Will MMOs ever be good again?

Will MMOs ever be good again?

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They never were and never will

WoW classic soon, gamer

yeah i think they will. "virtual world with lots of people in it" as a concept isn't going away, eventually some team is bound to do it well.

>posting a picture of MoP
kill youreself

August 27th friend

they were never good


Wait, they were good?

>zoomers will never understand


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6/10 bait

will probably get someone

no because the massively part requires a lot of people and when you need a lot of people that means its gonna be fucking stupid as shit

Name a single mmo that was actually good

t. zoomer who thinks WoW was the first mmo


DAoC, Guild Wars, City of Heroes, SWG, Asheron's Call, Vanilla WoW, LOTRO

I cannot.

thats literally just nostalgia: the list, all of those mmos were shit


I want to make an MMO but it seems really hard and I'm very lazy. Please respond.

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take the classic pill user. 27th awaits

>FFXI perfected the classic MMORPG genre
>early WoW used to be good too
>Bliz decided to appeal to casualfags and normies by dumbing down their game/genre
>every other AA studio trying to make a quick buck decides to quickly shit out some half-assed nu-WoW clones
>they all fail
>Eve Online slowly doing it's own thing in the background
>one by one Ragnarok Online private servers are dying
>oldschool Runescape got so popular that you need to subscribe to it now
>WoW Classic in a couple of weeks
Hoping WoW Classic does well so it revives OLDschool MMOs as a genre, not the "press F to queue up for dungeon then mash 1sec universal cooldown abilities" like most of the shit on the market these days.
If we ever got an official FFXI Classic server and if CCP keep screwing over nullbabbies in Eve then we can consider MMOs to be revived.

Eve Online
FFXI before they raised the lvl cap and made it singleplayer
WoW up until Lich King/Cata (depends which expansion you consider to be the bad one)
Ragnarok Online
Runescape when it was a free to play browser game

good luck, if you're not gonna be working with a huge team stick to 2d stuff and hire artists if you get anywhere with it.

Once VR becomes cheap easy and standard a fantasy world that treats itself as a second life the MMO genre will boom once again.

In the meantime, Classic WoW

I have never heard anyone unironically calling that expansion good

But I'll be dead before then or globohomoism will have sent me to the reeducation camps for wrong think. Is there any hope in the next 20 years?


This will never happen again.


Trammel ruined everything.

you're right user.
it's all perfect timing.
in the meantime get in shape and make more money. we will all be comfy

Gave us the best changes in the game to date. Only bad thing about Cata were the raid tiers and how they cut out an entire tier, added ZA/ZG as dungeons, and made raiders stick with the first tier for 6 more months.

What does wow have anything to do with what he said? You just picked a meme response at complete random didn't you

Eve Online already is. It just has a boring gameplay loop. Create an EVE economy with fun gameplay and you have a winner.

In 22 days yes.

based and redpilled

>best changes in the game to date

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Sounds like Sword art

OSRS is free tho, I play it on mobile at work cause tfw its from a client now and not in a broswer :(

Ah yes, the expansion that gave us LFR and completely demolished the vanilla zones and their history for a bunch of meme quests.

Truly a vast improvement.

all the fucking mmos just became mobile or ks indie garbo

>people unironically think WoW was ever good
the absolute state of this board
you are the equivalent of zoomer

Cataclysm got trashed when it came out because it was the weakest expansion to date, but the period from 4.0 to 4.3 was, in retrospect, one of the better times in the game's history. Then 4.3 came out, the patch of Dragon Soul, transmogrification, and LFR. It was the game's worst and most destructive patch, and it's hard to call Cataclysm a good expansion when you take how it ended into account. But Cataclysm was mostly decent and, in retrospect, a high point. We couldn't imagine how bad the game would get.

good enough that it effortlessly killed whatever MMO you were playing at the time

There is always one thing that kill an MMO everytime without fail.
The developer

oh it is?
i thought it had a monthly sub. my bad.

yeah no, it died because the whole genre died
that had nothing to do with your kiddie trash

Think about it. Would you rather make an MMO that needs 50+ staff, requires a proper story/lore, fun gameplay, constant balance, good performance, etc. Or make a mobile game that everyone in the world can play and love to spend money on. It's not worth making an MMO anymore. The only people who keep doing it are Koreans, but they are also dying off.

keep coping and seething lol
WoW prospered while everyone ditched your shit game

>It's not worth making an MMO anymore
it's not worth making an MMO anymore because there are 5~10 already well-established MMOs that have had 15 or 20 years of content updates added to them already.
Any new MMO that comes out is gunna have barebones end-game at most, which in the day and age of "QUICK RUSH TO MAX LVL SO YOU CAN START PLAYING THE GAEM!!!!!" means the game dies quickly.

For MMOs to be good, hardware bans need to be issued to all the morbidly obese WoW fags and all the ERP freaks.

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Then it's over. Anyone remember Wildstar? My hope for new MMO's died after that.

Kaineng Center O Kaineng Center
What secrets lie in *record scratch*




Anyways Guild Wars 2 is pretty fun. If they do a Cantha expac that would be cool.

i think its time MMO devs recognized that levelling up provides no benefit to the player and only serves to divide the player base.

Flying in EK and Kalimdor.
Two new battlegrounds. That are still around, and not removed unlike some certain Wrath PvP mode.
Some common sense changes to stats so gear made sense, and you didn't have shit like spirit and strength on gear.
New race/class combinations.
Portals to let you hop around the world, that are still around, and used to this day.
Direct X support.
And yes, even Raid Finder. It keeps the severely bad people out of your normal raids if you're pugging and it's a place for people that "are just there for the story" to wallow around.

yeah, I remember it.
I also remember how mad the player base was when the hot red-head mechanic girl from the trailer was fucking ugly in-game.
Then it was basically WoW with Aliens n Guns and a cool housing thing that no-one gave a shit about.

FFXI and Ragnarok Online did MMO leveling right I reckon. Especially XI forcing people to party with 5 randoms to exp for 2-3 hours to get a couple of lvls.
Getting to small milestones in XI back in the day was a real thing, like finally getting lv20 so you can do nation missions, chocobo license etc. Finally getting lv30 so you can unlock extra jobs and start Chains of Promathia. Getting your first subjobs to lv37. Hitting lv50 and meeting Maat.
Most other MMOs I've played have approached leveling either
>"Ok dude, afk in the corner with the other 20 people in this party while 2 high lvl characters kill everything for you. You'll be max lvl in about an hour"
>Go to quest hub, do fetch quests, turn them in, get 10 lvls, go to next quest hub, repeat

Eh, though this is just bait, people can unironcally enjoy something that is horrible by design. Look at lootershooters like Destiny and Borderlands. A shooting game and a looter game have no business crossing over with one another. It makes more sense to hack n slash a demon with swords n spells then it is to shoot something, over and over, something that bleeds btw, in the head, a million times, and have it still be standing.

>will never experience the golden days of FFXI ever again

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once the VR get cheaper theres a chance

left it out, oops
but the point I was making was early FFXI devs made sure to spread the missions/storyline stuff, end-game, raids and boss fights gradually through the game and with level restricted areas.
So if you wanted to do the Chains of Promathia missions you could start as soon as you were lv30 and didnt need to be max lvl until you were 70% of the way through the quest line.
As you got further and further through CoP the level restricted areas and boss fights got higher and higher lvl; 30cap, 40cap, 50cap, 60cap etc.
Their design was specifically so newbie players and people who were still lvling up could join end-game max lvl players and all still finish the missions together.
Cuz back then it'd take 6~12 months to lvl your first character to max lvl, depending on your job class or how much you were on.

the 3 good private servers all sort of capture the feel but I too miss those golden days my friend.
let's hope WoW Classic does well enough that it lights a fire under SE's ass.

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Not a chance. FFXI single player edition is still bringing in money, and XIV's success has all but ensured that XI is now doomed to Trust Simulator 20XX.

0/10 I knew it as a waste of time even asking
>new battlegrounds
Whatever, not bad but in the grand scheme amounts to very little
More shrinking of the world and invalidating player interaction
>Direct X
k one thing but has nothing to do with the xpansions content
>Raid Finder
I regret starting this conversation, you are the reason people want to play a 15yo version of the game.

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>solo WHM to 75 in campaign battle
Being a tactical WHM was one of the most fun things ever. Even after they nerfed Fortifications XP around when I hit 70.
Had to /user though, no I don't want to be a healbot in your stupid jungle level sync party, this is much more fun than being repeatedly pwned by Goblin Smithy.

Shocker, he still hates flying. Would rather walk/use 40% mounts for travel. It also appears this thread is full of people that had groups until LFR came around, then disbanned because their group would rather farm LFR than attempt to clear even normal. oof. Never understood the hate towards LFR. It does nothing to get in the way of your group clearing normal and heroics. If it's "easy gear" that's getting you mad, then you've hated this game since BC introduced badge gear and welfare PvP gear. Sorry man, WoW just wasn't for you past vanilla.

How many vocaroo clips of you fingering your boihole and moaning did you sell?

Yeah you're right but there's always hope.
XI Retail still has a decent playerbase, XI Private servers have 1500~2000 something players total (plus the thousands more that would play if they either knew about it, had the time or could be bothered installing it all again)

I'm still made that I pre-ordered the original FF14 and on release I fucking liked it. Selecting targets was a bit clunky compared to 11 and 14's graphics are fucking aids but it was fun, especially how crafting used to work.
Then nu-WoWbabbies complained it was too hard and they nerfed the shit out of the game's difficulty.
I'd try it again but they fucking expect me to drop a couple of hundred dollars into a new copy of the same game (plus all it's expansions) and it still looks and plays crappier than XI.
Just nah. Nah.

>party invites from randoms
I lvled Bard last for my Maat's Cap on retail specifically cuz of that issue.
Even after I got my Maat's Cap and I was done, I'd still get /tells from literal whos to jump on Brd66 and join their Dunes party.
People were so desperate for bards that someone made a spreadsheet of all the bards on the server, what lvl they were and their playtimes and would msg them.

Vanilla and BC were peak. WotLK was serviceable. Everything that follows was actual fucking rotten garbage. If you think pandaland was anything but cancer it was probably your first experience with the game.

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Na you just don't understand the bad influence "convenience" mechanics have on the psyche of players. Just like real life welfare it encourages people to seek the easy way to fulfillment and reduces player interaction which was always the selling point of mmos.

>People were so desperate for bards that someone made a spreadsheet of all the bards on the server, what lvl they were and their playtimes and would msg them.
Holy shit man. Also glad I wasn't playing RDM, nobody wanted WHM to healbot in fucking colibri burns.

I wish someone would make a spiritual successor to gw1. No one ever will though because it's too much effort compared to other rehashed cash grab games now.

>Interactive skillsets with a wide variety of skills and crossclass combinations
Entitled gamer, don't you know this is too hard to imlement when thye need to add lootboxes too?

I want a DAoC Realm vs Realm style game with Guild Wars multiclassing system and low level cap. Would be fucking sick.

UO and SWG, everything else sucks dick.

Same. GW2 shat all over everything that was good about GW1

>tfw I started this game in 1998 at 5 years old
What the fuck were my parents thinking

>"muh precious wow is dying so that means all mmos are dying!"
Will you people ever move on from that decomposing corpse of a game? Shits embarrassing t.bh. Why don't you kids play a game thats actually growing? oh wait I forgot, asmongold doesn't play xiv, my mistake. pfffff

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literally just a single player game with raids. its an MMO in name only

Probably not. I doubt any large studio would take a risk on making a challenging game that emphasizes community, and any small studio would get drowned out, and struggle to gain fans.

>literally just a single player game with raids. it's an MMO in name only
But user that's WoW and every other modern MMO, you don't need to single out 14 like that

your parents were based

Just be happy that your game continues to exist and be playable in an almost pristine state and that anet hasn't spent the last ten years removing half the content of the game to "streamline the new player experience" and adding endless gatchapons to the game with lightsabers and rocket ships for whales to fly around the map.

Is Asheron's Call worth playing in 2019? Never played it before.

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eq > ultima > the real > meridian

"This." If you haven't played an MMO made before WoW, you've only played casual garbage.

Doubtful, but I still have hope for Blue Protocol.

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Meridian 59. The first mmo.

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I like XIV and it's my current MMO, but the way content is dished out really doesn't suit how I play MMOs.

I dislike the timegating on stuff like tomes and savage loot. I also dislike how disorganized the pug scene is in general, since I don't have much time to commit to a static.

looks nice

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>mmo's where never good


It really does, but it'll probably be well over a year till it's even released in SEA, and probably even longer than that for it to get a proper Western release.

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yeah, but Wow classic isn't like that. It forces you to socialize with other people if you need to do elite quests or dungeons. I will admit that ff14 is much, much better than retail, but I hate how no one talks outside of their linkshells and free companies. How can it call itself an mmo when hardly anyone socializes in public?

The job mechanic is pretty cool though. I like dragoon. I want to try ninja, but I heard their dps is kind of shit

Club Penguin

>The first

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why is the english version always released first for SEA? I don't get it, they're fucking poor monkeys, they expect more revenue from third worlders than murica nad yurop?

>tfw played meridian 59 then everquest and got to watch the entire genre get turned to shit
I'm hoping pantheon isn't garbage.

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>do they expect more
Yes actually, SEA drops money like crazy on in game items and shit. US barely drops fuck all anymore. Pretty much Japan,China, Korea and the surrounding area puts out twice what the US does for in-game revenue. And most of the Europe comes out to about half of what the US does.

So it goes SEA>US>Europe

>this guy dumping all this faggy weab shit mmo
It's gonna be garbage, asians dont know how to do mmo.

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alchemy. I wanted from gw2 was gw1 with a open world. I got neither of those things. I was furious when I saw the lead designer hadn't even played gw1.

Oh god. Such an amazing game, along with Dragonrealms. I wish I could get that feeling of immersion with a modern game, or at least a push to keep this type of game alive and healthy.

Basically felt like you were doing a D&D session with hundreds of people.

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meanwhile another wow thread speeds it way to an early archiving.

It's ok user, this one won't be pay to win. For real this time. Seriously. Definitely going to happen.

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Digits prove it, right bro? For reals? We all know better.;_;

The feels hearing that music again.

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It's by Bandai, so it'll be B2P with a sub.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
World of Warcraft: Legion
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth