Do videogames make people antisocial?

Do videogames make people antisocial?
Or are antisocial people drawn towards videogames?

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No but they reinforce anti-social attitudes.


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Did the rise of social media and outrage culture worsen it?

real answer? neither as long as you still get ample social interaction in your life. people just use them as an escapism to forget about real life and literally forget how to socialize without the help of a keyboard after a while

not a new phenomenon

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remember to sage and report eceleb threads


Of course, the more you tell people that they are bad the more you drive them away to places where they become worse. You may improve the mainstream attitude but those that were leaning in that direction don't see your point.

i think antisocial people are more drawn towards video games. its kinda like that for all the nerdy hobbies even though there are plenty of not antisocial people who do those

>are people who don't like socialising all the time drawn to activities that they can do alone?

Gee I sure wish I could answer this. games are always better alone.

humans and their retardation are making me antisocial

Neither. Online video games forced you to be social and learn to interact with people. Before social media anyway, where now everyone's in gigantic fuckoff cliques like it's some sort of high school lunchroom shit, and even just saying hi to someone online usually results in a standoffish attitude where they assume you've got some ulterior motives.

Seriously, every fucking game.

You create what you hate.

If you surround someone in clickbait vitriol about how all white people are evil, how all white men are scum and the cause of all the world's problems - the unhinged are going to snap.

I constantly had to force myself to be social in school, so yes

>people just use them as an escapism to forget about real life and literally forget how to socialize without the help of a keyboard after a while
so videogames make people antisocial

you mean "asocial", right?
asocial are people who don't like personal contact
antisocial people are the ones who harm society, like actual thieves, murderers, psychopaths, etc.

you can of course be both, but most aren't

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People with unfulfilling lives are drawn to escapism in general. People who delve into escapism are less likely to to focus on their actual lives.

Have you perhaps considered the idea that you are the retard?

Yes but I came to the conclusion that you are the retard

I cant imagine Jim looking like this.

Play games with your bros. Spam vc chat, let the russian guy that doesnt understand english into the server so you and the lads can fuck with him. Nobody knows why he's still here or goes in VC, but everytime he shrieks whole playing Siege, its the funniest shit. Video games bring the boys together, they don't tear them apart.

I do.

What the hell happened to this guy, is he still making videos?

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yes he's a chad incarnate and stillfinger blasting jade

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thats haberman

Is this true for the people obsessed with sjws?

Videogames are mass market now.

Social people play them, antisocial people play them, democrats play them, republicans play them, criminals play them, victims play them, antifa play them, white nationalists play them.

They are no longer niche.

boredom usually leads people to do productive things out of the house, video games allow people to not be bored while being alone in the house.

40 years ago a person in canada raging about white men would of only been annoying to her family and neighbours.

Today that woman can reach millions of people, mainly because it makes people angry and reporters like making people angry to get ad revenue.

If people stopped being outraged by nonsense, the world would be a better place. Since they can't, social media is turning us all insane.

Woah Cool! It's that Metokur guy!

Neither, video games are for normalfags. Read a book (that isn't Faggy Potter or Gayme of Thrones).

Is that how Jim looks like?

I fucking knew it