How are monks in FFXIV?

How are monks in FFXIV?

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Not as good as they were in 1.23b

best melee dps atm.

All FemSeekers are hot for their papa

Except they got even stronger.

Unsubscribe to Yoship's game.

I hated them when I seriously leveled one today. I love them now. It's just getting used to alt DK and bootshine that was tripping me up.
It feels fucking great once you get that used to and true north constantly. It also helps I'm always top DPS when I'm doing the damage. ;)

However, what should you do for PB once you get all GL?
I haven't got fist of wind yet, but once I get it can you fit two DK-Bootshines -> twin snakes -> demolish?

I want to cum inside the Weeping Warbler. I love her quest and her character so much I even glamoured my character to look just like her.

I hope the Weeping Warbler comes back in patch 4.1 onwards. I think it's sweet her character was wearing a {Bridesmaid's Dress}...maybe her master genuinely loved her.

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How's your Titania Weapon collection coming along Yea Forums? You do have at least one weapon right Yea Forums? You're not a fucking casual bitch are you??

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alternate between DK and Bootsine, with either a snap or demolish thrown in there at some point

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She'll totally come back in 5.1 as the first Sineater boss in a new dungeon.

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user, she's dead. She "ascended" remember?


What does a fucking ex primal have to do with being a casual or not? Go get your fucking titan weapon.

Bragging about ex trials. Bruh..

I was more in the lines asking how many bootshine and DK I can fit before I'll need to demolish - true snake.

I hate monk, who cares if they do the most dps everything about them suck

>want to practice some savage so I can be better next week
>people are still asking for 2 chests only even though those random pf fuckers are pretty much out of time for their clear
Fuck this game.

>can't even clear a trial
Fucking embarrassing

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I'm glad they're doing well and all but it seems really weird not having SAM on top.

4-5, you want to line it up so you dont have to use twin snakes in your PB window. At GL4 and 1.95 gcd you should be able to get 6 GCDs in your PB.

I need a glamour for my female lala SMN, any suggestions?

I have her mount even.

Extremely good, top of the DPS charts again good

High end content novice here. How the fuck does anyone do any savages let alone ultimates as za BRD? I mean I find myself constantly looking down to check if things have proced or come off cooldown it's ridiculous. Anyone get what I'm saying? Should I adjust my hud or something? git gud? im confused.

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Just cleared E3S boys, you managed to at least see titan week one, right?

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>Should I adjust my hud or something?
yes. having proper cooldown tracking and a readable interface is key to performing well in endgame content

Nope. I never get to see the last fight first week.

how we doin tonight fellow lalachads

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Adjust your hud for visiblity, then git gud, brd runs on the higher side of CPM along with SAM and then both topped by NIN

>SMN between 36 and 40 CPM
>BRD and SAM between 39 and 44 CPM
>NIN between 44 and 50 CPM

So it is a busy class so you do need to get better, but at the same time a good hud to show your procs and timers can go a long way

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Just cleared E26SEXULT children, you managed to at least see Zodiark three weeks ago, right?

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>static group, while not the worst has rotated a few players the last few raid nights due to unforeseen consequences and drama
we barely managed to get halfway through E2S on the first week. Hoping next week goes much better

kinda far from it, im afraid, as i still palying on trial

Weeping Warbler exists to be bread.

Have to pf, it's not fun

Why the fuck are you even doing Titania EX when the new raid tier is out and you can craft better weapons with your eyes closed.

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Prey: Mooncrash or X com 2? Burnt out on leveling Scholar today so I just wanna do some roguing or ayyying.

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Don't have DoHs that high.

Why do tanks always get the short end of the stick when it comes to crafted weapon? DPS and healers get sidegrades, but tanks get straight downgrades when it comes to substats.

xcom 2 wotc legendary ironman obviously

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Look at him and laugh

>not having most the weapons before the patch hit
>shit crafted weapons with terrible stats for most jobs
>can't even clear a fucking trial and get a weapon for fucking free

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how do i make a cute male miqote?

>Caring this much about ilvl stat pooling in a sushi-for-retards mmo.

Hell no on ironman. Way too much buggy shit and my fatfingers to play that. I did it in Xcom 1 when things were much simpler.

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>finally clear E1S an hour before reset
Shitterbros ww@?

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I got to see up to Titan transformation. Hoping for a weapon next week.

>put computer to sleep for the night
>wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep
>oh well might as well do a dungeon or two
>computer spins up but doesn't display anything
but I don't want to buy a new graphics card

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I've been PFing it too user, you just gotta believe!

Fuck i'm getting tired of carrying faggots through Praetorium, if you want it to go faster than just fucking do something

>In that paradise where resides neither pain nor illness will your song ring out clearly once again.

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Monk is in the best spot it has ever been in, period. Top rDPS, second-best personal DPS, fun to play even if Anatman is a little janky. Go play MNK.

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>Those faggots that pretend like they're doing something by doing one attack and then standing there

Every time, never fails

Only ever made it to the rotating orbs, someone always wipes and someone always quits the party after like 2 wipes then a new person joins in and have to teach all over again. It's awful

The opener is ass.

no other job gets to complain about openers while NIN exists

>hit 79 after an MSQ roulette on Gunbreaker
>decide to do a Mtn. Glug before bed
>notice I'm getting chunked
>healer is typing stuff
>notice that everything is dying very slowly
>open ACT for next pull
>healer's SMN friend is pulling a very cool, very rad 5.7k on a double trash pack pull
>check on first boss
>very rad and respectable 3.9k
>contemplate suicide for the rest of the run

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It really isn't that bad. Certainly feels better than NIN's opener, and even DRK in my experience those are my only 80s though
For what it's worth the monstrous ping- and fps-dependent opener is a thing of the past

Got to the second tsunami yesterday, because we only raided 3 nights for 3 hours this week

You just assign a few baiters. You've got a century and very few mechanics popping off during that phase. Just bait them out and stack back in the middle.

100% a casual bitch. I decided to play tank (Gunbreaker) to 80 and its my highest ilvl job and anything savage scares the crap out of me because every single raid and trial I do of the new content we win by a inch. 1 sec later and we would have wiped.

So prolly just going to get the basic set and level stuff I don't care about until new content shows up.

I don't know what's happening. I've been having all casters and they've been SHIT. My highest damage co-DPS for the past few days was 10k on mobs. I was doing 25k on the same mobs. The Avg was about 4-5k during big pulls. The fuck are BLM and SMN doing?

I'm a casual bitch because dealing with pugs this late would be the equivalent of dragging my balls through broken glass.



Super! Thanks for asking!

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Fairly new to savage here. If I won the tomestone, am I supposed to get my tome weapon asap even if it has shit stats?

>Originally set up a twitch account last year to post FC's savage videos so they could watch them between raid nights and learn from their replays.
>Find out today that twitch no longer lets you upload videos directly.

Guess I'll use youtube like everyone else then, fuck you Amazon.

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I don't want to see characters, just want armor and fashion suggestions.

I can see it

They're better for glamour advice.

Its the time of week, all the actually good casters are either in prog on savage or done for the week and have no need to run roulettes, so you're left with the dregs

t. blm progging 4s and been capped on tomes since wedensday

>fuck you Amazon
>Go to Jewoogle instead

The only winning move is not to play.

weapon damage is your most important stat


So why did they have to end 4.0 with this shitty singing scene?

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>Amazon prime no longer has ad free twitch watching

I actually hate companies sometimes.

They just suggest slut glamours.

>Hey guys lets do an FC static for Eden Savage...
>Get to 10% enrage
>check logs
Im the Dancer btw.

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Pornhub is literally owned and operated by Jews

At this point, I'm halfway tempted to just buy space on a content delivery network and start posting there. I don't care about public views, I just want to be able to put a link down so people can stream them in their browser instead of have to download them like from dropbox.

>Shit taste
It makes sense.

I actually cringed at this scene, what a fucking joke. Made me hate Lyse even more than I thought I would.

I'm not asking for savage raiders in my leveling dungeons, just people who can stay awake and hit painflare.

Any good people to watch stream XIV? Most of the raiders seem insufferable even if it is a "character".

Last ditch effort to get you to like Lyse and care about ala mhiggers

>Sub 10k
None of you are going to make it.

Never ever do FC statics.

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Are they bad or their gear is bad.

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all streamers are cancer

REEEEEEEEE I hate moving

t. BLM

I got a dragoon spear because our group had no DRG. My lancer is level 0.
I don't have any of the weapons I actually need, and I don't feel like entering PF groups anymore because for evey 5 I join only 1 of them clears it because they keep dying to fucking add phase or mess up second tether because everybody have to fucking hug the boss so it's impossible for the 1st to get the fucking line off them, even people who already cleared it.

How'd you know

>fun to play
Just wasted my day getting this -thing- to 79

Let me tell you my four favorite things about Eos (Lily)!
1. She's a fairy!
2. She's cute and has a cute appearance unlike Selene, who isn't canon!
3. She tries her best!
4. Eos!

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Uhhh. You know there's swimsuits in this game.

That's at camp bronze lake. Those are NPC cats that are bathing together.

>a thing of the past

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>grey parse SAM
I'm guessing the only reason he did 9300 was dance partner?

user, that fourth reason isn't an actual reason.

I haven't found anyone worthwhile to watch. I thought about streaming XIV since I already have to stream to compete in randomania speed runs, but I don't care to spend the time figuring out how to filter out my FC's voicechat since fights are literally 10 minutes of nonstop obscenities with them.

Actually, anytime I'm in voicechat with them, it's nonstop curses and swears. It's like eight year olds that have learned a new word.

There's no excuse at this point, even the welfare epics should let you do more damage than that.

I think Paladin is more fun than WAR/DRK.

how do i play dancer

lalafells are ugly

you are correct

Maybe they don't even have that for whatever reason.
Like when people do expert roulette without even their AF gear.

Put a separate hotbar around where you eyes settle on the screen so it’s easy to flick to. Then put the abilities you need to keep track of there.

Who cares, Feo Ul is my new fae

Mash all the buttons.

Theres only like a 100 dps difference from mashing the buttons to doing the saving feathers/espirit for technical dance.
You may aswell just partner up the best dps in your party as espirit generates at 20% rate on all classes anyways.

cause it is, DRK is a fucking snoozefest now and I blame all the ADHD ridden WARs who wouldn't shut up about DPS before for it now just being more of a MUH CLEAVE job than before

I tend to use the ARR SMN horn because of "job identity", and the HW SMN robes because they look cute. That's kind of basic though.


Monk is definitely a fucking mess but it’s better than it has been since HW

GMs are hacks. Swearing in a dungeon gets you banned but linking cp in game does not.

Woad body with edgy gauntlets that overlap it and a spooky mask

>Like when people do expert roulette without even their AF gear.
What the fuck? I think that's both gear and l2p issue.

never. please understand

I can't even do the opener, fuck this job, I'm not switching from a ping dependent job to another.

>no extra dialogue for scholars already having a fairy

I will riot if I do not get a Feo Ul fairy glamour.

Just play it. It's effortless.

Or afk assholes on alliances. Can’t even kick the fuckers because they make sure to open the loot chests, and don’t roll until the next boss is pulled. Which they early pull of course.

I have it in my head that Forgiven Obsenity and Cruelty are actually Vauthry's Mother and Father.

I'm new and have been playing for about a week and just reached level 32 as Bard. Really enjoying myself but when is a good time to start playing other classes/jobs? Also i've dabbled with the classes like Carpenter and stuff, but which out of all of them should I prioritize first?

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I don't think pugs can do e2s.

>tfw too many mememounts to choose from

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Actual cp? Or just drawings but you still cal it cp because you're brain fucking dead?

Correct, WAR is as WAR as it's ever been and they lobotomized DRK.

Who cares? Let pugs suffer.

Forgiven Obscenity's facial markings indicate she was a miqo'te though.

Unironically get one class to level cap and then play other jobs.
When you reach level cap all your other classes gain EXP twice as fast.
Also BRD gets a lot more fun from 74 onward when your songs actually start procing correctly. Right now your songs are a little useless.

I get that. Personally I stick with monk partly because my muscle memory with it is still good. And ninja is not worth it now.

Crafting expects you to do everything, unless you want to spend millions of gil on mats, desynth is the one where you only pick three (and it should be wvr/ltw, bsm and gsm)

How many floors of Edengate Savage did you clear week 1, Yea Forums? You ARE good at the game, aren't you?

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Two i told you already.

>When you reach level cap all your other classes gain EXP twice as fast.
Isn't it enough if your other job is higher than the one you're leveling? No need to cap it.

I did it with a pug

Yeah, jobs get double exp so long as they aren't your highest.

>below 70
just press the buttons

>at 70
hold feathers (don't overcap) and devilment for tech step

>at 80
hold saber dance, feathers and devilment for tech step. make every other flourish line up with tech step. use aoe procs on single target

>in aoe
don't use single target procs if there are more than 3 mobs. don't hold feathers unless tech is off CD soon. don't use standard step on CD if there are more than 5 mobs

Almost cleared titan but wagies static

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>Also BRD gets a lot more fun from 74 onward when your songs actually start procing correctly
74 is fucking Quick Nock proc
Songs proc correctly from the very start
The fuck are you on about?

Honestly I say you should level up the crafter that your main DoW/DoM will be using stuff from. If you are going BRD then you’ll want to go either Weaver or Leatherworker because 80% of your gear will come from those two. Then you can choose to desynth stuff from them and then get mats from it.

>post-raid on Eulmore
>find master
>he's trying to look for his canary, wondering where she went off to
a bit more sad than I was expecting

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Sorry. I was thinking of 60-something. I had my mind on SB but for whatever reason used Shad levels.

sell me on your favorite dps class Yea Forums

>Daily reminder that Lalafells are degenerates

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3 progressed through titan

Top dps and utility, meme opener, shit playstyle (neutered even further with nuRiddle of Earth) and aesthetics.
I'd play literally any other job.

I'm never going to get past e2s until everyone is in tomestone gear. I can't fucking carry these groups by myself

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my static wasted two whole days on e2s. I managed to prog up to tsunami 2 through pugs.

alright sounds good, but just to make sure, in order to unlock desynthing I need to level up any DoH class to level 30?

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Whats the engame for me if i dont like raiding and dotn have time for statics?


Going full autismo in crafting or grinding diadem 4.0 when it comes out


thats gay tho.
only time i was erping was in RO for pretty hats
Now thats more like it

how is MCH? I see very few of them


Pimping your house. You have your own house, right?

Is the Loyal Housemaid's Uniform worth 18 dollaroos?

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1 and 2 were absolute hell to pug, by the time I got to 3 there were almost no learning parties up anymore and the ones around only managed to get to stormy
I should've spent the weekend on more productive games

No, unless you have autism. Then it's worth it. But no if you don't have autism.

How expensive would it be to start playing this shit?

How would I know if I have autism or not?

$60 for the first 30 days and $13 every month after

>Au Ra, Miqo'te and Midlanders are tiny womanlets that look like teenagers
>Elezen have one good face and terrible proportions
>Viera don't support all the hair options and headwear because devs are cheap lazy assholes that knew they wouldn't get substantially called out on this

It's an abstract kind of hell

>I see very few of them
well I sure don't. the games turning into a fps with all these range dps running around.

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It's free to play up to level 35. :^)

Are you currently subscribed to the game and a savage raider?

Base game is 20 burger bucks. Another 40 for all the expansions. Usual sub fee after the first month. There's a free trial.

nothing on the cash shop is worth it except for yellow ranger pose so you can double slap faggots.

there's a billion cosmetics and mounts in game that there is no reason to buy more of them with actual cash.

never ever

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>Lalafell have the perfect proportions
I agree that the other races are kind of fucked up.

bad like everything in ff14

Hey bro back off the fairies

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>waddles heroically

i don't understand what you mean. surely you don't play as a girl, do you?

i do

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Alright thanks
Guess I'll give it a go

straightforward until you realize it isn't because if your cooldowns don't line up shit's fucked, damage seems low so they hopefully will get a buff so they aren't neck to neck with bards who bring actual utility

reassemble drill is one of the biggest FUCK OFFs in the entire game next to xenoglossy though and almost makes the class worth playing on its own

haha I remember all those abilities
why are we here, just to suffer?

sorry boys, she's taken.

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I'm fine with the lack of Viera customization, even if I don't like it. What I'm not fine with is that the game's shitty lighting can't handle my Rava, and Veena suck and aren't real Viera.
Only decent male options are potatoes, who are offputting to most people, and Elezen, and they have shitty animations.

oh geez


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If you're looking to just play the MSQ because of heavensludo and kinobringers it's just $60 and a mad grind to get everything done in 30 days, along with a $13 resub and $40 for new expac every two years if you remain interested
Otherwise $60+$13 monthly if you don't want alts and don't stockpile every piece of gear you need, occasionally going up to the $15 price when they have deals like the free fanta available this month or that fat black chocobo last month

The full sub is for ERPers and extra retainers are for economy autist omnicrafters

Wasn't his father there at the same time as cruelty in the flashback?

Hey dude let that fairy hug a bro over here

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>MFW just casually trekking through the MSQ
>Getting close to ShB content finally
>Everyone else has nothing to do except grind for gear and bitch about it.

Glad I don't have to worry about that...yet

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Hey Yea Forums I'm curious, post your
>race and clan
>"main" or favorite job
>Grand company
>favorite trial and favorite dungeon
>favorite sound track in the game
and I hope to god none of you are unironically a lala

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Like a ranged SAM.

Jokes on you I enjoy getting cucked in pf

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Is this the reason most people hated SB or at least the second part of SB? I suppose I can understand it because I didn't particular care for it either. The first part of SB was alright, but the whole ala mhigo rebellion saga was kind of annoying.

You wouldn't want his SLOPPY seconds, would you?


You can bitch about the grind or just play something else since savage gear is just for showing off anyway and all the other "endgame" gear will be relegated to the hunting clan in five months and only relevant for doing Nier 1 on release

When is Yugiri coming back?

>tfw you will never have a horny fairy follow you around who is hungry for your dick that’s twice the size of her
>tfw the best thing she can do is let you finger fuck her and pretend it’s your dick.

>>Everyone else has nothing to do except grind for gear and bitch about it.
nah xiv has a stupid amount of side content that only the truly elite among autists dont have anything to do right now.

>Gunk is the only tank whose burst ISN'T spamming a single button over and over

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How could they ever one-up him?

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Why can't anyone get this meme right anymore? The joke is you blatantly get the number of facts wrong.

It was boring, and it was clear the devs cared little for the entire area. Worst of all it meant more time with Lyse, and she was terrible.

Ardbert narrator > Edmont narrator > Lyse narrator.

They never will. It's all Zenos from here on.

-losing your blue balled mind when you realize shes too tiny to fuck so your reduced to jerking off and blowing your load on her tiny body.
Why not fantasize about a fairy that can at least actually fug.

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PLD doesn't really have a burst phase

there is no crafting endgame nowadays. you just meld and endlessly make the current gear for laughable amounts of gil

If she does reappear, it'll most likely be around 5.4 or 5.5 as we get ready to head into the next expansion.

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>dune lala(male)
>immortal flames
>thordan ex, Pharos sirius? Idk all dungeons blend together
>rise of the white raven

>Au'ra Xaela
>Zurdan and Kugane Castle

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why are viera so shit?

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Never, she's dead jim

probably when her VA's stop being murdered.

Roegadyn, Seawolf


Immortal Flames

Pool of Tribute / The Aetherochemical Research Facility

Between Sunrise and Bloody Reunion / The Fate of Stars

did they ever replace her VA? I'm having trouble remembering if she was around at all after the incident

I thought design wise Gyr Abania was better than Doma besides the Azim Steppe. A lot of the doman areas looked fucking ugly. Ala Mhigo was at least sorta interesting looking and the storyline wasn't even bad especially since the Ilberd summoning Shinryu stuff from the end of HW was so good, SHB came out of the gate swinging and then just kind of petered out.

Because they're running on tight schedule and no longer have anything to prove so they just threw it together in little time to bait fantasia addicts and hey, it worked.

Just use an s3 bucket

>retards still talk about wanting a Sephiroth cameo when he's been in the same since Stormblood
Zenos has really worn out his welcome, he was at least a little fun in Stormblood but holy shit I don't want to have to deal with his autism for 4 more years.

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They don't try to and just make good enjoyable villains from here on out that can hold their own in their own way. But instead we're getting MUH HUNT SB nigger so we're already fucked.

This is your E2S group for tonight

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that side profile is almost as bad as mine

Wasn't it before SB?
Either way I don't think they're gonna remove her from the game because of a foreign language VA.
Although maybe they consider her story finished now that she's back to Doma at Hiens side.

So good now that they're played by all of the tryhards.

Femlezen Duskwight
Nidhogg/Bardam's Mettle
Ixal beast tribe theme

>she didn't clear e4s in july

Moon Keeper
Immortal Lames
Limitless Blue and The Twinning

>Titan Firm
Fucking degenerate, I hope they die.

worth if I get to mash that potato afterward

Nael has been in since 1.0 you dumb sbaby
Zenos is Seymour but with swords

Why does Titan Firm look like an IMVU character?

>everyone unanimously shitting on the modder whenever and wherever this is posted

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Nael's a girl lol

Viera and Rava
Bard since HW
Immortal flames cuz I was told they'd be the most story relevant when I was a sprout
Thordon EX and ARF
Metal Brute Justice version or the Shadowbringers main theme

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No, i'm still leveling through ARR. I just want to have a pretty outfit. :(

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>look up guide for E3S
>its insultingly easy compared to E2S
What the fuck were they thinking?

epic quietus prog group

Yes you're autistic. Now go buy everything on the Mogstation

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Cleared E2S and got to second Tsunami in E3S.
Pretty good for 3 raid nights

Buy the one piece.

GNB but SCH remains the favorite
Twin Udders
Thordan EX and The Twinning
From the Ashes (T12)

Attached: ultry.jpg (160x225, 9K)

Good taste overall

>Deltascape was too fucking easy, Gordias was too fucking hard, let's make something right in the middle


I main Paladin.

Who with me?

2, could've been 3, but it took from Wednesday to Sunday to clear E2S. Not to mention every party I joined during that period were "clear/enrage" parties. Doing everything up to Quietus flawlessly doesnt fucking matter IF YOU DONT KNOW CHAOS AMD RETRIBUTION IM STILL FUCKING MAD

E1S and saw enrage in E2S, couldn't prog our third day though because our MNK's washing machine blew a tube or some shit and flooded his basement.

>Wildwood Femezen
>Sephirot, either Aetherochemical or Akademia
>cheating here, Agrias' Theme (Antipyretic)

Attached: ffxiv_07192019_125155_962.png (638x1080, 1008K)

What's the overall difficulty looking like, I know E2>E1 but what about the others?

Attached: 1562381797735.png (1920x1080, 3.98M)

Monks are mentally retarded spergs.

E4S > E2S on launch > E3S > E2S after welfare gear > E1S

E3S is about as easy as Bug Omega
E4S isn't particularly hard mechanically but has a pretty tough DPS check (75-76k total with very little forced downtime) and some mean healchecks

looks like your monk got to prog leviathan early

Attached: opener.jpg (688x342, 101K)

>doing positionals on a boss that has none
That's not a MNK, it's a bandwagoner who swapped to it because now MNK is meta

Got Titan to 50%, surely getting him this week.

what the fuck kind of retarded ass opener is this

Honestly E2S and 4S aren't bad mechanically I just don't think a lot of people are prepared for the damage they shit out.

Attached: neo_exdeath.png (1136x640, 495K)

Anyone have the vaultry janny webm?

Highlander (Female)



Shisui of the Violet Tides


>Highlander Hyur
>Zurvan and The Burn
>A Light in the Storm

Attached: 1559092114575.png (360x360, 140K)

Attached: 1563169652981.webm (852x480, 1.96M)


patrician fetish

Attached: 1556464096574.jpg (800x450, 55K)

>he doesn't automatically do positionals due to muscle memory

you're no monk

Attached: 1267639287407.png (216x238, 3K)

Based PLD chad

Attached: 36747.jpg (1200x840, 251K)

>raid cleared in 15 hours
>even normies clear 3 in the first week
So what do you do for the next 6 months?

Get BiS for ultimate

>Seeker of the Sun, Male
>Immortal Flames
>Crown of the Immaculate, Bardams Mettle
>The Fiend

Man I'm glad I never bothered with this job.

>implying I didnt bait people who dont know the exact timing of Vauthry's blades into God Rays when I was farming the mount
God that fight was fun, you can tell who is gonna make it in savage and who wont

Do reclears till everyone has BiS then do parse runs where we fight over drops for ALT jobs like usual.

Attached: 1490820196541.jpg (189x264, 8K)

Why 6? I thought the next patch was in October or November.

If you mean endgame specifically, then I don't know. Would it be naive to hope for a new ultimate in 5.1?

Attached: ii11.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)

the next ilvl increase isn't until 5.2, 5.1 is the catchup patch for shitters who can't do Savage

Because nobody cares about the catch up patches

Immortal Flames
Sohr Khai, Shinryu

Red names on plot lands means it's about to go right?

it'll be 5.2 and 5.4 like it was in SB, .1, .3, and .5 are the catch up gear for shitters and the 24 mans.

Yoshi said there were 3 ultimates in the works so it's possible

5.1 and 5.3 will have ultimates. 5.5 may or may not depending on demand

Dying grasp, Akadaemia Anyder.
Amatsu Kaze

AR will drop 460 and tokens for shadownigger gear upgrades and the story dungeon will be 440 gear, there's no further progression in ilvl which means there's no content for grind autists

Crown of the Immaculate (Ex) and Amaurot
Tomorrow and Tomorrow

UCoB came out in 4.11

Oh it did actually, you're right I stand corrected.

Attached: 1491343862716.gif (488x288, 272K)

>Final Steps (prolly Hades if EX is fun) and, I dunno, Doma Castle? Or any of the 5.0 ones since I haven't run them a million times.
>Revenge Twofold, Rise, Triumph, Breaking Boundaries, Freefall

Fuck your dead weeb game shills

Lalafell Dunesfolk unironically, I love Lalafell!
Immortal Flames
Neo Exdeath / The Vault
Breaking Boundaries

Attached: front yard.jpg (2560x1440, 1.84M)

Stay seething kiddo

Attached: 367.jpg (400x400, 71K)

Why the fuck don't they just release ultimate at the same time as savage? Pointless to just be sitting around for months

>Sephirot, Fractal Continuum

this is some new lazy ass bait bro

Attached: 1528301317085.jpg (300x350, 14K)

Because ultimate is tuned for BiS gear and it usually takes a patch cycle to gear your entire group

Bunny abomination, Veena
BRD, but playing PLD in prog
Immortal Flames
Tsukuyomi, Bardam's Mettle
Metal (Brute Justice)

>seething over a game with no content and 3 second gcds
you wish tranny

because it requires you to clear Savage and not everyone does that in the first week

cuz you need BiS and you can't get that in a week after savage is up even if you clear it that fast

Why not let people get a head start? Even without BiS, I'm sure progress could be made with exceptionally skilled groups

Fun class but not enough dps. As long as you know what skills to prioritise you can just barely put harpfags in their place

For people to gear up, Tigole you fucking kike bastard

Well, you'd be sitting around for months regardless. They stagger content to increase subscription yield, so they get more money that way. Ultimate is more or less a way to get the hardcore to subscribe for non-Savage patches, so it makes sense to put it in-between Raid tiers.

And no, I don't agree with their content tactics, but you cannot deny it's a lucrative approach from a monetary standpoint.

Plainfolk lalafell
Final Steps of Faith, St Mocianne Hard
Akademia Anyder theme

Wildwood Elezen
Ravana, Mt. Gulg
Navigator's Glory

Name of this meme?

because there'd be some lunatics who clear it in a month then shriek about there being nothing to do for six months. Remember well the tale of Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan.


It's a pretty sloppy meme.

>Buy the one piece.
>one piece

>Why the fuck don't they just release ultimate at the same time as savage
Because it's not fucking done yet.

Attached: yoshida.jpg (546x440, 45K)

>race and clan
Hyur Midlander
>"main" or favorite job
>Grand company
>favorite trial and favorite dungeon
Thordan EX/The Dying Gasp/The Royal Menagerie, Akadaemia Anyder/The Burn/Saint Mocianne NM (I can't choose one, I'm sorry)
>favorite sound track in the game
Akadaemia Anyder/Shadows Withal

Don't worry bros I'll take care of this one

Attached: FORGIVEN SLOPPINESS.png (922x921, 1.43M)

This is the supposedly best mmo community out there?

raen au'ra
Titan, Amaurot i guess

Attached: 1564487879433.png (1400x984, 312K)

I've spent 13 hours on the weekend to clear E1S. I heard E2S is a pug-killer. Should I even waste my time joining learning groups for it?

Unless you get lucky you'll have to wait until the shitters gear up and trivialize the dps check


>DR Trials
>The Chrysalis
>Thunderer plays
>laugh uncontrollably
God dammit Yea Forums

It's a fuck ton of AOE damage most healers aren't ready for a the gear means it's a tight ass DPS check. So if you think a pug could handle that be my guest.

Beyond majestic mountains~

Attached: 1534605450945.png (640x480, 94K)

>Bun-bun former femroe
>Twin Adders

all the gear in the world won't make Quietus any easier.

>raid trannies
Not even once.

"dude it's the game logo get it haha"

Do girls really bathe together in their underwear?

I want a glamour, I want a minion, I want a Feo Ul mount where she picks me up in her arms and makes me feel safe


why didn't the drg do it

Yeah but it will make enrage groups less annoying. I had to kick at least 15 people who could make it to enrage just fine but were underperforming to an extent that we couldn't clear the dps requirements

Midlander Hyur
Final Steps of Faith and The Twinning
Shadowbringers or Order Yet Undeciphered
E4 is my favourite raid

Attached: ffxiv_16072019_142515_823.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

It's supposed to be patriotic. Are you being a whiny little fag on purpose?

He's a DRG.

patrician taste. It makes me want to turn my house into a garden/jungle theme and have that playing nonstop.

Attached: bahamut nut.png (380x400, 115K)

He means the art on the Stormblood title screen

I didn't cap tomes

Unwound sounds so nostalgic and I have no fucking clue why. Sounds like actual old RPG music. It's my favorite, though.

Attached: 1564350802521.png (496x494, 441K)

why isnt LB on his bar?

Nah not the AOE but it'll seriously grease the wheels on those DPS checks.

Usually they bathe naked and not in their underwear.

Are you legit retarded?

>having your skillbar unlocked
You get what you deserve.

You done fucked up

Attached: 11.jpg (1089x1031, 79K)

Look again.

How good is this rotation guide?

Attached: z9rdo2d9gxa31.png (1513x925, 494K)

>Reassemble + Drill
>Wildfire goes off
>Pilebunker crits
>Air Anchor afterwards direct crits

Attached: 1564289149051.png (228x352, 29K)

>Can't take any scene Ilberd is in seriously ever again

Attached: 1561214000879.jpg (600x675, 162K)

this is what you get for being a dumb clicker

Attached: 46864o.gif (156x216, 1.07M)

Why not user illberd is serious business

Attached: LOL.png (1920x1017, 2.03M)

I'm glad I can never accidentally delete skills from my cross hotbar

Being a clicker is one thing but the fucker had his hot bar unlocked for no reason. If your gonna click at least take some measures to make sure this shit doesn't happen.

Someone explain to me what the fuck is wrong with the FFXIV community and why people worship their own fucking characters this much? That retard has a fucking "comissioned art" of his own fucking character. There's like 4 faces for each race and very limited facial options. At best you have like 50-60 combinations that look okay, why does literally everyone think their character is the hottest shit ever? I mean just look at the general for this game on /vg/, they all think their characters are so fucking unique they can't help themself and post them at least 50 times per thread.

Well yeah, in that tribal set-up father-daughter incest is inevitable.

Man, it would've been nice if the entirety of the post ARR questline built up to anything beyond "you go to Ishgard". Feels like a lot of potential was wasted, even the Crystal Braves that stay loyal to you at the end just don't appear again.

MMO players are autistic. Next question

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Attached: 0ef5bd29d276a32b90e6a5e23cd1c4f8.png (819x900, 1.47M)

People like to think they're REALLY fucking important and special

Attached: 1563073189559.png (500x499, 389K)

>want to play Summoner
>servers are so far away from where I live I physically can't double weave without clipping

Attached: 1448411967846.jpg (479x370, 65K)

What is your ping?

Oh, I just realized the irony of this. Not that he cuts off Raubahn's arm eventually, but the fact that he feels Raubahn betrayed him and that this is proper retribution. He planned on doing this eventually. If not at the banquet then somewhere else. Probably on a mountain top in thanalan with stormy weather. You mad son of a bitch.

>finally level BLM
>realize their hatred of bosses that spam AOEs


Most of the community were on reddit, twitter, devianturd and tumblr where this behavior was tolerated too much
I love it when these xivg trannies go around complaining about others being generic while playing a character that looks the same as half of the population

Sea Wolf
Sephirot Ex/Amaurot
Cid's Theme

MNK is cool except when you're doing MSQ, sidequests or FATEs because you keep having to build your stacks and it's annoying

200ms average

Attached: 1461448206796.jpg (456x628, 31K)

>he hasn't experienced 80 blm where instant casts are spilling out of your pockets but you don't need to move yet
they should make extra xeno charges automatically explode on bosses

>tfw faggots keep staying in my leylines


As a smn main it's what you should do. Just remove the triple weave if you don't have a nin

It's just part of the job and something you have to accept. You build momentum during the fight. They've made enough changes to keeping up stacks that it's basically permanent at this point for both dungeons and trials and I feel like they shouldn't go any further. But they probably will.

but I like to feel as though it does something even though I know it doesn't
also this is the closest I've been to a person in two weeks, so deal with it

>tfw I always do this in fights where there's no targeted aoes because if I get hit it means the blm was a shitter

Honestly I don't mind if your character looks like a random NPC. It's the insane snowflakery with weird hair and eye colors that bothers me. Which ironically enough makes you look like half the player base.

I love that little *bwow* in the background. Also reminds me of the intro to those Eyewitness VHS documentaries they'd play in elementary school, for some reason.

>not recording your stream at the same time

>smn main
Why do you hate yourself?

>Eyewitness VHS documentaries
OH SHIT blast from the past

Yeah that's fucked.

why do I never see RDMs anymore? they used to be everywhere in stormblood

Until 2s, fucking cycles

all the fotm RDMs switched to dancer

It was a new job in SB all those people moved to DNC

>oh my sweet, precious Sapling. You know your Branch would do ANYTHING for you. I only wish to see you grow. Please allow me to ease the burden of tension that builds up within your loins and soothe the fire of your soul. You need only relax, my beautiful [Sapling]

Sunseeker Miqo'te
DRK, used to be WAR but they ruined it
Innocence and Pharos Sirius
Changes every week but Tomorrow and Tomorrow

Attached: ffxiv_03082019_224901_398.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

DNC is the new hotness
also RDM didn't get anything super new aside from another addition to their verholy/flare combo, so no one is super interested in trying it out

I play RDM on occasion but it's basically the same as in SB in terms of gameplay and sometimes I'll run it when a new extreme/savage raid comes out so I can toss out rezzes.

made aoe less braindead so all of the shitters who only leveled it for MSQ gave up

>White haired elfboy standing in his leylines casting gay magic like a queer
>Go stand in it to make him uncomfortable and also because I wanna fuck him

SMN is doing well and it's fun?

we all know the WoL can only be sexually satisfied by fighting


Attached: 1525489885099.jpg (2048x864, 246K)

>doing well
>less damage than rdm with less utility
Yeah it's worthless. Just take a rdm of blm over it

RDM isn't doing so hot.

It was in the majority of progress groups, maybe you should stop being bad.

This is factually wrong. SMN does a lot more rDPS than RDM.

>got one useless skill, an occasionally useful skill, and a continuation of their basic combo that isn't even a new button
RDM and SAM had the unique problem of basically being perfectly designed so the devs didn't know where to go with them in ShB

BLM was perfectly designed yet they added more perfection to it.

So are they ever going to fuck with BLM, or is it impossible since BLM is Yoshi P's main?

>less utility
Needing more than a three quickcast raise every 60 seconds isn't utility, it's a sign you need a new static

>SMN does a lot more rDPS than RDM.
that is where you're wrong. SMN is worthless

Attached: smn vs rdm titan 95th.png (1331x898, 52K)

>used to be WAR but they ruined it
I held the same opinion but in reality it's the same as it was in SB game-play wise, though I can understand being disappointed if you were hoping for something to shake things up, regardless, I still rock that shit.

Attached: ezgif-2-f108362bc626.gif (355x269, 2.28M)

BLM is a special case in that they keep finding ways to make it better

>race and clan
Miquo'te - Keeper of the Moon

>"main" or favorite job

>Grand company
Twin Adder

>favorite trial and favorite dungeon
Amdapor Keep

>favorite sound track in the game

Embolden > devotion and on a shorter cd. This is fact. Devotion would only be better if you're comp was retarded and had 2 mages

SMN getting no buffs last patch is a fucking travesty. It's the most complex caster and it gives the lowest payout.

most people are not performing at the 95th percentile

This is out of date compared to the image posted a few threads ago.

Which noncaster dps do I level?

>100 DPS difference
Wow it's fucking nothing.

Not only that the "buff" that dots apply instantly now actually made shit even harder to time, you fucking have to delay tri disaster so fucking late in the gcd so you don't end up dropping your dots before the next one is up

Ok here have 50th the average.

I literally just took this 3 seconds ago faggot

Attached: rdm vs smn 50th percentile titan.png (1292x887, 48K)

Fairies are made to be used as living onaholes

Attached: 1562683041227.jpg (1133x1600, 314K)

>makes false claim and gets proven wrong

Honestly SMN was in a very bad spot in SB until 4.1. If SMN isn't fixed in 5.1 then we are the new MCH of the expansion

This is the same dev team who thought "Why don't we make the second best dps evern better". They have no idea what thay are doing

DPS difference
Yes a 100 dps difference from a class that has better utility and is easier to play so even a shitty rdm isn't as bad as a shitty smn. SMN after being meta since HW is finally in the shed where it belongs

RDM is a deep dungeon job.

Why doesn't XIV use class colors to distinguish players ingame?

>trick attack will shine in a good group!
>2000 dps behind a monkey just rolling his face on buttons
imagine playing nin

>have to play a fucking piano and develop carpel tunnel just to get mediocre numbers
>meanwhile RDM just mashes its face on the keyboard and does almost as much as SMN

yeah wow it's fucking nothing

>ninja actually out dpses a SMN
So why are people only shitting on nin?

You deserve it after being meta all through SB

I picked this up on special just to play through the story and went puglist to punch stuff. Level 18 and it has been the most boring experience. What is THE most fun job to play through with? I highly doubt the game will hold my attention endgame so I dont care about that, just want to try and eek out some enjoyment

Because NIN is actually harder to play and doesn't even have the excuse of having healing utilities for its lower dps

>when ur blm and the dnc doesn't make you their partner
>still outDPS the dancing sam
fuck you

Attached: d5d59ed7c058141b29b5432bd677b77c.png (500x500, 218K)

Nice meme, I bet you think BLM takes skill to play.


kill yourself retard. Also the two ranged comps where more desirable up until the cucked MCH in SB

how about we look at a better sample size

Attached: Screenshot (294).png (1237x847, 76K)

Literally everything sucks ass until 50, play arcanist or bard if you don't want to 1-2-3 at that low of a level

>cutting out percentile and the fight
Quit the special olympics.

Wow its fucking nothing

>merging all fights into one
Only fight that matters is leviathan and titan and SMN is worse than RDM in the fights that matter

NIN and SMN don't compete for the same slot

a SAM being padded by DNC should outdps a BLM

it's Eden Prime 50th percentile, quit whining

>not [Huge insertions] [Minigirl]

Attached: rika.jpg (158x150, 15K)

Congrats on picking the ONE fight RDM is better at. Meanwhile SMN is strong at all other three. Also include the percentile and the fight in the image next time, retard.

Attached: baOJCKa[1].png (1358x815, 54K)

Leviathan matters, you say

Attached: Screenshot (295).png (1255x841, 73K)

>50th percentile
Is this nigger serious?

Attached: upset_bird.png (336x259, 77K)

>Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon
>Black Mage
>Immortal Flames
>Thordan EX, The Twinning

I feel like a middle ground between snowflakery and npc-like is a good thing to strive for. Something that looks like it would fit in the world but has a few features that stand out and makes it unique.
But you are right I would never complain about someone being generic. Heterochrome twotoned-hair sluts need to go.

Attached: fat cat fairy will grant you three fat cat wishes.jpg (2560x1440, 430K)

>mnk beating BLM
what the fuck happened

I really hate how they stripped out all the flavour like Defiance HP boost and the mitigation on inner beast.

Attached: grudge.png (800x450, 366K)

Thinking of switching to BLM just because my fingers hurt when progging as SMN
Also getting cucked by MNK hurts my soul

Attached: 1559993482550.jpg (1191x1684, 178K)

>was going to fanta into a viera because o this image but then found out they can't wear hats
Close call


Because the melee slot would already be taken by both DRG and MNK, or even SAM since NIN is dead last for melee. Since it's pretty much always a bonus to use one of each role, you generally just take the two best melee, the best caster (BLM) and the best ranged (BRD and MCH are competitive. BRD may pull ahead with Battle Voice as gear tier/meld changes).

This generally means NIN and DNC are left in the dust. SMN is down there, too, since as and point out, it's highly likely that an average RDM will still beat out an average SMN. So, RDM and SAM can arguably be spared, but the other three are gonna have it rough based on their competition.

Not that any of it matters in the long run, I'm sure SE tunes the numbers around low-end DPS. However, bringing the top 5 DPS, or the two retard-proof jobs, will at least make those tight DPS checks much easier.

mnk is easier for 50th percentile players

Every single time with you brainless fucking retards
>Choose 95th+
>"duhurr not everyone performs like that!!1!"
>Choose 50th
>"duhurr why did you pick shitters?"
The reply chain even has someone saying the EXACT same fucking thing as you, only about 95th percentile instead. I'm not going to make a compilation of every single percentile just because you're too stupid/lazy to operate a single website.

Yoshi removed our limiters

How about this, fflogs is shit and just play what you are good at? If all percentile is bad then just don't use it.

we can go higher if you want

Attached: Screenshot (296).png (1259x701, 40K)

My character is pretty normal (fuck heterochromia and highlights), yet I've never seen anyone particularly close to my Sunseeker, although I guess that's down to the fact most people pick catgirls to be kawaii waifus.

Form Shift now refreshes GL

I want to mash with a potato


I've seen so many catgirls with the gyr abanian plait now, I'm sick of it.

Just had a healer that couldn't do the first pull on Akademia and then rage quit instead of asking me to slow down.

Will a new healer job push more people to do it so I don't have to deal with these shitters? I need tomes for a new chest piece

what dc? I can join in progress if you need it for those sweet tomes

One day you people will learn that job performance is identical at all tiers 9 times out of 10, but I guess that day isn't today.

Attached: I1ZqIvX[1].png (1365x818, 55K)


Attached: lahabrea.jpg (1117x1080, 188K)

Fuck dreadlocks and FUCK pineapple, I want to push M'naago down on the map table and rape her on top of Ala Mhigo for making that shitty hair popular.

Did you already forget that Feo Ul not only has a large form, but that she can also use BOTH at once? Theoretically she can also summon a literal swarm of her miniature self for all sorts of shenanigans.

I have finished, but thank you for the offer. I will go back to work til more of my FC get on and we can run them properly

>difference between 50th and 75th is less than 500 DPS
>difference between 75th and 95th is less than 500 DPS
Nice, we've gone from padding to crit luck ruling fflogs.

I hate that mana shift is gone. I always liked helping out my healers since BLM can be an infinite mp battery. It would have been even easier to do in ShB thanks to 15 secs on UI and xenoglossy.

Attached: 1hhmt8rkj5u21.jpg (640x1080, 83K)

what are the odds of week 2 reclears taking as long as the first clears and you still won't actually beat 3s in pugs haha


It's funny how it looks good on her but not anyone else regardless of race. I'm partial to the short hair SB introduced, though. Sure a lot of people use it but it just works, I dont know why but it just works.

Any of you fags role-playing?

like 95% lolol

Buy my trannycraft gear or roll 99 on drops sweetie


>new thread while this thread isn't even at bump limit
>linking new thread here
Go back to /vg/ you stupid faggot.

kys you ugly faggot

You're the reason janny gets upset

Attached: 1516702190641.webm (640x359, 2.76M)

Peak mad

Attached: huehuehuehue.jpg (620x800, 85K)

What ranged DPS is the most fun between all the casters and physical ranged?

>Doing EX/Savage content.

I'm above the rat race and just go straight to the yiffing.

Attached: 1254263228247.jpg (587x465, 69K)

Is that THE Zoltan?

don't let anyone else tell you otherwise

logs are going to have skewed results because of loot drops going to random people anyway. And besides, is it really a problem for percentiles to have such a small gap in disparity?

>not a single cute one
How did they manage to fuck up this badly?

Black Mage. do it.

Attached: comfylines.gif (128x119, 17K)

Probably Bard, but I personally like RDM more.

black mage

MCH and maybe brd. The rest are shit to play

Comfy image

Why BRD?

The problem with black mage is that it's very boring until level 60.

Just being the best tank I can be

Attached: fuckin birds.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

Probably MCH and BRD. BLM is actually really simple and it's not really that hard to plan around movement now that you have a million fucking ways to never have to stop casting. SMN and DNC are for cucks, RDM is braindead.

I like the short haired one on the left at least. Can you reconsider?

>want to play tank
>get shit DPs in my group

Obscenity has Miqo'te markings and Cruelty used to be a Lightwarden. Chances are Vauthry's parents just didn't ascend.

Because it's braindead and you can do good dps while being braindead.

in my 2s clear i had a 9 percentile bard with zero deaths

Yeah it is because this game has massive variance and 500 DPS is well within the realm of getting slightly unlucky with crits/DH vs getting slightly lucky. Stormblood had larger gaps with people doing less damage.

>it's another half of the niggers go to the wrong side of temporary current so i can't reliably aether manip to them episode

If there's such a small variance between percentiles does that mean the game is literally braindead? And there's no difference between a mediocre player and one that is decent?

Sell me on EU servers.

more like EUthanize yourself servers

I play on Odin. It's pretty good. PFs have a surprisingly low amount of salt.

Maelstrom can one shot an entire group and E3S has a move that can wipe the fucking party just because someone's internet decided to crap out and DC that person.

>have 500k DPS in the 200th percentile as a AST


How did Emet-Selch go from a character I assumed would be shit in 4.4 to one of my favorites in 5.0?

Attached: 1562724976705.png (998x486, 288K)

>controller BLM
>Eden Prime is getting ready to cleave the room
>everyone is behind him already, I'm greeding then AMing at the last moment
>don't really think about it and just pick someone randomly
>I warp to the middle

Attached: cool bug facts.png (1080x1108, 671K)

Good writing.

>200 percentile

Yeah, I know how you feel, I personally really loved stance dancing when shit was going tits up.

Got asked to join a freind's WIP static earlier this week. We had to pug a healer and we just barely cleared E1S since we actually started it halfway into the week.

I always warp to tanks/healers. Your own fault for picking a dps

bad players don't clear content on week one

Just sucks that he got killed right away while the garbage villains always stick around.

>tfw savagelet because work schedule is too erratic for me to join a static and don't want to deal with pugs

maybe one day

>lala blm warps to me 1 second before doomvoid cleaver every fucking time

Better to go out on a good note than get milked.

I'm really hoping Varis survived but there's no way that Zenos is somehow going to let him live.

Mooncat male
Shinryu, The Burn

Stop working in fast food lmao

I had to wait until now to find a static myself due to being inbetween jobs.The only times I can raid too is super early morning like right now or in an hour for now so I think I am doomed on NA servers in general.

I haven't even started on E1S, nor have I cleared Titania. I've only killed Innocence.

I don't get the rush tbqh.

Estinien did manage to chase Zenos' body away before I guess, but it was manned by a coward back then.

He's going to be put in a tube in the Garlemald basement and kept "alive" through mad science. Remember those Allagan cloning techniques he had his people working on? Amon originally developed those to resurrect Xande.

I'm a nurse so I am always on call. Can't have a static due to this

I did lots of Innocence and Titania but then I got cold feet about the jobs I was playing and my indecision and self-confidence starting waining hard going to these threads and now I do nothing.

you don't understand, he came at me with a spear and he could jump like, really high

>I don't get the rush tbqh.
If you don't do it now eventually all the good players will get their shit and unsub while the shitters remain.

Usually early on is where all the learning/clear parties happen so it's good to get that early experience and get used to the fight. Once enough people experience it, it's harder to get a learning party, but there's still some around. You'll have to start one yourself if you can't find any though.

I actually prefer joining learning parties even if I've done the fight, I like helping new players and no one gets too upset at wipes

In HW I started Nidhogg learning parties by myself weeks after the top people had cleared it and it wasn't a problem to eventually get it down, so I'm not that worried tbqh.

It reminds me a lot of how mobile games work, where they throw out limited time "events" and "banners" that you rush on day 1, and then wait for the next one to release. It fits the game model because XIV is also 100% Vertical growth, so content like Ex and Savage have no value once the gear is outdated in a few months. So, they kind of remain relevant in a short time window, hence why everyone wants to get them done ASAP.

There's also the idea that people who attempt content at latter dates tend to be poor players, mostly from lack of "commitment". Probably not entirely true, but it's not a stereotype without reason.

Honestly it's more about not wanting to play the game for 12 hours a day for weeks and getting burnt out and then unsubbing and not playing the game ever again this expansion.

>get shit DPs in my group
>"fuck it. Ill play dps next dungeon to make this go faster
>new tank only pulls 2/3 enemies at a time
God dammit. Though to be fair its kinda cute when I edge the tank to grab more mobs and they nervously do. Only to exclaim later how exciting that was.

ow is SMN hard to play?

>There's also the idea that people who attempt content at latter dates tend to be poor players, mostly from lack of "commitment". Probably not entirely true, but it's not a stereotype without reason.

It happens consistently without fail every time. Bad players progress slower. You don't even have to go to savage to see it. When Shadowbringers launched I was about to queue up for Titania and clear in one try. Now any time I get this trial in duty roulette I get to deal with this for half an hour.

Attached: 3k sam.png (249x53, 27K)