Why are gamers so triggered by bikini armor?
Why are gamers so triggered by bikini armor?
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deep brainwashing
The enthusiast video game crowd has a much higher incidence of homosexuals than the regular population.
It triggers my boner
They’re gay
Why are gamers so triggered by bikini wedding dresses?
Because it looks stupid. I eat up garbage JRPGs containing lolis and teenage girls in skirts and I absolutely abhor bikini armor. It's outright distasteful.
Battle Dresses, full plate, and even just mild armoring on the chest, arms and ankles is just so much cuter and appealing.
Because combat desses are better.
Because gamers mistakenly think that catering to womens' short-term emotions is good for women in the long run, rather than realising that it's better to face harsh facts than ignore them.
>They’re gay
That too. Make it a male character with the same body type, and you'll get swarms of people saying "I'm not gay, but I vastly prefer penises and intersexed mutants than females"
This tbqh
>implying i play videogames
>Triggered by sex
You mean tourists.
Rise up.
bikini armor is good if the game is porn or dont take itself seriously at all, also, undder some context, like the woman having the mentality of "if its my destiny to die today, there is no armor that can save me" is also acceptable.
So gaymers and software users are the same thing?
It defies its own purpose. In your picture there's also the factor of little girl physionomy mixed with the clothes being about to fall off that are deranging. That's some paedo shit mate.
go away gamer
Nigga this isn't a complicated subject. If whoever you're talking to is either or both among someone who spends less than 60 hours a week playing games within at least 14 consecutive years or the top 20% in at least 3 different games where any sort of skill metric can be gauged, then that person is not a gamer.
These are somewhat lofty but utterly realistic terms.
I want old hag lovers to cease their life functions
Bikini armor is the best as long the game doesn't try to be super serious. Like seeing it in Witcher would look really off, but it's fine in a JRPG or Skyrim.
Because unless you have a legit explanation like being a dragon babe with hard skin that cannot be easily penetrated, you have no right to wear a bikini and call it "armor" because you're just wearing it because you're a whore.
Because twitter addicts call themselves gamers because they remember playing mario kart one time before sucking cocks.
What fucking triggers me personally is that you still have people complaining about Bikini armor when it barely even exists anymore.
When was the last fucking high profile game with Bikini armor? The trend fucking died in the 90's in the west. What are these people complaining about? Some fucking untranslated japanese eroge that is never making its way overseas in the first place?
Its even more simple, using the word gamer at all or not because muh pop culture industry bullshit.
Testosterone too low, too high or not present.
To be honest, World of Warcraft has always had it, still has it, and vanilla is going to include it again. Most of the good shit shows up as Bikini Armor.
Aside from WoW hoever you have an excellent point, I honestly can't recall within this decade where Bikini armor appears.
That's an argument I've just learned to accept isn't going to ever gain any ground. It's a convenient term, and if people want to steal it and fuck with it we can just call them fakers. Always have, always will. "Gamer" may be cancer but it's convenient.
People are either offended, have arbitrary tastes regarding realism, or both.
They're probably mad about the one Japanese game with lewd content per year that has to special ordered from asia with a shitty English translation that they will never play or see in stores.
I personally use "player" just because "gamer" irritates me too much and people know what I mean in most contexts. In the few instances where it doesn't fit then I will use different wording altogether (e.g. I am a person who plays video games rather than I am a gamer). It's autistic but whatever
coincidentally, the kind of person who would complain about bikini armor is also the same kind of person who complains about shit that doesn't concern him even remotely.
because it doesn't matter how much tiddie is shown, a sword is gonna pass through your waifu like a knife through butter
>I absolutely abhor bikini armor. It's outright distasteful.
This is clearly the opinion of a triggered female.
>I eat up garbage JRPGs containing lolis and teenage girls in skirts
Sure you do.
It's really not. 3d is about as appealing as oblivion npcs in comparison.
Player doesn't work in polite or indiscriminate company as it will always default to meaning womanizer. Gamer is something I find myself having to stop myself from saying among hardcore company to not appear like a total casul but once again this is a fight I can't see us winning. The alternatives all seem way too tryhard.
Stop being a fag and just say gamer or whatever synonym, but not player. Anything but player. Gamers are not known for getting laid.
Well, yes, that was what I was saying. Player is a terrible substitute. Gamer is far from perfect but it's honestly the best we got.
women cant extrapolate fantasy from reality. men know that he-man is a nonsensical fantasy that isn't realistically achievable but admire the concept or goal anyway. Women see imaginary women as actual competition. This combined with their preference to complain rather than aspire and some weird cute aggression leads to the people you see that hate bikini armor.
Armor in general is retarded from a videogame standpoint. Realistic armor wouldn't do shit to protect you from a real live bear much less some fantasy fucking dragon. So autism and women are to blame.
Where can I meet girls if I'm neet, have no friends, and refuse to go to bars and nightclubs?
>person says they like lewd weeb games
>call him a woman
>on this website and this board of all places
What's the name for this derangement?
It usually does as long as you aren't using it as an introductory term in context. Player has worked fine in almost every sense for me because I preface it so that it's impossible to misconstrue as a sexual thing (you don't begin with "oh I'm a player" like a retard, you say "oh yeah I'm a player of X game once the conversation has already turned to video games). It's infinitely better than "gamer," and I'll continue to use it.
Tons of different words can be used contextually.
They are afraid that they will be shunned by their social circles for liking hot drawings. Simple as that. Is weird, back in the days, you were shunned if you don´t like hot drawings.
Family gatherings.
Do a photography course or some fag shit.
my only real issue is how far her breastplate is from her actual body. its actually hovering around her.
The pretend to be gay, because not only will it give them hipster street cred with their other West Coast friends, but they also think it’ll get that cute bisexual girl they wanna hook up with to think they’re cool.
Worked fine for me and I've been using it for 5 years and still regularly do, and it's never been seen as a sex-related term because I don't just blurt out that "I'm a player" I say what I am playing during a conversation about games. It's not used in exact substitution context.
There's also "user" as well as most generic terms for someone who is moderately experienced in something.
Look down.
Her bottom piece is also coming off. The implication being that her armor is loosely fitted and the only reason her naughty parts are covered up is cause the camera caught a snapshot right at that moment.
long and hard nipples.
I'm triggered by that dumb lizard.
It's funny because that character is 12 years old thus not making it not true.
Imagine just kicking her full force in the gut
She looks like this in all the official art too. Her armor just kind of gravitates around her.
Because fat girls
her tail is cute
It looks stupid
gamer thread
I want to lick her clean
Ellie a cute.
Her tail is also dumb.
Any guy who complains more likely than not are simply homos.
Bikini armor isn't bad in itself, but its use is usually indicative of bad character aesthetic. A character should be memorable for their characteristics and personality, engagement and experience, and/or iconography and creative design. Using bikini armor is the creative equilivant of putting a wizard in a pointy hat and robe - it's a trope that, unless further expanded upon, is in itself unimaginative without further, outside influence expanding on the character. The only difference is that one appeal is sexual, which is inherent to the vast majority of men and the other requires some level of association. Even if both are pandering to a demographic, using bikini armor to sell a character by itself is gasping at the most simple, broadest audience and thus makes the character as basic as possible outside of a stick figure. Additionally, this somewhat limits the defining factors of the character, in appearance and purpose. Of course, all designs have their appeal and thus have their place, so an ironic or overtly sexual character have their reason for it. Still, it's as bottom-barrel as you can get. It's a heavy stigma with playing on depraved nerds and geeks as well, which could be seen negatively. While I very much fucking love a good ass and pair of tiddy, I'd much rather the design be more tasteful, like 2B from Nier. That said, anyone who actively bitches about bikini armor and its use is a bitch and obviously can't see more of a character than beyond their tits and isn't a demographic for appreciated character design regardless and should be disregarded.
They certainly took a few liberties.
Ravioli Ravioli
Gangrape the dragon loli.
Is she trying to save money by getting armor in a bigger size that she is hoping to grow into?
she bought a bigger size so I can slip my hands under them
She's more petite than a loli
>"Ravioli, stromboli, I'd like some riccioli."
What game is she from?
She doesn't look any older than 12, so that would make her a loli.
the thought of girls growing up makes me vomit
It legitimately makes me happy when characters I like upset people. Pic related, some people are legit mad at how edgy her story is and how lewd her design is.
the biggest injustice in the world, aging must be stopped by all means possible
would u rather be friends with eliza or helena
There should be more games with oily muscular men in bikini armor. He-man game when?
any more wedding dress nowi?
By the grammar in this post I can tell clearly that you do actually spend at least 60 hours a week playing video games, and that you are at least 14 years old. Seriously read that back and I’ll even give you another shot if you want.
The real issue here is that you think someone needs to play competitive games to be considered a “gamer”. By your logic actual professional “gamers” aren’t real gamers since they are only top 20% in one game.
The distinction is a useless one. If you are talking to someone and they aren’t very familiar with the medium it will be obvious and you will know that they are still green. The amount of hours you play per week or your relative skill mean very little.
What's the big deal? She's based on the real life Jack the ripper, of course she's going to be edgy.
>What's the big deal?
loli with skimpy clothing
Name one good ecchi video game with good gameplay and story
Wouldn't her cunny and nips be in full view often if she wore this?
I want to be Helena's girlfriend!
She looks like she's made of old, discarded sausage casings.
Please tell me there’s a nude version of this.
Why complain about bikini armor being unrealistic, when a female warrior is inherently unrealistic to begin with?
Bikini armour looks better than battle dresses desu. The barbarian look is classic.
Maybe they prefer if a boy wears it instead?
I want to remodel astolpho's shithole so bad
I forget which FE dragonloli is which.
we all do
I'm not at home so I only have like one or two.
"Muh soggy knee"
Nonsense, it provides perfect coverage.
Because muh realism, even when the berserker class exists.
Name one game that has more than one Armour dress.
Jealous they can't have a gf like that.
Jealous they can't look like that.
Disgusted by the incel fanbase.
One of these
These are my favorite Yea Forums images.
My sister is 13 and she still loves me lots. You think I got a chance? She loves to randomly smooch me, hug me, say that she loves me; she still insist we sleep in the same bedroom, play videogames and watch movies, this Saturday we are going to the park
>When was the last fucking high profile game with Bikini armor?
Not high profile but Etrian Odyssey had a bikini armor skin for Hero. There's also Dancer but she's a completely different class. The point is that they're still common but they fit to the theme or class of the character.
Precious. Enjoy it while you can, it will change eventually.
>tfw born with 2 cousins and no little girl relatives
I'm considering suicide every single day
there is
My sonigga.
i'm straight but i'd fuck Astolfo until i get him pregnant
>You think I got a chance?
My sister is 14, I'm 30, she loves me and asks me to never leave home when I talk about moving out and last time she even said she'd live with me if that ever happens. That kind of bond never dies as long as you love her back.
Protip: Your mother's boyfriend is touching your sister and she's afraid it will become worse if you leave. Smash his face in before it's too late.
Imagine being so mentally damaged that you can't stop thinking about cuckolding. Stop proyecting.
I've seen people who have said her origin story (the whole "born from the wishes of a thousand aborted children of prostitutes and wishes to literally unbirth herself" thing) is 'too weird' for them.
Plus some people are just upset by her outfit combined with her acting like a legitimate child.
no gamer is triggered by that
no gamer gives a fuck about the original design of devs. If that is what they want, no problem at all
feminism/liberalism is triggered by it. get your shit straight, faggot
And if you doubt me, do yourself a favor and see this:
Then apologise.
Why are dullard gamers so triggered by the remotest criticism of their juvenile eroticism
that might take awhile
Might not even be that, that dudes story is kinda weird. It MIGHT be that she would be lonely without him, but it might also be serious shit the sibling wants to avoid and doesn't say anything to prevent BS.
I love it when lolis actually act like what they're supposed to be
Nintendo censored her in EU/NA. Gave her shorts and a shirt on her revealing armor sets.
worst part is she doesn't even look like a child so the censorship is unwarranted
Don't want to derail the thread, but we simply have a very good relationship, that's all. I also got a brother 3 years younger than me but he already got married and left so yes, she just doesn't want to suddenly turn into an only child after living with her brothers for so long, I have that in mind.
Technically Quiet from MGSV
100% agreed.
That coupled with her innate edginess is what made Jack so great. She was simultaneously innocent, and abhorrently evil.
>"You're no hero, you're just a serial killer!"
>"Oh? How did you know?"
>"Our name is... Jack the Ripper."
>that excitement when she then realises Mordred is a girl
too many big words for me
Her backstory sounds edgy, but it has that tragic side of her simply wishing to have been conceived and born from a loving mother, so it actually makes sort of sense. Her outfit is also fine, I actually think giving her anything other than that microbikini bottom would clash with the rest of her design.
I think the only FGO character design I simply don't like is that nurse with the pink and green bikini, it just looks off and tryhard, but I don't really play the game so I don't know anyway.
And NoA got bitchslapped by NoJ so hard after that, they now have to report everything they do during localization. Good ridance
didn't they age her too?
it doesn't offend me that much because she ugly, what actually makes me mad is that they took away the boob slider from the character creation
Dark Souls 2
Monster Hunter
>NoA got bitchslapped by NoJ so hard after that, they now have to report everything they do during localization. Good ridance
I actually hadn't heard about this part, this makes me so happy
>we get censored Xenoblade
>we get censored Fatal Frame (when it was important to the story even)
>we got censored #FE like a fucking wedding dress that was designed to be wore by nuns
the wii u era was such a fucking mess
That arent just recolours.
H-hhhhhheh!!! Nakey girl!!@@@ my peepepeeee BOING! Feeeeeeeeeeel Gud!!!!!!!!!
Gamers. They have lost all self control, choosing instead to live as animals, following nothing but base instincts and calling out deviations from their demented viewpoints in an attempt to evade facing the truth of their existence.
Or some shit like that, I don't really know
Monster Hunter Sequels
Ah shit, word filter is at it again.
doesn't this mean that NoJ is going to follow more american guidelines to avoid having to do different versions though?
I agree, Jack's story works really well for her roll as Assassin and is legitimately interesting and gives a good way to make her seem actually somewhat likable despite her actions being literally a serial prostitute murderer.
>I think the only FGO character design I simply don't like is that nurse with the pink and green bikini, it just looks off and tryhard, but I don't really play the game so I don't know anyway.
To be fair, that's just an outfit she wears in a Craft Essence (equips that are just a single image basically), it's not Nightingale's base design. Nightingale's actual design is a really cool military uniform, pic related.
looks fuckin retarded, miss me with that gay shit i want full plate
Are there any skyrim mods that add Armour dresses?
NoA (and more specifically Treehouse) during the WiiU was completely out of control. Other than the Xenoblade X censorship, there was also the horrendous Tokyo Mirage Sessions localization, memes in TriForce Heroes, FE Fates lazy translation that cut around 50% of the original dialogue and the infamous "Super Spoopy Trailer" of Fatal Frame 5, along removing outfits from the original version and them not releasing a physical version which forced whoever wantes to play it to buy an HDD because the console's internal memory didn't have enough space for the whole game. No wonder by NoJ have them held from a leash now.
Are you seriously asking that?
>no massive codpiece
Shit/10 platemail, what if they hit me in the dick
Gamers either like or are indifferent, it's (((Gamers))) who get triggered
I always thought bikini armor was funny.
Because we are tired of virgins designing all of the women characters to look the same
Those shadows on the loincloth makes it look like she's got a dick
Look for the stuff with HDT physics.