I'm not even done with the fucking tutorial yet and I still really, really, really like this game

I'm not even done with the fucking tutorial yet and I still really, really, really like this game

That is all, thank you for reading

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took a break from it for a week or so because of fire emblem and went back to it last night

it really runs like shit

but it's still fun

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Why do I want to fuck Britney?

I love this game, but I also hate this game. Why did they have to make it so painful to turn the islands green?

When I do finally get this, should I get it on Switch or PS4?
Guessing we'll get no steam release?

Steam would ideal because this game desperately needs mouse and keyboard controls for the building, but since SE isn't porting it for the foreseeable future (but reasonable they will someday since they port everything now), I'd say get it on Switch only for the portability. Comfy to play it in bed and build a little. Although I do get frame drops so PS4 might have better performance. I think there is also a couple exclusive cosmetics to the PS4 version.

Is the first game any good?
Is 2 such a vast improvement there's no reason to play the first?

Can you actually customize your character? The demo just let you pick the hair color more or less

I would never tell anyone to play the first game since the second exists.

It's a Dragon Ball Xenoverse situation
Fuck the original because the sequel literally replaces it in it's entirety.
You're not missing anything story-wise.

It's better than the first in every way except for maybe the story.

How is the Switch version?

you could play the first one first simply to get the most mileage out of the series.

Post best boy

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Is the combat more than just swing sword x20? Do you get to use spells? Magic items?


No, combat is possibly even worse than the first game. Now the PC hits like a wet noodle and the enemies are huge damage sponges, but they want you to use your 'party' to do damage while you buff them. It's even more tedious than DQB1. Almost everything else is an improvement though.

>mfw Squeenix doesn't do QoL patches

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not him, but pic related is you

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There's nothing wrong with playing the first one. It's a good game.

I think so you can see the fruits of your labour or something. Just a btw, you know you can get the ultimallet then go farm a shit load of grass blocks from some island, then just use the replace block tool to just spam green everywhere quicker?

The first is great, it has a perfect blend of not having the campaign linearly clinging to you like some oedipal complex mother, and not being Memecraft levels of free where it feels like there is no point doing anything. It's more fun to explore the islands for their secret hidden stuff, but ultimately, DQuest Builders 2 just has so many things going for it that it is close to perfect... it has shit that you'd mod Memecraft for.

You get a glidy tool that puts BotW glidy tool to shame, which is moot because you can just befriend a flying monster and pretyy much infinitely fly anywhere anyway, which is moot because you can get a fucking rocket powered flying car that shoots laserbeams.

Highly recommend both.

You'd play DQB1 same reason why people still play DQ1 -- it's a matter of seeing a series improve itself in increments. DQ2 gets shit on for how incomplete it is, but it made improvements from the first title in my opinion.

I fucking love Midenhall Hero, always imagined him being some brute albeit a bit slow in the head.

i just beat the part where goldirox dies and babs comes with you to the main island. sexy girl. then i lost interest cause i wanted to go to a different island again.

That part kills your pacing hard, but if you can stomach through Skelkatraz then you're good for the rest of the game.