F zero gets all the attention while the superior wipeout series is left forgotten

>f zero gets all the attention while the superior wipeout series is left forgotten
Why does shit like this always happen?

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Because Sony shut down studio liverpool.

wipeout never sold well unfortunately. the series had some bad luck too
>the big comeback launches on the PSP, the most pirated handheld ever
>the next original game launches on the Vita, a fucking stillborn console

Sony doesn't look after its unique 1st party ip, Uncharted ruined them creatively.

>dad brings home this game
>play it for weeks
>turns out he stole it from his friend while they were smoking crack

Thoughts on Wipeout Omega Collection?

I'm a bit disappointed because it's a port rather than a new game. This is the 4th time they released Pulse/Pure content and I'm really sick of it. The sound effects and soundtrack are poor too. The bloom effects are obnoxious, I wish I could turn them off.

But it is Wipeout and it plays great. It performs well and controls as well as you'd hope. I also like that I can finally play 2048 tracks in racebox. If you haven't played a Wipeout game before, it's excellent value.

It's nice for a remake, but I don't feel like supporting it financially is moral since it's Studio Liverpool's games but they don't a single penny from it since Sony shut them down after drying out the franchise and blaming all the Vita devs, even though they never funded any more projects for the Vita after the initial wave of release games.

Coincidentally, Omega Collection will be this month's "free" PS Plus game.

>>f zero gets all the attention

>astrobot rescue

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>1st party

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Hot take, Wipeout would have done way better if it had pilot characters to push as the face of the series. You know what gets posted when F-Zero gets posted? It isn't the fuckin Blue Falcon, it's Captain Falcon. Wipeout has no face as a series, but it has absolutely god tier logo design, literally the best I've ever seen in a video game series.

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The first game had some pilots but nobody really gives a fuck about them. The teams and their different ships are cool enough IMO.

Nothing but generic helmet people like in formula 1 would fit the wipeout franchise.


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Studio Liverpool is so fucking awful name. Why is that Sony HAS to rename all the studios they buy?

f-zero gets no attention
none since 2003 or whatever the fuck GX was
wipeout has gotten remasters (HD, Omega collection)and spiritual succesors (redout) and its most recent game is on the fucking vita (wipeout 2048) an actual fucking current gen (almost) handheld

because it's shit and forgotten

>he doesn't know about arial
The first games had good world building they just dropped it.

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>the true forgotten series that was actually the best out of them all

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Yeah, it did and they kinda sucked. But its strange to me that they never tried again
It also doesn't help that unlike F-Zero, even though it has gotten new games, it gets no advertising attention. The literal sickest Wipeout game ever could come out this Christmas and nobody would care. Obviously the company is dead so that won't happen, but my point is Wipeout had no appeal to reach an audience apart from people who were already in love with it or got it as a free download. If Nintendo had half a brain they could sell a new F-Zero without even trying to. Just show Captain Falcon in a trailer and boom, instant sales and press.

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>ignores fzero handheld games after gx
>mentions vita game
You are nitpicking and biased.

F-Zero never really sold either past the first entry (that later got absolutely mauled by Mario Kart anyway).

all ONE of them

>Rollcage Stage 2
any racing games like these?
futuristic but with tires and shit instead of floating stuff?
i like floating stuff too though. wipeout, f-zero, extreme-g, episode 1 pod racer, etc...

Redout isn't really a spiritual successor, its physics model is distinct from both F-Zero and Wipeout. If anything, Redout is a but more F-Zero than Wipeout.
They both have real spiritual successors tho, though where BallisitcsNG is faithful, FAST kinda misses the point of F-Zero.

>F-Zero gets all the attention
In what fucking world do you live in? There hasn't been a F-Zero since 2004.

Redout feels more like a hybrid of F-Zero and Wipeout to me. The track design and floaty handling is more like Wipeout, but the lateral shifting is very F-Zero.
I really like it tbqh.

this. both are dead.


That cover is pretty great. Its really sad to see how far cover artwork has fallen.

>Hot take, Wipeout would have done way better if it had pilot characters to push as the face of the series.
Maybe. But, it was way more cool that they centered it around the vehicles as the stars of the game. Each vehicle has its own unique design which is way more interesting to look at.

>Wipeout has no face as a series, but it has absolutely god tier logo design, literally the best I've ever seen in a video game series.
Wipeout has an overall very good aesthetic and its a shame that Sony doesn't recognize or realise that. Its borderline timeless.

I mean f zero gets talked about more often than wipeout

Most people think of main difference between Wipeout and F-Zero is floatiness, but it's really the speed distribution. Wipeout is a "single-speed" game, with cruise speed being your effective top speed and additional boosted speed being vented off quickly by both higher drag and more technical tracks, while both F-Zero and Redout are two-speed games, with slow boost decay and fast tracks putting focus on building up and preserving super-cruise speed. Wipeout Fusion, for all its faults, is still a Wipeout in this sense, and FAST misses the mark by having 2-speed style track designs but near instant boost decay, resulting in it being baisically a boost pickup simulator.

I feel like Wipeout would've benefited a lot from an actual interactive storyline featuring pilots and rivalries rather then have that all hidden away in the game manuals or online and have the actual racing be completely non canonical. It's a shame, really, because the writers put a great deal of effort into something that most likely grazes over the casual player.

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there has been more wipeout games than fucking fzero games for a while what the fuck are you talking about

Good post.

Why do you retards always ignore Ballistic ng?


is this game toaster friendly? is there a lot of content?

stop the warring between the two both are great series and antigrav is dead anyways

That might have to do with Captain Falcon's popularity in Smash constantly reminding people F-Zero exists while Wipeout doesn't really get referenced by Sony at all these days. What I'm trying to say is that both franchises have their die-hard, faithful fans (and there's even a lot of overlap too) that talk about them to this day but F-Zero is in public conscious because of a more popular series while Wipeout unfortunately gets nothing.

the thing is wipeout actually lasted longer than f zero did despite the lopsided popularity

Wipeout never had to compete against Mario Kart

Ironic, because Wipeout literally has Mario Kart powerups.

Jesus fucking shit, kids.
Can we please move you all to and have you never come back?

Yes and yes. Also Yea Forums online lobbies sometimes

this is good for sure but come on a brand new entry of real f-zero or wipeout would be nice

Some story incentive in the singleplayer certainly wouldn't have hurt. I was literally stunned to discover the series even had lore at all after like 8 years of playing the games

There's also a fun little model viewer for the first game somebody put together that's really quite good

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It's as close as you can get to an official Wipeout game for the foreseeable future, but after the next two major updates, the game will have such capacity for mod support that people will be able to literally turn it into whatever Wipeout game they want with everything intact. People have already ripped all the assets and effects from most of the prior Wipeout games and are in the process of recreating the campaigns. Eventually, if things go as plan, the game's UI and vfx, weapons and items, and possibly even ship physics, will be moddable.

F-zero on the other hand, I've been content with Redout, but it could definitely be more flexible.

it's closer to episode 1 pod racer really

I like this game a lot.

I know people claim FAST is supposed to be an F-Zero successor but it just doesn't feel like one at all.

>nintendo franchise
of course it does.

arial is my wife!!!!

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>recently got the Platinum in Omega Collection after playing a ton of it when I got PSVR
Feels good.

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we are both in the same boat
there is no reason to fight

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Mark my words, new Wipeout will be PS5 VR's killer app.

>What is Quantum Redshift?

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There are a ton of Wipeout clones out there, though, like Fast RMX and Redout. I haven't seen one that's more F-Zero in style and structure.

refer to

same with half life 3

F-Zero is 100% dead franchise. Meanwhile Wipeout didn't only get a game this generation and was shown on E3, it's the best title for PSVR.

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nu-wipeout will be a win

>port of a game which is 2/3rds a port of a port of a psp game
actually new wipeout never

>wipeout got a new game
Ports aren't new games.

I'm disappointed they didn't remake the PS1 games and chose to do another lazy PS3 port instead
they even had a limited edition of the game stylized like a PS1 game case

>f zero gets all the attention
What are you on about? the serie's been dead for more than 15 years.

I will never get that Platinum. The zone events are impossible. The worst part is that, if you want to retry them, you need to stay and drive at baby speeds for 10 minutes before it gets challenging again.

The success of Wipeout on PSVR is both the fact that cockpit games are ideal for VR and, Sony absolutely did not hold back on the quality of the VR patch. It's not tackled on, it's been masterfully done. Even the menu is jaw dropping amazing.

Yes it's a port but nobody played these games on the Vita. It's not any different from how Mario Kart 8 is a WiiU port.

Personally, I attribute 50% of the reason why PSVR took off on Wipeout alone. There really were no truly excellent, long games in first year. Wipeout filled a very important gap.

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Sony wants quick and easy nostalgia bucks, 2048 and hd (+ fury) were already done and they shut down the studio with nothing new planned to come out so they just re released it.

I bought a Vita for Wipeout 2048, actually.
actually it was a PSTV, I had to use the whitelist patch and deal with semi-random crashes but it was worth it

>no one played these games on the vita
It's the sole reason I got a Vita, retard. Also, fucking git gud, I got every single trophy on the Vita version which runs at barely 30fps at times.

yeah but no one's really nostalgic for the PSP games or 2048
they would've gained a lot more traction if they brought back 2097 and 3:SE

If you overclock then Wipeout 2048 is much smoother. Fewer framedrops and higher average resolution. Really works great.

Sony is just shit at nostalgia in general, see their ps1 mini

WipEOut Omega Collection is free for PS Plus members now. Play it now!

VR is great

I personally never overclocked my Vita in the fear of breaking it or whatever, do you recommend a specific plugin and amount to overclock 2048 to? I've also heard there's a 60fps plugin that works with it but I doubt it could ever reach that even.

I am going to wait a few days and and look into the lobbies so I can enjoy its popularity boost. It has sort of dead online despite being popular with PSVR owners.

I can't even imagine how tough it must've been.

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Never buy it because they shut down Studio Liverpool and the soundtrack is way worse

Stop trying to push "you have to pick F-Zero or Wipeout" you turd. Every AG racer thread on Yea Forums gets ruined by this kiddie shit. They're both great

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There is an actual timeline and vague plot to Wipeout. Right up to Pure

This needs to be a thing. There's nothing that cannot be improve by adding cute girls.

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They did a port of a PS3 game because it's gorgeous yet isn't taxing on modern hardware, so it can be adapted to VR with minimal losses.

You can set it to maximum CPU & GPU frequency and all it does is run the battery down faster. The device is perfectly rated to run at those speeds.
And yeah you have the vitagrafix plugin which lets you set the frame cap to 60 as well as giving you some resolution knobs to tweak, but I couldn't get it to work better than the defaults so I just ignored it.

Pulse/HD also has some lore snippets though. 2048 is the only one that dropped the ball,a nd even that only because it's a retcon machine.

wipeout had a muuuuch steeper learning curve, f zero was much easier to get your friend to play with you
also, i don't think f zero has been a big thing since the snes game

What happened to BallisticN/v/ threads on weekends?

how much extra did Omega Collection sell because of VR?

Nu-Wipeout on Venom/D are baisically Mario Kart

I don't know but every time I see the game brought up it's from someone that played it in VR.

GRIP > WipEout


How combat heavy is this game?

Good game because it's just HD+Fury and 2048 rolled into one package, but it's lazy as fuck because it's missing opening videos, music and other SOUL that Studio Liverpool had in the originals.
Don't support it.

Which racing game is the fastest?
F-Zero GX
WipEout HD
Trackmania 2

>Trackmania 2
ok i kek'd

GX/AX or episode 1 pod racer

GX with advanced techniques easily, even non-snaking is faster than anything on the list.

S.T.U.N. Runner

>episode 1 pod racer
I remember that game had a rubberband mechanic in multiplayer, so if you wanted the fastest times you would go split screen, complete most of the race as player one, then play as player two with the extra speed gained from being so far behind

it's good value if you never played it before. be ready for it's learning curve tho, getting elite (aka the best) medals/passes can be somewhat of a challenge if it's your first time with the series

You're right, Trackmania Turbo is faster.

Its TWO actually, since you wanna be a faggot about it.

I swear, aside from maybe bloodborne, omega collection in fucking VR is the one reason I'd ever want a PS4
Until then guess I'll keep playing HD Fury on PS3 and 2048 + the psp games on the vita