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My Lord, it still has the baby face to this day.

This makes me sad. With enough parental care he could have been a functional autist

that applies to 90% of Yea Forums users

Damn thats true

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As an autist who acted a lot like CWC when young I'm glad my parents got me the help I needed. Barb and Bob are the only ones to blame for Chris becoming what he became.


So is Chris actually good or skilled at any video games, or is gaming just for fun?

No, he just spends his monthly tugboat on hoarding video games

could he have still been saved lads?

I actually got to ride in CWC's car this weekend after I went for dinner with him

it's times like these we should be reminded that Chrischan is a human being and has made mistakes like any other person and deserves to be live their life in peace and get help with their autism. He was a child then, and well... he's still a child now

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how do you go from this

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Did you fuck? And would you give him a handjob and record it just for the story?

Uhmm her* sweaty, lets pretend that was a slip-up and not toxic bull-shit ok?

I remember the story of how the cool kids at his school threw him a pity birthday party which finally gave him confidence to go out make real friends. Then his family moved away right and he lost everything and went back into his shell. Kinda makes me sad to think about.

>Chris can drive and owns a car
>I'm 26 and still haven't got my license

Just kill me.

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He's also an idiot desu fampai. My family did nothing except make my life a living hell and ask screaming "what the fuck is wrong with you". But despite that I built my own life for myself and while I can hardly call myself functioning, I make do and never succumbed to the autismo lolcow life.

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Nah, I just wanted to experience cwc in person and my buddy could get in contact. I don't think I'd want to get that close though.
I don't think Chris will be super upset, since third person pronouns usually refer to people who aren't currently present.

The only reason why he still hasn't killed anyone with it is that he lives in bumfuck nowhere

as a side effect of autism he has no inhibitions
I've been in a car a few times and know how to drive but I'm too neurotic to go through driving school and pass the driving test, they're putting way too much pressure on you

The issue is that Chris refuses to get help or be helped. Many people have tried and even in the face of tragedy it would have been possible if he just let some people try and help. Chris isn't going to live a long and peaceful life. His life will end in tragedy and the constant cataloging of his life will serve as a tragic story to teach generations what mistakes to never repeat.

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Victory has defeated him

Winning the Sonic sweestakes and Bob refusing to put Chris in special ed are the two defining moments that permanently ruined Chris' life

This was looking like my fate but it turns out my family put more pressure on me than the DMV ever could.

Maybe we can save him from chop off his dick, but nothing else at this point

it's just sad at this point. homeless saga would be interesting but even that is just cruel

Comfy story there user. Kind of the same for me.

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>I've been in a car a few times and know how to drive
No you don't.

Didnt the kiwifucks said they wont let him go homeless?

I have some kind of autistic phobia of operating vehicles, doesn't even matter what. Fuck I'm even uncomfrtable on a simple bike. I still got my license and it was hell for me but I did it for a job that I didn't even end up getting.
Had my license for a few years now but I only drive very rarely, 95% of the time I use public transport which is ez because I live in a big city.

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For me it's basically the anxiety of it all.
I've done enough hours to just go for the proper test, and I know physically how to drive a car, but fuck, i'm constantly worried and stressed.
I'm hyper aware at all times that even one mistake means I can kill someone, and that shit terrifies me.

the fact that you're actually self-aware is honestly enough, user

you don't know me faggot
Looks like you won more than you bargained for!

Could have been any other game or the Sonic series is like honey to autists?

>comparing yourself to chris chan

You're self aware, you do not have autism, you're just a loser making excuses. Chris chan has actual autism, he lacks self awareness.

While i do believe in helping one's self and receiving help from others, in Chris's case it's a little different. Autism is neurological. You can't just get up one day and say "ya know what? i don't need to be autistic anymore, i'm feeling less autistic by the day!" Autistic people can be tweaked and manipulated very easily and it's not like Chris is like every other autistic person in the world. Chris's entire life has been documented online now and the trolls aren't going away. He probably gets stalked nearly every week and has some troll create an emotional trigger to set off his autism once again.
How can Chris even try to live a normal peaceful life now? He can't just close his front door, say "goodnight" to his helper/carer if he has one and have a peaceful nights sleep.

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the biggest thing you have to worry about is other people. just be defensive. driving is very easy you just follow the lines and stop at the lights.

It took a fucking lot to get to that point. Facing constant grief, being outcast, beaten, abused, and most of all alone; everything led to me having to re-evaluate everything I've ever known and if it wasn't for examples like Chrischan (though not him specifically) I would have never known how to change.
Autismos can gain self-awareness, its just exceptionally difficult.

driving is not difficult, I know dumb fucks who flunked middle school and got a license
you just have to shut your brain off and not worry about this shit, which is impossible for me

People who have experienced Chris "driving" have noted that he's fucking awful at it and if he was anywhere else but hick country, he would have lost his license a long time ago.

Why does society never dare blame parents for fucked up kids?

Why does society never dare blame the vaccines for the autism it spreads to our children enough?

I don't think so. I was only in the car a short time but he was able to parallel park in Baltimore and didn't do anything particularly egregious while driving (aside from playing Pokemon Go at traffic lights).

Because calling someone a shitty parent is one of the biggest social taboos, especially in the western world. It's easier to blame outside forces and decry yourself as a victim instead of realizing you fucked up.

Actually you can be autistic and self aware, seeing an autist like Chris-chan usually triggers self awareness in higher functioning ones. Its like hearing a recording of your own voice.

because people don't take accountability it's always something else's fault that their kid turned out rotten and not the fact they don't teach them how not to be a fuck wit later in life.

>tfw i never have to even try to learn because i am colorblind.

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I have the same problem
>get into a car
>I turn into Spongebob and I want to go pedal to the metal all the time
>sell the car and buy a motorcycle
>drive like a granny, take my sweet ass time
>dont enjoy the fucking thing, always nervous as fuck in any trip even short ones
>sold the motorcycle at good price and use the metro/bus all the time now

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i just get a bicycle. my town is small enough so that anywhere can be reached by bike

Fucking this is exactly the reason Chrischan's documentary will be so important.

just posting to tell you you sound like a cool guy. have a nice life user

The trolls aren't what's making Chris's life awful, Chris is making his own life awful. It's 100% Bob and Barb's fault that Chris ended up this way. Even before he got trolled he was causing tons of problems in high school and in college.

I cant do that since I work at the other side of the city so I need to take the metro all the time. I do some skating with my gf. Another shitty thing I get is everytime people wants to push me into designated driver role because I dont drink.

Did you call him Chris or Christine?

Thanks user, I needed that

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>It's been a long time, Chris...

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I've thought about Chris driving a lot, since I don't have my license either.
On one hand, what's stopping me from driving if even someone like Chris can have a license?
On the other hand, what's stopping me from driving is even someone like Chris can have a license. You know what I mean?

I thought there were multiple docs. Is there one that's considered the best?

Kino acting.

Christine, I didn't want to set out to be an asshole on purpose. I was told to try and not misgender because someone told him he could sperg out if it happens. Got to see the Sonichu binder in person too. It was interesting.

I find this one to be the "best" but I'm pretty sure there will inevitably be one with good production quality to replace all of them.

>Could sperg out if it happens.
What? Even more?

Do you think a woman could convince him to be his old self again or is he too far gone in this tranny shit?

Bruh. I'm the biggest sperg for miles and I can assure you, getting a license is easy. Just do it.

>failed the bong test a shameful amount of times
>think about suicide daily because of it
>hopefully moving to burger land next year
>test pass rate is 20% higher and the fee is more than half the cost
>looks like I might actually do it this time
God Bless your country

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>get my license late because I'm uncomfortable driving and live in a big city anyway
>still rarely drive because I'm dirt poor and scared of crashing the family car since I cant afford repairs and can't afford to even put myself on the insurance policy
>first time I drove since getting the license, my subcompact got rear-ended by a pickup truck at a stop light because he wasn't paying attention
I've just made peace with the fact that driving isn't for me.

Incredibly unlikely to ever let it go, especially due to trannies enabling literally anyone in their community and never criticizing. I don't think Chris wants to give up near unconditional acceptance so long as he stays in that community. Maybe it could happen but the guy's had a number done on his mental condition over the years and I doubt there is a good chance he'll regain sanity, at least not so long Barb is still around.
I mean like set him off into a public meltdown. Believe it or not, Chris isn't freaking out 24/7.

Chris is not a real trans-sexual, but he thinks he is. He tries to be. He's tried to be a lot of things, I expect. Our Chris wasn't born a freak, user. He was made one through years of systematic abuse. Chris hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a trans-sexual. But his pathology is a thousand times more autistic and more terrifying.

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if you're over 16 years old its not even a test

>took it when i was 21
>drove down the street
>did a three point turn to turn around
>congrats heres your license

>implying "real" transexuals exist

Well I'm guessing in this case he meant people with actual Gender Dysphoria, not people who think gender is a choice.

It always trips me up when people still say they want to come here, was it really always just banter?

if he was never introduced to the internet or sonic he could've been a pretty good looking dude. autism is pretty easy to hide. i blame his parents while he was still was a child. everything afterwards is his fault.

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Driving really is not that hard, but you'll piss off people immensely if you're a bad or nervous driver.
>Today driving home from work
>in 40mph zone
>Car in front of my starts slowing down progressively
>Slows down to 10mph for several blocks
>Honk at them and they put on their signal to turn
>Once they get a chance to turn they take the turn at literally 2mph
It sends me into a rage every fucking time when some stupid bitch acts like they'll lose control of their car if they don't slow to a fucking stop before turning

Even at the most generous once your over 30 you cant blame your parents for anything about your life anymore. Yes in alternate realities Chris is living a half decent life but there is so much wrong with him that I doubt his fate ever would have given him much better then assitant manager at walmart or something.

some people with actual dysphoria do exist, but it's extremely rare. i'm talking about the "tried to remove his dick with scissors at age 11", not the "i play female characters in videogames" kind.

DAILY REMINDER: Chris' path to "transgenderism" started when Jackie told him to explore his feminine side. Jackie was yet another troll catfish. Chris got literally fooled into getting a sex change.

>30 years old
>No job
>Live with parent
>Never had a GF
>Can't drive
>Teetering on depression
Is there any reason to even go on?

The whole sports bra thing?

>try to get drivers license
>lady at the dmv tells me to open my eyes more for the photo
>begins yelling at me to open my eyes for the damn picture
>lady next to her joins in
>run out of dmv crying
and thats how i lost my birth certificate

Wish Chris went back to being a man. (He still is but you get what I mean)
Even with all the current shit that he's gotten himself into as transgender I miss the chaos of when he was just Chris. This shit just bores me and it's becoming quite sad.

It's not about it being hard and I don't care about pissing people off either, it's just a phobia of operating vehicles in general and it's at its worst with cars. People freak out about spiders even thoguh they know they can't harm them and that is kinda the thing with me and vehicles except in theory the risk of accidents, whoever is at fault for them, is always there so that makes the phobia a bit more reasonable at least.

>tfw autism
>drive like a maniac
>never been pulled over
>take turns while never slowing down
>drive no handed
>drive with my knees
>text and drive
>nobody knows I drive like this
>friend introduces me to Initial D

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Reminder that chris was employed at a wendys for an extensive period of time and that puts him above stinky neets on Yea Forums who have never held employment
kiwifarms only obsesses over him due to jealousy and an inferiority complex

>teetering on depression
user, Im 22 and I've been there for a decade and gone long past that. If I can find reasons to live, so can you.

99% of transexuals are just perverts suffering some form of autogynephilia

I hope you crash, with no other people involved.

I think it depends on what you're going for.
Despite your universities being unbelievably expensive, there's far more scholarships available than there are here, which ends up making it quite cheap to take a Master's if you can get them. Plus a few universities there will pay me stipends to take a doctorate, which is more or less unheard of in Bongland. For my field, at least, the salary professors get is about 3x higher so I'll probably stick around if I find myself doing that.

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Don't kill yourself there is a very real possibility it will hurt your parents.

I dunno man, I've realized that I have long since lost any reason to keep living, so I'm not sure how I can drag myself out of the abyss.

[Camera slowly pans away]

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Honestly, that and my friends are probably the only reason I haven't yet.

exactly though homosexual transexuals do exist and are much rarer

Except you're a million times more likely to be hurt by a car than a spider.
Phobias are irrational or illogical fears. A fear of motor vehicles is neither of those.

I think I am a very tame/mild autogynephiliac, but butchering your own body should be the limit. I think I'd be prettier, cuter and would have less issues if I was born a girl. I daydream about it, but that's where it stops. I can't believe people would go THAT far. It's degenerate.

homosexual transexuals are just victims of child abuse. lesbians don't even really exist to begin with.

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I hope you just have a fat inheritance to fall back on once mommy and daddy can't provide for you anymore. If not, fix your life before it's too late. You do not want to be in that position, user. I'm warning you. This is no joke. The pain of getting your license and getting a part time job to save up some money is nothing compared to what is in store for you in the future if you don't prepare.

Bluespike > Liquid

Interesting. I hope you find something worth your while here.

I remember when i was an edgy teenager. Good times

If I hadnt discovered alcohol I would probably still be autistic. Just one beer cures my autism for a while.

Same as him, just going to kill myself in the next few months. No point in living.

I've been in 4 crashes and none have been my fault. I'm never not in control of my vehicle. Been thinking about getting a motorcycle just so I can maneuver around people that have no idea how to drive and change lanes without even looking next to them.

Everybody gives Spike too much flak even when he got us one of the bes moments. Same with the ideasguys

This. The babysitter wasn't their fault but according to Chris's normal brother Barb and Bob were irresponsible and nutcases themselves, not abusive but crazy and inconsistent and they had a habit of utterly spoiling Chris and keeping him away from getting help because they believed nothing was wrong with him.

If you look at pics of him in college, take away the sonichu medallion and he'd look like literally anybody else, a normal functioning person. He came so close.

>tfw suffer from slight narcolepsy
I can legally drive but fuck it I'd rather not

>Been thinking about getting a motorcycle
Please do

I've had a job, full time even. Didn't really spend much of the money either. But that doesn't really give me a reason to keep on living now does it?

it's shocking but true that up until the edrama and fattening chris actually was pretty high on the tier, a 6 to maybe a 7, so well above average

>lmao jus like b urself and stop being a loser xDD
I don't think there are that many normalfags out there who would make it out just fine out of absolutely terrible parenting, let alone autismos like Chris. The fact that you say you did (assuming it's true, we're on the internet after all) proves nothing, it's just anecdotal evidence.

>33 year old autismo prime
>Literally CWC levels of autism as a kid
>Was a "gifted" child academically but absolutely socially retarded
>My mother never treated me any differently other than making sure I was challenged mentally with whatever books or whatever the fuck I wanted to learn, never pandered to my meltdown tantrums and kicked me out of the house to make friends every so often instead of letting me sit alone and line up toy cars in order of color
>Taught me that social interaction is just a game and you can get good at it if you understand the rules just like you can anything else
>Still a full on autismo but I live a perfectly normal life, have a wife a mortgage and a decent job, only unleash my true power when I'm arguing about whether it's Super Shadow or Hyper Shadow in SA2 (IT'S SUPER YOU HYPER MONGOLOIDS)
I truly believe all autists who aren't head banging non verbals and work to self improve can make it.

He really wasn't close ever. He has a really long history of terrible actions and decision making with zero remorse or self awareness.
Barb and bob made some horrible decisions and are mostly to blame but remember it was in the 80s and they weren't privileged to the information we have now. Bobs other children are well off its only the two with snorlax that are beyond fucked.


Does your wife know your power level?

Are these people retarded?
It's clearly Super, Hyper Sonic has a seizure, not white fur.


There was a huge contingent of retards on gamefaqs back in the day who adamantly believed it was Hyper Shadow because of one line in Finalhazard where Shadow says he doesn't have enough energy to transform into his super form, but it was a fuckup and it's actually Knuckles who was meant to read that line, I believe a guide or magazine incorrectly called him Hyper Shadow too. Also Hyper Form takes more energy not less as well as Super Emeralds so I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. It still pops up now and again.

Didnt stop being autistic before moving out after high school. I wasnt forced out though, I made the step myself knowing I couldnt live like this any more if I wanted to be happy. Got a crash course in socializing by throwing myself into the jungle of university and now I'm pretty normal I think, or at least people dont seem to care too much if I'm strange. Got a gf and a job these days.

>Chris is happy
>Chris doesn't have to work
>Chris regularly actively partakes in his hobbies
>Chris doesn't let anything stop him from enjoying his interests
>Chris derives immense joy from his intricate fantasy world
>Chris routinely travels
>Chris gets free money in the mail from both the government and his haters
>Chris has been on television multiple times through sheer chance winning the prizes of his dreams
>Chris is a supremely unique human being born at the exact right time for everything to line up to make him into the original 21st century sperg, the ur-sperg, a sperg so beyond all others that he's captured the imagination of thousands

>Chris will have a legacy outstripping literally everyone in this thread for better or for worse. Chris might very well be the most documented single human in history. 100 years from now people will still read about Chris, and we'll be forgotten.

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Real talk, at what age do you think you're beyond hope?

Probably 40.

>chris is happy

wrong. his existence is perpetual torment.

If you aren't self sufficient in modern society by 27 give up. You will not be hired for almost anything without experience. Nobody wants to take a risk hiring you. Online work such as webdev etc is all a overcrowded meme anyway where you're racing to compete with third worlders.

Aye she's fully aware but she doesn't mind and also loves the vidya. I think I got away with it because it was a slow reveal, and I don't bore her with my 10 hours of jumping at corners in whatever game I'm playing looking for ways to get OOB because we have our own separate consoles and PCs.

>being remembered as a retarded autismo is better than not being remembered at all
I don't think you understand the difference between fame and infamy.

This is the blessing of being a retard with zero self awareness in a society/situation that will support you.

Chris is insanely blessed.

If you have literally no work experience by 27 its over, I agree. I dont think anyone would take a CV like that seriously.

Reminder that Chris is more of a drain on society than people with Downs Syndrome. At least they can work in mcdonalds. Chris was too much of a faggot to last a week working at wendys.

You don't seem to understand that chris can't make that distinction and from his perspective he is in fact famous. He will be remembered either way which is more than most people can achieve short of their own progeny.

How large are the gaps in your CV?

If you're not working full time with overtime at least 10-20 hours a week and with a degree you aren't competitive in the modern world and no first world profession will hire you. Have fun getting a trade license and cleaning my shitter for pennies and living in a trailer.

Lol loser
t. exact same but 32

you're bringing yourself down for so much retarded shit. you're 30 yet you still care about stuff I stopped caring last year at 23. sure, go on, if you can muster the strength to at least stop behaving like a /r9k/ manchild. if not, just keep living the epic life of a 4chaneler shitposterxD 24/7 waiting for death to arrive or jump off a building, doesn't make a difference which you pick

You can get away with it if you have a valid excuse or can come up with one, but you need to go out and get a qualification to get your foot in the door. If you just put you have a coding boot camp and then some freelance work and you can evidence it, you can say you were on a career break before hand and everything before that was low level retail work or some shit and you wanted to do something better with your life nobody is gonna bother chasing it up if it's irrelevant.

Are trades badly paid in the US? In my country its the secret lifehack to economic independence. Everyone gets higher education but usually gets lesser pay in the end and a massive debt from studying, while trades are well paid and safe.

Just become internet famous like all hopeless autists but do it now before the internet is fully censored and TV tier family friendly because that will be in 10 years tops

you won't even get a job through trades. I've worked with a great deal of mechanics and other professions and they will not touch somebody who appears with zero work experience at middle age.
You can get lucky and get hired from a purely desperation stand point like hvac in florida but you will not keep the job once they figure out you're a sperg with zero social skills and are unreliable/have no discipline.

>sperg gets job
>thinks he can just not show up to work when he feels like it

Why does this happen every time?

Thet say they are but they're lying. Most of them live in shithole trailer parks and cant find a woman who isnt a single mother to a crack baby. It's a racket.

Real Chris-Chan

shut the fuck up anime poster

Queen of Yea Forums.

kino saga

Daily reminder.

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No, trades in many areas are very well paid. Many states are in desperate needs of people willing to do this work. If you give zero shit about a long life go become a welder.
The real issue with trades is getting past the initial hurdle of acquiring your training and tools.
If you're a no experience 30 year old antisocial neet with no savings this is going to be an issue.

Spergs tend to feel like they are failures over the slightest mistakes, and then opt to just disappear out of shame. The problem is self propelling too. The sperg leaves out of shame, and then becomes ashamed about leaving, with causes him to leave out of shame, which makes him even more ashamed about leaving. Eventually, this leads to complete isolation to avoid the cycle.

25 is probably the latest when you won't suffer long term for your crappy decisions if you work on improving your life
25-35 is more salvaging what you can but there is zero chance of coming out clean with each year getting exponentially worse

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The Gigachad Real-Chris Chan
The "Chad" Lolcow
The Virgin Sadcow

the only way to not further disappoint and to not make further mistakes is to not do anything at all


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>Spergs tend to feel like they are failures over the slightest mistakes
I can attest to this
>Feel like I'm doing poorly at work
>Almost never receive anything but positive feedback.

Never left a job like the other user was talking about though.

>tfw could've been like CWC
>was really autistic over sonic
>obsessed with the series from childhood to early teens
>would often try to talk about the series, even if the person doesn't care about sonic
>was perceived as annoying
Good god, I am thankful that I grew out of that phase. Had it not been for videos ridiculing fanboys of sonic and exposing the embarrassing shit they've done (such as sonic brainfart videos) and developing a sense of self consciousness, I probably would be even more socially inept and autistic.
Still enjoy the series, but I make a subconscious effort of stray away from it.

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haha yeah

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I will always pity Dobson. He actually made it online and he could have done some amazing things if he actually capitalised on his success. Instead he threw all that good faith into the garbage for nothing.
Dobson is the embodiment of regret and poor decisions.

Are you me?

the only reason you're different is because you remain anonymous. You're still an autistic sperglord

>I'd be prettier, cuter and would have less issues if I was born a girl
that's 99% of girls born outside of shithole countries

Is it really a sub-conscious effort if you're making an effort to do something?

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I swear to god I've seen that exact pic and filename posted on bbwchan before

reminder that sammy sonic fan killed himself.

Sort of the same boat. I disengaged from the fanbase like ten years ago and haven't looked back. Now I'm just waiting for some fans to make a game that will be 3D Sonic's "Mania". Sonic Team I've completely given up on for a long time now and it's much easier to deal with the constant mediocre to bad games they shit out this way.

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Despite enjoying a morbidly obese fuckhole, I actually found that on google images


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no frickin way

proof or it never happened

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family posted the rip message on his instagram in june.

no lol, just checked
latest is him holding a turtle

Post a screenshot or it's fake faggot

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Same, but im 25

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wow rip guess he was perishable after all

The biggest and most shocking thing about Chris when you think about it is how little of a long-standing impact, with the exception of the Idea Guys probably, the trolls really had on his life. Chris was well adept at ruining his own life long before anyone on the internet began to notice him. By 2008 when the trolling began to start up, he had already been suspended from college for harassing MLW, his “friendship” with Megan was on its deathbed, he was a local menace at the GaME PLACE, and he was well into writing Sonichu. And while the trolls had taken up a huge portion and f his day-to-day life, including constant videos and writing them into Sonichu as villains, even the biggest trolls like Clyde and Liquid were easily forgotten by Chris once they stopped trolling him. He treated his e-girls no differently, when one would be outed as a troll, he’d pack up, kill off their OCs in Sonichu, and he’d move on to the next. As much as Chris likes to blame the trolls for his woes and predicaments, they if anything, have only been accelerants to where Chris has gotten today, raving and looning with a messiah complex. He was always destined to be a unemployed tranny living with his parents into adulthood. The only job he had was working at Wendy’s in high school and it was only a month before he was fired. He wore Barb’s underwear and refused to properly socialize with men ever since he was a child. Chris’ outcome of where he is today was written on the walls decades ago.

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Not about Sonic but I was like that with various things. I think my saving grace was that I wasn't diagnosed till I was in my mid-teens, so I didn't get it driven into my head that autism could be my excuse. When I acted like a tard I got called a fucking retard. It really should happen more often, because I've seen, and worked with, autistic people who were diagnosed young and they excuse everything with it. I may be socially inept and standoffish because of it, but I don't excuse every mistake I make with "I'm autism :("

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>tfw now that i see him hes giving me boner and i even was the original trolls who shitted him up
i just want a qt twink sammy bf

If it helps you I'm 31 and never had a license, learned to driver when i was 18 but decided I hated it and didn't want a car nor needed the commodities it provides.
I have a higher than average wage in an stable job so I could afford it, but I go by without it by biking or public transport. The only downside is, being the turbo normie I am, that women my age look down upon men that don't drive, but I just date younger women who don't really care

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Haha, distant parents and being the youngest kid who only either gets blamed or ignored sure does fuck someone up haha.

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dead and a bitcoin millionaire
whos next

So he's still alive

Is it normal if i want to have sex with sammy.

3000 fucking dollars

pamperchu survived the cancer

sammy's not dead hes employed

I want to fuck Sammy so badly...

No joke it's most likely that 95% of people that regularly use that website never had a job. Even the shitty Youtube channels like Danknet that just narrate pages on there. Their attitude just screams "edgelord NEET." With all the "do as I say or I'll dox you" and them always turning out to be lolscows or trannies.

Nice cat butt

tell me about your career and how you got there.

Post your bank account

I'm 23 and currently learning to drive. Even if I don't ever get a car or drive, at least I can say I got my license.

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chris has been a beacon of hope for me in dark times. Every time I fucked up I thought I'm never gonna be chris chan and that lifts me up

That's nice, but he never actually showed how skilled he could be. Never showed how he could compete against others in a real man's game. His comics suck and he'll never have a true legacy to him, like tricking fans and 'detractors' into spending $1000 dollars to learn he has a cat. Now that's fucking based.

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Fuck off Kiwifag

There's nothing there tho?

Same. At some point you have to take control of your own life. Can't blame all your failings in life on others or else you'll end up like Boogie.

y-you too

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Don't make jokes about beloved Yea Forums personalities dying we already lost Chad Daddy this year

Aren't Americans are basically on easy mode with their automatics anyway?
I passed when I was 17

>none have been my fault.

Sure user.

Doesn't compare to madthad going back to prison because he decided to post on Yea Forums 7 months ago

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Shit are you serious? He's going back to the can?

There are more of his kind, even worse.

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If you live in a major city it's fine man, if you live in the country then what the fuck, do you have a phobia? My mum is like 46 and can't drive.

>have a genuine food life
>27, no job, still in uni
>I know Im the problem but I cant remember the moment that flipped my life to worse

>2 fenderbenders from people not paying attention
>1 person turning right on red hitting me
>1 person running a redlight causing a 5 car pileup
Yeah no, not on me

>Check thread
>It's all just a bunch of autismos biting bait
Christ almighty

hes already back in the can lmao.
violated parole by accessing a computer to come post that image + some other shit on Yea Forums

Chrischan had an excelent week at bronycon, meeting cute girls and people.

You Yea Forumstards spent the week in your basement LMAO

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Yeah but at least I didn't got to bronycon

Whats a food life? Did you mean you're just amiercan KEKEKEKEKEKEk no but really explain

30 Jahre ungefickt, kannste dir net ausdenkne

>Chris is happy
He is not. His twitter is 90% complaining about his dying mother and his lack of freedom.
>Chris derives immense joy from his intricate fantasy world
And it torments him a lot too.
>Chris routinely travels
what? He left virginia two times

What do I even do to improve my life if I don't know what I want? I don't want anything and don't spend money. The "worse" part is probably that I'm well off financially so there's no actual pressure to do anything.
>uni degree
>no work experience
>no licence
>hobbies are all escapism
>still have teenage level acne
>kissless virgin

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>not fucking sweaty smelly thirsty nerd girls


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whats that underneath his shirt between his bosoms

Did (yours or theirs) Insurance company fuck you?

Our generation just lacks purpose, it will all end soon don't worry

Nah I went to Bronycon too

How long is he back in for? MadThad deserves better, I heard he was working at a warehouse and getting his life back together.

apathy is all I've got and I don't see any value in the future.

>Chris is not a real trans-sexual, but he thinks he is.
>hates his own identity
>thinks that makes him a trans-sexual.

This is most trannies. The amount of bullied loser kids from my school who've now come out as trans, when they had no issues with their gender back then, is very telling. They think that it's some sort of magic do-over.

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How's your diet, user?

LMAO thats even worse, you are a nobody, at least chris is a superstar there

both retard

im happy for chris chan he deserves all the love he gets

>been a neet for 3 years
>just got knocked back from a job at
fucking mcdonalds

I've got a university degree, it's a dumb meme degree, but it should count for something right? I should atleast be fit to flip burgers. I started up Uni again but it's online, I fucking hate it so far and am contemplating quitting already 4 weeks in. I just feel so useless and isolated, I drank myself to sleep on boxed wine last night.

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Healthy and normal. I also exercise and drink a fuckload of water.

I'm not American.
In Australia you have to pass a written theory test to get your learners, then do 75 hours with an instructor or a fully licenced driver to mark you off on everything, then pay to go get your provisional. After a year on your Ps, you can go and do another test for your full licence. The entire process can take like a year and a half to two years.

I was diagnosed when I was 7 or 8 but it was never really explained to me that I had autism and what it was until middle school and even then it was hard not to use it as an excuse. Even before I knew what was wrong with me, teachers would bend over backwards to accommodate anything I needed, my parents would buy me any toy or vidya I wanted, etc. And one I had a name to what I was suffering from, it was even easier to blame my laziness and sperginess on it. It took years of counseling for me to realize that I only had myself to blame for my shit. And I do still struggle with the symptoms of being a standoffish sperg, I’m able to cope and live a normal life because people actually cared enough to teach me how to actually live with autism and not just pamper me because I was different