Y/N ? and most importantly, why ?

Y/N ? and most importantly, why ?

Attached: Lite.jpg (2880x1618, 254K)

N because if you stop being a cheapskate and fork out the extra $100, you get a lot more features and your entire console isn't boned when the sticks start to drift.

>regular version will have better battery anyway
what even is nintendo

I'm getting one. I had a Switch but never once docked it to play on my tv; never even entertained the idea. I sold it to a coworker for $225, I liked the guy so I gave him a deal. I'll use that money to buy the Switch lite when it comes out.

Is this confirmed ?

No because Nintendo gimmicks are what sells consoles and not having the joycons be detachable kind of defeats that purpose.

Yes, go look at Nintendo's own website regarding the lite and the new model of the Switch that released this month.

Y. I need a Vita replacement since Sony sure as fuck ain't going to, and the OG Switch is too bulky for my tastes, nor do I care for the joycon gimmicks.

No, it's a handheld console that isn't portable

No because I can't hack

Holy fuck what a fuckup not all games are supported and the screen is smaller

one reason: dedicated atumori machine
I'm planning to register a lite as my secondary console so I can have atumori transferred to it, that way I can play atumori whenever I want without ever having to interrupt other games
if there's a fancy event or a new season coming in I might transfer my save file to the main console so I can play on my monitor, basically on rare occasions only

Y but in the future when is fully hackable
No metroid No buy

No. thinking about getting a normal switch though since now that Fire Emblem is out there are more than two games on the thing I'd actually bother playing.

It's a vastly inferior product and if the sticks on this end up drifting you can't just easily replace the joycons.

The lite has better battery than the old switch model but worse than the new switch model.

For the price of only one and a half AAA game in addition to the 200 bucks you not only get a better battery life, but you can output to a TV and get better performance with some games, use a lan adapter to compensate for the absolute shit wifi chip, use other joy cons or the pro controller when the joy cons drift and sent in for repairs compared to having to send the whole thing in.

They are going to sell you new joycons whit an actuall crusete so be a good goy buy again

OG switch feels flimsy thanks to the joycons.

im getting it as a gift for my little brother

Yes, why?

>Smaller and lighter
>Better battery life than OG Switch
>Joycons aren't removable so no rail wobble
>Higher PPI
>It will be able to be docked eventually, thanks to Homebrew

Playing open world games at 360p sounds like a shit way to do it.
Just get the nu-Switch.

No because I have a Switch. Maybe if we get Gamecube emulation. But we all know that isn't happening.

N. Would have got it if it could still be docked. It sounds great because I love playing my Switch handheld and taking it out. But I still use it in the dock often enough that not being able to would be bad for me. Better battery life is appealing though. I swear Three Houses sucks the battery out of this thing faster than even Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade 2.

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N, because I already own a hacked Switch.

Yes because it looks based ass fuck and miles better than any '''handheld''' (piece of shit) from SONY HAHAHAHAHAHA

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No because portables are for fags and addicts. It would be a possibility if you could hook it up to a TV but from what I've heard that isn't possible.

i sold my switch for god of war, crash team racing, horizon zero dawn, and spider man. also weed. i also put 50 dollars down on that sexy looking pokemon lite.

I already have a switch.

Can't we just get a docked-only one instead?
The "portability" feature is overrated. I only play games at home so why the fuck would I want to strain my eyes playing Switch exclusives?

Waiting to see if it works with a third party dock.

Then you just buy regular Switch and enjoy the $10 overhead of paying for a 720p screen you'll never use.

>He doesn't already have a hacked switch and is thinking about buying the worst version

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There's literally no reason to now allow a video output on this. They're forcing handheld only completely artifically.

Handheld is the only reason I'm considering buying this.

I tried hard to find games that are worth buying a switch but I just can't think about even one.

N because shitch has no games that grab my attention

No. I already have a Switch.

yes so I can give it to my down syndrome brother and take back my original switch since I realized it still has the old firmware on it

Need that sexy dpad

No because I already bought one in 2012.

I only care about like 2 games

Well at least you got Crash and some weed out of it.

already have a hacked switch, but ill maybe buy a used one in a year or 2

I prefer to game in t.v mode.

I'm just genuinely confused as to why they didn't put a USB in the bottom so you could push it to your TV. I already find the regular switch screen a bit small for 3D games.

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