You now remember Playstation Home

You now remember Playstation Home


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playstation home... home.

Those were the days...never owned a playstion before however.


pool was fun on there, met a girl

It had some neat stuff, like the Siren Blood Curse Spookhouse minigame.

I was a tester at sony when this came out

>Running around during closed beta back when everyone was forced to use open mics
>Could drive by shit talking people for fun
>Could go call out female avatars as men then hear them respond on mic with a deep voice
Good times.

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the loading times were ps1 tier

>people pretending to be a girl to bait people
where are those videos anyways

This was pretty comfy. I remember I got some Poseidon house for free and it had all kinds of minigames and shit. If only the load times weren't so bad. I miss just comfy minigame type stuff. Coke Studios was my jam back in the day.


My friend had a PS3 and I just remember spinning the couch in the corner roof of the apartment and breaking out and flying it around the map. I found a plaque that said “you should not be reading this” or some shit on it

Home central plaza or bust.

even though back then i didnt know i was a fag
i really enjoyed pretending to be a grill

Didn't people just play bowling or whatever and cybersexed with trannies on this? High point of the PS3 evidently. How come it never transfered to PS4?

all i remember is that one penny arcade comic where someone gets fucked in the ass

Not trying to be an attention fag, but I could possibly copy or pull my screenshots off of my PS3 and onto a flash drive, if possible.

Sure ok bro lol... OR, you watched that out of bounds video that gets recommended almost as much as Asmongold WoW reddit garbage

It was really fun at the start, but there was nothing to do

I remember finding it really fascinating back in the day when I had no PS3 and the only info about this Home thing came from gaming magazines. I think I assumed that people could come visit each other in this and watch somebody play a game or something, but in reality it was just '08 VRchat or something, I guess.

Attached: jokerarkham.jpg (804x479, 537K)

Yeah just insert your flashdrive in USB port go to gallery and download pics. Easy

what was that other app that came with the ps3. the one where its just a mining machine for research. i really dig the background sound. shame its forever gone

It hurts, because I actually liked the place.
The Kikai event was easily one of the most fun Home experiences.

Attached: Imagen de PlayStation(R)Home 30-05-2013 13-39-46.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

so... relatively fast? compared to modern GTA/RDR2

I got a couple of free things (even games IIRC) from events.

I got Warhawk, Twisted Metal, and Silent Hill from the events. I wished that I was faster on the draw and gotten Resident Evil.

Silent Hill? In the US I'm pretty sure it was Warhawk, instead (just saw the event "ad"). RE was the Director's Cut, the second time, while stocks lasted.

Fuck, Warhawk was so good