Join Black Eagles

Join Black Eagles

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But I don't want to play a dating sim.

Already did just not for you.

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so I can get cucked by edelgard and have the shittiest students? no way fag

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Purging the church AND sexy pantyhose legs? Sign me up.

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Anything for my Emperor

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Already did.

I'm just here to comment that we need more colored pantyhose.
White pantyhose is good, any pantyhose is good really, but variety is the spice of life.

I don't play jizzhead vidya

Kill the Heretic mother.

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I want to S rank Byleth

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>Can't even get the title right
The empress will execute scum like you

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Empress is just a title for the wife of an emperor in this game. Edelgard is actually the ruler of said Empire while her spouse will just be a consort.

Why? I can grab my waifu from it without having to commit to the whole house.

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y-yes mam

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> the only path where I can't play with Flayn post time skip
No way fag

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I heard this chick is literally Hitler so I think im gonna get this game and wife her
Is this accurate?


Not having Seteth and Flayn in Edelgard route is my only complaint about it

Based and nylonpilled

this but unironically

Already did and it was by far the worst route in the game. I'm going to wash the bad taste away by picking the Golden Chads next.

>he wants to live in a world ruled by some illuminati monster cult

I just finished golden chads run at over 90 hours, gonna do blue lions and then I'll do the black eagles


already done post more of her

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Side ponytail edelgard is best girl

Post her if she is so great.

How is it possible for a girl to be as impossibly beautiful as Bernadetta Von Varley?

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I like feet, so sure, whatever you say.

how did you get that? I'm in new game+ and I don't have the option to change her hair

That looks dumb as shit.

Showed up for me but you have to select her war outfit then you can select the other hair style

Why is she so cute after the time-skip?

Also post your Edelgard

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Her husband

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this semen slurping game doesn't cap at 50?

Gatekeeperbro also abandons you, as if you needed one more piece of evidence that it's worst route.

holy fuck how do you achieve this level of minmaxing user

So I think i'm going to recruit members of other houses that can support with the house leader and retainer. It feels weird to recruit everyone story wise but i might do it on another play through. Is this the cooler way of playing it or am I just spergin' out?

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Every character has different caps for all stats.

I made Flayn my fucking dancer cause she was up for it then I got fucked

Learn to read, user.

He's level 55.

A+ Professor Rank, tutoring specific students to be my drilling cocksleeve and efficient time spending. That to being said, my Byleth came out average and El a bit below average. If I wasn’t so autistic about maxing out their class levels and skill levels, their growth will be better.

Wtf i love hitler now?!

Will I like this game if I don't like anime?

Max is 99

>I don't like anime
Fuck off normalfag and ironic weeb

>playing on normal

I'm still pre time skip and Edelgard is really bland.
This, game is great but the free time is such a pain.

For what possible purpose?

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>Will I like this anime game if I don't like anime?
Figure this one out yourself Sherlock.

“Hard” is still easy as normal for me user. I am only prepping myself for the prefect lunatic play through.


As in 'I dont care about anime' or 'I dislike anime'? Because if you hate your average anime writing with shitmountains of exposition and brainumbing dialogue you'll definitely not like it

Fem Byleth was unironically the hottest choice in the game for me. Decently large tits and them patterned stockings drives me nuts.

Edgelard NTR doujins when?

oh fuck jizzminds, i want her to sit on my face in that red shiny pantyhose mmmmhmhh

Yea, make sure to get at least a b rank with her to make it easier to recruit or work on strength and bows as those are her favoured stats

How much of that shit can I get away with skipping?


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not soon enough

That foot is way too big even for that perspective.

Edelgard NTRing Dimitri by stealing Female Byleth away and fucking her while he watch when?

You get gatekeeper's superior twin brother, though.

you know what they say about girls with big feet

>not stealing him for your house then marrying him
What a loser

Will there be feet?

Big shoes?

They have big dicks?

Need moar pron please

I figure that I'll be doing all the routes so I'm getting Edelgard's out of the way so I don't have to hurt Flayn ever again.

He's not as heartwarming OG Gatekeeper

>think about the effect on your olfactory sense.

The level cap is 60. Everyone has their own personal max stats..

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i don't know why but i hate hats like that so much

My wife Edelgard is so evil