Who was really behind MGS1-3...

Who was really behind MGS1-3? Was 1998-2004 Kojima really the genius who created these games or was it someone else doing the real work behind the scene?

In MGSV there is the common theme of living in the shadow of someone greater than you, both Skull and Venom Snake acted as a decoy for Big Boss, is Kojima trying to tell us something with this story?


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metal gear fans are huge brainlets

is that cup legit?

>over-thinking on anything Kojima/metal gear related because the "metal gear is deep and complicated" meme and by extension the usual konami conspiracy bullshit
>it's not even complicated beyond having to refer to a wiki every so often for clarification on specific events in the games

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MGS1-3 was Hideo's works not Kojima.

All i know is that Kojima took over Hideo's mind and is now controlling his actions.

There is no going back from this.

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This is Hideo

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This is Kojima

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Kojima is so fucking based

its very clearly photoshopped

No it's one of the worst shoops I've ever seen in my life. I can tell by the pixels and so should you. Get your eyes checked.

Lmao i never noticed Die-Hardman was sitting with them

Bros how do is stop my genes from controlling me?

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Is Kojima just pretending to smoke?

Im pretty sure Hideo murdered by Kojima

You won't fool me this time

I love conspiracy

>not enjoying MGS for being peak corny kino that's far up its own ass
>not liking Kojima for trolling the entire world with MGS2 and his statement towards fake news and so on that turned out to be surprisingly relevant 15 years later

Mads has aged like fine fucking wine. Love that man. What a hero.

He had a collaborator, that guy has been out of the picture for a while.
Kojima has genius, for sure. But the balance is gone and he's gone into maximum overwhy.


It's Kojima. He's known for taking full control of his projects. He learnt how to program just so he could have more creative control over Snatcher.

the entire MGS team was behind MGS, kojima was like every other lead director faggot and shoveld references to other media into his game so hard that the game is made from different parts of various movies like rambo and escape from NY being the 2 biggest influences

Well, check this out and tell me if you see a pattern:

Metal Gear Solid
Writer(s) Hideo Kojima
Tomokazu Fukushima

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Writer(s) Hideo Kojima
Tomokazu Fukushima

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Writer(s) Hideo Kojima
Tomokazu Fukushima
Shuyo Murata

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Writer(s) Hideo Kojima
Shuyo Murata

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Writer(s) Hideo Kojima
Shuyo Murata
Hidenari Inamura

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Writer(s) Hideo Kojima
Shuyo Murata
Hidenari Inamura
Etsu Tamar

Notice someone that disappears from the list, Yea Forums?

oh my

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>middle schooler hanging out with the high schoolers and pretending to smoke

>Was 1998-2004 Kojima really the genius who created these games
No way. Some of the best dialogue in parts 1-3 is written in a style that's completely absent in later games. Note that cheap shitty drama and piss jokes don't go anywhere.

I see six games with terrible writing. I guess that's a pattern.

>le fukishima meme

People will never accept that Tomokazu is the reason MGS was great, but it's undeniably true when you look at the works that he wrote solo vs what Kojima has written solo.

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How can he be the reason MGS was great when the writing is one of the worst aspects of the series?

Had Fukushima written for many games without Kojima then that argument might be convincing. Seemingly, Fukushima's only credit for a non-Kokima game is a special thanks in Rain for PS3.

Not him, but it had it's good parts and bad parts. You don't really believe it was all bad, do you? Come on, you didn't enjoy any part of MGS 1, 2 or (to a lesser extent) 3? I don't believe Fukushima was the sole mastermind or anything, but I definitely think he had a fair bit of influence, and it shows.

I'm not saying it's good writing, but it's the only redeemable aspect of 1-3 and it explains the complete dumpster fires that were everything that followed.

It's so pathetic that people dislike kojima to such an extent they actively try to say he just stole work. Actually heard that the other day. Kojima is responsible for the series largely, he directed, and contributed at almost every level. I don't know why people want to assassinate this man so bad.

MGS has fine writing though. In fact it's one of the best stories in vidya without a doubt, that's why people like the games so much. If MGS has bad writing then so does every other vidya.

They're entertaining games but they're not remotely well written. If it wasn't for the cinematic style of MGS and the gameplay nobody would've given a single fuck about it. The stories are just fun in the same way that a trashy action movie is, but the moment you look any deeper into them you see how much of a fucking convoluted mess they are.

the story is a mix of rambo and escape from NY for the first MGS
>retired vet gets brought back for 1 last job like in every generic war movie
>his former colonel that trained him in special forces is literally the same colonel that trained rambo
>goverment forces you to go to an island that was onced occupied by US forces but is now taken over by terrorists with a super weapon just like escape from LA/NY, you even get injected with the fake poison thats supposed to kill you in 24 hours and get the antidote when the mission is complete but the whole thing was a ruse and isnt actually going to kill you JUST like in both escape films
>you character is literally snake plisskin eyepatch and all
>your character lashes out at the goverment and war and how he isnt a hero just like in rambo first blood
>metal gear is just a gudam
>the woman you where with gets shot and you get caught, losing your communication making people back at base think you died but actually you killed the guy, and the girl is okay the mission is almost over just like escape from LA

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>It's so pathetic that people dislike kojima to such an extent they actively try to say he just stole work.
>tfw you will never make a career out of regurgitating western media and feeding it to drooling fucktards.

Feels bad man, seems like a sweet gig.

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Come on now. People have talked about the stories lots of times. I mean, you really think people talk about the original Metal Gear Solid because of it's gameplay? Now sure, perhaps the stories are convoluted if you look a lot deeper (I'm certainly no lore expert on it), but you've just said that the stories are 'fun'? Frankly, I think you're just being far harsher on them than normal to be honest and I don't know why.

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>we watched the same youtube video essay lmao hackjima rekt

Kojima was replaced by Decoy Octopus

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what about snatcher and policenauts, retard?
also ground zeroes and phantom pain had great stories by mgs standards, and you also forgot peace walker like the absolute faggot you are

you'd have to be fucking retarded to think any mgs game has a good story.

>what about snatcher and policenauts, retard?
The gold standard for blatant plagiarism in video games? What about them?

>great stories
>literally unfinished
Also Peace Walker is trash

What's so bad about them

I love the series, I'm just not a delusional fanboy who would dare claim they're well written. To most people the most memorable things about the series are the cutscenes, bosses and lines that are extremely quotable because of how dumb they sound. You don't find anyone outside of the hardcore fanbase acting like the writing's good, it's simply an entertaining but poorly written mix of action movie plots and anime tier dialogue.

quit being a revisionist. mgs1 and 3 are widely acknowledged for having good writing by video game standards. if they aren't good then they are still miles better than the trash triple-a games today.

2 has good writing as well, the central theme is well done and it offers a great message to the player while using the medium to offer a truly unique experience. I'll never get the hate, it has a 96 MC as well. The highest in the series.

the absolute state of your brain
how's it like being a sub 80iq retard?

The key to Kojima's wild ride is having someone willing to take the helm low key over his crazy fucking stories.

Shit became golden then.
I hope to hell he's got someone doing it for Death Stranding.

>by video game standards
no, they're shit even by game standards. kojima can't write to save his life. he has good ideas and concepts and terrible execution

>how's it like being a sub 80iq retard?
>how's it like
I dunno, you tell us you retarded ass ESL third world shitter.

you got the codec portraits from MG2 and their redesigns?

He was reading better books/watching better movies in period of 1998-2004. That is all.

This man is a hack. End of the story.

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Lmao hardly anything in the medium even compares. Try harder.

>ad hominem
i accept your concession

you are a literal child who has never opened a book in his life if you think those games had good writing

>snatcher and policenuts

Since fucking when we are defending those two?

>by video game standards
That means nothing, the standard for video game writing is incredibly low. Being slightly better than total garbage doesn't mean they're well written. Everything else about MGS ranges from good to great. Gameplay's fun, cutscenes and graphics are always impressive, Shinkawa's art direction is great, superb soundtracks. The writing is the poorest aspect of the series, the only notable thing about the stories is that they at least have a running theme.

Nice, you're moving goalposts again. I thought we were talking about video game standards? Get your argument together you monkey.

I too am curious about this.

I think we can all agree that, whatever its flaws, MGSV's core gameplay mechanics are very solid and fun.

This came as quite a shock to me. I was never able to get far into MGS1-3 (I never played 4) because they have some of the clunkiest controls and camera systems I've experienced in all of gaming, to the point I find them essentially unplayable. This has nothing to do with how old the games are either. I've had no problems enjoying stealth games that released at the same time as MGS-1-3, such as the Splinter Cell and Thief games.

So my question is: How did Kojima make such a huge turnaround? Or is it not because of Kojima at all, but because of the employees at Konami?

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Anyone who believes the fukushima shit is mentally ill.

This user got it right on the fucking dot
4 was shit because he stopped caring.
5 was shittier cause he stopped caring AND didn't have enough time or resources to phone it in.

That's a DOOM map, and a cherrypick of MGS maps.

Don't give a shit but after replaying the series I conclude that MGS V >>>>> other MGS games

honestly the amount of shit V gets is ridiculous, in 99% of the cases it's rose tinted glasses towards the older games and nothing else

4 was shit because it was a game made to explain other shit, it has no identity of its own

5 is fucking great but you can see how he wanted it to be an original game and then gave it an mgs coat of paint

Remember the missing Chapter 3 you window licking retard?

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Fukushima is the most brainlet meme of all time

5 was honestly alright. The story was nothing compared to other games, but the gameplay was tight. The world was lacking, but if the game got the time it deserved then I would consider it a great game.

4 was sloppy because he wanted to resolve absolutely everything possible which he never planned out to start. He never anticipated making the saga as long but fans wanted it.

>hasn't written a single game the last 15 years
>hasn't written a single game that kojima didn't also write
>contrarian Yea Forums brainlets: "clearly he, not kojima, was the one making MGS good"
how can you people be this stupid lmao
it boggle the mind

>That's a DOOM map
You're right. If the image had included an actual map from Thief, MGS would have looked like an even bigger joke by comparison. In fact, unlike MGS games, the Thief games don't even provide maps, just vague sketches, leaving it to the player to map out their surroundings.

You didn't really think this through, did you?

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>5 is fucking great but you can see how he wanted it to be an original game and then gave it an mgs coat of paint
this, and it's such a shame, too. the MGS plot was such a liability. i wish he could have just gone full military autismo instead of having to fuck around with the lore

>"I think that if you're ripping off Tom Clancy, it's...Tom Clancy is Tom Clancy, he deserves all the money and fame. The guy has worked hard. Writing is hard work. So to shoot out a bunch of these kinds of things, that we've been talking about, and then claim yourself as a writer when...And you know, there's good work being done in games. I think Portal is really well written, very beautifully written, but Kojima's stuff is...Fine, be a game creator, and know what you're not very good at, and learn to work with people who are. Stanley Kubrick, famously, the one thing he could not do was write. He could do everything else, but he didn't know how to write, so he worked with good writers, and worked with them in a very sort of relentless partnership. He knew his limits. I don't think Kojima's a writer. The fact that he would even be considered one shows how low the standards are in the game industry. Nothing in MGS2 is above a fanfic level. He wouldn't last a morning in a network TV writers' room, and those aren't exactly turning out the Dark Tower series or The Wire."

What did she mean by this, Yea Forums?

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t. started with V

kek pc brainlets are really seething over death stranding huh?

Where did the Fukushima meme come from? What's his actual contribution to the first games?

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>you're right, my bait shitpost was indeed full of shit
Yikes. Nothing else to talk about then.

fuck no, started with IV, then played them in order of release
V is honestly just the better all around game

>i accept your concession
I'm not even the user who was arguing with you, and thanks for the discount.

>bait shitpost
Yeah right, faggot. You can't argue so you just try to make it look like I don't even believe what I say.

Just as bad. And no it's not, V has the best gameplay. But 1, 2, and 3 have a better story, narrative, and theme without a doubt. V has its moments but it's not better in these regards.

>5 was shittier cause he stopped caring
The post you linked to says otherwise

It doesn't. He's talking about gameplay, i'm talking about story.

that is true but I don't believe any fan who says the writing is bad when the characters are the most dicussed aspect of the series

Honestly user you're being a huge faggot. You're just criticizing linear games in general. In the case of MGS1 there's still level design within linear spaces. You're just trying to be hyperbolic with your typical "movie gaems sukk" meme.

4 was shit because Kojima wanted to spite fans for harassing him to come back

>Just as bad
it literally doesn't matter one fucking bit what someone started with, if anything that just proves that you're wearing rose tinted glasses
>But 1, 2, and 3 have a better story, narrative, and theme without a doubt.
they had more of it, anyway. the narrative was much better in V, without a doubt, because it wasn't pseudointelectual deviant-art fanfic tier cringe. MGS V might have less story, but the writing of it is so much better it's not even funny. which isn't to say MGS V has great writing, it was just perfectly decent. It's more that 2 and 3 are absolutely fucking horrid. I bet if you actually replayed these fucking games you'd see it as well, I bet you played them 10 years ago last time when you didn't yet notice how garbage the writing actually was. Or you just have shit taste famalam

He was young and at his peak creatively, now he is too old for this shit.

I'll explain why v is hated.

most of the fanbase on Yea Forums got into mgs when 1, 2 and 3 came out (so sometime during 1998-2004). people who like the original game were wowed by the cinematic feeling, liked the gameplay for its gimmicks and appreciated the inclusion of philosophical themes about genes etc. however, they don't care about the actual storytelling, writing quality, the way the themes are actually implemented and think having long cutscenes and codecs equals having a brilliant story.

2 and 3 are almost the same, with the gameplay getting better.

4 has a terrible plot and the gameplay basically ends halfway through, but since the game still resembles an experience like the previous games, most mgs braindead morons were completely fine with it and some actually think the story is good.

and then comes v and it's the antithesis of an mgs game. it's focused on gameplay, the story takes itself more seriously, cutscenes are used sparingly for important events , codecs are made optional.

of course they hate it

>Honestly user you're being a huge faggot. You're just criticizing linear games in general.
How am I criticizing linear games in general? Thief is also a linear game.

Are MGS fans truly this ignorant of other stealth games?

>kingdom of the flies
>chapter 3
how retarded are you?

Fans didn't harass Kojima to "come back". His ego wouldn't let him pass the franchise on.

Ghost Babel's script is just MGS1's script with the names of everyone except Snake, Campbell and Mei-Ling swapped out. Its story was nothing special.

Kojima had people holding his leash and keeping his ideas in check in mgs 1-3. After that he had too much power for anyone to effectively stop him from over thinking later games.

He is the George Lucas of the Videogame industry.

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yes I'm sure it had nothing to do with Konami pressuring him to do more Metal Gear Sequels????

mgs5 may have the better core gameplay but its diluted by the shitty PW style grindfest. mgs 1-3 has better gameplay by metric of having actual pacing and better boss fights. i also think you're exaggerating when you say they are the clunkiest.

>Fans didn't harass Kojima to "come back". His ego wouldn't let him pass the franchise on.
This. I can't believe MGSfags take "the death threats made Kojima direct MGS4" explanation seriously that was likely made in jest. As if a bunch of angry e-mails written by basement dwellers has ever had any real impact on a game director's decision.

>Muh George Lucas narrative.
MGS always had a trashy story.

I can prove you're just being hyperbolic. Your pic related compares a real game map to a low resolution parody of another game's design. You don't want to make a real point, you just want to talk shit.

>It's more that 2 and 3 are absolutely fucking horrid. I bet if you actually replayed these fucking games you'd see it as well

I've replayed them pretty much yearly since coming out, they're fantastic and the best in the series. 4 is the only one that isn't very good. Jesus what a horrible take and addition to the fanbase, though I wouldn't call you a fan since you only seem to like V.

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>expecting a weeb retard to use his brain
he just parrots whatever shit he saw on Yea Forums

V doesn’t have any of the series staples and only people under the age of like 20 like it because they’re the right age to believe that contrarianism = maturity.

The gameplay is tight in a vacuum, but Metal Gear is not a series meant for Open World and the entire game lacks personality.

>mgs 1-3 has better gameplay by metric of having actual pacing and better boss fights. i also think you're exaggerating when you say they are the clunkiest.

Are you really going to argue that holding the face button to aim, holding the right shoulder button to go into first-person view and having BOTH sticks control the aiming, which mind you has really fucked sensitivity and acceleration, is somehow 'not clunky'? And this is in MGS3, the most refined game of those three.

I haven't even mentioned the camera system, which was so atrocious Konami had to re-release the game just to fix it.

Contrast that with Splinter Cell and Thief which, despite being 20+ years old and being developed with a fraction of the budget of MGS games, control exactly like modern games.

Why on earth would you even praise the boss fights, when they're awful, especially since MGS control scheme is horribly suited to action-packed gameplay?

And what pacing? The pacing of:

>walk 5 minutes
>10 minute cutscene/codec call
>walk another 5 minutes
>15 minute cutscene/codec call

That pacing?

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>Konami pressuring him to do more Metal Gear Sequels
But they didn't. Konami wanted more Metal Gear games but they didn't care about Kojima making them. Kojima was taken off MGS with MGS3. He was being groomed by Konami for upper management. It was Kojima that insisted he return to a creative control position.

i mean its legal there so i dont see why he wouldent.

>MGS always had a trashy story.
So did Star Wars.

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>posts critic reviews
>expects to be taken seriously
grow a brain and learn to think for yourself, you goddamn kid

>though I wouldn't call you a fan
kek, what a kindergarten tier insult

I swear this board is garbage. I hope Yea Forums gets shut down soon.

A New Hope is better written and better acted than anything Kojima has ever managed.

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It’s insulting that you enter conversations and believe you are engaging on equal footing with actual human beings. You are such a simpering ape being that even replying to you is a mental chore for someone with more than two brain cells. Please do not post again until you are eighteen.

imagine being this upset over video games

Seething basedwars fanboy's detected.

to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand MGS

>new hope
>typical hero's journey with straight good vs evil dichotomy
I don't know about that. It was impressive on a technical level but I wouldn't say it has too much to do with the writing. Btw I'm not the user you were talking with.

i fucking hate star wars
you're the one who brought them in the first place too, you fucking moron

The first person aim is intentionally “clunky” in order to simulate the difficulty of taking a shot at another human being. The design invokes a feeling, you insipid wojack posting asperger. I know that’s a totally alien concept to you, since you only started being allowed to play video games by your handler this year, but please do try not to dribble all over the floor so aggressively.

>not clunky
Somewhat but you can eventually get used to it. Its far from the worst is what I'm saying.
>re-release the game just to fix it.
Only in 3
>when they're awful
They are not. Bosses are often the highlight
>That pacing?
Its still better than V's menial grind

Face it, Asians love to counterfit; but Japan did it better.

I can only appreciate mgs v if I remind myself the entire games is basically endlessly trying to subvert my expectations and be an antithesis of the series, but then the fact that the game isn't even finished makes it frustrating. I can't even really enjoy the game for what it's supposed to try to do because it feels like it didn't get the final coat of polish it was meant to get.

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MGS2 is candidate for smartest game ever written, it is strange how it is completely different from the other games.

At least post an actual MGS map you dumb shit

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>t. Metal Gear Solid 2 writer

Okay I'm a Kojimbofag but I don't think this is true at all. Intentionally clunky? Doubt. MGSV has the smoothest mechanics in the series.

the game is finished.

>Can't even into basic writing conventions and grammar
Grow a brain and learn to type. You goddamn kid.

>Calls the entire series/widely accepted best games in the series shit except the latest
>Claims to be a fan
Kill yourself faggot, take it as an insult, or a general statement I don't care. It is what it is.

MGSV did a good job of subverting my expectation that I’d be playing a good video game.

>Somewhat but you can eventually get used to it. Its far from the worst is what I'm saying.
It literally is the worst, as evidenced by the fact taht other stealth games that released at the same time have vastly superior control schmes and camera systems.

>Only in 3
Yes, because the first two beyond salvaging.

>They are not. Bosses are often the highlight
By what metric? They gameplay experience of fighting them is awful, and as with evrything about MGS narrative, I can't take the bosses and their motivations seriously.

>The first person aim is intentionally “clunky” in order to simulate the difficulty of taking a shot at another human being.
What the fuck are you talking about? Is this mentionned anywhere?

>this is what mgs fags actually believe
holy fucking shit

Kojima just has a boner for american movies. its not a japanese thing.

No it's not. Eli's entire arc conclusion is just missing.

It was written in the manual of MGS1.

The dude disappeared after mgs2. Was a huge fucking loss in the writing of the franchise

Is this supposed to be indicate that MGS has good level design? Even shooters have more intricately designed levels.

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If I may interject your guys' conversation
Splinter Cell
>lots of mechanics=good
>it's just skyrim with decent stealth

>it's focused on gameplay
MGSV has more filler that other games from the series

Really? Big if true user.

it was never even meant to be in the game

>i don't care
seeing how buttblasted you are you sure seem to,

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Agreed, and people always saying otherwise always argue on the level of someone trying to tell you you're a "pompous faggot" for trying to delve into deeper meanings, and things that require intelligence. It's pretty fucking sad.

Is this meant to be a joke or do you seriously not know that Lucas basically did the reverse of this and Star Wars was "inspired by" a nip movie.

>gameplay is filler

>vastly superior
yes but that doesn't make the games unplayable. it seems this is an issue only for you.
>first two beyond salvaging.
the first two had their level design and mechanics to accommodate for the fixed camera unlike 3
>gameplay experience of fighting them is awful,
Nah, some can be annoying like sniper wolf and sublime like the end.

>there are people who think kojima had anything to do with snatcher besides doing the bare minimum and slapping his name on

Yes it is dumbass. Not every game needs a huge map with 2 gorillion approaches.

>the gameplay is supposed to be shit
>this is somehow worthu of praise

Good fucking lord, what is with the defence force for these games.

>its supposed to be simulate something
What an incredibly retarded argument, Kojimbo in his 999 IQ brilliance made the controls INTENTIONALLY awful so that running up to guards and spamming triangle is the optimum is the ideal T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E experience? Wow he's pretty good.

They are quantifiably bad. Switching to a completely different perspective is bad. Pressing two separate buttons to begin aiming is bad. Not being able to move while aiming is bad. Fucked acceleration and aiming is bad. You are intentionally ignoring all this. Yes you can get used to them. I can also get used to flying a commercial airplane. No matter how good I get at flying a commercial airplane I won't be able to do spins and turn around quickly like I could in a fighter jet because a commercial airplane is a clunky humongous piece of shit.

I don't recall Looking Glass butchering the controls of Thief to simulate the difficulty of aiming. And the protagonist is Thief is just some dude, not a trained soldier like Snake is in MGS.

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> MGS 1-3 is good


Playing mgs3 for the first time soon. Should I play it on my vita, use my ps4 with ps now to play the ps3 hd version at 720p, or emulate the ps2 substance version at 1080? I'd use rpcs3 and run the hd version upscaled to 1080p but it's not fully playable yet with that emulator.

Bullshit. Theres like 4 songs on the OST themed after that entire segment, it was clearly in production and just left unfinished, and there's absolutely no mention of a metal gear that got stolen ever again.

stop replying to yourself, retard

Here's you """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""gameplay""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" bro


Kojima is so embarrassing

Obligatory Tomokazu post.

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>the first two had their level design and mechanics to accommodate for the fixed camera unlike 3
Which is why they're such terrible games.

MGS1-2 are 3D games that don't even take advantage of being 3D, since they use a 2D top-down view. And to add insult to injury, they have a radar that lets you see the entire lay-out of the environment, the location of enemies and even their fucking vision cones. So you don't even have to pay attention to your surroundings. They're atrociously designed games by any standard.

The ps2 version is a fucking pain in the ass to get run properly. Psnow version is fine cept you can't use the pressure sensitive controls so you have to be careful not to slit people's throats any time you grapple them.

but he did

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I agree that that user is maybe delusional but like MGS1 is almost entirely using auto aim. There's a sniper part and a part where you use a rocket launcher, the rest of the combat is dependent on auto aim which works fine. You're kinda over exaggerating.

I recently played MGS3 on vita and the controls are mapped really nice. I'd recommend it. But they don't tell you that to aim down sights while aiming a rifle in first person, you have to press up on the D pad. Kinda pissed me off but I never bothered to just look it up so whatever.

I wonder since he's credited as the guy behind codec calls, did he just do the random joke codec calls or did he write the story important one?
If so isn't he the one who wrote the entire AI seech in MGS2?

Unlike Hideo

Attached: hideo-kojima-15072801-s.jpg (500x289, 45K)

>MGS1-2 are 3D games that don't even take advantage of being 3D, since they use a 2D top-down view. And to add insult to injury, they have a radar that lets you see the entire lay-out of the environment, the location of enemies and even their fucking vision cones. So you don't even have to pay attention to your surroundings. They're atrociously designed games by any standard.
MGS1 was designed to be played with a d-pad, since not everyone owned a Dual Shock controller. I don't know what were MGS2 and 3's excuses though

mate, it was never meant to be part of the game. i'm not saying it wasn't in production. in fact, they stopped working on cutscenes for it in early 2015, when the new president of konami decided to pull the plug on all additional content for phantom pain

yes, it was dlc for phantom pain
it's not the ending
it's not chapter 3
they wanted to sell it separately like ground zeroes

>I don't like the message so he must be replying to himself
Grow up kid.

Like pottery.

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Name games that comes even close. I want to experience something like that again

Okay I know you're trying to be funny, but you'd have to skip the second flight of stairs for this path to be possible. And that's besides the fact that you conveniently leave out the start path. Almost funny though.

He only wrote the optional stuff.

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you're the one with a kid brain if you think mgs2 is anything to write home about
>dude thing makes me confused so it good

Oh look it's that schizo faggot that's been buttblasted ever since the release of Metal Gear. That era is long gone and you need to let go. If Thief and Splinter Cell really were such amazing games you'd be playing them instead of posting about them 24/7.

After Fukushima left this is what Kojima had to say about the situation

>No place for Hideo

This is one Hideo was killed, right after MGS3


Kojima fired Hideo and took over= killed him

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>MGS2 is candidate for smartest game ever written

Hardly. Other games manage to tackle deeper themes in a 3-minute optional conversation than MGS2 does in hours upon hours of inane cutscene/codec monologuing.

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he was the “military expert” guy.

he went to American bases in Japan and had lots of conversations with the soldiers stationed there, so all the military jargon and info about weapons and tactics was Tomokazu.

I'm a different user but uuh
>i didn't get it, and i'm a genius so there must not be anything to get
>this means everyone who likes it is just pretending to get it to seem smart

MGS1-3 (classic MGS) have gameplay befitting stealth games.
MGS4-V (nuMGS) have shooter gameplay.
MGS1&2 are about quickly weaving through view cones and playing smart. Running is silent (you couldn't even walk in MGS1) and the soliton radar shows you exactly where you're safe and where you aren't. You were never supposed to take guards out, really - that's why your basic throw swaps yours and the guard's position. The punch-punch-kick is intended as a "backed into a corner, take out the guards and run" move, that's why it knocks down multiple guards at once. The intended way to play is to avoid guards.
MGS3 took a turn towards "realistic". Now guards see much further, now maps are more open, now your footsteps are audible so both you and the guards move slower. You're supposed to slowly creep through a map, all tense and suspenseful, the anticipation builds, you're lying right next to a guard, will he see you? WHAM you CQC him. That's why CQC is more powerful. To counter the greater distance on the maps shooting is more powerful, you can strafe while you shoot now.
nuMGS is just a shooter game except guards aren't auto alerted to you at first. All the thought that went into the gameplay is gone. The systems aren't tied together because now "yOu CaN pLaY hOwEvEr YoU LikE" - the boxtick cookiecutter shit that infests the industry now. All for shit eaters like you.

MGS threads were not always this divisive. Before V/GZ came out they were pretty chill, and fun. Ever since V it has been for the worse and attracted a flock of retards. Literally every game in the series is good, I'll never understand the pointless bickering and what seems like tons of people trying to discredit Kojima at every turn.

>anything that's vaguely about an advanced AI pretty much cover's mgs2's point
You didn't get it

not at all
i actually completely understood the story. it's a prerequisite for calling it shit, because it is.

>I don't know what were MGS2 and 3's excuses though
Kojima wanted it that way, when they were making MGS3 the desingers said that they wanted the camera behind snake because the trees and foliage cover everything and you cant see anything infront of you, but kojima said that camera made him feel sick so they stuck with the top down version, ofcouse he had to change it back to behind the player when players complained

>second flight of stairs
theres only 1 flight of stairs
>leave out the start path
you mean this ?

Attached: lol 2.jpg (1812x1412, 865K)

>Who was really behind MGS1-3
Tomokazu Fukushima
Kojima was the ideas guy and Fukushima was the guy who actually wrote the story and pieced everything together This is why every game that came after except for rising sucked

Fuck me I thought it was useless in MGS2. Damn. I'm trying to work through the whole series, never played before.

Quoting you here
>dude thing makes me confused so it good
You're saying you were confused. Are you being hyperbolic or are you lying about understanding it?

>MGS1-3 (classic MGS) have gameplay befitting stealth games.
>MGS4-V (nuMGS) have shooter gameplay.
>All the thought that went into the gameplay is gone. The systems aren't tied together because now "yOu CaN pLaY hOwEvEr YoU LikE" - the boxtick cookiecutter shit that infests the industry now. All for shit eaters like you.

What thought? MGS1 didn't even let you hide bodies, a feature other stealth games have had since 1983. And MGS1-3 force you into dozens of unavoidable combat setpieces.

The series was never even remotely pure stealth, you imbecile.

Attached: 1557065162769.jpg (431x420, 40K)

this. Kojima is a westaboo

MGS4 is an awful game, I agree with the rest though

Nu Yea Forums is a sped fest, user. I miss when people used to collaborate to speculate on Kojimbo's next game. The IQ of this board's decreased too much for that to happen anymore.

I like seeing you try to justify your exaggeration. You'd maybe have a point if the alleged 5 cutscenes from the image were true. That being besides the fact that you have to change the shape to justify your meme.

If liking American films makes you a "westaboo" then the whole fucking world is westaboo.

the shape is the exact same, only the lenght is different

>ignores that this would result in the "whose footprints are these?" minigame
>doesn't explore the environment and collect the items
The level is adequately designed with contexts placed intelligently.
You go to the right like you did, you miss items and you get the footprint guard
You go through the middle, you have to dodge the searchlights for the item in the center. You can then continue forwards or explore left. IIRC there's a crawl space hidden in the left that lets you closer to the goal but might be misremembering. Either way you then have to dodge a guard or two and you might find the socom.
You have a choice of ways to enter the next level.
It's a solid level.

It doesn't make me confused though you blabbering asswhipe. Maybe when I first played it, hell maybe even the first few times since I was young then. But nowadays I completely get it and could write a fucking essay on it. It's good because it keeps you coming back and there's always something more to appreciate. Just because it confuses you doesn't mean it's bad or there's nothing there, you come at it with the most basic take and call anyone else a kid? Come on.

I just want more fox engine games

Attached: Metal-Gear-Solid-5-Ground-Zeroes.jpg (1920x1080, 101K)

That's the first stage of the game dumbass, it's supposed to ease players in. I don't know why you bothered drawing a line, I could do that for Thief too which you love so much.

Attached: MGSvsTPPcharacters.png (1043x901, 1.13M)

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i was talking about you, not me.

Ahhhhhh no more spoilers user I just beat the first mission in DE. I'm already pretty absorbed so I'm taking forever, reading stuff posted around and what not.

>I like seeing you try to justify your exaggeration. You'd maybe have a point if the alleged 5 cutscenes from the image were true.







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>MGS1-2 are 3D games that don't even take advantage of being 3D
what? mgs1 was basically a mg2 remake but mgs2 isn't entirely top down. having a fixed camera angle doesn't mean it shouldn't be 3d since resident evil also had fixed camera.
>They're atrociously designed games by any standard.
they're arcade stealth games. not necessarily bad.

Yeah sure buddy. Also, 1.) that's not the required path, and 2.) it literally wouldn't be because you don't take into account the enemies that are in these areas. In fact, if you just ran this line you would surely get caught, thus preventing you from taking the elevator because of the alert status. It would inevitably be a zig zag around the structures and definitely where the ration is. Try harder next time user.

>whose footprints are these
you can easily outrun the faggot and get past the camera with ease
>muh items
no excuse

>its SUPPOSED to be easy as fuck!!!
not for the entire game, most of the game is easily sneaking past 1-2 guards in a huge empty room with nothing in it

why dont we just make our own MGS clones? not like konami is going to port MGS4 to PC or remake MGS3 any time this century

Good job proving nothing.

I miss the GZ days, the announcement was hype

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>That's the first stage of the game dumbass, it's supposed to ease players in. I don't know why you bothered drawing a line, I could do that for Thief too which you love so much.
The difference is that the first level in Thief, Bafford's manor, is bigger, more complex and better designed than any level in MGS.

I get that, but you also can't tell me that if that was originally intended that they would have just had liquid fuck off with sahalenthropus without 0 conclusion at all. It's very obvious that the new president most likely told them to fuck off, cut all their funding, and basically told them to wrap the game up cuz it's coming out one way or another. As someone that genuinely enjoys mgs v, it's glaringly obvious the game isn't finished.

Did you read what I said? You are supposed to sneak PAST guards in MGS1. That's why you get a fucking radar showing all guards nearby and their view cones. That's why you can run silently. That's why you don't get a silencer on your gun for half the game, and why all your attacks are nonlethal save one that is a pain in the arse to do because it's easy to run straight into the enemy while trying to grab him.
Also, pretty sure if you killed a guard in mgs1 his body disappeared. Way to out yourself as a liar who never played them.
Yeah no shit the games include forced combat encounters occasionally. What does that have to do with the meat of the game which are the stealth levels?

Imagine the autism dispensed to go through all this work not to even present the evidence asked for. There is no one room that is a linear section that has five cutscenes in it. Wew.

Attached: goldenkek.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>most of the game is easily sneaking past 1-2 guards in a huge empty room with nothing in it
k, prove it.
>N-n-no I don't need to prove it!!! Dude trust me!!!

is there any definitive amount of time that the codecs take up within each MGS game? all i ever see is faggots complaining about cutscenes whilst conviently leaving out codecs which are cutscenes with just audio

I run straight to the forklift everytime without getting spotted, you just might be bad at the game bro, especially since its the intro scene

you REALLY want me to make some webms?

Fine you're entitled to your opinion but everyone is LYING if they say they didn't enjoy fighting liquid ocelot at the end.

Okay bud, post a vid of you running that exact line without getting spotted. I'll wait.

>you can easily outrun the faggot and get past the True, I'm not saying it was perfectly executed, but from a macro design standpoint the level is interesting, split into sections that each have their own risks and rewards, it's diverse and it's well put together. It's easy to dodge the searchlights too, doesn't mean that putting them there wasn't a good idea.

Yes, go ahead.

Fukushima this, Fukushima that.

The REAL question is: Has anyone been able to uncover what happened to him after he left Konami?

>Also, pretty sure if you killed a guard in mgs1 his body disappeared.
Yes, you retard. That's what I referred to when I said you can't even hide bodies. This is not something to brag about, you moron.

>Yeah no shit the games include forced combat encounters occasionally.
Because a true stealth game wouldn't force you into combat.

And they aren't just used 'occasionally', the entire 2nd half of MGS is basically a series of unavoidable combat encounters.

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frank jaeger should have been in MGSV, its a crime that kojima just ignored him completely

>Imagine the autism dispensed to go through all this work

>copy-pasting a few links from a youtube search
>took less than a minute
>"all this work"

Attached: 1553717182194.jpg (558x614, 18K)

>1 good moment after 10 hours of boring cutscenes and shit gameplay
Also the Big Boss reveal and exposition dump at the end ruined any good will that fight created

As far as anyone could figure out, he's doing some QA work for Sony, since he's been credited on Freedom Wars, Rain and The Tomorrow Children, all Sony IP. The Fukushima Meme is just an excuse to Anti-Kojimafags to shitpost because they're too lazy to do any real research on the development of these games even Razorfag parrots the meme, even though he always hated the series.

Okay sure buddy, now how about confronting your lack of proof?

Some user said he has credits somewhere in department of Sony somewhere. But they can't confirm if it's the same tomokazu Fukushima or not.

>liquid fuck off with sahalenthropus without 0 conclusion at all.
That's practically the same ending as MGS2 which was supposed to be the end of the series, so it seems quite fitting that Kojima would repeat that for what was almost certainly going to be the actual final game.

Probably because Kojima didn't want to acknowledge Portable Ops and the whole Null nonsense.

Fukushima died after MGS3, there was no Fukushima to begin with, he is made up.

>btfos Yea Forums and metal gear fanboys with a single video

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>People will continue shitting on loved series

Some of you niggers make it job to shit on every popular jap game. SEETHE MORE.

Shill on Reddit instead

The guy is a literal plebbitor I know this since I go there too.

its a pc game so no shit.

I'm not referring to the AI codec calls near the end of the game as making it the smartest. MGS2 was executed perfectly in that it uses the medium of the game to tell a story only a game can tell, using even the marketing buildup to further the story. While deus ex is great, it doesn't do the things MGS2 does.

Proud to be one of the few people on the planets who appreciate every MGS game

Attached: Metal-Gear-Solid-TV.jpg (1199x600, 107K)

Amerisharts are upset by literally everything, it's crazy.

i shill him here because he's fucking right and makes plebbitors and /mgg/ fags mad as hell

Matthewmatosis has the best and most logical reviews of the series. The rest can eat a dick with their regurgitated message board points. Also why does everyone who hates these games claim to be fans or say it's one of their favorite franchises? It's like they're using it to get in with anyone who likes it just to shit on it, because they know the series is largely loved and they're fucking morons for their brainlet takes.

Shill on Reddit instead

thief is way to easy with insta saving
>s-so don't save
if a game's difficulty stems from not using intended mechanics its sad. you're like dark souls sl1 fags

We did a bunch for DS.

>the series is almost 30 years when MGSV came out

Holy shit i feel bad for kojima, 30 years working on the same shit

Same. Only one I haven't played over and over is PW.

>Because a true stealth game wouldn't force you into combat.
>And they aren't just used 'occasionally', the entire 2nd half of MGS is basically a series of unavoidable combat encounters.
The boss battles are the most fun parts about the MGS series. MGS was never a pure stealth series, it was more about the infiltration. Only autists give a shit whether you can ghost an entire game or not. Imagine watching an action movie where the protagonist ends up ghosting bad guys. Shit would be boring as hell, since there's no suspense

>its a pc game so no shit.
Not an argument. MGS level design was uttr shit even compared to other console stealth games, such as Tenchu.

are you the brain damaged retard who thinks fukushima wrote snatcher before he even joined konami

Are you retarded or what?

Attached: TenchuMapU.png (320x240, 66K)

Yeah, I just ran it on my vita and there's literally a guard directly in your way that you'd have to run into and get caught by if you run that path. I'm shit at making webms but you're a faggot who's wrong.

Attached: btfo (1).webm (1920x1080, 2.44M)

what webm converter are you using? tried webm for retards but it wont work for me


Why, that was Iblis himself, pushing infidel ideas like evolution on degenerate Western masses.

He even gets to talk to the players directly in that "I need scissors" part in MGS2. Also, note how the main character's codename is Snake, and snakes are known to be a common disguise for malevolent Jinn. Metal Gear as a franchise is one of the most disgusting works in the video game world and it's hard to believe it was conceived by a single man and not ahost of vile supernatural entities.

True, but it's also different when we know what comes next. In mgs2 we could have gotten mgs3 and ended there and just never know what comes next. All 3 did was give more context into snakes history and the origins of who the man he was cloned from was. In TPP it's not as forgiveable when this game acts as basically a prequel to the whole series


in a few minutes you'll be sorry you ever bought that vita

This shit took forever to make without webm tools
Is there any reason why webm for retards just doesnt work?

d-do you feel BTFO yet?

His games have more story then gaming, I fear what his new game will be

is there any difference with his trailers for death stranding and PT to movie trailers? they have NO gameplay in them at all

Play Snatcher and Policenauts and you will understand his genius.

Attached: POLICENAUTS HD PS3 WP2.jpg (1920x1080, 989K)

how did you come to that conclusion?

You underestimate the risks of angering otaku, user.

it was fukushima all along, glad konami is giving the series to its rightful owner now that this PR faggot has left the company.

i think its pretty legal to pretend to smoke anywhere, not just there.

that HD looks like ass, completely ruins the style

How many times wrpg-kun have seethe over this series?