Drumpf is finished!

Drumpf is finished!

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lol boomers.

to be fair Yea Forums and /pol/ were pretty pissed about this yesterday

Why did anyone vote for this retard, again?

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to dab on libtards epic style

His mistake lies in associating mental problems with video games

Fucking love video games guys.

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Is it finally time to rise up?

Fuck trump. Yang 2020

Shouldn't have fucked with gamers

tomorrow: why sex video game characters contribute to violence against women

>being a socialist

>Targetting his biggest vote base , GAMERS.
What went wrong?

He targeted gamers! GAMERS!

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He only got half the shit right. Video games are just another way to cope or vent it. But just like any grandpa or raging antigun fucker, he messes it up by also putting blame on vidya. He ain't gonna do shit. His relatives last time I checked owned vidya game related stock.
I blame stupid people.

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He's right. There's no reason for games to be as violent as they are now. It's sick.
>b-but studies say...
How old are those studies? The violence in Doom is a long way away from the photorealistic murder in RDR2. This shit needs to be regulated and anyone who plays these games is suspicious.

People who play videogames are mentally ill violent chimp-brained retards. Maybe getting them taken away from you fucking idiots will teach you a lesson and prevent more mass shootings

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Based Blompf. Vidya rots your incel brain.

Fuck you, I want my neetbux NOW

Would nuking Israel solve most of America’s problems?

fuck off jew

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No, giving them more money will. Based Israel will solve the Palestinian problem!

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Typical ape-brained response. Unintelligent and volatile to a fault. You're probably imagining attacking me physically, you cretin.