Makes a fake reaction and screams literally at anything

>makes a fake reaction and screams literally at anything

Attached: 1oyLimY.png (274x209, 124K)

capcom bad
bamco good

Does this guy even play Tekken?

Is it true that Max has a dagger collection that rivals that of Gaben's?

For a couple of hours after a new character is released

Nope but he says it’s awesome and that he used to play the older games

Max, Etika, Woolie, all the same fake shit. They play whatever's hot for a few hours and never touch them again unless on-camera for a new video. The only true warriors that are on video are those silent streamers that don't show their face and play at a high level without doing it for donations.


Attached: M11TeOe.jpg (924x649, 60K)

I saw Harada at the SamSho finals. He is smaller then I expected.


Welcome to the internet user.
Shit like this happens times in 3 sec on YouTube

I tried to watch some of his evo2019 reactions but this guy is faking hype so much he literally doesnt have shame

Like this dead smash fag nigger.
What was his name again?

fuck off, hans.

sure, he plays xrd too!

That's how you make money on youtube now a days, Same reaction shit

>gets to meet Harada
It's not fair

>reaction video
I will never understand those and unboxing video. Who watches this?

max just spams super combos and wakeup reversals, dude has execution but he is brainlet tier at mindgames and neutral


never tyrone

At least the etika nigger suicided

Max is still in the 90': is gaming room, is hair, is favorite games...

Is the most overhype adult man ever, is not faking, is just a manchild

Yeah it is he is a youtuber so he is a walking advertisement and important.

Stop posting this garbage here. If I wanted to see this dumb shit, I would have went to Youtube. Fuck off.