Admit it

Admit it.

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It's better then 90 % of western games, but still a massive disappointment & should never be considered a top 50 game

It's great the first time through but has very limited replay value.

Quite literally the worst main series Zelda.
> Z1
> Z2
> MM
> WW
> TP
> SS
Some of these games are heavily flawed, but they are ALL head and shoulders above BOTW. If you deny this, you are a fanboy who can't admit Nintendo fucked it up bad this time.

>implying the best game in the series doesn't count as part of the main series
Link's Awakening predates Movie of Time by five years you braindead underaged faggot. I can understand cutting out 2D games after 3D started but at least do your research. Breath of the Wild is easily the greatest of the 3D games; though, you could make an argument for Majora's Mask and maybe Windwaker. Even the fucking DS games annihilate Skyward Sword.

botw is better than ss

It was ok.

I admit that the rabid Zelda fanbase continues to astound me, as the sheer amount of ass-kissing this game gets is enough to exceed even Ocarina of Time, the game you weren't allowed to actually criticize until 20 years after its release. I'll enjoy having meaningful conversations about BoTW when I'm a 50 year old man, and Zeldafags will finally admit it as the 7/10 game that it is.

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Just like Odyssey, it had a great opening that slowly dragged on and on till I was loathing it. Still better than most Zelda game

Breath of the Wild is a 6/10 game; however, it is also the best 3D Zelda game and the best game this decade. Numbered scores are meaningless. If you chose to deal in them, than the top 100 games of all time are permanently locked in as Soviet mainframe Tetris and the first 99 ports thereof.
I could make my own Tetris in a few hours and it would be a 10/10. Does that make it greater than BotW because my Tetris would be flawless while Breath of the Wild has a litany of minor problems and some massive ones?
>healing from pause menu
>can't avoid the scripted beast sequences
>camera control being taken away in a few places for no reason
>shrines breaking immersion
>champion abilities are too broken
>climbing and gliding are overpowered
>way too many koroks
>fast travel
>switching armour from the menu anytime
>frame rate
No, Because Breath of the Wild is wildly original and massively ambitious in scope. And, its immeasurable list of merits outweighs (but does not obscure) the issues.


You're an abysmally retarded tool. You have never had meaningful conversations about anything & never will. It's beyond your capacities.

You are probably ugly as well.

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The story is utter trash kiddie shit tier that appeals to autists with writing that assumes you are slow with retardation.

way too much "do whatever you want"
huge turn off could never get into it for more than an hour

typical mental breakdown of the Zeldafag. Can't wait for them to fix the stupid weapon durability in BoTW 2 and witness the insane mental gymnastics you fags are going to pull.

Ok I admit the game is boring trash and has turned LOZ into a fucking generic shitpile.

Fine, I'll admit it. I never actually played the game. I just formulated my opinions based on my research and what everyone else said. The weapon durability probably isn't as bad as I think it is, and the game is probably a lot of fun. I still have no interest in playing it, though.

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I hate it. I feel like Nintendo saw Skyrim and Dark Souls beat out Skyward Sword in 2011 and BotW is just their attempt at making a big boy game like From and Bethesda. At least BotW runs better than DS or Skyrim at launch and isnt riddled with horrid bugs that should never have been left in the game TODD

>Final boss doesn't say anything and is just 3 different forms with nothing special about it
>No full on temples
>1000000 mini temples with just extra health or stamina as an upgrade
>Collectables that give you literal pile of poop
>Shitty durability system
>Mechanics are beyond broken

It's like they didn't even test the game. If this wasn't a Zelda game it'd be an easy 6/10. But with the Nintendo boost you boy got a 9/10.

less dialogue is good
you are right about shrines being bad
Koroks are bad and would still be just as bad with an amazing payoff. The proper solution without redesigning the entire system would be to simply cut 80% and maybe make one more type that is more cryptic.
Durability is half-baked not bad.
Vague. If by that you mean gliding, Daruk's Protection, Mipha's Grace, Ravali's Gale, Urbosa's Fury, Cyronis, healing from the pause menu, switching armour on the fly, and fast travel, than yes.

I loved it

>less dialogue is good
Why am I suppose to care about defeating a character if I don't know anything about them?


SS and WW are complete trash and BOTW is better than both