Yep, I'm thinking Reggie is cringe and blue pilled

Yep, I'm thinking Reggie is cringe and blue pilled.

Attached: cringe.jpg (601x433, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Prove him wrong.

He's a nonwhite leftie. Therefore, he's wrong.

>couldn't prove him wrong
That's what a thought, cuck.


>facts are bluepilled
sounds about right considering redpillers are deranged idiots

Omg this! I want Trump to take our guns and video games away!

Attached: n1.png (655x638, 46K)

Trump won't take our guns away. He will protect the second amendment and make zoomers playing fortnite illegal, which is based

who gives a fuck about dead burgers

Bideo games and gun violence are 100% unrelated.
You'd have to be a complete tool to think otherwise.
The right chart is still misleading as fuck since that big ass bar by the US is only 5 fucking people.
Don't use graphs for data points like that folks. It's misleading and is the easiest way to make people that look a little harder deny whatever it is your saying no matter how true it is.

American 1#.

Except in videogames. Go figure

>More people die in other ways so we shouldn’t care as much about mass shootings

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5 people
per 100,000

Based black science man.
Gun violence is negligable outside of detroit and majority black areas.
If you check gun violence stats by state the vast majority of states have no shootings at all.

That's absolutely right dipshit, making a big hysteria over shootings leads to retards being convinced that they can get attention by committing a shooting themselves

The virgin Reggie
The CHAD scientist.

Still not that many desu.
Especially since that statistic includes suicides.

Literally what is the correlation between these two sets of data? Am I just not seeing it?

literally false.

That's the point, there is no correlation. But lots of people are trying to tell you there is.

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Is Neil about to get redpilled when his "woke" crowd turns on him?

Based space back man. Gun violence is a statistical blip in America.


>research showing that there is no correlation between gun violence and video games is okay
>research showing that there is no correlation between rapists and video games is not okay


>what is perspective
>what are priorities

>being such a retard /pol/ock that you think this is Reggie being anti guns when in reality he's just speaking out against the idea of video games causing gun violence
you gotta slow down sweetie :)

Must feel nice not being the (western) face of a megacorp
Surprised he hasnt talked more shit now that hes free even if he doesnt want it to fall back on nintendo

>we are giving kids anti-depressants so they can sit still and play a cartoon battle royale game for 11 hours straight or watching netflix as an alternative. Then we teach them that spirituality is dead and life is all about feeling good, but that is unfulfilling. We teach kids that there is no after-life and everything is pointless, so why are they shooting up people then killing themselves? Must be the guns.

We really shouldn't, they're still at levels where they're pretty much irrelevant other than for fear response/ political usage.





What is "caring about it." I mean in the UK you have to be "of age" to by kitchen knives.

They already did. Did you forget that he got the #MeToo

Saying we "lose" that much over 48 hours is the same as saying six to twelve million reptilians died over the course of a few years

Facts dont care about your feelings.

big anime tiddy

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fucktard, i know that you have low IQ, so try to bear with me. Do you think banning guns is going to prevent those people from trying to attack innocent people with something deadly? Like... a BOMB?

Didn't need him to point out the obvious. Violent entertainment doesn't inspire senseless or vengeful violence. Isolation and abandonment crossed with mental illness and inbred genetics do.


Don't forget the SSRIs that ironically have a side effect of 'more mental illness'

What problem do you have with that phrasing?

Fact ARE facts, niggers sure do kill each other a lot. Because those numbers are included as well.

I mean yeah. Media is making these shooters celebrities.

>reading comprehension

A bomb attack is magnitudes more difficult to pull of so yeah, that would be a good deterrent.

We should care proportionately is his point
you absolute retard brainlet

USA also includes suicide in those stats which account for about 40% of all gun deaths.

I'm saying that's the same logic to saying it was feasible for six million loafs of bread to be ovened over the course of a few years
Does anyone actually think 300 people die every other day to the flu
Or 250 people every other day hang themselves or blow their brains out

Seems like all he's doing is trying to get the heat off of games which works for me, they can find something else to bitch about

not really

yeah but enough about the Holocaust...

Implying there was any heat. It's a scape goat.

Look at science man's tweet

You know the reason people forget about mass shootings a couple weeks after they happen? Because they are rare and receive way too much media attention.

Literally true. The vast majority of "gun deaths" are suicides with the remaining 2/3rds being blacks shooting each other in the inner city.

Shut the fuck up LARPer

two retard sand monkeys put fertilizer in a pressure cooker and did damage to boston, cant be that hard. we gotta regulate food cooking containers now?





These mass shootings are super rare. Frequency is increasing mainly due to media coverage. Media loves this shit.

Prove it

Not the Dayton shooter though. For some reason they're suddenly much less willing to give any attention to the beliefs of that shooter.

Who cares when at the end of the day it’s American mutt creatures that are dying.

I love Reggie. Video games have been far, far away from the motive of most massacres in several years.

>acts of violence by homocidal people are preventable, people won't resort to other means like bombs, fire, acid, etc. to kill people en masse
I'm sorry user, even if you take guns away (good luck with that) it won't stop people from wanting to kill each other.

They're covering it in Ohio thats for sure. Twitter journos sure arent but normies dont see them.
It's going to be the same rodeo.

1. social media outrage
2. politicians say shit and people blame the NRA even though it's really not that big.
3. everyone forgets and we do this again later.

It really pisses social media dudebros off that Americans dont like the idea of losing their gun rights, even in super liberal shit places like Vermont. I think these shootings are a big deal but it stems a lot from cultural issues like social media.



Fearmongering in the news, and parents letting social media and schools raise their children creates violence of all kinds. Even these retarded Twitter shitposts are shaming and blaming instead of providing any semblance of a solution. People are fucking garbage nowadays and I don’t blame a single “mass shooter” for wanting to kill people. I live in an area where every household owns multiple guns, yet 0 public shootings ever. Also happens to be an area where family is an important cornerstone of life, and parents still take responsibility for rearing their children

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But he's right, that means he's redpilled

Woah buddy. Best keep that information to yourself. Don't want anyone knowing you're onto them.

Thats... kinda what reggie is saying, but what reggie should look at is all violence compared between these locations, since of course availability will change the method used, but what are the hard number for violence between these places.

Wait, what? By whom?

Is suicide using a gun being counted as a violent gun death in this statistic?

my mom

>lol why are you so upset about literal mass murder when you arent about accidents and deaths caused by nature or human error lol hypocrite much
>go watch my space show and see my AMA on reddit i am so much smarter than you thanks for the gold

I know, I'm just spelling it out for people.
Then again, Reggie is just another person in the grand scheme of things. At the end of the day it's just some dude giving his opinion. People need to realize that. One person's opinion isn't really worth more than another's, it's all just people's subjectivity.





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while that is an argument that does exist in the world, it isn't really applicable here. no one is implying there is a correlation that concludes causation.

>gun deaths
>not murders in general

Also, there might be something else I'm forgetting

I think it's less than 13 but more than 50.

it's obviously our society and how it just churns out loners like no other
it's the fault of this increased social media presence, seriously it should be banned
social media is far far far more harmful than anything our society has to offer.

Because people believe if the gun wasn't there then the person would just magically skip off to the nearest doctor or therapist and fix their shit instead of shooting themselves

They would blame racists and asks for the knives back like England does.

How mad are you right now?

God, I fucking love statistics and what it does to retards brains.

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>idiots can't see he just wants to tax games in general
Never change /pol/

America's liberal gun policy in combination with kids getting raised on social media and other internet sites causes this shit. But its small in number.

Reggie's right, video games arent really correlating. It's a scapegoat because the actual issue is much more complex than can be said in a tweet or a short interview. America's murder rate has gone down while these kind of shootings have gone up. It's some sort of social decay.

Yeah, "loners", sure

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What level of clown pill you on, senpai?

>u mad xD
great argument, pickle rick


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can classic wow get here already so i can run away from all of this political shitflinging, it's gone in to overdrive this past week

Oh is this where you faggots ran to after your pathetic thinly veiled racism memes were banned?

>reddit spitting mad because he's an oversocialized brainlet whose beliefs are based on conjecture and public opinion as opposed to hard evidence
>n-no, YOU'RE the redditor

There's no upvotes here.

the rest of the world has those too

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It's pretty easy to look up. Search "gun violence in the US" and it will show you that most are suicides and the next highest are with handguns(normal crime related).

Here's an idea! all the faggot liberals who don't like guns can just not have them and move to europestan. Just be warned they only let non-white deadbeats immigrate there now.

P.s. consoles suck In case some jannie tries to delete for being off-topic.

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>I win no matter who wins the 2020 election
>I want the US to lose the 2nd amendment and watch mass murder continue to happen
>Clown World Now

Back to your AHS hugbox, faggot.

The real redpill is that because political views are heritable, it is feelings that don't care about facts, and rational persuasion is the exception rather than the rule.

thank you user very cool

Missed one

comparing apples to oranges, accidental deaths to an increasingly unique form of mass murder, what great hard evidence you delusional retard

lol inbred fuck

both are right. not video games.

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Buckle up buckaroo it's election season until 2020.
You have a containment board to get back to. How does it feel to hide behind infantile jokes in order to not be directly shunned for the creature you are.


>~0.5 deaths per 100,000
>~4 deaths per 100,000
0.000005% of death vs 0.00004% chance of death

But let's zoom the chart way in to exaggerate the difference while ignoring all other factors of gun possession.

>video games don't even correlate with violence
>mass shootings in america are very uncommon but get a disproportionate media response
Also true

>that normal looking middle-aged white guy in the bottom left
What the hell is his story?

>everything about this post down to the filename
10/10 bait

Having gun outside police and millitary is mostly illegal.

Two thirds of that are suicides, not murders, and with murders half of it is by niggers, the same brethren as reggie

>no healthcare
>lots of people with mental problems unchecked
>easy access to guns
m-m-muh videogames

I'm right wing but this argument is dumb. Death rates should be alarming if:
1. They are out of the norm compared to other countries.
2. They can be avoided / are not related to forced of nature or landscape unique to that region.

To determine #1 you need to take annual incidents count and divided by population count. 200 people die in car a accidents? Ok, but that's out of 300mil, is it really more than other countries?
Now about #2 can it be avoided? I think yes. Guns is not unique to the usa landscape, it's not a force of nature we can't control.

We should learn from disasters. That's how doctors learned to wash hands (deaths by infection) and road regulations to decrease a accidents came to be. If we always said "lol but look at this other death rates!" We would have been basically china right now, getting eaten alive by elevators or ran over randomly in the streets.

what a chad

A dead mutt is a good mutt

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>Buckle up buckaroo it's election season until 2020.
I honestly hope mods actually clamp down that this shit. I come here to shitpost about games not shitty real life.

Isn't the entire middle-east filled with guns and shit.

china murders people just fine without guns

What's with the image name? I don't get what they did?

I'm tired of my countrymen demonizing and attacking each other. I want to keep my rights, and I want people to stop demonizing and attacking each other over trivial shit like skin color or opinions on how the government is run. I'm tired of social media creating mobs of hatred and enabling the extremists of both sides.

Attached: all so tiresome.png (680x486, 473K)

And suicides as well as justified shootings get included in the statistics. That is fact.

Also, far more people die in the US from medical errors than mass shootings according to Neil Tyson, a man who I now like. I am still baffled by my newfound respect for Tyson.

This image is absolute bait. I mean, the person who drew it seems to have drawn it just for bait.

>seems to take a jab at the liberal but the conservative is a skinhead.
and also
>sawing something over your knee like that

Mutts can't handle guns.
Look at Switzerland. It can pretty much handle liberal gun laws and a shitton of guns with no issues.
America is far too muttified to own guns. In the 60s it was fine with no issues because whites were still 90% of the population.
Prove me wrong.

I'm confused guys, isn't he implying other countries play just as much video games as we do, but with less gun crime? Am i missing something here?

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I was hoping the pictures would be in order, but the unsolved ones make it hard to pick out which is which

I'm gonna keep poking through wikipedia and see
Interestingly enough, the vaguely-blonde dude in the bottom row apparently sexted a random asian girl, shot his entire family, then went to her house and did the same to hers. Literally the PERFECT "incel shooter" story, but I didn't hear squat about it

>saying "videogames are not why America has a new mass shooting every other week" is controversial on Yea Forums
8gag tourists need to leave

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Yes and that sends Trumptards seething

>liberal gun laws
liberal as in nonrestrictive you mean?

Attached: forty keks.jpg (292x257, 34K)

>only America has guns meme

Actually, yes, that would unironically happen. Suicide tends to strongly be an act of opportunity, especially so because it takes a huge amount of willpower to get to that point. Simply placing deterrents in the way of suicide can actually save their lives. Any small bump in the road could be that one that causes them to say "Oh shit, it's raining. Guess I HAVE to stay here and not kill myself then."

I'm pro-gun, I just happened to know this particular nugget bears weight. The better solution to the suicides is to simply make sure the person is with friends and to put locks on any guns they might have access to.

Yes, that's exactly what he's saying.

so the rest of the world doesnt have water, go it

Where are you from and do you lol think you are lol pure?

Yes. And he's right that video games arent a cause for concern for gun crimes. But that chart is also deceptive on the right.

so why don't these shootings happen in switzerland then yurocunt?

People just want an excuse to talk about poltiics. We all agree with Reggie itt

It won't ever end. It's human npc nature. I heard a priest once say that those that can actually think for themselves have souls, while the others are just body puppets."

>people kill each other
>Some have guns
>The others haven't
>They're both dead anyway


if i had to choose between video games and guns id choose video games

now can /pol/ finally leave Yea Forums or is that too much to ask?

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Woah, this is out there, Reggie

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hello me, hows it going

Attached: make me sad.jpg (480x488, 45K)

Can someone explain this? I feel like it's something only the delusional would understand.

Preventing suicide in any way shape or form is horrendously immoral.

Hey, when all media has gone to shit, people turn to "real" life for entertainment.

I'm with you. Pretty pro 2A but realize that small barriers would prevent some suicides. The world has many problems and I wish I was more ignorant about all this shit

user anything against the majority hivemind is banned.
>Hey dev, I didn't like your game because (reason)
>you have been banned permanently: Reason: (blank)
adults are children now.

honestly I don't care because suicide is not a crime nor does it impact the safety of others. if I want to off myself though I'll just get sodium nitrite tho so not to contribute to statistics, a gun is only when there's nothing else

I'm sorry, user, but it just won't happen
It's the cycle of extremism, everyone's picked a side so now there's just the cycle of violence and justification

is he talking about the 13%

I can't tell if he's being ironical or not.

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Right? I watched some late night with my roommate recently. This shit sucks and no wonder its only getting a few million a show. Comedy is dead.

If anything this proves that guns and violence are unrelated and that the gun crime in America is obviously caused by something else

Most/Loudest media in the world is from America, so whatever problems America has the whole world has to hear it. But here in America we barely hear about anything outside of America so many don't give a shit about outside opinions. Plus the other countries aren't brave/loud enough to be heard anyways.

wait reggie is actually based and redpilled? what the fuck

Yes. Swiss don't have this issue because their society and community is still in shape.
America is too far gone.

Because the euro gun culture is completely different. Gunfags love to screech about muh laws, but forget that euros don't have millions of insane people insisting that they need to be constantly armed to the teeth "for protection" and that not being able to have tons of guns is literally slavery.

The shooters were just fucking ugly and probably got bullied into hating humanity. But neither side is going to acknowledge that.

Anyone got any other neat facts they want to share? Facts are facts, as Reggie said.

If a person feels that their life cannot be improved and they'd rather it be over sooner than later, who are you to say they're wrong?

Games turned into movies or slot machines.
Movies turned into censored shitty comics thanks to marvel.
Music is either rap or country, which both is shit.
Comics are dead. Just dead.
No one reads anymore or writes decent books.
TV died to the streams and youtube
Youtube died to censorship and eceleb lets plays

Looking at the chart, the problem is clearly caused by white American males. Trump should confiscate all their weapons of destruction and every other country should limit the entry of mayo american males until we figure out what's going on.

dear god, he's right


I wonder if all the retards that say this would bring a knife to a gun fight.

This is weird. It's written like it's a liberal comic but that second panel defending white men is definitely not something I'd expect to see in one of those, at least not nowadays.