Botw has good combat, just fight a lyne-

>botw has good combat, just fight a lyne-

Attached: amazing combat.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:




learn how to make a good webm bro. This looks like garbage


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If you don't cheese it like a lil bitch it's actually a fun fight

>BOTW released March 17th 2017
>Yea Forums still seething

>323 shock arrows
you would've had to fight like 150 lynels the proper way before that point

How are you supposed to know you are doing damage with a health bar that small for an enemy with so much health?

>all gaming consoles are going through such a drought that a game from 2 years ago is still the target for daily shitposting

doesn't this Lynel have more health than THE FINAL BOSS?

you can use a tunic that shows enemy health

>Game has super bosses
This your first video game or something?

Shock arrows are all over the place though. I had to start using shock arrows instead of regular arrows because I already capped them at 999 and couldn't pick up any more.

>How are you supposed to know you are doing damage
What do you think is happening when you hit an enemy with your weapon?

I was so excited for this game. I'd probably play it again before FFXV, but I've also restarted Bloodborne and Xenoblade Chronicles X multiple times since BOTW came out.

I don't believe you

>because I capped them at 999
Literally bullshit and you've never played the game.

All items cap at 999, user. I had the same thing happen with amber and apples.

I get that you can accumulate 999 apples but the game gives you less arrows the more you have from a specific one. Some shops even stop selling specific arrows so you can't hoard them.

what about botw's game design leads you to believe hoarding isn't a fundamental idea.

this game is so bad and videogames are dead and Yea Forums is a worthless cocksucking corporate consumer board full of retarded loyalists and marketers.

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Imagine telling lies on the internet

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When i finished the game i had like 50 arrows dfrom that class.
How long do you have to play to have 600+?

You didn't even play it, dumb nigger.

that's not an argument. I've seen it played.

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>Just admitted you don't know what you're talking about

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playing a game has no value if the game isn't fun. Also, You can learn just as much about it by watching it. Why do you think people go to fucking baseball games or basketball games or football games or soccer games. None of these assholes are playing the game in the bleachers, they're just watching. They should have no strong feelings one way or the other according to your logic.

But you don't think about things, do you.

This is why you can't take any game criticism on Yea Forums seriously

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ah, it was just bait

I played through the game twice, so my knowledge of the game and opinion of it completely trumps yours who has never touched it

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you can't take Yea Forums seriously because of the retarded brand loyal idiots who refuse to criticize without bias. The culture of this board is unique to this board alone. It is amazing how many stupid people use this board. It is amazing how many stupid people play video games. Video games are not "geek" and "cool". They're for mentally challenged people and retards. No one plays games to engage with life. They play them to disengage from life.

So why are you here?

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>oh wow this game is shit, I've seen someone else play it
I seriously doubt you've been watching a friend/family member just some random youtuber feeding you his opinion on the game and you ate it all up like a good little bitch, didn't you?

Jesus christ

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BotW has good combat for the same reason Dark Souls has good combat. "Good" isn't quantifiable even if you think it is.
Graphics fagging was such a mistake.

Imagine being so traumatised by BotW that you waste three years of your life, obsessively trying to convince yourself the game is bad.

Holy shit lol

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Way to show you never played the game. Arrows in BOTW are a very limited resource. They're extremely expensive and you don't get many randomly.

You can dupe a full 1k in a few minutes.

>I haven't played this game but here's my hot take on it and why its shit

Not only that but the player is clearly using a rare quick-draw bow.

OP always cheerypicks this shit and takes it out of context. Nobody in their right mind would even attempt to make a thread about this kind of shit but OP is utterly assmad about BotW and has been for years.

>call botw bad
>get a ton of replies saying 3 years seething
Easy (You)s Yea Forumsros

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you can tell switch doesnt have hdr because this would literally melt peoples eyes

>uh aktschually you get glitch some in
Peak soýbrain

>say something retarded
>get called retarded for it
>j-jokes on you guys i was just baiting for replies!
dumb frogposter

>I was totally not being a seething faggot
You sure showed us

I love BotW threads. They're always a great opportunity to celebrate how amazing this game, reminder ourselves how Nintendo BTFO this entire board in the most hilarious way possible and laugh at YOU endlessly because you can't handle it.

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>this game is so bad
damn, he mad

this is great combat, literally dragon's dogma

Well no shit if you stockpile 300+ thunder arrows and just stunlock everything to death with them

I was genuinely disappointed in it. Tarry town is the only thing I remember liking. I genuinely hope that they expand on actually impacting the world like that in future games. I also hope that they fill it with more stuff the way that Xenoblade Chronicles X did.


Some games show normal damage animations but no actual damage is being done
With nothing but the health bar going down the only indication in this game you are doing damage, its understandable one who slashes it with a sword once and sees no change to the health bar to conclude they are doing no damage to it

>games that don't do diminishing returns on stunning the same target

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Tarrey Town sucked ass
>dude instead of completing one fetch quest complete several of them lmao
at least you get a way to buy the Hylian Shield but holy fuck people overrate the sidequests a ton

No dude, you are supposed to intentionally gimp yourself and set restrictions on the gameplay, that's when it truly shines!

People are still trying to invent reasons to hate BotW.

Embarrassing. This board will never recover.

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> You can learn just as much about it by watching it.

Watching someone do a puzzle is a world of difference from doing it yourself. You're not doing the thinking and the thinking, the thought process and creativity is a big factor in the appeal of BotW.

>14 mins pass before you have to bump it yourself because you don't want your ebin shitpost thread to die

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>going out of your way to make the game more boring for you to """prove""" a point on a mongolian cave painting forum

No it's still fucking easy unless you're shit for brains

>talking about a game means you are seething
why can't you nintendies sit down and have a discussion about your cherished game? you're always the ones who try to act superior, i don't understand where this attitude comes from.

He said fun not hard
If you want hard try a gold lynel

This. I would honestly be disappointed if I came on this board and there wasn't a BotW seethe thread to laugh at.

save your energy for btfo2 I mean botw2

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This, I have like 250 shock arrows and 100 regular arrows because beedle is a cunt and never restocks regular arrows while shock arrows drop like candy from lizalfos.

Fuck off you mentally ill loser. You have no intention of 'discussing' the game or you wouldn't post such laughably pathetic webms as a starting point.

You've been consumed by a jealous rage for 3 fucking years because you cannot handle the fact Nintendo made an amazing video game.

Cannot. Handle. It.

Why does that enemy not react or do anything?

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Are there niggers who actually play the game like this? Holy shit this webm makes me fucking angry.

shut the fuck up!

It's stunned. The player hits the weak spot for massive damage.

Well it's his opinion. And it's my opinion that it isn't fun since it's not very challenging. I guess I should have stated it outright but I figured it went without saying since sharing opinions is pretty much all that happens around here

if a game can be cheesed casuals will cheese through it, no exceptions

every lynel you kill drops like 20 or 30 of the things. It doesn't matter if stores don't carry them.

It's getting stunlocked

How do Nintendo consistently make the best games in the world lads? BotW is magical.

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>It's stunned.
But what stuns it? The electric arrow that also damages it? That seems awfully unbalanced.

>The player hits the weak spot for massive damage.
What weakspot? The player is just hitting him over and over again.

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Doing 10 flurry rushes and going through 4 swords isn't exactly thrilling either.

I don't think I need to explain to you where you can shove your opinion

It's hitting him in the face


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>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.

This will never not be hilarious. Jelly shitters like OP are still absolutely fucking seething three years later. Why can't anyone compete with Nintendo?

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>It's getting stunlocked
Stunlocking typically requires cornering an enemy and performing quick slashes with a dagger or something.

I can't remember any games where stunlocking consisted of slowly drawing your bow in an open field.

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This is like saying Monster Hunter has bad combat because you can grind up the exact gear you need to Hame-lock a monster.

The great thing is that you don't have to spend too much time gathering items.
On the other hand, you end up with over 50 of everything in no time.

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Mental illness.

Whats it like being you?

Do you have a point? Or are you going to cry over BotW for another three years lmao

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What a shocking headache

You can also stun bosses using the same method. It does trivialize fights a bit. But hey, it's balanced for early teens probably.

REMINDER that OP is obsessed with BotW and has absolutely traumatised for three years.

He spends his life trying to convince himself he didn't get completely BTFO by Nintendo.

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>Game doles out weapons like your grandma does Wherther's Originals
>Tiny inventory space only expandable one slot at a time and expander isn't consistently available until midgame
>Weapons break after only 1 or 2 battle's use
No, faggot. You're just projecting your hoarding tendencies onto the game. Learn to let go of shit, you fucking coddled baby.

Epic seethe lmao

>implying it isn't you replying to yourself or just another troll trolling trolls
You're just a sad man laughing in the dark, and that's all you'll evee be.

Not an argument.

Just remember that all that pasta is in response to one of you your sad desperate BotW sperg threads. Think about that loser lmao

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I didn't play BotW because I hate survival mechanics
I also hate Zelda games past II

hitting lynels in the head stuns them. People criticizing this game never even played it. Typical

Stunlocking is only the act of refreshing a stun on an enemy without letting it end, you retard

or maybe I'm just tired of seeing the same low effort shitposts in every thread about this game, including the same tired webms of stunlocking enemies like OP's post
why the fuck can't people just talk about this game without autistic console war shit

You know a game is really good when Yea Forums is still seething 3 years afer release.
Happened with Bloodborne and now with BotW.

>why the fuck can't people just talk about this game without autistic console war shit

Because we like laughing at OP. He's a known autistic loser who can't handle reality.

What am I allowed to criticize about this game without triggering you faggots into posting 400 of the same shitty smug image

no one cares about bloodborne though

Why can't you just accept Nintendo made a great game?

Why did they forget to put boss battles in this game?

1. Because I didn't enjoy it
2. I accept that they used to make great games

might as well include Dark Souls in there

>proving his point

how do you know it's the same user each time

You can criticize what you want, just keep the buzzword shitposts and memes in your pants.

>how do you know it's the same user each time

His arguments and writing style are obvious. Thats quite an achievement on a fucking anonymous image board. Thats how long he's been doing this. YEARS. Pretty sad don't you think friendo?

>hit boss in one spot
>the boss does nothing and you win
>good game

>His arguments and writing style are obvious.
You're aware that
>opinion about a video ga-
is a common meme format for OPs and not just one person, right

Yup and I don't have to say so but go fuck yourself.

>triies to distill the entire game experience down to 5 seconds of cherry-picked footage featuring an overpowered player thrashing bad guys


You're beyond pathetic man. You've wasted three years of your life with this same desperate bullshit. BotW completely fucked you didn't it?

>His arguments and writing style are obvious
so compile them into an image like that one Gamefaqs list autist that wishes he was Japanese and post it around so more people recognize him, because from an outside perspective it looks like you're going full schizo at whoever disagrees with you

If player can get "overpowered" that's a failure in the game. you know

2.5 years later and Yea Forums still can't get over BOTW, holy shit

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How can fucking anyone believe BotW "BTFO" anyone?

It's a new Zelda game. Every time a new one comes out it's assumed to get 10/10s and always has since Ocarina of Time.

This narrative that BotW "BTFO'd the haters" is delusional as shit. And no, I do not like the game either, it's barely a Zelda game at all. What's just pathetic is fans lapping it up and pretending this shit is anywhere near as good as all the other 3D Zeldas. This game is to Zelda what Sticker Star is to Paper Mario, and we're now getting the Color Splash "fix" in the form of a sequel.

No thats just you trying to convince yourself that Nintendo didn't fucking HUMILATE you by making one of the best games of all time.

Keep trying to convince yourself. The past three years have been hilarious. I hope you never get over it.

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I find it kinda funny that Nintendo realized they botched Ganon during the climax so they basically had to retcon him into being Ganondorf's essence or whatever instead of his actual form as it's described in BOTW

Were even here 2016/2017? Losers like OP actually though Nintendo would go out of business. They thought the Switch would flop and they thought Horizon would annihilate BotW. The sheer amount of ass-sting will reverberate for the ages. Which is why we still have bi-hourly BotW hate threads three years later.

The final boss of BotW is indefensible, let alone the fucking horrible character of Ganon. Ever since SS and Demise's "curse" Nintendo has fucked up Ganon/dorf. I assume now we get to see nu Disney style Ganondorf who can't speak/is not a character, or is subverted in some gay way. Expectations are rock bottom.

I did not care in 2016/17 so I missed whatever console warz shit was going on.

>game offers a challenge
>said challenge can be mitigated by getting overpowered
Then what's the point of the challenge offered then?

In enemy camps you can break crates and metal crates to find one to three arrows. It would take you quite a while to get to 600 though.

I can't wait for BOTW 2 just so the salt can be doubled

Is this Genshin Impact clone?

rent free

You guys never played monhun?

you can do something similar in monster hunter world if you prepare correct build
free shrugs

Nintenkid defense force out in full cope today, lads

i'm firmly anti-fanboy faggotry and i still hate your fucking guts more than i could ever hate a sonyfag or nintenfag for this singular fucking post user

fuck you. die

>nigga just dodge
every lynel fight in the game

High HP enemies were one of the things I hated about BOTW. It was just never worth it to lose almost all of your weapons for one or two kills. I found myself simply avoiding enemies in the late game.

>Easy (You)s Yea Forumsros
thank god they're free and you pretending to be retarded just makes you into one

Never capped them at 999 but I do have over 600 shock arrows so I usually just use them over normal ones.

You need a powerful enough weapon and hit the weak spot at the right time to stun an enemy. The method shown in the webm is a rare one, you wouldn't be able to do it with 2 or 3 lynels one after another, it's rather single use only and later you need to move your ass and go for normal fights, unless you have an inventory full of op weapons and a shit ton of other special arrows to spam too - something unlikely to happen until grinding at end game.

botw was the worst thing to happen to Yea Forums in a while. maybe since tortanic. the level of absolutely repugnant autism on both extremes for and against the game are absolutely the most unenjoyable forms of pretend elitist low effort shitposting this fucking board has to offer

and neither side actually gives a shit about the game like the people who don't spend their time in these threads every single day for literally years without a break

weaponized fucking autism, senpai

>still seething about BotW years later

Get help.

Electric arrows are a rare resource. Yes he has like 300 in this clip, but he's also clearly very, very lategame. He has max hearts, every divine beast, and the god damn motorcycle.
Now here's what I will actually say in favor of your point, late-game breath in general, even pre-DLC, even before you've completed 80 shrines, can be pretty crap for similar reasons to the webm.
The durability system means combat is intrinsically a trade-off, you'll probably lose a weapon/ammo and gain whatever the enemy has or is guarding. The problem with this is when you're far into the game and have a good number of inventory slots. What almost inevitably happens is you stop having a reason to fight, every fight becomes a waste of time because the weapons you've ended up with are way better than anything you'll get from trash mobs. This leads to you never really losing resources, which means a lot of loot becomes either worthless or left behind entirely, which also means you'll be in a situation where you can literally pump elemental/bomb arrows into a lynel and not even make a dent in your pool of them. Shit's fucked, this combat system defeats itself, especially since a lot of combat encounters have unarmed solutions via the environment.

The worst part is that the solution to this is actually kinda provided in Zelda 1, you know, that game Nintendo supposedly took notes from? You know why combat is worth it in that game?
>it's often mandatory
>valuable items can be pretty much anywhere since even rupees are required at points, so exploring matters, forcing you to fight more too
>enemies can drop valuable things like fairies and bombs
>game's kinda fucking brutal so good drops and treasure are more valuable
and most importantly
>it's pretty damn good for the standards of overhead action games at the time, enemies and items make for diverse scenarios
None of this is true for BotW
I also think a pretty solid solution is provided by the popularity of Zelda randomizers. What if the world was smaller and important items like the hookshot or bow could just be in some fuck-off cave? If you ever played at least alttp randomized you might see my point here.

Since all of the rewards you do get are either
>better weapons
>rupees (not as often it seems)
>materials for cooking
Its only way of being rewarding is by giving you the broken resources that lead to the issues in my first post, and it really doesn't have to be that way.
Also I haven't even mentioned the part where you can pause at any point in combat and instantly stuff your face with grilled sirloin for full health and no consequence, meaning enemies are only a genuine threat if they one-shot you.

tl;dr botw combat's bad because it's not rewarding in the right and that causes a lot of issues

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>If player can get "overpowered" that's a failure in the game.
>Making generalized statements like this as if it's a thoughtful perspective
No RPG should ever have "ultimate weapons" because that'd just automatically be a flaw huh?

>No RPG should ever have "ultimate weapons" because that'd just automatically be a flaw huh?

>tfw BotW starts off a 10/10 and gradually drops to a 7/10 the longer you play
I want to play BotW for the first time again.
>no health so everything's a serious threat
>minimal resources so even taking non-lethal damage and whiffing arrows is punishing giving the game a nice challenge
>weapons break rapidly, so you're constantly picking up whatever's available and adjusting your play to the weapons you're stuck with
>everything is new so exploring is interesting now matter where you go
>almost everything you find is an upgrade or otherwise useful to you
and it all slowly disappears the more you play.

I mean it's pretty easy to argue how lame it is that most RPGs just make weapons direct upgrades from one-another, so bad example.
And I think overall he's right, but both of you may have neglected a factor of item balancing, acquisition. Usually ultimate weapons in RPGs require special procedures to obtain and don't invalidate the rest of the game's challenges, though even if they did you could call it balanced if the method to obtain it is hard enough.
The reason you could say BotW's overpowered weapons are bad design is that most of them are trivial to obtain in the right circumstances, and you're all but guaranteed to get at least a few by late-game.
I personally think RPGs have something to gain by looking into equip systems that don't have objectively "best" options, it's one of the best things pm:ttyd did and it feels like most RPGs only dip their toes in meaningful weapon/armor diversity, but I digress.


>maxed out character
>his inventory is literally only arrows
>omg look at thiiiiiiis this is totally the whole game omgggg
the picture is true, this games lives rent free in your head, forever

>tfw the moment you discover your first durian and any hope you had for the game having any semblance of difficulty left in it withers away
What the fuck were they thinking with the amount of hearts this shit heals.

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Samefag, the only complaining about BoTW are falseflaggers.

Yep, agree with you. But I’d extend that to nearly everything in the game. The shrines aren’t worth bothering with past 13 hearts (never had any cause to upgrade stamina). Korok seeds are basically worthless. Side quests result in food or a few rupees. I spent rupees once on some clothing to protect from the cold. It just all seems worthless and a waste of time because it’s all unnecessary.

I think shrines are at least fun enough to find and in some cases complete to be intrinsically rewarding. The only reason I was playing the game after a point was just to find more shrines, even though I had more than enough hearts and stamina. Korok seeds are something no reasonable person would seek out past the ones you just kinda run into, so I find them inoffensive. Completely agree on side quests too, they're all a fucking after-thought.
>never had any cause to upgrade stamina
...Why wouldn't you? low stamina just seems like an inconvenience.

>all the shit that can one shot your three heart, no armor wearin' ass if you leave the story path at all at the beginning of the game
I'm still fucking surprised that shit made it to release.
That seems like the exact kind of thing Nintendo likes to avoid.

>have a discussion
>on Yea Forums
Good one. This place is only good for waifufagging and autistic screeching.

>Why wouldn't you? low stamina just seems like an inconvenience.
There was no reason to. I didn’t need to run fast for long. I could use that jumping power to avoid climbing too much, paragliding is largely just something nice and not anything I needed to do, and I rarely swam.

Nice tech demo you got there.

>holding up your shield and hitting B was WAY better.

if ur gay mayb

I mean, yeah, stamina is never NEEDED, but like.
Jesus christ you must've taken forever to get anywhere.

Man, I swear, exclusive illusion is real.
t. finished the game on emulator with no sunk cost blinding me
It's fine, I like it. Not a masterpiece. Neither was spiderman.

Wind Waker has better use of items in combat, TP has better swordplay, and yes I honestly would say even OoT and Majora made some combat scenarios more interesting than any late-game encounters in BotW, if for nothing other than having more enemy variety and actual bossfights.


BotW is the best adventure game ever made. Haters are so frustrated they've wasted years trying to think up new ways to retcon history.