What made you come back?

What made you come back?

For me it was 2-2-2, literally fixed every problem I had with the game

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Other urls found in this thread:


hah wow i too came back thanks to the new 2-2-2 balancing system tm thanks fellow gamer

are we to expect threads like this for months like the WoW "HOME" threads

>The days of 5 DPS, 4 snipers will soon be over
Thank fuck

the eternal, burning desire to become the prince of all bastions
until he is dethroned by me i will always have the motivation to spend time improving myself to aim better, move quicker, predict more accurately, and so on

i only fap to the sfm porn, dont know the names 75% of the cast

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This game is shit but HOLY FUCK zarya is top tier

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The only thing that would get me back in is a Switch port, since my PC is a toaster. That isn't happening, so it's out the window.


I pop in for holidays.

Sadly 2-2-2 doesn't really fix some of the more pressing issues in the game.

1. The fucked physics. The amount of server side issues causing firing through Mei walls, being magnetized from across rooms into Rein charges, hooking through walls, inconsistent headshots, sucked sideways into walls when hit by Doomfist, and so on. And no its not my connection. This I see happen to others and in potg replays that even show the issues from the games perspective.

2. We have a capture the point system, where we have one class of character with bigger HP pools and really very little penalty for it. Tanks dominate and turn the tide of games by far. The only exception to this was that long length of time when Ana came out and was both Widow and the Anti-Mercy.

Fuck me we just need a Quake clone with hot ass or a Counterstrike slut edition or something.

she has them in-game... user.
personally i think d.va is the best but i'm being a phonefag right now so my hana collection is inaccessible

Zarya is fucking disgusting

>come back

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>N-nooooo! My insecuritieees!

Curiosity on the state of the game, and a friend seems to enjoy it and doesn't want to play it alone.
Its still garbage and its still in a constant nosedive, i feel like role select is gonna be the mountain this shit finally explodes on.

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>forcing people to play a certin way

this kills the game.

Sometimes people need to be told to stop being retarded.

>he didnt master his character when the game was at its peak and bail when it stopped being relevant

or you could stop playing with randoms and find gruops instead.

or you could have good game-design instead

same I'll come back with the 2-2-2, I tried to play 2 days ago but it was still fucking cancer with everyone going dps
why did it took them so long

Next they'll set up pre-made compositions of heroes in Overwatch, and you just queue for the "Reinhardt Roadhog, Pharah, Reaper, Ana, Mercy," queue or something, and get matched with other people who queue for that team comp, or whatever is balanced, I haven't played the game in 2 years. But they'll try to force specific comps onto people next.
Maybe they'll name the comps like "Lightning Formation," or "Needle Formation," or something, and the DPS will get 1 or 2 alternates they can switch between, but the tanks and heals stay the same.

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>solve anything
People will still make retarded picks and queue times will be longer.

You tanks will pick Roadhog and Wrecking ball, not Orisa or Rein.

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i never left

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Wrecking ball is a good tank and shitters are giving him a bad name. His counters are pretty hard but he can slap shit if properly played.

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One of the biggest issues with Overwatch is how strict their systems are.
Like heroes have exactly one way to play them in, which results in a very shallow and boring experience.

The only difference between a good Overwatch player and a mediocre one is their mechanical skill and minor decisionmaking differences. That's it. A pro Zarya won't play any different from a pub Zarya.

as long as the enemy team doesn't have much CC Hammond is a mine machine
on the other hand brig, mei and zen properly fuck him

There should be bans too otherwise every dps fag will take zenyatta for heal.

>no shield to protect allies
Into the dumpster he goes. If your team doesn't have a shield you're almost guaranteed to be fucked.

>bail when it stopped being relevant
it takes a special kind of normalfag to do that.

All those STDs
jesus, overwatch is so pozzed it infects the characters

So what's stopping people from picking widow and torb as attack DPS when 2-2-2 gets locked in?

but I got banned from comp permanently on PC because I lagged out/crashed too many times lol but now I need to help a friend climb on console and it's a weird shitshow of misery.

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>game built around counterpicking and wants you to change heroes mid-game
>ult resets if you swap heroes

Bravo Blizzard

wow imagine that, most everyone in this thread speaks their minds like true gold players

Do you expect me to keep playing the game when its fucking dogshit and all the players worth a damn quit?

Ults ruin the game
there is nothing worse than waiting 2 minutes at a chokepoint for a meter to fill up, then have a war of Q presses in hopes to steamroll the objective again and again

>You tanks will pick Roadhog and Wrecking ball,
Don't see the problem here
I'd be more annoyed if I saw Rein then any of the other 3 you mentioned.

Dude what the fuck I want to start playing Overwatch™ again now?! I also want to purchase a 2019 Overwatch™ League All-Access Pass on Twitch™??!

Thanks ActivisionBlizzard™!!

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literally nothing
I'm becoming a Widow one trick once I'm forced into this role lock bullshit.
>tfw kept asking people to run goats with me while we still have the chance
>tfw everybody says no
reeee I never get to have fun.

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>Overwatch™ League All-Access Pass
>look it up
>it's a lot of bullshit you get for free on valve's ASSFAGGOT 2
Valve set the standard for espurts and it's fucking pathetic that nobody else can come close to what they did with the dota 2 client.
>paying money to watch the game from a certain player's perspective.
You better get the fuck out of my face with that garbage.

>Unironically being a tripshit in 2019
>Unironically playing Overwatch

Well thanks for being filterable anyway but I beg you, fuck off back to your /vg/ shitpit.

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>no WoW integration besides a shitty mount

Give me some WoW perks and then maybe I'll play again

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>besides a shitty mount
The fuck are you on about

The (You)s only makes me stronger user, so big thanks for them! Catch you in QP!

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Man the harpoons

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you can ride on roadhog's cock in wow

The strictness wouldn’t even be completely game-ruining on its own, but the restrictiveness of character roles combined with only having a maximum of 6 players on a team simply kills any potential for anything but the most dishwater-dull basic bitchness.
As a cherry on top, they also have counterpick-based balance and fucking mercy

>no shields
Enjoy getting sniped and being unable to take objectives 24/7

WoW is getting better. BFA is still shit though

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You didnt answer my question fuckface, what mount?

I was thinking hearthstonen mb

>Being told how to play a game is now good

Most FPS games would be improved immensely if players were forced to play properly.

I can tell you don't play much.

Nothing has "made" me comeback
The game needs an overhaul that adds depth, until then every single update the game does is just a way to delay the inevitable death and each update is progressively worse at delaying this.

The game is stale, boring, with no room for solo play and with one, if not the worst balancing of all time.

The only good thing in ow is SOME character designs, and these are also getting progressively worse.

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Yes this is a good thing in a team game.

Role queue is a huge change.

Yeah but it promotes meta stagnation in the long run. And it doesnt fix the main problem which is the godawful balance where 80% of the roster is useless garbage.

It doesn't matter if roles are locked since they will still pick whatever they want and play however they want.

The core issue is that tanks and supports (but to a lesser degree) are the most boring roles to play. So to have fun people gravitate towards DPS.
So making your more important roles more fun and interesting to play is obviously not the direction to go in, so people WANT to play those roles.


I love being a healslut.
Overwatch is the best game for it.

suck my cock dude

cursed image

Jeff said 222 would help them balance and it makes sense.
Meta stagnation? Nothing will be worse than goats and that remains to be seen.
The benefits of 222 to team sanity are immense.

>unironically playing nu-wow

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I only come back after they add a furry or monster skin so I won’t be checking it until Halloween.

Still rather have those 2 then Rein, his Shields broken he's absolute dead weight
Wrecking Ball can atleast disrupt the Snipers and Hog can make picks from a distance

>Jeff said 222 would help them balance and it makes sense.
The more streamlined and dumbed down the game gets, the easier it is to balance, yes.
That just speaks of how bad at game design they actually are.

I guess so, 2-2-2 has been one of the reasons.
>brig less tank more support
>rein new passive that reduces knock back

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>muh creativity
>muh freedom
then let's go back to how the game was in the beginning: 6 torbs, 6 bastions, 6 reins...

make the maps bigger and make it 10v10 or 15v15

i understand it wouldnt be suitable for esports which this game was clearly designed for but it'd be a drastic quality of life improvement.

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I say again, just further evidence for how bad at game design they are over there at Blizzard.

Also whatever came with the latest PTR patch like Sym having infinite teleporter, genuinely the best tweaks game have had in the past year.

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Shut up, Randy

I'm sure 90% DPS will pick Mei because she has an ice wall and safe self heal which make harder to die or longer survive than other DPS heroes
Also i still hate the new torbjorn change

~Sincerely, Torbjorn main

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>Jeff said 222 would help them balance and it makes sense.
Jeff also balances the game so retards could play it, disregarding pro warnings that the character goes broken op with those same changes. Same Jeff has said its fine that some characters are unplayably bad and remain so forever.

Jeff doesn't know anything about balance.

He said some are situational but he said it a long time ago and I think that's been evolving. I think once 222 gets settled more changes will follow.

If Dota 2 can be balanced to the point where 100+ heroes are viable competitively, heroes are far more flexible, no fixed role lock (like 2-2-2), tons of items, levels, etc. yet Blizzard can't balance a shallow FPS where heroes can only be played in one limited way then yes Blizzard evidently terrible at game design and balance.

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Adding characters was a mistake.
Would we really be missing out on that much without Bridgette or Doomfist? Like- I enjoy playing Wrecking Ball since he's funny but I'll give it up if it means getting rid of the others.

the issue is that retards have no idea about teamplay and do stupid shit all day long
you can win with 4 dps, as long as everyone is playing properly

did 5 dps beat 4 tanks and 2 suports?

sometimes, sometimes not
depends on the players

222, no more 5 dps games, no more teams filled with support mains. Added bonus being the fix to beams and Sym actually feeling great to play for once.

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Could someone explain something to me? I'm new to actually bothering with competitive so I'm kind of confused about how the rounds work. These are some games I just played out. Why did some go 1-0 and others went to 3-0, for example? What makes the game decide that the match is over and there will be no more rounds? It seems highly variable and I don't really get why.

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>For me it was 2-2-2, literally fixed every problem I had with the game

It's makes 1/3 of the cast useless in most situations and role lock means you removing a core aspect of the game.

>1/3 of the cast useless in most situations
How so?

I can't play this game, HELP! In the opening menu after loading it says I have to prove I am HIV positive, wtf is this shit?

2-2-2 was brought in specifically to fuck over Brigitte and that includes the nerfs but it also fucks over Torb and Sym except for very specific situations because they don't fit most team comps. Same could be said for Doom because he needs a team built around him to make him shine. Probably could say the same thing for Roadhog.


role lock making the game harder for super casuls so they are going to leave in masses

I don't understand why role lock is a thing. It punishes people for being actually good at the game and super flexible.

>no more teams filled with support mains
and even if a support main role queue as DPS or tank, that's good, because he's no more a support main and can learn other roles.

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No, it's more like when they do queue as the other roles their rank will be lower.

>adds depth

Impossible, this game already sealed it's fate with cooldowns and infinite ammo.

jeez what a detestable character.

you. that is

>role lock
>queue times increased by 400%
>match quality increase 0%

Stop playing DPS lul

reminder to report the threads and shills for this awful game

back you go

>mmo devs slowly turn an fps into an mmo

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Same. I haven't lost as a tank since. I feel like all the suffering of 3+dps comps has been grueling preparation for this moment.

Hey everyone, this is Jeff from the Overwatch team!

You thought the game was boring before? Now you will see even less variation in the lineups in both casual and competitive!

Got bored of the game but came back recently after hearing about role queue and it's fun and Im finding matches quickly

reported for advertising and being a subhuman samefag

Isn't the current pro-level meta like 4 tanks and 2 support? I watched a bit of an OWL game and it looked fucking boring, nobody playing DPS anymore and barriers everywhere.

lol didnt read

>Coming back to Overwatch.

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Fucking this, it speaks to absolute shit game design that you can be banned for picking the same character or not picking the same character or not picking an approved character. Not to mention can't say anything without a ban.

>It punishes people for being actually good
How? Your rank for is going to be higher if you're good at a specific role and you'll be paired with people of a similar level in other roles and it prevents those who aren't super flexible and have to play role because everyone else happens to be playing their wanted role from being blamed cus they're forced to say go Tank when they wanted Support.

>which this game was clearly designed for
what the fuck, the e-sport was forced in, they literally destroyed every aspect of the game to force "balance" yet it's still as fucked as ever
is Ana irrelevant now ? after being forced in every comp for 10 seasons

What did they change exactly? It has been more than a year since I tried playing the game.

It's better than TF2

>is Ana irrelevant now ? after being forced in every comp for 10 seasons
Dive wrecked her shit and she was irrelevant until they buffed Nanoboost to give you health.
She's never been as dominant as when she first dropped

Forget it, it's just shills.

Current meta is literally 4 tanks, 4 barriers, no DPS. Literally as boring as it gets.

>What made you come back?
Ashe. 2-2-2 is looking great too.

REIN has reduced knock back now?!
ok maybe it is time to go back for a little bit.
also im interested in Sigma, i love tanks, is he out already?

>The only difference between a good Overwatch player and a mediocre one is their mechanical skill and minor decisionmaking differences. That's it. A pro Zarya won't play any different from a pub Zarya.
Ironically the people who say shit like this are probably plat at best and have a severe dunning kruger complex

Good job announcing the report retard

Ana hasn't been relevant since like late 2016/early 2017.

This is unironically what killed the competitive meta too. She's by far the most high-skill support due to actually needing to aim. Then the Mercy revamp arrived and made the game boring for like a year, and by the time she was nerfed, Zenyatta was still meta as fuck.

Depends on how the first attacking round goest. 1-0 would happen if the attacking team went first, didn't cap anything, then defended and lost the first tick on the first point. They got 0, the enemy team only needed 1, so it's 1-0. 3-0 would happen if the attacking team went first, got 3, then defended and full held. They got 3, the enemy team needs 3, but they don't get even the first point so it's 3-0.

Dunno if that makes sense but there you go.

>rein new passive that reduces knock back
Elaborate. Will I no longer get pushed around like a pleb by all the retards like doomfist and brig?

People still play this garbage when TF2 exists?

Because some of us are good at every role with multiple heroes. If you get paired with an X-main that can't help counter, you're no longer able to swap said person to fix that after a bad round.

2-2-2 isn't out til September, you fucking retard.

>Ana hasn't been relevant since like late 2016/early 2017.
Stop fucking talking about a game you clearly haven't played in over a year. Ana has been the most popular support pick since season fucking 12. That's like 6 seasons or roughly one year of Ana being the top supp pick.

In OWL Ana was/is essential for bunker and Sombra GOATS comps. She's been getting extremely regular play for the entire season so far this year.

Why do people talk about games they don't fucking play, jesus.

You sound mad, Overwatch tranny.

I never stopped playing. Overwatch is the best multiplayer game out there at the minute.

Kill yourself nigger.

>get BTFO
Was just scrolling by but I had to stop and mock you.

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You're still wrong though tranny. I tuned into an OWL game this year, and it was literally two teams of Reinhardt, Brigitte, D.Va(most boring character ever), Zarya, Zenyatta and Lucio.

Overwatch is fucking boring, and nothing you say will change that, tranny. It's not nearly as skill intensive as real FPS.

If you don't care about FSB kollecting kompromat on you, use yandex image search. It's superior to google, at least when you're trying to find related porn or identify a game/movie/show by a screenshot.

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>I totally watched some overshit tourney!
Of course you did.

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The BLEACHED girls, specially D. Va

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On the 13th for live; ptr now

Blacked edits are better quality.

>New Passive: “Steadfast”
>Reduces knock back effects by 30%
>Developer Comment: As a frontline, melee-range tank Reinhardt was more adversely affected by knock back abilities than most heroes. To reduce some of this frustration and enable Reinhardt to more easily fulfill his role, he is now more resistant to being knocked back.
I don't know exactly how it feels now, they'll still be able to push you, but I hope it's more tolerable.

Widow was always better on attack due to map design.

Now if they'd just make it so that reinhardt's charge overruled doomfist's fist.

>i watched literally one (1) game and clearly i am an expert
You're wrong you fucking retard. Ana's pickrate skyrocketed halfway through stage 3 and hasn't stopped since. And again, she's been incredibly popular on ladder for the past year or so, even at lower ranks.

I'm not kidding. Actually kill yourself. You're an active detriment to society and you have a negative amount of worth. Stop dragging the rest of the world down and just remove yourself. People like you would be better off gone.

Just came back to it and playing my old main Symmetra.
Turns out she still gets shit on by your team only for picking her. So this time I'll do the right thing and mute text and voice chat.
Games a lot more fun now

You Overwatch trannies sure are precious. Keep sperging out like an idiot, won't fix your boring game.

>repeatedly btfo
You have a full blown mental illness.

Wait, I'm confused, are you only allowed to pick one hero per match now?

All you did was go crazy someone dared to suggest the current meta was boring. Sorry, but you are very clearly mentally ill.

There are better games to play than Overwatch where every worthwhile hero has a barrier.

It's doing what ASSFAGGOTS games do and making you pick a role before you search for a match.

As long as the game revolves around rock-paper-scissors, forced tank-heal-dps and "i win" ultimates, I'm never coming back.

Wrong. I corrected this dipshit's factually incorrect argument that Ana, one of the best heroes in the game, has not been viable for over two and a half years when, in fact, she's been beyond viable for over a year at literally all levels of play.

Niggers on Yea Forums talking about shit they haven't played for two years need to be purged. Complacency helps nobody.

Is this enforced in quickplay?

If you're good, yeah, it's possible. But DPS is a lot more unforgiving position and mechanics wise with no tanks to back them up


Ana has been bad since 2017. Mercy made her irrelevant and even now, she doesn't suit the dive meta and her ult is nowhere near good enough.

Cry some more, idiot.

What stops you from changing your pick in-game?

Damn, and here I was thinking about reinstalling. Thanks for saving me the time.

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Yeah, just double down you fucking faggot. That'll definitely work. The numbers will go away if you just keep saying the same factually incorrect thing enough, for sure.

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>A pro Zarya won't play any different from a pub Zarya.
These are the people critiquing OW as a shit game. One, it's mediocre at worst (passable at best lol). Two, you can easily just watch a diamond player vs. an actual pro and the difference is still huge. Positioning, ability usage, everything.

How to fix Overwatch
>giga ultra nerf all ultimates and give them a much shorter, static cooldown
>buff support and tank's damage by a lot so that they can hold their own
>buff the dps's dps
>remove 2 2 2 restriction

boom fixed your SHIT game

>getting sniped
>when you have a wrecking ball
He's the best widow counter in the game besides a better widow

what is it with sniper classes/characters consistently getting picked by absolute shitters? Same shit in tf2 and every other class based shooter it seems

>ultra nerf all ultimates
There's also a new change:
>Global ultimate cost increased 12%
it's not ultra, but at least they tried.

Because it the mlgpro class all the good players use
Snipers are unhealthy for any shooter since a bad one is useless to the team and a good one makes the other team not have any fun

>played for a month
>novelty wore off quick
>realized I was farming skins for a game I didn't enjoy
>quit for half a year
>remember it existed
>try it out
>fov alone is so bad I quit
I've never experienced a game with such poor design decisions. Like, I own the game, it's free I can play it whenever I want. But I have no desire to.

>>static cd on ults
Awful idea, but yes, ult charge needs to be nerfed. They did it by 25% a while ago, and by another 12% recently, but honestly it needs more tweaking.
>>buff support and tank's damage by a lot so that they can hold their own
Complete opposite. Healing needs to be nerfed. Tanks are overpowered in OW.
>>buff the dps's dps
No need to do this if healing is nerfed.
>>remove 2 2 2 restriction
Legitimately a terrible idea.

Ana is meta as she's ever been right now. She's the top support pic at GM, Masters, Diamond, and Plat. Maybe even Gold too.
And she should be, she's one of the 2 most fun and mechanically demanding supports.

>fapping to disney dykes
low test

>>buff support and tank's damage by a lot so that they can hold their own
>He says as 2-2-2 has been introduced because people wouldn't stop playing GOATS

If those nerfs go through, brig isn't gonna be pushing around anyone lol

Keep the rage flowing through you, my salty little idiot. Won't help your trannypot game.

this but unironically. My main issue with Overwatch is the absolutely forced "tank heal DPS" crap. You *NEED* healers or you WILL lose.

I like TF2 a lot better since I can just play whatever I want and still contribute to my team winning.

it's not true about every hero, but he's right for most of them, his point was that the game is extremely shallow strategically, the dps are the worst offenders of this, for example 76, there's only one fucking way to play him properly, it doesn't matter what rank you're playing at, he stands in a certain place relative to his team and shoots the other team to keep their healer occupied and keep people as low as possible, that's it, there's nothing else you do with him, regardless of what level you're playing at, same thing with widow or ashe

there might be some small mechanical skills involved, small things here and there that can be improved upon, but the issue with the game is there's no innovation left to be done with the games engine and mechanics, what's there is all there is, the only changes you see to the meta will be forced by blizzard or small changes overtime that are just small reactions to what's seen as normal, usually just resulting in different heroes being picked on different maps to help counter something
maybe his example would have made sense if he used time instead of rank: a zarya today being played at the top level doesn't look much different from when the owl first started, and 5 years from now if the game is still alive(LOL) it won't look any different
now compare that to tf2, look at the best soldiers in the world when the game first released, look how they aimed and rocket jumped, now compare that to the best soldiers in the world today, it's like they're not even playing the same game, and that example works with every class

not to mention you have a much higher potential to impact the game in tf2. Even for something as casual as engineer setting up a teleporter when you're attacking.

I hope you realize that committing to an argument that you lost from the outset isn't an effective method of trolling unless you're literally 13.

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It is but they are keeping normal quickplay in the arcade mode so you can keep it classic and also win arcade loot boxes.

huh, just realized that despite having dozens of characters the meta has always been 1-6 people, maybe 1-8. TF2 only has 9 but they are always relevant.

I believe it only lets you pick heroes from the pool of the role you selected.

I don't keep up on anything outside of Yea Forums-news, she's getting nerfed again?

>TF2 only has 9 but they are always relevant.
Incorrect. Competitive TF2 utilizes 4 classes for the most part, while occasionally integrating the odd Engie/Heavy for a last point hold on 5cp.

TF2's balance is pretty bad. Scout, Demo, Solder, and Medic are all objectively better than the entire rest of the cast 99% of the time.

>muh rocketjumps
Come on dude, that's not even what the conversation is about.
A pro would absolutely dunk on anyone on the ladder below GM.
We don't have to get in some kind of weird dick measuring contest involving TF2.
That's like saying CS:Go pros wouldn't trash a pub because they're not using a looney tunes physics engine.

>No bulge

Look moron, I know what I saw when checking out the OWL stream a couple months back. Brigitte, Dva, Rein, Zarya, Zenyatta, Lucio.

Nobody cares about your shitty game, worthless tranny.

there's your problem

>i watched a single game during a time when a now-outdated meta was prevalent, so the entire game has definitely been like this since 2017

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>I don't need evidence, I checked out a stream once months ago

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Im pretty sure they are gonna add a "no role queue" mode to arcade like what they did with no limits, but with how fucked the arcade rotation is youll probably see that mode like once a week

Casual TF2 is such an unfettered clusterfuck that it's not even worth analyzing balance from that lens, let alone comparing its balance to a game that actively endeavors to be taken seriously as a competitive video game.

The best trailer they've ever put out.

Even /owg/ will tell you the meta is worse than it's ever been.

>actively endeavors to be taken seriously as a competitive video game

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I'm assuming you went there months ago and read that

>using a fucking general as evidence for your argument
How low can you sink?
Just because they aren't successful doesn't mean they aren't trying. They literally funnel millions into OWL to make it look as legit as possible, and development cycles are also clearly geared towards making the game look as dynamic and well balanced as possible so people take it seriously.

Not that guy but this post confuses me. Blizzard has clearly been trying to make OW a serious competitive game since it came out, I didn't even think this was deniable.

More accurately they'll tell you "Lena is my wife"

user, he's pretty much completely correct.
GOATS is pretty much responsible for the 2-2-2 lock and Ana wasn't seen as that important for it, Lucio and Brig were pretty much crucial and Zen was the best thing to deal with Zarya

If you play as a sniper you don't have to learn to play with your team, so naturally braindead people will gravitate to those classes.

Honestly, I never stopped playing Overwatch. I never understood why Yea Forums was so quick to turn on Blizzard. But it's actually quite simple. Blizzard is a huge part of making the team work, so it's quite common to see them doing the same thing with the whole Overwatch community. So you can't simply tell them "You should keep everything in Blizzard. We know Blizzard will stop, we know they'll change." And you can't just say you're leaving because of your favorite hero. There are many reasons why certain people feel the need to be upset or upset about a certain balance change. But it's more important to understand why and that it is what Blizzard wants. Then there are some who will just say "Well there's no real reason we shouldn't play our favorite hero because Blizzard doesn't want us to." Well, that would also be completely untrue. Blizzard actually wants you to play your favorite heroes. For as long as you're paying any money for Overwatch, Blizzard will give you the best experience they can for the money they give you. It's a fact. They don't want to let you down. They know that if they've given them a reason to have you unhappy that'll make your situation as miserable as possible. They have a better plan to turn these players toward being more supportive and more engaged with the game.

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Actually, just yesterday, idiot.

Look, another faggot pretending to know what he's talking about.

Sombra GOATS dominated the latter half of stage 3 of OW; trad GOATS was already on its way out. Ana's pickrate spiked alongside Sombra's because Ana enables Sombra GOATS.

And again, on ladder, Ana was a common pick for GOATS since coordinating Lucio/Zen is much more difficult with randoms whereas Ana can keep tanks alive much easier. For pretty much the entirety of GOATS's lifepsan, Ana was the most popular enabler.

That's weird because GM is like 75% Orisa-hog bunker


trying is irrelevant, they are failing. If they weren't throwing tens of millions at the scene it would fall apart

you completely and utterly missed the point i was trying to make, tf2 was an example, it doesn't really have anything to do with my post

Stop moving the goalposts then.
user's original argument was that a pub player won't play any differently than a pro player, which is patently untrue and impossible to defend.

>actively endeavors to be taken seriously as a competitive video game
Was the statement you had a problem with, user. Trying IS endeavoring. That's the point of the word.
>If they weren't throwing tens of millions at the scene it would fall apart
Yeah it's almost like they're ENDEAVORING for it to be taken seriously

I have too much fun with Junkrat to outright quit but I think the 2-2-2 thing may fuck me over. Everyone is going to pick DPS so good luck every playing the character you actually like, if they happen to be one. Don't get me wrong either I pick other characters too. Tank/Healer on attack and Junkrat usually on defend. Some characters on different maps.

Like I dunno how they'd properly fix it but if some dipshit Weadowmaker is off being useless your teammates can't make changes now to at least TRY and make up for it. One of your tanks is being a retard swinging their hammer or fucking off and not blocking shit for you? You can't change to try and make up for it. How could they properly balance the game?

Oh also can we please just get rid of Hanzo now? Every time I get him in mystery heroes unless someone kills me early I feel like a fucking god. Shit is retarded.

no, his argument was that PROPER play isn't any different, and it hasn't changed at all because the game is too shallow and simplistic to evolve, we've already seen all it has to offer, and that's why it's dying so quickly

>Fixes the problem
Except that blizzard is still trying to force it as a esport game and the constant "balance" for the esport scene literally turned a fun wacky shooter into a fucking pile of dog shit filled with idiots that think they can all get potg by playing window makers because their favorite streamer does.

Over watch has been shit ever since they started pushing esports for it.

Not the same user but you are absolutely retarded for thinking that anyone in the discussion implied that pros wouldn't dunk on noobs.

Would properly nerf the retarded characters and buffing the lesser ones help anything? I'm talking good proper tweaks here that Blizzard may not be capable of.

>there are people aggressively shilling overwatch on Yea Forums right now
Holy shit, imagine being this fiercely loyal to blizzard.

They're not shilling the game, they're just arguing the meta with other people

Every time I think about going back to OW I remember how I felt when I got through the queue and saw Volskaya or Hanamura loading. I miss Ana but it's just not worth dealing with Blizzard's design schizophrenia.

It might fix pro league, but it's going to be hell for mid to low level comp and qp. Everyone is just gonna instalock widow and hanzo for the DPS and the tanks and supports will have to choose the hybrid dps to pick up their slack

This is a direct quote
>The only difference between a good Overwatch player and a mediocre one is their mechanical skill and minor decisionmaking differences. That's it. A pro Zarya won't play any different from a pub Zarya.
That's not true. Pro teams that scrim together play completely different from even high ladder pubs. There are picks like Sombra that have sky high usage in OWL vs. ladder specifically because a pro team has coordination and communication that you don't see on the ladder.
Why are you dying on this hill?
I'm not comparing OW to other games.

So as a returning player who quit in 2016 and mainly only played hog and rat, are those two still viable in current meta? And Mei maybe, haven't even touched any of non original characters yet.

I'm not shilling anything dipshit, I haven't played this game in months (although I might come back when role lock goes live). Even if I was actively playing the game, shilling would mean I'm trying to convince people to play, and I'm not. I'm just calling dipshits spouting falsehoods out for being dipshits and spouting falsehoods because I hate when Yea Forums does that.

Oh god I didn't even think of that. Literally all we're going to see is fucking Widow and Hanzo. As if that wasn't a big enough issue as is, it's just gonna be worse cause nobody will pick anything else. God damn.

Didn't they say they'd leave the old style of play as a mode you always had access to? Cause I for sure as hell don't want every damned match to be even more samey than it already is.

I dunno about meta since I just play for fun but Junkrat is still really enjoyable and my favorite character. He has two mines now so you can get around and get kill confirms easier. Blowing someone up right after they hit your trap is as satisfying as ever.

Hog is the most picked off tank now because of Orisa and the halt-hook combo.
Now is the time to get back into him

Hog is very popular in higher ranks due to his synergy with Orisa. Orisa uses her M2 to pull people out of shield cover, communicates it to Hog, then Hog gets a free hook kill.

Junkrat's not looking so hot lately, although he's way the fuck stronger than he was in 2016. Still, hitscan characters have been receiving the majority of dps buffs (namely 76 and McCree, also a little Ashe buff). He would be okay up until maybe Masters depending on the map, but past that he probably wouldn't get much milage.

As for Mei, she's 100x more annoying due to a buff to her ult, but she's still not meta. When role lock hits, running Mei means you'll be sacrificing a dps slot for what is more or less a utility character, so I suspect she'll drop off even more after that.

imagine playing this trash
imagine talking about "new metas" with characters that have been in the game for years while they have always been able to do the stuff the brainlets are talking about

tiny blizzdrone shitwatch brains

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I don't have to imagine, I am.
Checkmate, liberal.

Thanks, happy to hear hog and rat are fine.

Hog was in a bad place for a long time after the nerfs, so enjoy it while you can

The hook nerf still annoys me. I don't mind needing to aim to hit someone but with how many characters have stupid movement options grabbing some of these fucks effectively is stupid. Why not give him an alternate hook swing? Like it uses the same cool down but he swings it horizontally in a cone in front of him and it latches on to whoever happens to be in the way? Could better deal with Genji's or Tracers.

I never came back. Making Tracer a lesbian ruined the game for me.


The worst part is that they never addressed the bugs (on Hog's side) with hook before nerfing the damage. For example, genji glitches all over the place when you grab him from anywhere besides directly in front of you.

I haven't come back, though. It was fun for a good long while, but I feel no particular need to get bitched at for playing a character I don't have 100 hours on in QP anymore.

>Hook someone
>Shoot them in the face
>lol not ded kek get wrekt
Fucking why?

Game had holy trinity from the start, it was always a pseudo-mmo.

Isn't there a position queue in dota? Like if you want to play a mid lane character you queue for mid lane?

The game just keeps going more and more downhill ever since they fucked roadhog. More and more the design is for babby's first video gaem

from my experience with Yea Forumsgenerals most everyone there is a prime shitter

>play zen
>get to pretend being a healer but actually just click heads

>game can only be fixed by limiting player choice and forcing rolls

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Don't get me wrong, getting hooked through time and space fucking sucks too, but they patched that and it should be fair to both sides.

Fuck hanzo. Not enough he can spam arrows and not weak at close range but his arrows home in on people as a sniper. Not even snipers in this game take skill

It's they best choice they had to be honest, it's a intrinsic problem of having healer/tank/dps in your game.

Hanzo really needs that projectile nerf again DESU. It would be much more balanced now that storm arrows are a thing

That's what a tank is supposed to do you retard

I always just leave the orb on a tank and ignore all the heal spam from my DPS, knowing I'm gold elims anyway lol

Go play Quake Champions. Though, if you're having lag issues in Overwatch then your shitty router won't be able to handle the Quake lag

You know there's a FOV slider in the settings, right?

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>start playing
>play for 20 hours
>try comp mode
>finish my first games
>game places me on some high league for my skill
>get flammed every game and most people say they will report me for "trolling"
>every game at least 1 guy gets flammed by everyone
>people play like this everyday
Looks like I dodged a bullet by uninstalling

That's why DPS Ana a best

I don't know why but it seems like healers get some of the worst hate in overwatch. Out of my 1,500 hours in TF2 the only genuine hate I got as a medic main was once and both red and blue was defending me. The other times was obvious trolls or the player just being frustrated with not getting enough healing in that situation. Here on overwatch you are either hated or it feels like false gratitude when you do get some thanks.

I'm cool with the changes as someone who's always liked Brig. I've adored her character both mechanically and thematically ever since she was released, as a nice genki muscle girl who isn't hyper-mannish like Zarya. I also love shield characters and her shield bash makes my dick hard, even long after all the nerfs. I never cared for launch Brig because it was painfully obvious she needed a nerf, so I actually avoided playing her for the first year or so of her availability, as I knew I'd be mad when she got nerfed if I got used to her being OP. I got PotG on her pretty often right now, but I look forward to her having multiple healthpack charges even if she's losing more than half of her remaining shield strength. Let her use it to eat a fatal blow to herself instead of acting as an off-tank, and let her fling more healing around. Sounds good to me. Maybe she'll feel like an actual healer now instead of just a brawler where I need to hit my healthpack button every six seconds or whatever on any red low-health symbols near me. Right now she's a tanky healer who plays like an immobile duelist DPS, but on PTR she feels like a proper healer, just one that might need a bit of a buff to be a viable, competitive choice with Ana, Moira, and Zen out there.

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No, because Dota isn't double-trash like league and heroes aren't nearly as predefined into obvious categories like that.

i came back when i got a ps4 with it already downloaded onto it.

it's fun to play with my friends and people knock on it when it's just fun to play.

I was never there

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I'unno, as a Support + Tank fill kind of person who's at endorsement level 5, I get a fuckton of compliments that really aren't necessary, especially considering I never use mic and I barely ever type, along with about 3-6 endorsements received per game on average. The ones who whine for compliments aren't real healers, they're just bitchy waterboys that want praise for doing what they signed up to do. I'm not going to thank my plumber like they're a superhuman just because they helped me out and fixed a broken pipe in my house. I'll thank them for a job well done with a tip, and likewise, I don't deserve any particular thanks for just doing my fucking chosen job, but sure, I'll take a tip in the form of an endorsement if people are happy with my performance and want to show some gratitude. That's cool, and I endorse plenty in turn when I want to thank others myself. But, it might also help that I'm flexible and take requests when I play support. Want some Mercy rezes? You got it. Want Brig off-tanking? Sure. Moira auto-aim? Why not. Zen murder-cucking with his ult? I got you. Sleep darts and steroid ult? Ana's always an option, sure.

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As interesting as Sigma is, I can't stand this 2-2-2 crap as someone who flex roles mid game.

As a fellow flex player, I look forward to it because I can't flex as multiple roles if my team wants to go 4-5 DPS, and while I never complain when it happens, it only works out well about 30% of the time in my anecdotal experience.

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New torb is basically no longer a throw pick in like 90% of situations. They actually did a good job with him, thank god.
Doom should be OK as a part of dive.
Roadhog is fine in bunker.
Brig will have issues, but she pretty much singlehandedly ruined the game previously lol

waste of 40 bucks, and the entire overwatch discord screamed at me when I asked how to get a refund

>it also fucks over Torb and Sym except for very specific situations because they don't fit most team comps
They need to lean into Torb's new playstyle a little bit more and just straight up make him into a mini-sentry TF2 Engie, complete with revenge minicrits upon its death for Torb's shotgun right-clicks. Hell, go full ripoff and give him a Wrangler if you want. At least it'd make him more interesting.

Attached: Revenge_Crits.png (481x791, 326K)

>putting the fucking WRANGLER of all things into any video game ever
>thinking it would be an improvement
Holy fucking shit, this post made me so angry I think I might suffer from an aneurysm here in a few secohiakslm,.d a

2-2-2 looks interesting. I might stage a comeback. I think forcing roles not only will give you better comps but it will enforce the idea that it's a team game where you should be thinking as a team always. I hate how games often end up with people running around doing their own shit while the enemy is playing like a six-headed dragon.

I also think role lock will be a fun shakeup. A few other advantages I can foresee are:
>no more faggots swapping off of their previous role to play a stall character on the last point of 2cp
>no more rock-paper-scissors bullshit a dude you're clapping with pharah can't just switch off of fps to dva to fly at you nonstop; if you're fucking up the enemy dps they have to just deal with it or ask their team to help

This. There's a reason most MMO's, including Blizzard's own, don't let you load into dungeons with teams comprised of only DPS. It isn't a good idea and it'll piss most people off, so they force tanks and healers into the group, and the overflow of DPS players have to wait longer to get into games in exchange for playing a more popular, generally more beloved role.

On that topic, tanks and healers in Overwatch queue will undoubtedly get into games much faster than DPS-only players. That will lead to plenty of fun issues like Ana and Moira players who never heal, only DPS, and just picked that role for the queue speed, which will be fun to report them for. I do wish, however, that they would introduce some sort of reward 'token' system for faster DPS queues if you're a team player. If you play, say, 2-3 games as tank or healer you could theoretically fill a new guage that rewards a glorified speedpass token that lets you queue up as DPS while skipping in line past some people who only ever play DPS and refuse to do anything else, rewarding those who are willing to be flexible and help out the new 2-2-2 system with finding tanks and healers to pad out the now mandatory role requirements, sort of like how WoW gives tanks and healers extra goodies if they're in hot demand at that moment. Or, hell, just make 'call to arms' equivalent for Overwatch (like pic related), and if you fill it you get 200-500 bonus exp at the end of a match.

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>Comparing a team that practices together for hours a day and has millions of dollars on the line with a guy in a queue with randoms
They will still play the same probably, but team chemistry is the only difference. Once you reach a certain point (anything above being mentally retarded), you can play a character perfectly, but your team composition is what decides the game. As an individual, I truly believe that the pros are not that much better than decent players in Platinum

Could just be my negative bias. Could also be because I call out low skill high reward characters like mei that think they are hot shit and then they get all defensive saying "all you do is click on people also!" trying to over simplify something and not understanding why a certain character is frustrating to play against to be outright broken.

She's getting reworked to be better at healing because now she has to actually be good at it in 2-2-2 but they are nerfing everything else about her (tankyness and damage) as a result

Well he's not wrong but I will keep healing because it works with most people and it feels good to be appreciated ^__^

That doesn't affect the mystery heroes mode does it?

Zarya is my WIFE.

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Nah, arcade modes are untouched. They'll also add a new arcade mode that's just non-role lock quickplay (which will hopefully be accessible 24/7 and not in the usual rotation because that would be retarded).

I wish it fucking did
>enemy team gets 2 mercys
>meanwhile we can’t even get a single healer for the entire round


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>tranny thread allowed to stay up

>reward token and extra goodies
you are a fucking subhuman

god this game is a blight on fps, at leastrainbow six siege players know they are worthless dogs

>There might be people who pick support to gain faster ques, this is bad.
>So let's reward players for picking support to gain a faster wait time.
Certified retard.

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Whine about it on your walk home to Counterstrike or whatever russian-filled shithole you crawled out of.

Yea Forums is one of the only places on the Internet where a blithering retard can complain about a video game they have never, will never play, be called out for objectively lying, and then call the opposition derogatory names for being right. It's really very funny


Low risk high reward.

Congrats you're a faggot.

>And that's a good thing.

I have been saying to myself for five years now this is what they are trying to do and now they just come right out and say it

I'm not back yet

T. Mcree main who is stuck in gold/plat because the team didn’t had shield

This sounds like absolute garbage. Half the fun was counter picking and unusual team comps. Also queue time was complete ass before and this is gonna make it a million times worse, especially if you dare to try playing DPS.

>What made you come back?

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Yes unusual team comps are so much fun
Like 4 dps and a dps who plays ana because this poor soul thinks we need a healer but then tries to dps half of the time anyway

More of an issue for supports that get one shot by Hanzo/Widow. Not like Ana, Zen, etc. can outsnipe them.

Zarya needs the barbarian hair from that one edit.

>More "pick your role" e-sports stuff
Dull. I don't like playing a match full of snipers or genji and mccree chasing people when you're supposed to push or cap, but at this point there is no point to argue auto-banning heroes who have a high loss rate or "why do we have more than 2 heroes for any role". It's way more balanced than risking having a healer or dps who isn't as good and easier to balance too. The more expected things get the less exciting they are.
No, even if you're pos 1 or 5 main, you're expected to adapt to the game, especially if you end up with two premades. Additionally, several heroes can take different roles with how much customization and playstyles there is.

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I find it funny how they basically made her shield absolutely pointless. Before it was passable to avoid getting sniped, but now it's instantly deleted and worthless.

Got banned for about 3 days for playing my man torbjorn only in ranked 3 years ago.
I never came back, fuck you overwaste.

I payed for the fucking game you fucking jews, if I wanna play not_engineer only I play not_engineer only and you have fucking nothing to say about it, or else you're loosing a customer FOREVER.

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5 DPS was not a fun team comp lol

It pisses me off but shit like reddit where people get super polite and apologetic when someone correct them pisses me off even more. I think I just hate when people are wrong at all, including myself.

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>rock paper scissors counterpicking fun
>5dps bullshit fun
I'm so fucking glad people like you are going to be filtered out of the game.
>Also queue time was complete ass before and this is gonna make it a million times worse, especially if you dare to try playing DPS.
Q times in PTR are reported to be faster for everyone but dps roles, surprise surprise.

Yeah, it encourages people who will legitimately try to play support, and anyone who tries to play that healer as nothing but a DPS will be reported to death. It bolsters up good people and honeypots in the assholes, making them reveal themselves for a ban by 'not participating with the team' in their damage-only Ana pursuits, or whatever might be applicable. Fuck those people, I report 'em all the time as is and I've gotten literally dozens of 'an action has been taken against a player you recently reported' messages since Overwatch's launch.

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I never even got why DPS are so stressed by this when both the off-tanks and the off-supports have decent fragging potential.
Like why wouldn't you also have zen in your hero pool if you play hanzo
Or bap if you play soldier/ashe/mcree
Or hog if you play reaper, etc.

>plays a game that is dogshit
>cares about who else plays said game

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They're just one tricks, I guess. You're right, it's really easy to have some minimal roster depth in this game even if you specifically wanna play aim oriented heroes. If you can't play Zen/Bap or Hog/Zarya and your q times suffer as a result then that's your damn problem.

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>queue times will be longer.
Only if you are dps hue hue hue
Why do you lie to people about yourself online? *looks up* oh its a tripfag
.Have a free one
>WoW is getting better. BFA is still shit though
That's a fucking oxymoron you dumbshit.
You must really hate Torb players.
Kill yourself
Yeah no, he is fine as is. The only thing I wish he had was that Q healed his turret in some way like his ult used to, also - why the fuck did they buff his health and nerf his shotty damage?
I feel you.

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I think the issue comes from the misunderstanding that you can't "carry" a game a zen/hog/zarya/whatever, when you absolutely fucking can

Is Sigma in ranked yet

I won a game doing this

or you could make a good game were you don't need to enforce metas

>stopped playing year 1
>circled back just recently cause team-based arena shooter and tf2 doesn't hold up anymore

fuck I hate a lot of what they done. instead of create the meta they pander to the existing one. Creating gimmick heroes like Doomfist and a fucking hamster.

A lot of what they added is un-fun but all in all i think it's improved

2-2-2 will help

don't shit on hammond just cuz he's meme tier design, he's fun and actually unique unlike Barrier Tank #4

>it's a shill thread
>it's an obvious shill thread
>it's an obvious shill thread with 300 posts
>it's an obvious shill thread with 300 posts and only 2 unethical pics
is the next step when those 2 pics are actually just furry/barashit?

Because healers are only effective if the actually focus on healing nothing is worse then a dps player pick a healer for comp reasons and then just tries to be a dps but with less dmg
If you do this just pick dps than i at least know i wont get any heals

>Because healers are only effective if the actually focus on healing
I guess you should probably tell that to Grandmaster and pro Ana/Zen players, cuz they're doing something "wrong" apparently.

because they know when to heal and when to dps which is never the case below master especially with dps “flex healers”
Also the aim difference is a big problem too

2-2-2 is good for Sym tho. Tanks being guaranteed in comps means Sym can charge lvl 3 beam super fucking easily, especially now that they finally got around to fixing her primary beam which was bugged since her rework.

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>winston blocks your path

Zen requires much less attention to healing than say Ana does. You can definitely frag out as zen and still do your job.
In fact, you should be, because getting dinks builds ult faster than healing does.


but 222 isn't out yet