What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Honestly not enough Li Li

Blizz decided to join the MOBA craze late, League and Dota already had huge fanbases and competitive scenes. Rather than having a nice and enriching experience at the launch of the game, they relied on nostalgia and the "wow factor" of being able to be Illidan, Diablo, etc.

Why did they do this to Ragnaros' face?

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Blizzard's insane expectations. Smite is about the same size population wise yet HiRez are pretty happy with their game while HOTS is an utter failure for Blizzard.

Activision's greed.

not enough depth
not enough carry potential

It didnt deserve its fate, it could have sustained a decent playerbase but for some reason they decided to trash it completely. They could have reduced the prize pools gradually instead of just dropping the entire league and it would have had a better effect on advertising.
It's probably some top level manager that saw the stock plummet and wanted to "send a message" with a drastic change in policy.
It backfired as everything does for blizzard nowadays

Nothing until they made a second OC hero that's way shitter looking than the first. The game was great despite the lack of development but I dropped it cold turkey after that. In a way, it would've been better on full maintenance mode.

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They realized their mistake after they let the golden goose dota 2 slip through their fingers and wanted to join MOBA genre, but were too late.
>"At some point IceFrog approached Blizzard Entertainment about the possibility of developing DotA as a standalone game, but the company was uninterested and asked him to port the mod to their upcoming StarCraft 2 map editor for free instead."
Also too much push for artificially creating esport out of it.

>more oc heroes
why would they wanna waste a slot on that shit?

No items
Too much focus on 5 man fights

They made it so casual, that its impossible to carry. That usually means that the team with least retards wins

really shitty monetization + the insanity that is the quickmatch matchmaking experience
map design got lazy and too homogenized later on
newer characters suffered the same powercreep that afflicts all of these games

Why couldn't blizzard make all the heroes free? If valve could do it in 2011 so could they.

They didn't cash in on the zoomer demo. Blizz was going full cartoony/Disney while League was all in with sex and tiktok.

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Confusing monetization scheme.
Awful matchmaking for QM, and even Hero/Storm League
Absolutely atrocious moderation.

My entire team reported and blocked someone, and we got matched with them again, on our team THREE MORE TIMES.

If I block someone, it should remove them from my match making, at least for my teams side.

That's literally unenforceable given the size of the playerbase. You'd be stuck in queue all day.

Better to be stuck in queue then get shitty games constantly because of trolls.

I hate MOBAs (DOTA and LoL), but HotS was a good time for me as a MOBA hater.

Blizzard had some really good design choices.

they forgot her

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Was too late, too unfinished and too expensive for what it was. A year or two later it became good but the damage was done.

>dead thot

Where's my Lilidan skin. Where's my Lil'Dan skin. Where's my cyber skins from stickers.

Abathur solo queue players.

Zero fucking balance. So many things stayed broken for months

The moderation was also a joke. You could int and troll with no penalty, but typing anything mean in chat to a troll got you banned

Blizzard is stuck in 2000's, they will fade to obscurity in the next decade.

You know, looking at HotS, I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked up DotA as well. DotA is so popular and successful nowadays because Valve actually give a fuck about their games, not just because it has big name attached to it.

Just play with your non-retarded friends then. It's not a good game to play solo.

I agree that it is not as complex as other mobas, either. But honestly, that's a good thing, because mobas are trash and you shouldn't take them any more serious than some casual timewaster you play with the boys. Something like LoL where matches go on for 45 minutes even though the outcome is clear around the 20 minute mark are just jarring.

>League not being cartooney/disney too

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>Blizz was going full cartoony/Disney while League was all in with sex and tiktok.
HoTS has sexier females than League.

>Zero fucking balance
Well, yes, it's a Blizzard game, why would you expect literally anything else in the first place?

Hots did nothing wrong, it is the failure of nuWoW, WC3 remaster nonhype, Diablo Immortal and desperate classicfags that they had to steal the most based and competent developers at nublizz to save their mainline franchises from plummeting into 5 digit playercounts
Hots was the only game worth playing for a long time and they soon recognized when even hots had more newcomers and retainment than overwatch and nuWoW

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>Awful matchmaking for QM
The genre is not built around QM, its built around Blind Pick. QM is only there because people are lazy but still want to bitch that team comp is shit when its their own damn fault.

she is an overwatch reject, the fanbase of ow was bitching about no nigger females so I don't see how they missed this obvious opportunity they are clearly run by retards right now

>too casual
>late comer to an oversaturated genre
>impossible to solo carry games

They should have added Taelia Fordragon then, jesus

The Moba genre is already casual and they thought it was a good idea to make it even more casual.

the same thing thats gonna happen to blizzards BR when they reveal it at blizzcon, too late to the party then they'll kill it by removing 90% of devs onto chinese mobile games

>impossible to solo carry games
Well, it is a team game. Not necessarily a good one, but if you play it like a singleplayer obviously you're gonna have a bad time.

>she is an overwatch reject
She has nothing to do with Overwatch. She was created before Orphea.

>why would they wanna waste a slot on that shit?
Because pretty most of the iconic Blizzard characters have made it in at this point, so releasing an OC character is the same as releasing a literally who character people are crying about not making it in her place.

some wakandan ripoff nigger bitch has nothing to do with warcraft, starcraft, or diablo universe
white hair loli bitch at least has a comic and map related to her origin
overwatch is filled to the brim with depthless superhero garbage she would've fit in perfectly with her soulless female black empowerment garbage

>some wakandan ripoff nigger bitch has nothing to do with warcraft, starcraft, or diablo universe
Bitch she looks like she could 100% exist in either Warcraft or Diablo. Both have multiple regions where a huntress/assassin could exist just because. Nothing about her says scifi or futuristic like Overwatch.

Honestly Tracer, Genji and overwatch heroes in general were absolutely worst hero designs that were like a cancerous tumor that killed the game. Overwatch maps were awful and no one liked them.
Also the entire game design philosophy going from "hey it's a casual game with crazy designs and fun maps" to "bro esports lmao" and following reworks/rebalancing around the """pro games""" ruined hots

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Wasted money of forced esports bullshit instead of letting the game grow organically. They did the same thing for Overwatch. At least they let real orgs have teams in HOTS

Nah, that came way later and was nerfed afterwords anyway.

The last chance they had to make the game popular (hots 2.0) was one of the worst metas around. IIRC it was Double support double tank, First Pick Genji and First Pick Malthael

It was ass. I couldn't play it until they fixed Malthael.

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And most of them are buried under family friendly skins.


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>And most of them are buried under family friendly skins.
Most of the women are sexy by default. Tyrande is tits and ass. Whitemane is tits and ass. Gnome is short tits and ass. Alex is super thick and so is Hammer.

The only ones they aren't by default are Sonya, Zarya, the zerg, and Yrel who's hiding her bust under armor.

Keep making hyper mobile ranged assassins rather than the dumb fun shit like Abathur and ChoGall. The biggest strength HotS had was the unique characters you couldn’t find anywhere else, when they decided to make an OC rather than make her a unique thing that people couldn’t find in other games, they make orphea a generic lol character. The community wanted overmind and deathwing not because of any particular attraction to the characters but because the team could build something truly unique from them.
>overmind replacing core and controlling a mass of zerglings that need full surrounds to do decent damage
>Deathwing being much larger than any other character and ignoring crowd control but took extra damage from aoe
>rock n roll racer being momentum reliant requiring a more all in playstyle.
But no fuck it, add a loli that does random goo shit

>No xp, No items, No lh/deny
They would have implemented those, it would have been the first moba

So imo after playing a lot of hots I understand how flawed those systems are.
Well, there is XP, but I assume you mean individual XP. The problem with individual XP is that it creates a discrepancy between your average team level and one jesus Hero you create. Thus the game relies upon carries.
Carry potential exists in hots (Illidan, Kel'thuzad, Valla stuff like that), it's just not a requirement as opposed to the other mobas.
The problem here is balance. If an item is broken on one hero and balanced on another hero, then by nerfing the item, you've nerfed a balanced build. Talents being unique to a hero means that they can go in and nerf talents without ruining any other heroes.
True there's no last hits, but to claim there's no xp deny is utterly false. in addition to normal lane bullying, getting camps and/or map objectives force people to migrate to other lanes, losing xp.

It's definitely its own animal.

100% this

I honestly think they gave up on that when they had to rework the Vikings which is why they specialists all together. Shame because I too wanted more characters based around battlefield control and manipulation.

And it definitely sucks, hence why it died.
Funny thing is : Wc3 gameplay being popular is only because of heroes/xp/items.

>It's definitely its own animal.
Explaining to dota/lol/hon players that HotS doesnt play the same exact way as their game is like trying to explain color to the blind. You arent going to get anywhere until they can actually experience it for themselves. I like hots because my games rarely go over 15 minutes, I dont get trapped in an hour long game where Ive been losing since the 10 minute mark but the other team isnt pushing and mine just keeps feeding kills and whining about how its not their fault they gave cancerlancer 4 kills immediately.


I love the Siege Tank hero. That's about the only good thing in this game.

>xXcykablyat69Xx got his head pwned by BigDickDaniel
>xXcykablyat69Xx got his head pwned by BigDickDaniel
>xXcykablyat69Xx got his head pwned by BigDickDaniel
>xXcykablyat69Xx got his head pwned by BigDickDaniel
xXcykablyat69Xx: wtf omni shiter no heals come offlane fucker

I guess that's why Dota1 failed
I guess that's why League failed
I guess that's why Fortnite failed
I guess that's why Overwatch failed

Mobility creep kills every single fucking game. Its cancer in LoL, its cancer in Overwatch, its cancer in WoW, its cancer in HotS.

Maybe this isn't why the game sank, but I always felt that characters were pretty bland. I'm not talking about the personalities but the actual abilities.
They always seemed pretty simple and boring, but got better with talents. I thought that was lame though, having to load into a game and wait 10-15 mins just for my character to actually become fun.
Really put me off, outside of a couple characters I couldn't find anybody I liked to play

Blizzard human resources got non talented people in so every franchise is dying. Diablo, SC, HoTS, WoW, OW and HS in that order.

Will they ever recover?

They put ex fox sports people in charge of making a fucking video game.

Alextraza isnt my real mother and she does not have a figure i can buy but stitches, a character literally no one gives a shit about does.

valve doesn't give a shit about dota, they only milk it for all its worth with awful skins and esports hype. THANK FUCKING GOD they gave icefrog total control though, can you imagine someone from valve actually keeping up to date on an actual game?

Activision-Blizzard trying to push esports in the west like Korea has in Korea, so they can make shit tons of money off of sponsorship deals.

Thats why they've always been a major contributor to shit like MLG and have pushed a fuck ton of money into trying to make WOW, HOTS, and OWL an esport scene, not understanding that blizzard built their reputation by having highly polished, fun to play, casual versions of popular genres, not by being an esport, starcraft is the only outlier and only in korea because it was one of the first games koreans actually got to play that was localized in korean.

It's a combination of being coming late and being greedy. By the time HotS entered the ring they had no right to expect people to pay for heroes based on nostalgia alone. If they had made everything accessible it would have done better, but ActiBlizz cares too much for short-term gains to let something good grow over time.

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The game is a lot of fun, it's quick, casual, you lose it's no big deal. But the nigress killed my interest. I love Orphea, because she's cute and unique. But putting in a second OC 3 heroes later is completely senseless. People already thought the game was dead twice over, why give them more reasons to quit?
Giving any sort of lore to the game was a mistake in my opinion. It was a joke in the original tutorial and it should have stayed that way.

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Nothing went wrong
Do what?

I still remember coming from Dota 2 and being amazed that you had to buy/grind heroes. I could overlook it because of gameplay but it felt incredibly greedy.

i thought the same then i saw you get 1k coins for simply playing 20 mins vs ai every day. owned the entire roster within 4 months.

thats easily the most generous f2p model in on the market.

>le activision boogeyman

way 2 late, and focused on full team effort, theres no carries or something like that

It's simply not fun.

They entered the arena last and pulled the plug first. What were we, its players, supposed to think or feel?
Shitty decision-making killed it.

I honestly thought she was a Diablo character when I saw the artwork for her
>Keep making hyper mobile ranged assassins
Yeah all two of them
And you're a shitplayer who honestly believes in "Mobility creep "
>>overmind replacing core
Yeah they tried that with Ragnaros, it didn't work.

Blizzard designed it like all the other games, i.e. individual skill doesn't matter and you are 100% reliant on teammate coinflip matchmaking giving you less retards.

So that means that individual skill does matter

>Game no one asked for
>Game genre no one wanted another one of.
>Forced into the 'muh mlg' meme just like overwatch is trying to be
>Games that people want to watch competativlly much like a fart, when forced is usually shit.
>Ugly ass models
>Not a high skill cap

>Overwatch characters

Esports. It was a fine and fun casual game but they had to push esports, and it killed the fun in favor of balance. Also Overwatch hero power/mobility creep.

It gets even worse
>Diablo characters

They sacrificed what made it unique in order to make it more esports-ready, then dropped the esports anyways.

Worse than that, literal who? diablo characters like imperious.

>mobility creep

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You know that carry and teamplay aren't mutual exclusive right dumbass?
You know that the most popular esport game is counterstrike, a teamplay where you can carry your team?
You know that you can carry in LoL and Dota, YET they are fucking team game?
If you love the team game so badly, why are you against carry? Why don't you just play support?
This is why communism fails.

>Ugly ass models
The game had a lot of problems but this isn't one.

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Are you actually going to refute it

Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Junkrat, all 4 OW assassins. Event Diva with her retarded mech.

I prefer LoL art.
SC2 engine is just ugly no matter what.

its easy to solo carry hots you lil brainletts
>small map
>pick snowballer like alarak
>dab on the core

It amazes me how people put up with those atrocious LoL models.

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Fucking loved playing Abathur when I still played. Watching shitters seethe because "DUDE WHY ARE YOU STANDING IN ONE SPOT ALL GAME HELP" while I'm busy having triple their exp contribution and just as many kills was great. Didn't play Cho'Gall much, but I appreciate his uniqueness.

>Overmind replacing Core
I remember seeing a similar idea for Mengsk. Unfortunately that's trickier nowadays since I think we have 1-2 maps now with cores that can move around a bit. I remember core replacement was their original plan for Ragnaros(which is where his fort replacement trait came from), but scrapped because people didn't feel like they were playing Rag himself. Wouldn't be so much and issue for Overmind or Mengsk where people wouldn't expect them directly on the field anyways.

I mean
>Diablo characters
Yes, because if mobility creep was a thing then it would have shown in the game. If mobile characters goes up in usage then so does the anti mobility characters, furthermore there are a lot of mobile characters that doesn't get picked. Lunara being one of them, another example is Lucio who was the top tier healer for a time but after the nerfs he lost that spot to Malfurion (all supports basically did). So if mobility creep was a thing then it would have shown, but it didn't so therefor mobility creep is not a thing.
In what world is Hanzo mobile? Because let me tell you it's not in Heroes of the Storm, his escape options are worse then Valla and Raynor. Yeah Junkrat can get far with his mine but it's also his only escape option, Dva is not mobile as she doesn't even have access to a mount

Gameplay wise it's great, aside form the new matchmaking which makes games mostly a complete shut-out in either direction.
But Blizzard got into MOBAs late, and didn't have a huge pool of uninvested people to work with. Most MOBA players were already doing League or DotA.

But the game was a commercial success. It's just not ENOUGH of a success for ActiBlizz.
The HotS team was kind of like the retirement for good Blizz devs. Everything they did was full of soul and was generally well received by the playerbase.
So, when every other game was floundering because making games for stockholders instead of games for players was slowly killing ActiBlizz, the god-tier HotS devs had to be relocated.
So they took HotS out back, shot it, pissed on the corpse, and took most of the staff for other teams.

There is no map where the core can move
>Wouldn't be so much and issue for Overmind or Mengsk where people wouldn't expect them directly on the field anyways.
Perhaps but it becomes an issue as teamfights can easily leave you in a 4v5

>it wasn't a thing because I said so
>ignoring the fact that every high mobility ow hero was top tier
>lucio who was top tier until he was nerfed to be an unsustainable healer
>not proving the point that his mobility was op
If you're going to be willfully ignorant that's on you buddy but dont try to pretend that's the reality for everyone else.

Well, I mena more that Warcraft map where the "cores" and big warriors that can walk around in their area. Not move as in walk around the map.

But yeah, any core replacement hero is going to have to be balanced around the fact that you're down an extra body on the field(ie, less exp soak potential). The original Core Replace Ragnaros tried to fix that by letting him drop a Son of Flame that basically acted like a semi-hero that gave him some teamfight contribution.

How effective it would have been is debateable, but a potential core replacement like Mengsk or Overmind would either need to have teamfight contribution like that(doesn't have to JUST be a hero-like body on the field), or have a good enough non-teamfight presence to make up for it, like being able to remotely hard shoive a lane super hard to potentially force an enemy player to have to back off from a fight to deal with it. Issue being with that is that something like that would be very tricky to balance properly.

this is why aba/cho/vikings are never ever picked outside warhead junction

these heroes cripple your team till the 20 min mark.

Joined too late to the party really.
Look at OW on the other hand, which singlehandedly killed off other hero shooters.

Aba dosen't have the same limitations as Cho or Vikings. In fact Cho is a terrible pick on Warhead, he's better suited for maps like Garden, Infernal shrines or Tomb.
Tracer was picked for her burst, when they nerfed her burst her usage plummeted. Genji was picked for his resets. But fine if mobility creep was a thing then why wasn't Lunara or Chen regular picks? Both are heroes with a lot of mobility
Oh yeah I forgot about altarec. Yeah a core replacement hero wouldn't work on that map

*killed off other hero shooters then suicided

>Not mobile
'Let me just move while attacking and casting for tons of damage oh wait I'm in danger let me just jump over unpathable terrain and mount with one button' Hanzo
'Poke, root, and displace unendingly before flying away at mach 2 while also knocking pursuers in the other direction oh and I also have +15% move speed at almost all times' Junkrat
Both are pretty goddamn mobile. The only one they're not as mobile as is Genji, who has a whopping FOUR get-out-of-jail-free cards.

And both of them have an ult option to simply tell the other team that ganking them is pointless if you can't get them stunned from 100% to dead.

>milk it
>doesn't give a shit
So which one? They milk it for TI, the bigger TI the more they can milk it.

"Oh I got caught, guess I better escape....what do you mean there is no wall nearby for me to use?"
>Let me just move while attacking
Yeah Hanzo doesn't have that, unless you mean his ability's. But every hero has that, Hanzo can't even stutterstep

Pokes has fuck all to do with mobility and his root has a hard time catching someone when you chase him.

Just because they don't commision kpop videos and do weekly blogs talking about nothing doesn't mean they don't care.

How do I get etter as Tyrande? I play a lot of rehgar/brightwing when Im supporting but for some reason when I play Tyrande I feel like Im just not doing anything despite hitting my quests quickly and getting more cc time than my brightwing

Mate are you retarded. Are you comparing chen's mobility to Genji and Tracer? This is the exact point of mobility creep. They're leagues better. Tracer and Lunara aren't even close. All Lunara has is her jump which deals pathetic damage. Tracer can attack while fucking moving and blink. And has an instant teleport escape. How are you even trying to compare. Chen and Genji? Similar mobility? Don't make me laugh.

>taking leap not thorns
>then complaining lunara isnt good

how to spot a silver shitter. you really shouldnt be typing about things you dont understand.

Nigger I just said leap was shit can you read.

Lunara moves 20% faster then other characters, and she has access to slow so you will never catch her. So 20% faster movement speed+slow+ 2 jumps (with unstoppable), how is that not mobile? And if you seriously think that Lunara has pathetic damage then you're doing something wrong,
>Are you comparing chen's mobility to Genji and Tracer
His Q has long range so it's a fantastic gap closer, his keg smash slows so you can't escape him.

>she has access to slow
>his keg smash slows
We're talking about hero mobility, not about relative mobility in hypothetical 1vs1 fight in team game.

Oooh got it. You ARE retarded because you in fact ARE trying to compare genji and tracer to chen and Lunara. It's easy to say mobility creep doesn't exist then you just shut your eyes and ignore reality.


Everything helps, Chen having a slow is going to help him dive your backline and escape.
Yeah so why do you keep doing it? Mobility Creep doesn't exist, Tracer isn't relevant after they removed her burst damage and Genji is picked for the same reason Li-Ming is, the resets.

I like Lili

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Honestly, I've never been furry, and not going to. But.

Public perception too. People see the blizzard logo and the game will instantly suffer even if a similar game is doing well with a similar sized fanbase

Yeah until Raynor shat all over them, and then there was that period when Chromie was a mandatory ban or how about that period when Azmodan was a mandatory ban? Say can you explain why it is that Valla, Jaina or Falstad never dropped out of favor. Perhaps you can explain the rise of Fenix

Oh wait I almost forgot the period when Greymane was a mandatory pick

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The game has easily the best graphics out of all Blizzard games.

nothing, the game has a low enough player base that i can call someone a nigger in chat and not get banned.

>He plays against Hanzos that are not always within two steps of a wall
If any hero does stupid shit they can be killed for it easily. The difference between a shitter and an unkillable demigod is being able to keep track of a way out as kiting characters.

And poke does have a lot to do with mobility, especially when he has no mana. The enemy has to commit to engaging him, not vice versa, where he can make getting to him for the murder a pain in the ass.
Also, he can move while shooting his poke without slowing down, and when his poke is on CD he moves even faster if you took the only decent talent on that tier.

Ming and Kael getting nonstop nerfed for killing entire teams?

azmodan is still mandatory ban unless you enjoy getting your shit pushed in with multi lane demons while he dunks your ass.

>make a furry game
>make retarded but fun characters such as abathur, lost vikings, then cho'gall
>no more fun character
>force competition on a casual unbalanced game
>gold earnings are way too low
>release OC characters
>decide to announce hey'll drop (competitive) support the week blizzard reached an all time low after the disaster of the blizzcon

All of those characters were invalidated when Genji Tracer were at their peak. When Azmodan was reworked they had already been nerfed down a million times. No one played Valla, Jania, or Falstad (unless on a map that benefits from global) when overniggers were at their highest. Raynor was a good pick when overniggers were banned. Fenix was also introduced after several overnigger bans. He's a top tier hero because he has infinite sustain, has a shield, a teleport, great sustained damage, great waveclear, and two good ults. Surprised he hasn't been nerfed into the ground since he invalidates most auto attack heroes.

Indeed, and any good players know how to get players trying to escape.
Seriously? I been banned from the game for months now and fuck all has changed? That's depressing

When the fuck are they going to update arthas? He's not fun to play, looks like shit, and is probably their most iconic character.

Right right and Varian shat all over Genji and Tracer, but nobody ever picked Varian to shit on Genji and Tracer. Because HOTS players are awful at their own game

>He's not fun to play
Iktf, I play him, I have a heavily positive win rate with him, and every game I get some sort of accolade at the end for taking damage or root time or something.
So why is it every game I play with him I dont feel like Im doing anything?

you're playing the *walks at you menacingly* hero

nothing wrong with him at all, maybe you just suck user? hes only weak early game to spam shitters like li ming and keal

I don't think any update can save him, he's in the spot he's designed to be. A anti-melee tank, he works well against dive teams but if the enemy team has something like Johanna or Garrosh then you're screwed.

Didn't have a solid idea right from the start and reinvented itself like twice. Casual mode inherently broken, random map selection would straight up make some characters useless and games were decided by who luckily picked the best character for that map randomly.

Only like three good maps, rest are very bad. Should've removed them early on and focused on the few good ones.

It's characters were always more interesting than other mobas but it was too late

Theres a bruiser build thats kind of fun but every game does feel like my job is
>root 2+ people
>apply the armor debuff
>slow the team
>Mash ghoul sacrifice until my carry cleans them up
>Wait 90 seconds for the next teamfight

Dota 2 does it just fine, and anyone in game can buy a fucking blink dagger or force staff at any point in time, and several heroes can teleport around the map nearly at will

your games' designers just have to not fucking suck kek

>no "currency"
>no last hits
>multiple maps

Have to AA constantly.

Check out Alterac Pass map. It's how WC3 Reforged should look.

I didn't say anything was wrong with him. He's completely viable. he's just not fun to play. His kit is boring as fuck and he looks like shit.

>Any good player knows how to only play characters that can catch someone jumping over unpassable terrain
>Any good player only plays Anub'Arak, Muradin, or Medivh and saves all their cooldowns specifically for one character

Games literally designed for retards.
>majority of summoned units are AI controlled
>multi unit control is fucked retarded being bound to different keys between heroes, having AI that constantly takes over, shit pathfinding; just generally unreliable and unfun trying to micro units compared to, you know, an RTS which the game is based on
>when a teammate leaves the game they are controlled by an AI and you cant do anything about it
it also took them like what 3 years to add voice chat and being able to see the stats of other units?

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>I been banned from the game for months now
What the fuck did you do?

> but nobody ever picked Varian to shit on Genji and Tracer.

They did, they just went Twinblades. Ranked games in the early days of a season were awful because you'd have people from gold getting matched into Diamond/Masters groups somehow and just being absolute retards. It was great when you were playing against them and just sad when they were on your team.
I had a guy once pick Varian into a LiLi/Johanna and then proceed to go Twin Blades because he 'wanted to have fun' when we had no real tank.

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Silenced for abusive chat seven times, then I got banned,

No wait, first I got silenced about four times, then I got suspended tree times. Then I was banned

>typing anything in a game that autobans for anything it detects as potentially offensive.
Maybe don't fucking type you retard. Draw what you need on the map. Never been banned for drawing shit on that.

I tried to shut up, but the people had to know how bad they are


What's the difference between suspension and ban?

Suspension lasts a set period, a ban is forever.

This, removing specialist and making them generic assassins killed the game for me.

>dev team brainstorms abilities
>come up with a cool idea or mechanic
>they have to abandon said idea because it doesn't fit to any Blizzard characters
That's how HOTS used to work, they were allowed more creative freedom which is why Orphea and Qhira exist now and they can design a character and kit from the ground up.
they literally just added two of the most requested characters to the game too, people need to stop bitching for no reason

First: state of the game on launch

Like what the fuck were they thinking. They tried to make hots into a completely friendly hugbox casual alternative to lol and dota, completely ignoring the fact that the reason people like this genre is the competition.

no statistics shown for characters
no k/d/a or other statistics shown for players
skills had zero range
skills had zero damage
skills had zero CC
all heroes played extremely samey because they had the same range, very similar damage and cc capabilities. Like even the fucking Stiches hook had the range of a basic ranged attack

they gradually started to realize what a pile of shit the design of the game was and gradually change things to be more like lol/dota. The game became significantly better since then, but it still couldn't get over the plain bad game design decisions that are clear indication that the people behind HotS didn't actually know shit about how to design a moba (like spamming the maps full of bushes in a game with extremely limited ways to get strategical visibility over them, or the whole invisibility mechanic depending on you having to spot some weird movement, instead it being about strategical timing and risk management)

still, even now it's by far the weakest of the big 3, and by far it's biggest drawing point is it having well known characters, and if looked closely pretty character models, also an extremely addicting lootbox reward system

Blizzard saw that League ate some of Dota's market share by providing an easier game (i.e. less mechanics barrier to entry, less individual skill expression, less strategy) so they figured if they made an even easier game they would peel off players from both Dota and LOL.

But in the end they made a game for 5 year olds, too much of a brainless 0 skill game for even Lolbabs.

actually being able to press TAB and see the statistics durring the match is bad because there are still players who jack off to them, mainly to the hero damage like nothing else matters. They will suecide 9 times but stay delusional how skilled they are because they had highest damage.

Statistics should only be visable in the score screen post match, the same way it is in warcraft 3 or starcraft.

It's still pretty telling if Artanis has higher hero damage than Tychus or Kael'thas.

Just had a game last night where 50% of the enemy teams damage was an Imperius. There was a valla and a zul'jin on their team as well

Quite simple: Blizzard lost all their fucking originality. I honestly liked this game, not as a MOBA like Dota mind you, but as a dumb and casual funfest with creative characters like Abathur and Cho'Gal. It's the kind of shit you won't find in a common MOBA, and Blizzard did an actually good job at that.

Them came the 2.0 version of the game and new releases. Holy fucking shit. Characters became more and more generic, no new "fun" heroes like Abathur and some of the worst metas i've seen in my life (After all, ho doesn't like a damage sponge meta). This, coupled with the fact that the game lacked items for character customization made it incredible boring and generic overtime. Also, 5 years no Blackthorne.

Let's say you are right (because it's debatable and there are legit factors for it but that's not the topic right now)

time for masturbating over it and flaming should be after the match.

It doesn't matter if Artanis has twice as many deaths as both of them combined

This was the one game I ever played where dedicated healers were actually fun.

Tried too hard to make it e-sports.

So make a new character instead of the LoL approach of completely remove any resemblance it had to the old character. Fuck.

Blizzard isn't allowed to make dumb fun fast to play games anymore. Everything has to be serious and competitive and an e-sport or it's not considered successful.

Expect the Warcraft 3 remake to suffer the same fate.

the skill is from positioning

yet the players are so single digit IQ they cannot even manage that 1 task
>tanks always in the back line
>supports always in melee range
>muhDEEPS running away pressing R and losing 10% hp

They didn't go far enough with deconstructing the moba. It should have been Battlerite. Fuck the lanes and towers and shit.

>Punch people to death as Kharazim
>Beat people to death with your stick while giving potions to allies as Deckard
>Slap peoples shit with Stukov and slow/silence them forever

So many good supports in this game that felt like you were actually doing something.

>not nuking a whole team with triangle + spell boost
They never expect this and its fucking hilarious.

i played it during alpha/beta game had some great stuff but also a lot of problems and blizz did nothing to fix it, not enough skill expression and solo carry potential because of communist exp/gold made it even more frustrating to play than other assfaggots games

All I wanna do is play Sonya, but I'm always forced to play tanks/healers

I played for quite a while but the role changes put me off entirely

Sonya was a tank and even after rebranding her as bruiser, she is quite tanky.

sonya is a terrible tank and terrible dps because if anyone just walks away you are fucked.

OW already have one in the pipeline though

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>A sheltered liberal white woman was at the forefront of pushing a negro hunter OC in a game about 4 flagship franchises coming together and brawling on its last legs

So why do you want to play Sonya?

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it always felt like nobody picked disengage so my team would get run down before i can get any sort of engage
not me

>There is no map where the core can move
Alterac Pass. The core can move a bit in a certain area.

>tfw get the right comp to play bloodlust rehgar

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I mean, KT was retarded. Double Living Bomb could kill an entire team in less than a second.

Overwatch characters.

Can this kamiya dude even be more retarded? Literally the most cancer e-celeb.

they made alexstrasza fat

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Harrison Jones could have filled in over Qhira. Iconic, maybe not, but at least familiar.
Orphea's kit would have worked perfectly for an old god, take Sara as the avatar for Yogg Saron or some shit. Their forced "creativity" in making new characters instead of using old ones will always be a mistake. It's a crossover game, wanting originals is the opposite of fan service.

absolutely life-giving

>cash shop rework
This and the overwatch heroes brought all their balancing issues with them into hots with hypermobility and cheap escapes / invincibility

>Genji trying to 1v1 my Stukov in the early game.
>Jump under my tower to finish me
>slow + silance can't swift strike away fucker
Stukov is so much fun.

it was killed

>mother of all dragons
>looks like a teenage stripper

Yeah naw
>no bush

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I had a lot of fun for years. Dozens of heroes felt balanced and fun to play as at any given patch, and the list would rotate and I dont think any hero didnt have some time in the limelight, even memes like murky.
The playstyles were insanely varied.

And through all the years, your team never, ever learns to soak to 10.

Friends be healed

and with some glitches, anywhere on the map


It has some of the most fun Dota-like gameplay per individual hero, but when it comes to team play it's just meh

Yeah, the core chasing you around the map was funny.

>Friends be healed

There's at list 10 big name characters across all Blizz franchises still not in the game. Fuck this negress

Why in the fuck did they introduce a literal who WE WUZ HEROES AN SHIEET nigress when there's still so much of the Blizzverse to work with?

The first one, Orphea, had the premise of the devs just giving the design team free reign, without being restricted by specific character's requirements/lore/personality/etc. so I'm guessing this one is the same
I imagine it doesn't matter much to them since they simply cannot put every single Blizzard hero into the game ever since there are so many, and putting in one and not the other will still piss people off, so might as well make your designers happy to let them do what they want once in a while

The concept of an "infectious healer" was just such a neat idea. I haven't played DOTA so I don't know if they have something like that, but I know League certainly doesn't.

Because they had been working on her before the game went into skeleton crew status so either they release her or waste all the time spent developing her. Would've been a better idea to just shelf her for maybe the 2nd or 3rd release since this is the first hero after the dead game announcement and Kevin not being the announcer for highlights. It just looks so bad.

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I think this is the most sperg and retard response I have ever seen.

> i have no self control

>Biotic armor + Universal carrier
I AM FUCKING INVINCIBLE as long as there're teammates to share my infection with.

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>Poppin' Pustules back when it was at Tier 1
>Targeted Excision

Literally punch a man to death who is too slow to run away.

>complain morales is OP
>this chad and ana floss all over the meta effortlessly
>blizz nerf all supports constantly
>buff dps
i just dont know why this game died and everyone left its a real mystery.

I fucking love Stukov so much, and getting anyone who gets that first talent that makes him ranged should be playing Morales or something, and not the chad that is Stukov since they obviously don't like literally fucking slapping people out of existence

based, and stukovpilled

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I pick Spine Launcher at lvl1 IF there is a hero in my team that greatly benefits from my constant, free slows (IE, certain assassins that get increased damage or cooldown reductions from hitting slowed suckers)

I think the studio is so bare bones now that they just let an SJW intern obsessed with Black Panther make this hero.
Forget not just being a Blizzard franchise character, she's not even a Heroes universe character. Orphea was okay because the Raven Lord was already well established across many maps from the beginning of the game. But this character comes from Black Panther. just, literally Black Panther world, "the most advanced" civilization based on real life's least advanced civilization. They've advanced so far they use swords instead of guns, or lasers, or bombs, or mechs, or chemistry, or anything that could possibly be conceived as technological.

Yeah I was hoping it would be some dragon related or reaper apprentice or something, would make sense at least, not a literally who from literally where

Mobas are dogshit and no one is going to compete with Riot when they have a multi-billion dollar revenue and only "make" one fucking game

Funny thing is : Blizz could have easily killed LoL.

Smite was a much better business model as well. $30 for all heroes ever and the only microtransactions were for skins. With HoTS, you get nickel and dimed at every corner and it locks off a major component of the game (comp) from the majority of people because of it. It would be better off if blizz weren't so greedy

They should've just did their bundle deals more often. When 2.0 came out, you could get almost half the then current cast for free since it was a 'jumping on' point for players.