Have you ever met a girl over voice chat?

Have you ever met a girl over voice chat?

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I have never met anyone over voice chat. Been on the Internet since 1999 and I've never truly had an online friend. But I do have plenty of real life friends and a fiancée. So I'm not a friendless, kissless virgin just an autists who can't interact with others online.

Like adding her on friends list and playing? Yes. MEATing her? No. 3D girls are gross.

Yeah you are an autist.

yes, we met irl even
i ended up ghosting her

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I've befriended many female avatars, and probably 100% of them are dudes

Yeah, then she said something about how most people can't tell she's really black by her voice alone. So I unfriended her.

No, lmao e-girls are cancer. Most experience i've had with voicechat was overwatch and i just used that to insult people. It was really fun to just join a lobby and start talking shit for no reason because so many autists play that game.

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okay, pretty based

Maybe if you guy were more willing to open up to others you would be less miserable.

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Who said anything about being miserable

>Posting Zootopia porn

Me. I'm saying there are a lot of miserable people on Yea Forums.

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>It was really fun to just join a lobby and start talking shit for no reason
>so many autists play that game.
I see.

Whoever opened up the fucking gate of Oblivion to the furry Boards and let them in is an asshole

nah I've been here longer than you

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I really really like Judy haha


Any "real" girls (not dudes playing with female avatars) like 90 percent of them played with their husbands/live in boyfriends and they only played to enable their manchild's hobby. Even worse when other players would point out that it was cool the guy had his gf playing his favorite game with him all the time the autist would be like "it ain't no special thang" and pretty much ignore his gf like she were an accessory and he was massively macho for doing this. Then the woman would get starved for attention and flirt with thirsty neets and it would all end badly usually. Other instances of real girls playing would be online relationships and the girl would be either black/trashy white and the other guy would be black. Same scenario as above would happen. Never encountered an actual real female who wasn't either a catfish or a camwhore fishing for money from daddies. There are no such thing as real girl gamers who as Chris Chan would say are boyfriend free girls that exist in our world. They're either there for their male partners or thots fishing for attention. That's it.

she always try to flirt but she doesnt know im a huge faggot

Yeah. Had a two year long relationship with her.

Treating an online game that most normies play as your own personal Yea Forums board is pretty fucking sad dude. Grow up.

Why does /r9k/ feel like they can post their diarrhea here and why do you absolute fucktards keep encouraging them?

there was actually a chick who was interested in me that i met through politics and war (shit game don't play it). we talked for a long while and she kept trying to get me to send nudes and shit but we lived in entirely different countries and i don't feel comfortable attempting to enter a relationship with someone i won't meet for a very long time. because i'm a retard, i ghosted her instead of expressing that. we also weren't very compatible but i was like 16 and have never been in a relationship so it was nice to flirt with someone.

Everyone knows you meet girls on MMOs. At least there you have a 3% chance of the relationship lasting, over the .06% chance of finding one over an in-game voice chat.


Dilate and have cis sex

they're pretty common and nothing special, unless you play pretty obscure almost man-only games like Eve Online where the average player age is 50-something.

i didn't know she was a girl and i kinda spilled my heart out to them about how much a loved the game
guess they liked me so i got invited to their group of friends and we played together for about a week
eventually get invited to voice for some stuff and as soon as i join i hear a voice
i pretty much melted and barely managed a response
then i realized who it was and my ears went red knowing how much i opened up to them and how i could not handle her voice no matter how much i told myself to ignore it
i played with them less and less because of how uncomfortable i was with her voice rattling my brain
she had so much confidence in her rich voice it was unbearable and effortlessly seductive
i just knew that amazing voice was the last thing on her mind while i was deafened by it

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I even got to live with a girl for a few years out of voicechat and WoW.
Never do it, spare yourself that hell.

Yes. She’s giving me a cam show this weekend.

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Because r9k is garbage and just filled with trap-threads and tired bait, average poster is like 15 and all everyone does is blogpost. When you do get a proper thread about some "R9K" topic you literally get the same replues every thread.

You unionically get better more varied discussions here because everyone isn't either a hardcore incel or retarded normie with a saviour complex.

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fucking based

This is a new level of incelness

I actually met one who was a pretty good squad lead in Squad before
better than 99% squad leads I've had playing alone, and that was like one of two girls who weren't total cancer
the other was TF2 a long fucking time ago who was pretty decent though she didn't use voice chat til later so I guess that doesn't count

Everyone in the world is going to make fun of you but I understand.

No, but a friend of mine met one that already had a boyfriend, they started dating, married in less than a year, and divorced a few months later because she cheated on him with another guy she met online.
Fuck him, he was a retard and went batshit insane after that.

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This isn’t your average every day incelness. This is.. advanced incelness.

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*Hits pipe*

I have never met a girl.

You came out of a girl


I had 2 very good online friends, we played on xbox for many years. One day one of them introduced some chick that started hanging out with us even if she didn't play the same game as we did.
Everything went to shit few months after that, the guy who invited her started appearing offline and talking to her(you could tell by looking at her profile that she was in a party with hidden person).

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>join discord
>have nice conversation
>girl says "It's a hot day"
>multiple people typing
>"Hahaha I hope you aren't melting","Don't forget to hydrate","Yeah it's pretty hot here too!"

Fuck that, if you want to be part of a good community make sure there are no girls in it. If you want to meet girls go to a club, it's dark so nobody knows you're ugly, it's loud so nobody knows about your lack of game and everybody is fucking drunk.

I met a boy through his (then) boyfriend
does that count ?

No. No it doesn't.

Met one a polish girl one eve, we played together for years she was pretty cool too. Like sci-fi, fantasy, played pen and paper rpgs. Virulently right wing and anti Semitic though. Had to get away from that. She was pretty though

I have never used voice chat.

>be a normal guy living with my girlfriend
>spend lots of time online with online friends
>most of online friends e-date cause none of them have friend circles irl where a relationship can be formed
>at least 3 times a month I get questions regarding their broke ass long distance e-relationship on what do when things go wrong

NEVER e-date, start making friends irl and getting into their friend circles, or even if you have one irl friend get into his friend circle.
I know at least 2 dudes online who are complete chads on looks but are absolutely cucks when it comes to relationships such as becoming the bitch of the relationship
Some of my friends IRL who you would think are incel weebs but are currently in 4 year relationships with some hot cosplay girls
Fuck e-dating

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> Like sci-fi, fantasy, played pen and paper rpgs. Virulently right wing and anti Semitic though.
What the fuck where's her number PLEASE

Looks to clean.

agreed, bro

Yes and several years later she was in the news for hiring a undercover cop to kill her husband

Is that the key to my heart?
I want more mermaid horror.

>tfw my voice is so high I often get mistaken for a woman or a squeaker

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post voice

lmao, cope


>she was anti-semitic
>had to get away from it
fucking neck yourself you kike enabler.

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Why not?

Good, you didn't deserve such a gem

What's wrong with staying hydrated?

>Have a group of friends we played l4d with back in the day
>One of them brings this girl he met online into our game
>I must have been 16 at this point
>She's in her early mid 20's, turns out to be super fucking chill and cool, fits right in
>Group gets a bit bigger, start having semi regular meet ups in London and other places

The group is broke up now as people grew up and such, as is life. Out of all of my old pals I still keep in contact with 2 and she is one of them. Almost like a big sister to me that I never had, always offering me life advice and helping me figure things out. She's coming to my wedding next month. A true friend.

lol thirsty antisemitic incels

story...? coward?


i (un)fortunately know that feel
i had no idea they were a girl until we were already friends for months
got along great on text chat, just assumed it was a great guy
then find out its a girl on voice
withdraw, stop talking to them so much
then have a couple "stay-up-until7am-talking" days after I man up
fast forward end up having an affair with her.

lots when i played overwatch and i aggressively hit on them to chase them offline, like any red blooded male should

I asked a girl cosplaying as a fallout chick at a con last year if she wanted to play Fallout 76 (lol) with me when it came out

She said ok and asked if I had Facebook? "No"
Do you have instagram? "No"
Do you have snapchat? "No"
Do you have Twitter? "No"

Then she sort of just obviously wanted to stop talking to me and I had to just sort of say oh well nevermind.

thats just shitty relationships nigga

Damn zombie elliot

I have a cycle. A pattern that reoccurs endlessly within my life.
>I exist. I'm quiet online, Never start conversations
>A young girl meets and tries to befriend me. Age from 15 to 20.
>They see something in my stoic boring ass and talk to me often.
>We develop a deep friendship over 2-4 years almost entirely driven by them
>They get older, they change.
>Eventually the friendship ends.
>The next girl appears usually within 6 to 12 months the cycle repeats.
I'm in my 5th or 6th cycle. I've lost count.

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>5 years ago
>Met a girl on an mmo.
>Talked with her a little bit on discord.
>She said my voice is hot and asked for pics. >Sent pics like a moron.
>She sent her own pics back. Pretty cute girl.
>Few months later she asks me to go meet her.
>Drive 4.5 hours to her place. She looks even better IRL than the pics
>spend 3 days there we fucked like 7 times.
>never saw her again. And she stopped talking to me.

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Girl I was playing League with years ago got drunk and confided in me that her boyfriend raped her.

I got her to send me feet pics.

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I griefed her off the game because I had a crush on her.

I met my wife on IRC.

Based schoolyard bully.

Yes. Female guild leader for a mythic raiding guild.
Needless to say it crumbled under the slightest pressure

never actually met a female over voice chat in vidya, every one I've encountered has been insufferable
I've talked to tons of them over text chat though and I still have a lot of female friends who play stuff, ended up meeting my girlfriend through one of them

>play tons of league
>barely get friend requests let alone play with girls
how do you do it

stop playing like a virgin
i know 2 people who got laid through league

Ran a reasonably popular anti-SJW blog at the time, that's how I met her.

We've got hostile poster !

Spot on. Any female already has a bf/husband or a few dozen lined up, so don't bother and just ignore them.

lemme squeeze your balls and hear your squeak, squeaker
