Will people ever get over it? Every 2 weeks there's a thread about how Konami has a secret re-release or Kojima is gonna reveal it was all a hoax. Will we persist like this forever?
Will people ever get over it...
Its my favorite MGS. Game gets too much shit.
No he isn't
It was supposed to be the greatest game ever made...
I played this a couple months ago and thought it was one of the genre's best games. What's up with all the hate? You would think this game personally killed Yea Forums's mother or something
People were hyping it up to he the second coming of Christ in the form of a video game.You'd see a lot of "I'm postponing my suicide for this" and "it will be the peak of the medium" a lot. Then it came out and people lost their shit because they expected way too much from it.
It wasn't perfect, far from it, but these idiots hyped themselves up to a point where it would be impossible to meet those expectations even if the second half wasn't dumb filler and Episode 51 was finished and fully implemented in-game.
MGS has been shit since the original. Hell, it was shit back when it was just MG in 8bit. I cannot understand the fucking obsession over this goddamn horrible storyshit with bad gameplay.
>I haven't played all the other games in the series and only watched them on youtube - the post
People only cared about the story, and it was unfinished.
What people don't realize is that the game is actually pretty much finished, and that the only relevant content that's not in the game is Episode 51 and the Battle Gear.
Yes, even the legendary Chapter 3 is already in the game.
>and thought it was one of the genre's best games
nobody fucking cares what you think because your reference point is based on limited experience
I'm pretty sure people who just watched the previous games on youtube would be more likely to hate TPP since they clearly don't give a fuck about gameplay and just want a movie.
but the gameplay in TPP is repetitive as fuck and bland, way worse than anything that 1-3 offered
this is o b j e c t i v e l y true, by the way, disputing this shit just outs you as a casual
Played all of them multiple times. MGR and Survive aswell. MGSV is my favorite game.
>o b j e c t i v e l y
You keep using that word. I do no think it means what you think it means.
MGS1, 2 and 3 are shitty movie games where the gameplay is a clunky afterthought.
Reminder that Kojipro unironically made stealth games where you couldn't walk crouched, and with a top down camera.
There's a reason why, out of the many things the industry adopted from MGS, these are not some of them, and why, in fact, MGS was the one to change.
There's also a reason why people only care about the plot, because every other part of this franchise is crap aside from the graphics.
MGS has always been an insult to videogames, prioritizing things that this medium is not made for, and ignoring the ones that make it unique.
>MGS1, 2 and 3 are shitty movie games where the gameplay is a clunky afterthought.
Kill yourself, stopped reading there.
If MGSV isn't your favorite MGS like this guy's: , you need to fucking check yourself.
This series always had absolute dogshit almost Kingdom Hearts tier bad story and writing. Just fucking laughable. AND it also had terrible gameplay to boot. So now in comes V and fixes one of those aspects. Granted, it keeps the other one shit, but that's still a major improvement there, and at least the shitty narrative is brief this time instead of being drawn out diarrhea over 10 hours of cutscenes. The intro sequence alone almost made me throw up but the game recovers this time instead of maintaining that shit quality.
It is the de facto best MGS game.
Having this shit opinion just outs you as a casual who likely used the tranq gun for the entire game and can't even no trace a mission.
Imagine thinking the best MGS was a hoax
>but it's incomplete reeee
Even incomplete it still shits on every other MGS get fucked
What's funny is that the same people who defend MGS1, 2 and 3 are also the ones who complain that Death Stranding might be a movie game and that they want to see gameplay, when literally the only MGS game that had pre-launch gameplay focused showcases was MGSV.
>source my ass
>muh Paz side stody is chaper 3
Yes it was, there's even references to it in the leaked script.
Besides, where else do you think the story could have gone in a third chapter?
It was over, all that was left to wrap up was Episode 51, and something to build up to Episode 46, which Chapter 3 was going to do with the Paz subplot.
If there was anything else, there would be leftover files, not just a pic of "CHAPTER 3" and literally no other clue whatsoever, because there was nothing else.
Of Chico and Battle Gear there are leftovers, and Chapter 3's are Paz's oddly hidden subplot.
>immediate "a network error has occurred" upon fob invasion
Am I banned
I think its mire of a reference of Moby Dick (movie), like the game, the movie is unfinished and there is even a lost third act I think.
Maybe Kojima knew the game was unfinished and made some allegory and all. But its still a mess and people should be sad that a faceless corporation takes more and mire place in creative direction.
Fuck im retarded
mire = more
Shit story, shit characters
Yes, the game was intended to cause eternal seething and it succeeds in doing so among every demographic.
Anyone who says they aren't butthurt is lying to you.
Look how they massacred my boy.
>when literally the only MGS game that had pre-launch gameplay focused showcases was MGSV.
And this just goes to show that your first MGS game was TPP. 4 had a gameplay showcase, 2 even released a tanker demo and 3 was slightly more on the down low in case anyone thought you didn't actually play as BB.
You're also comparing apples and oranges, Death stranding is a brand new IP where you don't know shit about it while MGS was already an established series where you more or less knew what you were getting into.
>4 had a gameplay showcase
You mean the "THIS IS NO FPS, THIS IS MGS" trailer, that showed just bits of gameplay?
And 2 is not the same, they released a demo, that's not a gameplay showcase.
>MGS was already an established series where you more or less knew what you were getting into.
Yes, and MGSV needed gameplay showcases because the gameplay up until then wasn't worth mentioning or showing.
>there's a thread about how Konami has a secret re-release
This is not unlikely. Even if they don't re-release it, you're gonna see a new Metal Gear within the next year or so.
>or Kojima is gonna reveal it was all a hoax.
Never happening. Never listen to Kojima fans when it comes to the Metal Gear series. They're delusional.
>You mean the "THIS IS NO FPS, THIS IS MGS" trailer
No, there was a E3 showcase where Kojima talked about octocamo and that place where you camouflage yourself as a statue.
>And 2 is not the same, they released a demo, that's not a gameplay showcase.
>a demo containing gameplay isn't a gameplay showcase
>MGSV needed gameplay showcases because the gameplay up until then wasn't worth mentioning or showing
It also had a demo in case you didn't remember. Either way you don't know what you're talking about
You'd have to be legitimately retarded if you can't possibly imagine where the story could have gone.
No I can't, Episode 51 would close all the plot threads, and the post-credits scene already set up why Kaz hates Big Boss.
There was nothing else that could be done.