Damn Reggie

Damn Reggie...

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I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

>I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
>I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

Based Reggie and Based Nintendo saving gaming once again.

OP here
first post best post

anti-guns and anti-trump, damn
based nintendo

The fart problem might be related to liver cancer. Also mental illness because you don't try to conceal it.

What's Reggie have to do with Nintendo?

dare i say it

based and brappilled

does he really have @reggie on twitter, thats pretty based

That 4%?
It was Albert Einstein.

He's a product of Nintendo, without Nintendo he would be a nobody.

gunfags btfo

Blacks own that much of the guns?

What a fucking loser, almost as much of a loser than people who buy and use Nintendo products.

Does he have actual stats? Because our gun deaths have been decreasing for decades. The biggest issue is gangs, which have lost power compared to again decades ago.

Cancelled my switch lite preorder

He had to wrestle it from a Spam-Bot but he does have it

Turn in your guns and receive a free Nintendo switch(TM)

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>13% of the population commit 50% of the crimes
yeah i'm thinking he's based

How do we fix the beta male problem? Why do they keep shooting up innocent people?



Holy shit is Reggie about to go all DESPITE on us

because society is shit, why do you blame the individual?

there is no correlation with gun control and shootings, it's mostly the fact that white men for some reason hosts of a fuckton of mental illnesses lately

Government issued gfs.

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>countries where the average person can afford leisure items like video games (i.e. the first world) has lower violent crime rates than the third world

He was to big brain for Nimtemdo

>250 people commit suicide every 48 hours

Can I buy him?

>4% of the population owns 43% of the guns
does Bernie know about this? will he fight for working men and women to receive their fair share of the country's guns?

It's not mental illness, it's self-defense.

wtf I love black science man now

damn. here i thought that guy was a just a meme

do you know who he was before nintendo?

based science nigga

>Walshart shoppers
They got what they deserved

/pol/ is going to get this whole site shut down.

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You can't compare the USA to any of those other countries on that list. It's not a good comparison.

imagine the smell

Are you just not counting the entire rest of the world in this analysis?

Reggie Fils-Aimeless

On average it's true. 250 people isn't even 1/100000000 of the population. There's around 9000 births a day as well.
When you talk about humans and human lives on a grand scale, while horrifying to think about, even numbers up to the hundreds of thousands are frankly insignificant.

You can doubt all you want, does not make it any less true. Most of the gun deaths in this nation is the result of suicide.

Now plot virgin white males per country.

Please be a hot chick

I wonder how many people McDonalds murders every hour. Why is there no crusade against obesity in the US (and around the world for that matter)?

I wish they would go kill real people. White trash and mexicans are a diamond dozen. Shoot up parliament or some shit. Do some actual good.

>how do I blame this complex and multi-faceted problem on [buzzword]

>violent gun deaths
why not violent crimes? oh thats right because vox has an agenda to push.

gun deaths per capita were decreasing but that's not true anymore. an hero rates are also at all time high

meant to say, 9000 births in the US alone. 250 deaths is nothing.

Corporate interests, duh. Multinational food corporations have gone the extra mile to prevent any regulation or action taken against their toxic shit, pretty much everywhere

It's 1/1320000 of the population, assuming 330,000,000 in the US.

Id rather be dead than censored.

m'feral hogs

Okay, this is epic

now let's look at the incidence of putting kids on the SSRI/antipsychotic cocktail and the number of single parent households in those countries.
Single parent + brain melting psychoactive drugs + violent media = mass shooter


Because getting shot is worse than getting stabbed or punched, you fucking idiot

so in your mind the entire rest of the world doesn't exist, and also none of the gun crime in the United States that happens every second besides the ones perpetrated by white men?

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People are going to kill people, regardless of the method. True reform doesn't come from guns - it comes from the households where these people are from.

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I'm curious why you're so interested in how many people have sex or not. Are you that insecure about your own sex life?

Maybe because that's what the current political argument is about, guns in specific, dumb ass.

speaking of logic using correlation = causation, did you know that 100% of people who drink water die within 120 years of them doing so? we should obviously ban water since it leads to every consumer dying.

Only 4%?

>Corporate interests, duh.

>It's not one inanimate object's fault, it's this other inanimate object's fault.
>What do you mean people have ideas, motivations, and mental states that affect their behavior? He shot people with a GUN. What else could have caused this other than the tool he used?

are you really this dumb, user?

I hit one too many 0s and was still wrong anyway. My mistake. You're right. But my point was more that 250 is nothing. Hope that's still clear enough.

>Why is there no crusade against obesity in the US
Lefties tried, but us based Trumpbros won't let them
Trump loves McDonald's so why should we fight against it?

I can only kill myself eating McDonalds. This is an accurate comparison once burger homicide is a thing.

Despite only making up 4% of the population

Well, if it wasn't a gun it'd be a hell of a lot easier to manage. I'd much rather someone come after me with a knife for instant than pull a gun out and start shooting.

The most violent mass shooting was dobe by muslim migrants from pakistan.

No mention of the bizarre logic that law enforcement, the feds and the media use to label different types of crime.

>white kid (Sometimes Asian) goes on a rampage?
>Mass shooting

>Black guy kills a bunch of people
>Gang violence

Shadiest shit.

Plus the ready access to assault rifles they all use.

>Id rather be dead than censored.
Yea Forums has been censored for years though

USA is significantly more ethnically and racially diverse. Diversity leads to a breakdown in social trust and social cohesion.


Any male that hasn't had sex by the age 21 need to be put on a watchlist.

define assault rifle

Such a stupid thing to say. What even is his point?

Someone who is raised correctly will never commit premeditated murder on innocent people, even with access to guns.

Assault rifle - assault rifle

>they all use
This time was a pistol though. Most of them are pistols.

Why is he giving his political views?

damn he used to be cool

I think you underestimate the kinds of shit that goes into fast food and the effect it has on people.
That said, you're right that it's self inflicted (outside of negligent parents feeding that trash to their kids).

Well duh, the Liberals have filled their cities with violent illegal mexicans. Still lower than the shit show of the 90s.

That's irrelevant.

>No mention of the bizarre logic that law enforcement
whoa whoa whoa! careful there MAGAbro! The police are on our side here.

I thought the beta male uprising was just a meme.

What specific features make a gun an assault rifle? Any idea? What about magazine capacity? Any idea? What about firing rate? Any idea?


does he not grasp the concept of whataboutism?

absolutely based facts and logic nig

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Because Trump and his dumb dicksuckers are saying video games cause violence and need to be censored
I thought Yea Forums was against video game censorship but I guess it's okay when daddy does it

Well there were four, not one of them was with an assault rifle?

Why? Cause it's bigger?
Are you too retarded to compare ratios?
Then combine all of Europe if you want. Far more sales and vastly fewer gun deaths.
If you've never left your country, what business do you even have joining this discussion? You don't know shit.

It's actually the only intelligent thing I have heard him say. His point is that hysteria over firearms and mass shootings is misplaced and used by self-righteous people to push their own politics and ideology.

who owns the other 57% of the guns?

He doesn't work for nintendo anymore so he's free to say whatever he wants

so he is adding shit that happens independently of each other and saying that somehow equates to a bunch of people dying together in the same place?

Based Reggie

>4% of the population own 43% of the guns
seriously wtf did he mean by this? is he trying to imply that it's a small portion of the country causing all the shooting deaths because that's fucking braindead

>"ban [boogeyman word]!"
>can't ban [boogeyman word] because there's no clear definition for it
It's relevant because words have meaning, faggot.

Thank god, maybe then I can finally accomplish my dreams

okay leftie

We actually have similar crime rates to white euros here if you only account for the white population, including guns related even with an insanely higher supply and availability.
Now Europe is catching up as they get enriched, yet they still push the same narrative.

it's a correct distinction. I don't care if some gangbanger kills another gangbanger. I care more about normal people being killed.

user, who the fuck cares?

I googled that guy and el oh el


"Putnam cites the integration of institutions like the U.S. Army as proof that diversity can work"

Because it's literally never gone anywhere and everyone will have completely forgotten this within 1 week.

>against obesity
Not if fat acceptance movements and "body positivity" have anything to say about it

I'm sorry you didn't get to pick apart irrelevant technicalities to make yourself feel better.

what percent of the population owns what percent of the dildos?

I just posted why you low IQ nigger.
Europe has much more social trust and social cohesion than the USA.

>damn lefties only showing facts relevant to the current discussion, how am I supposed to move goalposts now?

I'm turning my guns in

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You are an example people should follow user

This is totally irrelevant. Why do you even think this matters?

Racist fuck

Republicans and Democrats always blame games for issues. Republicans use it to scapegoat gun violence because it's easier to blame than tell people we need to fix mental health. Dems blame video games for sex, race, and other social issues because it's easier to make a boogieman than have people figure out these issues are fucking dumb

That's literally only retarded people that believe that shit. Actual educated leftists are against unhealthy eating habits.

You can't just throw around a word when it has no meaning and has been thrown around in gun debates as though everyone knows what an "assault rifle" is. There's no such thing, and that's the problem. They can change it to mean whatever they want when it's time to ban things. Oh that pistol? That's an assault rifle now, hand it over.

>Because Trump and his dumb dicksuckers are saying video games cause violence and need to be censored
bruh, it's the leftists doing that

>Europe has much more social trust and social cohesion than the USA
Europeans hate Europe as a whole; they just like their own country

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Putnam essentially BTFO's himself with that one. In order for diversity to work we have to have a military dictatorship I suppose....


OP here, I suck massive cock, eat my ass

You can't ban something that doesn't exist dumbasses

Nooo! Take this away! We need to be in hysterics about guns because muh election is coming up!

You don't even have to turn your guns in.
Just promise not drink the koolaid (((they))) keep feeding you.

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Let's put Reggie in charge of banning guns and drugs in America. If any get through, he goes to jail for suggesting the stupidest thing since banning alcohol in the 20th century.

Yes, exactly. You just reinforced the point I made.

No it is not, especially when the US has a disproportionately larger number of very much preventable deaths from mass shootings and firearms compared to other countries. See

user, I know it's hard to live in a world where you can't make shit up but here he is saying it

Guess we need to start spamming our Trump facts from r/The_Donald

Fuck you to death

He's right. Even as a Trump supporter the more Trump opens his mouth and tries to blame videogames the dumber he looks to the public. 2020 is gonna be hard enough as is now that the media is running the narrative that he's personally responsible for the attacks

You cannot compare the USA to any one of those countries. Its a bad comparison, as I have stated before.....

>Because getting shot is worse than getting stabbed

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If you lose 20 times more people to lack of proper healthcare or mental illness, perhaps those are the more pressing issues of your society

He doesn't need anymore help looking dumb to the public

It would go about as well as the crusade against alcohol, or the crusade against drugs

The government can only make people not be fat by making sure they starve

What about rape statistics and sexual video games? Is it safe to say the whole social justice bullshit in gaming is over since everyone has made it clear blaming videogames for people's actions is dumb?
Either way, it's funny seeing how much people care about "censorship" again, guess it's not cringey anymore

Wtf science negro not being a faggot nigger for once? Neat

He's a fucking moron and so are you.

They also use meaningless numbers like "violent gun deaths"
As if it is better for some old lady to be beat to death by a youth that jumped her instead of him getting shot when he tries and dies.

Firearms are not the problem, the problem is the breakdown is social cohesion and social trust as a result of this massive demographic transformation since 1965.

>now that the media is running the narrative that he's personally responsible for the attacks

these stats are skewed as fuck once you realize they include firearm suicides as violent gun deaths

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Yes yes science nigger, but what about kikes and niggers?

Look the fact of the matter is you can take away the sweets from a fatass, but a fatass will find a way to stay fat. Same thing with a shooter.

Why is Reggie of all people suddenly political?

Yes, a plane crashing killing 200 people at once, doesn't matter because more people die individually. If all life is equal, you shouldn't care how many die, because people die all the time. So either be sad or angry 24/7, or don't care at all like he does.

It's been kicked into overdrive since El Paso

quick rundown on this guy and why most people here seem to hate him or call him a hack?


>Is it safe to say the whole social justice bullshit in gaming is over since everyone has made it clear blaming videogames for people's actions is dumb?
You're making the rookie mistake of assuming the average person cares about not being a hypocrite.

t. never been stabbed or shot before

same approval rating as Obama after 900 days, stay seething tranny

Based /pol/ is the hero we need
Set me free

based Reggie

Good argument. Continue to be an overemotional queer and make policy based on that.

>~0.5 deaths per 100,000
>~4 deaths per 100,000
0.000005% of death vs 0.00004% chance of death

But let's zoom the chart way in to exaggerate the difference while ignoring all other factors of gun possession.

He is no longer head of NoA so he can speak freely.

>Games that "celebrate violence" should be discouraged and made harder to buy, the president suggested.

brainlet here, what does this mean?

>someone gets sick and dies
>someone ends their own life and hurts nobody other than themselves
>an accident happens killing multiple people
>someone plans and carries out that plan to shoot dozens of people and kill them all

We need more gaming to stop gun crimes

Not an argument.

Hoohoo, you sure got him. Looks like [Democrat] 2020 has it in the bag!

It was fine before you resetera faggots invaded

dumb negroe forgot to mention the murder/rape statistics by race in the US lol

That it's all staged to push an agenda.

Based science man

They are actually, because people end up dying. Are you stupid or something?

We should make murder illegal
That'll fix it

>children get murdered
I wonder why his handlers haven't snapped at him yet

They would presumably become thin if it becomes impossible to buy sweets legally. Maybe 1/100 can buy sweets illegally at that point.
Nazi buzzword implying this is a conspiracy.

Fucking finally. Maybe I can get laid then instead of an heroing. Or get fit enough to fap to my waifu.

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That's his """"logic""" not mine.

um the problem is clearly white people, sweatie

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By first realizing that 95% of mass shootings are committed by niggers.

You're not intelligent enough to understand the argument.

Look at the things hes comparing to mass shootings. Many of them are accidental or illness (suicide is up in the air) people die but most of those deaths aren't as easily mitigated as a mass shooting

Fucking faggot

Reminder that Nintendo saved the video game industry and owned the industry. Then Reggie happened and Nintendo went back to being a toy company.

Every mass shooting is staged by Israeli intelligence.

If you can't understand the difference, you're either actually legitimately autistic or just a fucking dumbass.

You can only take care of matters one at a time so we need to start shooting doctors that make mistakes

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>4% of the population own 43% of guns

Wtf does this even mean? 4% of people have like 1000 guns or some shit?

"which one of these is more dead"

It was 285 per 48 hours in 2017

Wrong. You only care about people dying when you want to disarm people. Fuck off kikes.

oh i dont give a shit either but coming from a scientist his logic is weird

return to reddit

Didn't we go through this exact same thing like a year ago? Nothing ended up actually happening to videogames.

Like seriously, I'm not the only one getting deja vu here right? I definitely remember these exact events happening before.

Cool. So, uh... Are we still going to pretend games turn all men into rapists?

Thank you for shilling your shitty Twitter user

Lol too true. One time, while out with the guys(and one of the guys' girlfriend) at Hooters we were enjoying ourselves eating our chicken wings. One guy farts, we laugh. I fart louder, we laugh. Another guy farts, we laugh some more. The guys's girlfriend tilts over and splurts out a tiny fart and everyone just............stops. The laughing stops and we just sit there staring at her. It was the most uncomfortable silence I have ever seen. We all just sat there, looking at eachother then looking back at her.

It's like...who the **** are you? Like she just entered a realm where women shouldn't be allowed. Kinda like if they walk into a mens' room. She said she was sorry, and we went back to eating.

43% of the guns in the entire world

agreed. Whatavoutism is not an argument. I am wondering how the hell he hasn't figured it out by now?

What happened to Reggie saying nintendo doesn't do politics?

It's not hyperbolic to call it institutionalized racism when blacks killing each other isn't important enough to be reported in the news, but then when when whites kill whites it's suddenly a problem? I mean there were 2 mass shooting in Chicongo that same damn night, but it's cool because black people are either 1. unimportant or 2. you can't expect them to behave


Also it should probably be mentioned that it's incredibly unusual for that many people to have died to mass shootings in any 48 hour period. If you go by the average and not an outlier high, like he's doing with all those other ones, then his point becomes even more clear.

No, they would make their own or overdue other shit. People with mental problems don't go "Oh I can't have this, then oh well" they fucking get creative then.

I like the image of this old lady whipping around and unloading six shots into this guy before he can even reach her

The simulation is glitching out.

don't need to get shot or stabbed to know that a small projectile is easier to handle than a much larger blade getting shoved in, especially when you do get stabbed by someone, it doesn't take much for them to do it again and again.

America wouldnt have any doctors left since most of your doctors are incompetent and some barely speak English lmao.

Or people care about people dying when there's intent instead of caring about people dying when there's no intent from anyone else.

>uses bullshit statistic to conform to their bias
>doubts a statistic that doesn't conform to their bias

Statistics are trash. Stop valuing them. If you do value them, you don't care about the truth.
whataboutism only applies to virtue signalers. Its been abused by the very same virtue signalers to counter-signal arguments. Its a meaningless buzzword now.
That's what they do. If you use a word they don't like, they counter-signal until it loses all meaning. Then they claim the word as "their word" and deny you the right to use it, making it inorganically taboo.
>definitions don't matter
Mental disorder.

It won't be them, it's going to be 8 chan anons coming back here because cloudflare killed their shithole

All of those things get more consistent work toward fixing them than gun control, and aren't constrained by politics.

Reggie isn't nintendo anymore dumbass

jesus christ its jason bourne

Are you suggesting people would create their own guns? Literally anything is better than "You want these guns? Okay take them."

/pol/ already ruined this website in 2014-2015

Maybe you should worry about the intent than.

Ohhhhh damn americans strapped

I mean blacks are unimportant, nobody really cares about dead blacks. Just how it is and has always been in america.

you a type of guy to get fucked in ass and forget about it the next day

Black violence is deliberately underreported by the media so they can program goyim into believing whites are the more violent race.

This. We live in fallout.

>not including the tweet where he got destroyed by fucking Smash Mouth

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>78k replies

Yes, the bill of rights is just politics. Based retard.

Yeah you can. That paper means jack shit, you should at least read the article you linked as a whole. And the majority of mass shootings aren't even racially motivated in the first place

>south korea

what the fuck games are they making? is that all gachashit?

What the fuck are you even talking about?

I wish there were less medical errors and I wish there were less car accidents. Good thing about car accidents is they have strict laws to discourage drinking and driving and if you get caught doing it your license gets suspended. There is a difference between an accidental death and opening fire on unarmed civilians. Both happen but one really doesn't need to.

But you short docked Americans need your guns to feel tough have fun with that.


The people in power are the ones sucking this country dry. Niggers aren't in power. If you care about the white people in america, you should care about the corporate welfare, deregulation, healthcare bankruptcies, failing education system, stagnant wages.

On one hand, the fact that Reps are using video games as an escapegoat is pathetic, but on the other hand, I don't want to associate with the noguns fags who are "defending" video games. The two party system was a mistake. No one seems to be focusing on the actual issue of mental health and escalating extremist groups from both sides. Social unrest will lead to deaths regardless of gun bans. Sick people will just find a way to get them illegally or use another tool to kill.

Hahaha the american medical industry gets more shit by the year. Americans litterally come to my country to get actual health care. You burgers are in denial about your shithole country.

For who should I root here?

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Blacks can't be fixed

Why just use stats of gun-shooting deaths or some other abstract concept?
Isn't it a better outcome for a woman to shoot a guy trying to violently rape her and then crush her skull into the pavement then for it to happen as he planned?


Found it. This exact same thing happened early last year and it seems like almost no one remembers it.

I imagine this will similarly be forgotten by this time next year.

Dont know why retards are responding to this. Every mass shootings has presidents playing the blame game until shit blows over.



They're both pathetic nobodies only good for normalfag memes.

I say stabbings, pipe bombs, napalm, boston marathon bombing. People will get creative with it. I'm saying just taking away guns would not solve the problem. It may slow it down, but could bounce back to be even worse. We need to figure out how to fix mental illness problem. So far the common connection is white teen with no hopes of a future on anti-depressants.

I have read the article, just because you don't like the results does not mean it "means jack shit". You cannot compare the USA to any of those other nations.

>And the majority of mass shootings aren't even racially motivated in the first place

No, they come from a breakdown in social trust and social cohesion. It does not have to be directly about race. Based retard.

Besides the questionable opinions, he has a holier-than-thou attitude and regurgitates entry level science on every opportunity.

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yeah, its totally the guns

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I don't see you rallying to prevent freak accidents, I wonder why?
Is it because those types of occurrences are unpredictable by their very nature?

If you ever find yourself agreeing with NDT then you're wrong.


Don't blow a gasket ahmed

They just dont want to admit to Americans that their nation is never getting better lol. It's a collapsing empire and there isn't some magical leader or movement that's going to save it. It's the end of burgerland and you're witnessing the death rattle lol.

Do you? Or is this just more virtue signaling.

Yes, just like mass shootings. You just BTFO'd yourself.


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Imagine being dumb enough to fall for this

>strict gun control laws get passed
>suddenly 90% of blacks can’t legally own guns
>next year gun control gets repealed by radical leftists

>small projectile is easier to handle
What does this even mean? Anyway, you can survive multiple stab wounds. Plus the fact you can actually defend yourself against someone wielding a knife even if you get stabbed suddenly as long as you're an able-bodied white male

It's not just the USA, its the entire Western world. USA is just further along than the rest....

If we go down, we are taking the rest of the planet with us.

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I'm a little sick of people blaming everything but the man blasting a flamethrower for house burning down.
This situation is the political incarnation of the "this is fine" meme.

why don't people like him? I thought he was kinda popular

I can smell the virginity behind this post

Based reggie putting drumpf in his place. Unbelievable how such an ignorant clown managed to be president of a country.

Does this violent gun deaths include Gang shootings? I'm sure it does. People also forget that Gangster Music is always promoting guns and shooting people. But no one clamps down on that hip-hop/rap. Any ideas why?

Give a non-edgy answer to fixing what you think is the problem then.

I hope /pol/ is deleted and everyone who posted there three or more times in the last month is banned.

he's a token scientist


Niggers aren't the ones wasting trillions in tax payer money on fake wars. Niggers aren't giving billions in tax payer money to Israel and weapons to Saudi Arabia. Niggers aren't the ones kicking sick white children off of their healthcare.

Lmao destroyed... Smash mouth literally agreed with him by ignoring the data and paying attention to what they were told to by exclaiming "fuck off! There's your data!" they literally signed themselves on to the npc registry. Are you a retard buddy, you a little tik-tocked?

Yeah it's not like ban evasion isnt easy as fuck on Yea Forums

Except all mass shootings have a recurring parameter.
Accidents do not.

Video games are a shit hobby. This is undeniable and humanity would be better off and more productive if they were banned.

uhm sorry swettie but your loved ones dying to a mass shooting doesnt mean anything because 500 people died to medical malpractice
the only upside to that post is everyone is blowing him the fuck out

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Peacefully sending all people of African descent back to Africa.

take a shower than.

Were all those deaths caused by only 2 people though?

>thinking the majority of blacks get their guns legally

Did you remember to dilate today?


It's a choice between a scientific black man who probably knows what he's talking about and an Y2K era music band that were only made relevant again by internet memes

The left can't meme

Brazil has gun control. Knowing this, do you still believe gun control will diminish gun violence?

The problem here is they use the gangbanger statistics when talking about data for "mass shootings" to push their anti-gun agenda.

/pol/ is dumb enough for it to work

Let's pretend what you say is true.
But they are the ones causing crimes in America.

Americans know their nation can get better.
Non-Americans know they can't make themselves better, so they flood America hoping to become better by proxy.
There are too many citizens that are American-in-name-only. They don't value the virtues that make America better than their ancestral countries.
All they do is take. They never give. Never sacrifice. Never commit.

what about porn

Not possible without extreme backlash from other countries, something that is impossible to avoid in the era of cellphones and instant speed video.