I found something

I found something...

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>jumped by a licker
What are you doing?!

son of a BITCH

Why does the AI keep giving me broken iron pipes?

the AI is calling you gay, user

For the love of god capcom remake outbreak already

it'll happen, user
just wait

They won't.
And even when they do I'll probably be not even interested.
I can already feel my love for video games slowly dwindle away and fade behind work life.

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wait, user
wait for outbreak to revitalize your love for vidya

Why were all of Yoko's personal items stuff about masturbation?


My life is shit


were they really?

well, she is an 18 year old girl regardless I guess

>Rita in RE2make
>Alyssa in RE7
They are going to remake Outbreak user. They'll do it after RE3make.


why? why not just give us an HD trilogy with outbreak 3?

>Item Name: Manly Handkerchief
>Item Name: "Love Yourself"
>Description: Chapters include: "Self-love without the mess" and "I am special"

I'm ok with all these inevitable resident evil remakes but I hope we do actually get a Resident Evil 8.

i want an outbreak remake with all the cut content

sounds like she's just got self-esteem issues

Makes sense, there's a book about overcoming indecisiveness too.

Patiently waiting for the leaks of the play test in September.

I think it could really be an Outbreak remaster.

Sorry, no.

tfw I didn't get invited

please go.

hey HEY


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find anything NYEW?

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please help
please help
please help
please help

Just a friendly reminder that you can play RE:ob online via obsrv.org/

you have literally no excuse to not play resident evil outbreak

Admins and mods ban your account though if you even try some offmeta shit not very fun



My friends just refuse to cooperate.

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Didn't that actually work though? If I recall when she asked for help the NPC's would actually go out if their way to do it.

yes, sort of
if you did it too much NPCs would straight up ignore you though

outbreak was a bit ahead of its time, even their AI
it was too complex to be good though

I just looked it up what the fuck are you talking about?


Every joined a L4D lobby and been kicked because you had less than 4000 hours played? That's OBSRV.

Fuck, I just want Outbreak 1+2 HD with all cut content on Switch
Outbreak was the best level ever, but Outbreak 2's improvements were great
Also, have everything on the shop unlocked from the get go so I don't have to do stupid shit like finish every level on very hard or pixel hunt like a retard

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From what I remember there was a "relationship" system. Some characters worked best with certain other characters. Shared ammo, always answered calls for help, that sorta thing. Then there were the characters who would horde shit. Try and get to a room before you did and stuff their pockets with shit they didn't really need and refuse to share it with you.

It amazes me that this spinoff game can be so fondly remembered, and all these lines can stick

>pick cindy
>win forever

>pick yoko
>literally hold every gun you come across
>and never give any of it to your team

They did
Offline Player!George Kevin Cindy made you untouchable, Kevin would back you up during kills (as long as you remembered to make sure he didn't waste all his 45 ammo) Cindy would heal you if you were bleeding and most of the time the A.I. Would have mixed herbs ready for you to turn into boss-killing anti virus capsules
Also Yoko got along swell with David
Jim has a crush on Yoko so he sticks with her despite being a fag
Mark got along with David
If you were Yoko George hated you but he was nice with everyone else
Alyssa is always a bitch, but she hated the doc, she didn't roll with George at all
David and Mark were pals
It was great

mark thought kevin was a jackass and they wouldn't help each other, but cindy wanted to bang kevin so she always stuck around him
I think yoko sticks close to whoever too

SP items, there's a magazine about masturbation.

>If you were Yoko George hated you but he was nice with everyone else
Based and redpilled George Hamilton

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Cindy actually wanted to bang George in both games
Kevin wanted to bang Cindy but she had already let him down several times before the game proper
They were both nice people so it actually never affected them
Yoko sticks with anyone but might hesitate to help depending on character/Location/what you've done during the level
David and Alyssa mostly go off on their own but will stick a bit closer whenever they or you are injured
Jim was a fag but would help whenever it wasn't swarmed with monsters
Mark and Kevin were always around, they were slightly more independent if they disliked you, though, and refused to conserve their ammo/herbs/weapons unless you were their pal
George and Cindy were helpful with everyone except the people they outright disliked (Yoko for George, I don't remember Cindy's)

Best character, still pissed he's an expensive promo in the RE Card game

Have you guys seen the site that was registered? It gives me hope


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It just says ok. I'm going to go play online now.

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Cindy doesn't like David.

yoko had the best alt costumes, that's a fact

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Well ya, could be some sort of long con troll but in reality I am betting it's real

Nah, Cindy had them.

bloomers = bunny girl
swimsuit > cowgirl
chinese peasant >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> biker
floral dress >= casual wear

Imagine if Outbreak got a Battle for Bikini Bottom style remake, everything you know will be included and remade and all of those cut levels will also be included and the best part, free online play!

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>on Switch

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Unbased and weebpilled.

maybe it'll be real, user

>begging for a port of a fucking PS2 game
You switchfags are something else...

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>Not wanting to play outbreak scenarios while in bed or on the go
I know some people have bad taste, but damn

Thanks user

These games were like my idea of a dream game as a kid. A multiplayer RE game blew my mind.
I never got the chance to play it online though. It's too bad they came at a time when the tank controls and camera angles suddenly became the devil as RE4 ensured that we'll never get them again, as well as online console gaming still only being a niche thing at this point.

you can play it online through OBSRV right now, user

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This is the most retarded argument switchfags always puke out. The games that I want to play in bed or on the go are not the same games I like to play sitting down at my computer or on the couch.

I wish playing as a zombie was more fleshed out. You almost never get the chance to do anything because you have such a short amount of time and going through doors takes forever.

maybe they'll flesh it out a bit more in the remaster if it ever happens
tfw no outbreak boss vs where you get to try to murder players as a tyrant

What is it?

Okay, I need to know if it's just me but does anyone in here feel like the analog movement in Outbreak feel much better than the traditional tank controls? Shit is so weird because I've played the first three games and REmake and always used the directional pad for moving but it feels off in Outbreak. The directional pad would allow you to move your character like in past games, tank controls and the analog stick would allow you to move much more freely, I know this type has a name, Silent Hill 2 or 3 has something similar.

I wanted that since that one part in File 2 where you have the Tyrant as an ally for a few minutes. It would be fucking rad to be able to control him.

Outbreak was designed with those controls in mind, while the classic games were designed with the D-pad in mind.

Outbreak is also full 3D with tracking cameras that for the most part actually avoid that old problem of walking into shit your character should be able to see just because it was barely off the screen. It's basically the pinnacle of classic RE design.

Posting guide
Considering I've joined the community recently and introduced several people over the years that is a straight up fucking lie. The community is welcoming to newcomers and some vets even hopped in my games to lend a helping hand during my first playthroughs.

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Using the analog stick to move just feels so smooth. It's simply amazing.

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Didnt they do the same thing for re2

analog gives you significantly freer movement but also fucks you up when angles change abruptly
I just stick to dpad
the first time me and my friends managed to beat end of the road was with the help of a rando who played yoko
god bless that man

I'm too use to tank controls, but I do use a combination of the two based on the room or camera set up

Saved, Thanks

>Not wanting to play every game everywhere
Again, we already established you have terrible taste, no need to remind us again

How good is the connection between people playing on different systems, like say for example I choose to play on my PS2 and three other people are on their computers and we all join a game, would there be any major lag or what?

One if the cool ideas they had that was scrapped was a walkie talkie system for ingame voice chat. The further away you were, the more distorted signal. I don't remember if batteries were part of the mechanics or if that's just a false memory. It was a cool idea.
Unfortunately, in today's environment with private voice chat systems, it won't fly. Everyone would rather stick to their private group of friends. Cool concept that will never come true now.

NPC level thinking. I don't even like playing complex games with other people making noise in the same room, let alone in public. I can tell you're the kind of person that just sprints around and skips dialogue in RPGs.

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Back when I played, we made it a rule to not cross play. Emulation just wasn't as stable and you would end up crashing. I heard it's a lot better nowadays. If anything would make a difference, it's if you choose to di the HDD install route. HDD install significantly improves the load times.

Unless you have the PS2 HDD, I wouldn't recommend it. Just play on PC for the far superior load times.

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Killing zombies was weirdly satisfying in Outbreak compared to other RE games. I loved just fucking around in infinity mode.

it's because some guns outright made zombies fly the fuck away and it was great
plus the headshots were on par with the PS1 titles despite not actually popping, and the little splat effect when you hit enemies was really satisfying and a good way to know you hit

>Thinking everywhere means just outside
The 'everywhere' up there means literally everywhere, especially in a game that has relatively short scenarios, also
>Implying Outbreak is complex
It's great and all, but hardly complex

Why the fuck would I want to play it anywhere other than on my 1440p 144hz big screen in my comfy chair wearing nothing but my cowboy hat?

I have the HDD so I guess I'm set to play.

Because you can't play in the toilet like that
Also, while I prefer my bed and you prefer your setup there's way more people that don't like either of those, don't be a selfish dick, user. The world ain't just about you and me

Imagine not being able to go 5 minutes without playing a game so you can take a shit lmao

I think they did, I am just afraid to fully buy into it.

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>Imagine having to pause
That's the price of not having a choice, fag

>Good resolution, frame rate, anti-aliasing, screen size, proper controls, etc
>Being able to play on the shitter

Wow tough choice indeed.

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No way.

You're worse than my ex-wife

Heh, yeah...

Can I play online with an actual ps2?

>Being tethered to a seat
>Ever having to get out of a comfy bed
lmaoing at your life, buddy, also
>Being able to play anywhere

>Being able to play anywhere
>All you can come up with is the toilet and your bed

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Playing anywhere is great, I just happen to have a blessed life where I don't have to leave my air conditioned comfy room, and truly, why would I?

>I can play everywhere!
>Doesn't go anywhere
>Still plays on shitty handheld hardware

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Yes, there are guides for that too on the forum

I mean, I only stretch my hand and my console (and games) are right there in my nightstand
If you've got your big ass screen next to your bed, I'd hardly say your room's very comfy mate
But again, you do you, I don't judge wagies

>Switchfag admits to being a fat neet that lives with his parents

The memes drop so neatly into life.

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Can you faggots fuck off already?

fuck you i'm bumping