archetype than pussywhipped characters, don't forget Kiryu is literally raising another man's kid

Uh huh, tell us more about your fantasy world.

damn this thread is full of pathetic virgin incels


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Do you know what proportions are? The fact that a small island has a higher suicide rate than a country that has 300m+ people is alarming, you retarded weeb.

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So she fucked different men behind his back just to bear their children and not his?

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>let me sleep around with all 64 different races until I'm 34 or you're incel
This is why belledelphine is a millionaire. Look no bloody further.

You got plenty of replies already but man it's scary to think most of earth is retarded like this.

>I'll let you back out now that my kids from another man are raised, since you found out about it on your own

Do you know what "rate" means you absolute mongoloid?
Not him btw

This planet can contain billions more people. Do you think we're running out of food? Space? the answer is neither, and it should be obvious to anyone with a brain

my country's media keeps saying we'll die out if we don't have more people in my country

>tfw can't enjoy hand holding stuff because i get sweaty hands easily

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Are you braindead?

shut up Mongol

>before killing himself, makes sure his wife can get the money from the resulting payouts
my fucking sides

Gerald doesn't seem to run after females though, he needs their help sometimes but the business just turns into more. He's like a bond type.

>wh*Te """women"""
Yikes dawg

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>Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Occidental culture, the Western world, Western society, and European civilization, is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with Europe. The term also applies beyond Europe to countries and cultures whose histories are strongly connected to Europe by immigration, colonization, or influence. For example, Western culture includes countries in the Americas and Australasia, whose language and demographic ethnicity majorities are European. Western culture has its roots in Greco-Roman culture from classical antiquity (see Western canon).

5% of 100 is 5
5% of 200 is 10

Slavs stopped being Western because of the Cold War

Is this in France or some shit?
Otherwise why didn't he run a test when they were born?

overpopulation is only a thing in 3rd world countries. most developed countries actually suffer due to lower birth rates since that creates an imbalance due to greater amount of people incapable of work and requiring support vs people capable of work


You have no fucking clue.

Don't mind him, he's American. Their education is below third world tier.

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Mate have you seen him without his shirt?

Women would let Kiryu behavior slide from someone with a Kiryu body


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Well he's a fucking idiot.


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paternity tests are illegal outside a court order
in order to have one given, though, you need to have already acknowledged kid as your own
ie if you discover it isn't yours, you still need to pay for it and the mother's well-being

Who are some other video game characters that are definitely virgins?

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hehe yeah boy

You can't find a single thing wrong about this without twisting the definition of an unrelated negative word

Damn. How is that fair?


It's not but it "keeps families together" and nobody gives a shit about you if you're a man. You have no rights

The absolute STATE of frogs.

He's raising an "orphan" or an unwanted kid. It's just him copying what his hero, Kazama once did. He even open up an orphanage.

Your evidence for this being your ass. I guess the fact that we're going through a time where a lot more animal species than usual are at risk of extinction means nothing, nor the fact that we've had to severely reduce the size of many ecosystems to have the necessary supplies and space to maintain the current population.

I would say Japan is a good example of being overpopulated, yet it still has the problem of not having enough kids to eventually support the working force. They have already cited problems with urban heat and maintaining water supplies in that city. The drawbacks to overpopulation aren't only about how it affects our society anyway, it's about how they affect Earth as a whole.

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Thanos get that glove

What the absolute fuck are you doing, France? Fix yourselves.

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Can someone please explain the reasoning behind outing yourself as a retard by using the term "volcel" or "incel"?

>frenchman response to government-enforced cuckoldry

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ITT: incels convincing themselves that their crushing loneliness and crippling antisocial tendencies is a good thing

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You'd have not to be french to be cucked with another man's child

Can you please explain the reasoning behind outing yourself as a retard by giving a shit about "outing" anything on a Laosian throat singing BBS?

>n-no u

fuck yall i dont need no pussy to be happy

>Your evidence for this being your ass
It's fucking obvious you idiot. Animals? They aren't humans, who gives a shit? The only reason people are starving in shitholes like Africa are corruption, greed, war, etc
You could probably feed a billion africans off the shit the USA throws away alone

I'm not sure virginity is a matter of opinion
That said, Kiryu is like Nikola Tesla with fists instead of intelligence

My gf is loving and caring she'd never do something like this

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>say Kiryu is a virgin so males invest more into the Japanese porn industry to be more like him and fujoshi can lust after Kiryu
Based marketing

yeah but cuddles are pretty nice lad

>It's fucking obvious you idiot. Animals? They aren't humans, who gives a shit?

t. doesn't understand basic ecology

Because Japachinks have 4 inch micopenises. Seeing characters have sex on screen makes them feel insecure.

thats what i have a dog for

That's not all you have a dog for, lad.

ita one of the reasons tho

"Poland isn't western" has got to be the most retard hill to die for, especially when every single polish in the world will disavow this.

You DO have the right to not acknowledge the kid. Then it's the mother's responsibility to make a paternity test.
Of course, if it so happens that it actually was your child and that you were a doubting asshole, then you're boned.

baguettes are already accustomed to paying for others

It's like finding out you're in jail this whole time.

Congrats, this is the dumbest post I've seen in a week.

No hes just gay

god i wish that were me

Your name and tripcode will make fine additions to my collection! *filters you*

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It literally isn't, gamer.

>damaged goods gook
Jew Leader? Other than bdsm relationship, she's not that damaged.

Holy shit you are a retard

>ruining the planet
what does that even mean? what would it change if earth suddenly turned into a barren rock? Nothing really. You can say that about anything. Just zoom out far enough and "le doesn't matter". If anything we ruin it by our standards, but since we are a pile of shit, our opinion shouldn't matter. The planet is fine, with or without us. And if it isn't - who cares?
You pompous self-righteous faggot.

Lol what a nerd!

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affection from a good friend and affection from a lover are two completely different things
of course i wouldn't expect somebody who never experienced the latter to know what i'm talking about


Stop glorifying virgin power fantasies!!!

Seething virgins trying to cope

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Why is that so unbelievable that a guy like Kiryu is a virgin ? his physics ?

yeah i dont understand, so what? ignorance is bliss and all that shit

He spends 95% of his life in a red light district amongst criminals and hot women so yeah I understand the confusion. Him being an Adonis doesn't help.

Poland is the most west of the eastern bloc, figuratively

It's about doing the right thing
DNA doesn't make you a father
showing up does

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keep coping frenchie

fucking kek

stay mad incel

>He is a man who learned how to do a french braid
It writes itself.

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what a hero
Imagine raising your daughter for 12 years and then just cut her off? Not many are that hardcore

feel free to go back to that website redditcuck

>raise his son, because it's the right thing to do™
oh non non non non

The guy has standards

No wonder why fujos love Yakuza series

Geralt and Shepard have no children.


How is that supposed to convince anyone that the law should force people to invest time and resources into an individual that was spawned without their involvement?

when it comes to women, the law is always on the emotional side rather than the logical side
truly a clown world

What about superman, does superman have children? Or batman? I wonder.

And how many action do they get compared to Geralt and Shepard?

batman was raped into having one and superman has one with lois

Because children have a tendency to repeat the behavior of the adults with which they grow, and the country would rather have fathers care of children even if they aren't theirs.
You can disagree but the rationale exists.

of course it is
you can take your anger out on the mother but not on the poor child

>Because children have a tendency to repeat the behavior of the adults with which they grow
a relationship that would result in such children is not worth emulating, and would all the more be reason to scrap it
>the country would rather have fathers care of children even if they aren't theirs
at that point, why not have singles be forced to adopt those without parents? or outlaw divorce and separation if children were born into the marriage?

Kiryu is a lolibro, so it's understandable he'd be a vocel.

user said there's a rationale, not that it wasn't ultimately retarded.

because japanese society and am*rican society are very different


>but not on the poor child
1000 times this
the children should never take the blame
they never asked to be born

the disgusting thing about fetishists is that they want to drag others into it

based and redpilled
How's yakuza 5 btw? Did you play the psn en version or did you play the jap ver?

>stop having kids, overpopulation is killing the planet!

>btw we need more immigrants because our country is entering a demographic crisis!
JFL if you believe overpopulation exists

Imagine being this retarded or just imagine being american lol


Found the roastie

>tfw all this fanart he has with you know who
Even Japan knows.

oh no no no nono ononono

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>Pooland wants to be associated with the west
So does the entirety of Latin America. What a brainlet argument. Polish IQ

When I see the female cringe wojak meme I want to cut her fucking head off, I hate her so much.

Have se