Any publicity is good publicity

>any publicity is good publicity.

Oh no no no, the ooblets backlash is BACKFIRING! Their youtube views went up at least 50,000%. Google statistics shows ooblets interest went up by at least 20 times. They went from complete nobodies NO ONE heard of, to getting articles in every gaming feed. They get constant DAILY threads on Yea Forums, they currently have more attention than AAA games.

Jesus Christ. this game was going to be lucky to sell 100 copies if even that, and now it looks like the developers get to retire early. Holy fuck, their discord was literally dead until the trolling started. They get a fat check from epic games AND they get sales they could've only dreamed of before?

Why does Yea Forums keep rewarding developers they hate? All you had to do was stop making ooblets threads, and now they fucking won. I even bet the developers are on Yea Forums making those hate threads just to keep the marketing going.

Attached: BTFO.png (1057x442, 115K)

OP is a faggot.

Nice Reddit shill blog.
Please just fucking go back.

>All you had to do was stop making ooblets threads
dumbass OP you just made one yourself you faggot.

steam takes 30% of every sale
epic takes 12% of every sale

only literal paid steam shills cry about games being on epic

this is why the argument that being outraged over games doesn't work is retarded. Every day devs bend over to appease someone because of "MUH OUTRAGE," yes it is cringey and shits up the board but it obviously is true that outrage works

I'm buying the game. I want the developers to win this. It's fucking funny to see Yea Forums get BTFO over and over. God I will be so fucking smug to see those sales come in and Yea Forums tries to do mental gymnastics to cope with it. HAHAHA

Attached: get flossed on.gif (596x378, 1.13M)

>T-the publicity is good for me you guys, so please stop shitting on my game already.

none of that translates to game sales

I'm excited for the inevitable blog post "OUR GAME SOLD BAD AND IT'S BECAUSE OF ENTITLED GAMERS AND Yea Forums"

It does. More awareness = more sales. I am buying the game now.

imagine being this delusional

It's an indie-quality game on the Epic Store, which means it's only a matter of time before it's in one of their free giveaways. Why would anyone buy it?

Sad part is there's a very real chance OP is actually the husband due to how completely asspained he's gotten over this.

lmao the devs don't even know what the gameplay of their game is going to be and you fags are just lapping it up.

Who the fuck buys these kind of games though?

t. Ooblets dev

>be a retard stirring up shit
>continue being a retard pretending the shit you stirred helped

Imagine the sheer mental illness that would drive a person to do that kind of thing. I guess we are lucky he is here and not out there shooting people.

>literal who game gets an announcement that's essentially them bragging about getting bought by chinamen
>people get mad even though it's a literal who game
>people expect more sales on EGS when it still doesn't even have proper online store things like a fucking shopping cart
Everyone is retarded.


We got outsmarted again, Reddit.

Attached: kqerlu6oz0oz.png (380x443, 6K)

Sounds like death stranding, what's wrong with that


Did anyone here actually give a fuck about this game or is it just outrage?

Attached: 1564946359841.png (1349x1432, 38K)

>More awareness = more sales
Except for the part where developers have explicitly admitted having exposure from even someone like Pewdiepie hasn't ever had a major impact on indie games, with Minecraft being the only obvious exception.

There was some minor interest on Yea Forums, same sort of crowd that likes Stardew Valley and the like.

Kojima's floaters have more personality and gameplay than this game

>playing a game where the creators enjoy anti semetic jokes

this, I hate this board

honestly they didn't really do anything wrong in the first place
I'd get the anger if it was a kickstarter game or something

What the fuck is the Oohlet's and why do you guys keep posting it? Can I have an entire rundown?

Nah, fuck game devs
The more they get fucked, the happier I am


The developer keeps calling people niggers and so people started protesting the game but it backfired and the developer got stronger

Attached: Not okay.png (1504x826, 202K)

>I am buying the game now.

No you're not but nice try.

Yikes, I can't believe y'all support these folks

it's some shitty game that is exclusive to epic. in ther exclusivity announcement they said there is nothing wrong with epic and apparently because of that Yea Forums decide to market their game for free

>plays games
>wants all the people who create games to starve
Spoken like a true brainlet.


>The developer keeps calling people niggers

That's kind of based though, he's winning me over bros

mad at facts


Hello Stalinisbae. Your gimmick is shit.

Fuck, I hate 2019