Is it still worth getting into SFV? There's a ton of DLC but the game's on sale on PS4 so I'm kind of tempted

Is it still worth getting into SFV? There's a ton of DLC but the game's on sale on PS4 so I'm kind of tempted.

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they aways make the game cheap but the dlc's are where you will spend the money

Never was.


What's worse is if you own the original version, you can't buy the bundled version on psn. Which is anyways on sale.

No. Capcom has condemned this game into DLC purgatory. 3 and half years of nothing.

define "nothing"

it's literally free right now, just try it and see

absolutely fucking not
put that money elsewhere so Capcom gets the message that they need to clean their act up if they want their fighting game fans back

Samurai Showdown just came out, get that for basically the same gameplay style but better and more accessible in every way with ten times the heart poured into it
Tekken 7 is dirt cheap right now, $15 for the base game and it's practically carrying the fighting game community on its back at the moment
KoF 98UM is also $15 on PSN and it's a literal classic of the genre played to this very day all over the world. I don't know if this translates to players online, I'd guess they're all on PC where it's also available for $15

just please, literally anything that isn't Street Fighter V
you'll thank me later

SFV has crossplay, it's own CFN where you can review framedata and rankings, it has an ability to purchase DLC characters with ingame currency.

You're shitting yourself if you think Capcom is more scummy than the rest especially Namco.


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I don't give a fuck about frame data when the game is so instantly stale on release with no title updates in the pipeline to revamp any of its fundamental issues
I don't give a fuck about rankings when I can barely stay awake while watching the game at its highest levels

keep in mind this is only my opinion but it seems pretty common from what I can tell, and that's a god damn shame coming from Capcom for their flagship franchise

this. play literally any other current gen fighting game instead.

or even better, play an old man fighting game.

SamSho plays nothing like SF and is riddled with slow walkspeeds, ass online, and literal F tier characters

>Do you need a cawfee?
Do ameritubs really sound like that? Btw cop girl a CUTE

The game is pretty good right now. It has problems but a lot of people have a grudge from a shitty ass release. Just try it for yourself and form your own opinion. It's definitely not a perfect game and some characters really got mangled, but I think it's decent.

Don't waste you money on it

New characters, new v triggers, nerfing and buffing v triggers, buffing and nerfing of frame data, nerfing crush counter, nerfing character walkspeed, some few extra moves here and there. Not enough to change the game but just enough to keep it breathing. Honestly feels like they gave up on it before it even released. They couldn't even bother to fix some of the models and animations. Ken still looks ugly. I'm still wondering what Capcom's fighting division is doing with their time because they wasted all these years doing nothing and they have nothing to release soon. Arcsys is already making another GG. Meanwhile Marvel is dead, Darkstalkers is dead and SF5 is on it's way out the garbage shute.

If you had been in any fighting game thread with people actually knowing their shit, you'd know "SFV is bad" is a reddit meme that is continued to be parroted by clueless dumbfucks. They overhear it somewhere and repeat it like imbeciles in an attempt to fit in.

Capcom is also the only company that charged $60 for 16 characters then had you play single player and/or handcuff yourself to the game to get drip fed characters for "free".

Yes, it's worth it. Idk if Yea Forums is the best place to go for opinions though, most people here hate fighting games or will lecture you about how bad this game they've never played is.

want to put my time in another fighter besides mk11

street fighter v or tekken 7?

you can get a couple of free favourites pretty quickly.

Can I what? I don't know what you're asking.

he didn't ask a question

Tekken. It has a lower skill floor but higher ceiling.

It was never worth getting into SFV.

Why does the game run so terribly ? I can run Tekken 7, GGxrd and DBFz at the highest settings but I get disgusting frame drops on SFV even on low.

I haven't played since Akuma release but it's clear the game is better than what it was back then. I personally dropped it because of the network issues, DLC up the ass and generally not being as fun to play as older SF titles. I'm sure you can enjoy it and it's pretty populated. There isn't much else to play if you want 2D fighting game. Samsho maybe the only thing, and KoF15 next year.

should i get it on ps4 or pc

PC. Unlike other fighters, the PC version is actually quite active online. Plus the PS4 version has additional input lag that they literally cannot fix.

guilty gear

which one and why

When they will make clothes that looks real?

>Do i have the permission of Yea Forums to buy something ?

There's a really nice sale on Codex, it's got all DLCs included and you can get the game again for free when they put out new content.

>You can't play online .

There's a very active community on PC. I don't have a problem finding matches every day

Make friends with people in real life user.

god this game is ugly

It's free right now though for a few more days isn't it? Go download it and try it out.

That won't allow you to play ranked or the weekly challenges/missions


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Who the fuck cares about that.

not even for free

Not really, game has those two major flaws : crush counter and V-triggers. It's shit. Play (or wait for) Samsho instead.

>crush counters are bad
>instead play samsho, the game where counterhits do 70%

it's amazing how much people love to shittalk sfv despite how completely alright the game is

I'm not a hardcore player but AE easily worth 20 bucks, it has like 30 characters, a healthy amount of content and beside some smaller issues it overall has good production values. It's that simple, no idea why so many people want to reverse-shill it and pretend as if the game was some scam

The dlcs everyone here shitposts about (like if you were forced to buy them) are just cosmetics like new costumes.

As for the characters, if you want to get absolutely all of them you should probably buy s3 cheap and unlock s4 with fight money. Don't spend fm on anything else other than characters, it's really hard to earn after you run out of the early level ups.

Many people complain that the gameplay is not as good as it was in USF4 but it's still good enough, and I could never get into sf4 because of the 1frame link grinding autism so I'm more happy with playing sfv.

Yeah I managed to unlock Akuma and Menat for free, with playing the game for like 3 hours total. Don't think you can get that free FM anymore, they removed it with Arcade Edition because it would be too easy to grind Arcade Mode for FM.

God no, There are many other fighting games this generation that are way worth your time (Disregarding re-releases of older titles and updates of last gen games on current hardware) DBFZ, Guilty gear Xrd, Blazblue, Tekken 7, Smash, Killer instinct, Undernight, KOF 14, etc. has way more content in the base game, the DLC is nowhere near as expensive or plentiful and are overall better games both mechanically and enjoyability. Coming to think about Capcom really fucked this generation for fighting games SFV was shit, MVCI was dead or arrival, USF2 was a re-release of a $20 digital game but in a physical copy for $60, Darkstalker's dead, etc. The best thing they done was a collection of the street fighters games

I get the feeling a lot of the people on Yea Forums talking about fighting games, don't play. they just parrot what their favorite ecelebs say online.

buy it and try it for yourself, it's what $20? that's nothing. don't trust this website for good opinions OP

It's absolutely worth it on sale. Yea Forums will parrot shit and try to say that it's not as good as other games in the series, but you aren't going to be playing at a high enough level to actually see the difference anyway.

I just need a bit more FM. You can level up characters playing Casual matches, right?

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SFV is on its way out and there has not been a next title hinted at so far..
I dont think this will be the series last entry, but it might be a while until you can put your skill to use

How bad are you?

>I get the feeling
Not a feeling, user. It's just the truth.

>wearing shoes in the bath

Do Americans really do this?

Is juri still low tier?
I remember hearing she keep getting nerf for no fucking reason

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they are just going the way of league of legends, make lots of big titty attractive characters and hope it keeps people playing for the sake of their dick, despite the game being beyond all redemption

It's true, just look at Honda's big tits

I mean this new blond bimbo is the third cammy clone in this game alone

Have tried the trial version on steam and really liking it thus far. Though only going through the singleplayer aspect of it because I will not make it in multiplayer.
Any tips on hard mode AI?

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Lucia has a better accent than Cammy too

cope footfag

Should I get base tekken 7, or tekken ultimate edition for 40 bucks on psn, or get base game and hope for a 3 in 1 season pass bundle

Just use her. It's not like tiers matter to most.

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I'm enjoying Poison. I still feel like the reason the game gets so much flak was cause of 09ers that thought they were good at fighting games thanks to SFIV. Loved it but such a fraudulent game. All my friends who played were at least acceptable, 2-3k player points, 5k+ battle points but couldn't even make it out of bronze in SFV and dropped it after a few weeks. Why you ask? Cause SFIV had way too much gimmicky safe shit to abuse; FADC, focus, invincible backdash etc. SFV requires good spacing and setup knowledge so a lot of scrubs could never adapt and just shit on the game sadly.

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Zone 'em.

It took almost four years and 6 bucks extra to play Honda in Street Fighter.
Think about that.

wait for Street Fighter 6