Why did Japan stop playing vidya?

Why did Japan stop playing vidya?

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have sneed

why are republicans so retarded, bros?

boomers will get you shot before they do anything as nice for you as their parents did for them

It's ironic to protect m-muh guns

What if... hear me out... What if BOTH videogames and guns were at fault after all?

No they're not actually retarded they're just pretending as a part of their nth dimensional match of Parcheesi.

What's more retarded?

Saying that gun control saves lives vs daying that video games saves lives?

Epic fence sitting bro.

Reminder: he didn't really say that, the user admits that he made up this quote so it would get shared everywhere.

I'm pro-gun and also pro-choice.

That doesn't change the fact that that retarded headline is real.


Hahaha oh wow can you believe someone said something so STUPID??? Doesn’t he know that Japan is one of the BIGGEST creators of video games???? I’m going to believe this absolutely outrageous quote without verifying its validity at all, because I know that ALL REPUBLITARDS are ACTUALLY this dumb.

I'm pro-gun control and pro-life

Why would anyone say "Video games save lives?" What kind of strawman is that? Something can't be good if it doesn't pull orphans from a burning orphanage?

>being mad at satire

Double kill yourself.


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Clickbait rage makes more money and I don't see it getting better

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>Being for killing unborn infants.

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>common sense

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it depends on their race