ITT: best licensed games
ITT: best licensed games
Please tell me that the game references that it’s just Wile E. with a red nose.
>that Mario
Is this the game where you had to sneak around in a bush?
When I was kid I thought he was Wile E. coyote, lol
Best ps1 game
>Ralph Wolf
>Is clearly just Wile E. Coyote with a red nose
God tier game. Visuals are beautiful and mechanics are really smart. Getting that level of expressive animation across on the PS1 is fantastic, and the music is jazzy as hell.
Pic related is also fantastic.
It's not?
This was my first stealth game and by far the best I've ever played. The tension on the map when Sam starts chasing you made my little kid heart beat harder than any horror game I've ever played. PT has nothing on this.
>arr rook same
based racist poster
This cant be real
cringe and blue pilled
tfw my game would always crash as soon as I finished the first level
just realized it may have been a demo fml
I wasn't sure whether to bring this up or not, since the remake's existence says it all.
It's the best of the best
>expecting shitty wacky versions of classical music
Legit great game, doesn't had any right to be this good
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
SNES Lion King
Gameboy Batman TAS
PS1 Small Soldiers
Godzilla Destroy All Monsters
I loved PS1 Bug's Life as akid but I suspect it probably doesn't hold up great.
that boxart is so sick.
This is one of the first few games that made me rage as a 5 year old.
Weird mixture of Devil May Cry 1 (specifically the first one) and the early God of War games but it's really cool. Motorcycle sections funnily enough shit on the one from Bayonetta despite coming out 3 years earlier.
Marvel 2 is good but it was clearly rushed in every single respect. UMvC3 succeeds both as a fighting game and a crossover despite issues like X-Factor, Zero, & Morrigan existing.
>implying any normal person would ever play yuropoor garbage
underage needs to be banned at all costs. why dont mods ban obvious underage
Wasn't this called "Sheep, Dog 'n Wolf"?
I thought Dante / Vergil / Wesker were the meme OP in UMvC3, not Zero.
Make way for the king faggots
I think one was the American title one was Euro. Don't knkow which was which though.
gas all canines
God damn I forgot how good this was.
>Don't knkow which was which though
>ESRB logo right there
Trenchcoat Boys was just a meme. Wesker was the definition of a False Top Tier, a character who seems extremely strong only until the game's meta is figured out and their gimmicks are learned. In reality Wesker is barely Upper-Mid Tier even after Ultimate buffed him with the sunglasses mechanic.
Zero May Cry was the actual meta meme team because Zero was the best character in the game. His Ultimate buffs gave him insane combo and hitconfirm potential since all of his specials could cancel into AND out of his fully-charged Buster which had huge hitstun and was doubled up when he was in Sougenmu, like all of his other attacks and projectiles. Dante's Jam Session was a Top 5 assist and gave Zero unique combo extensions and neutral setups, with Vergil's Rapid Slash being the same thing but horizontal. It helps that Dante's moveset was massive and he was the king of Upper-Mid Tier and Vergil was a super potent Anchor that ate all of your resources in exchange for being an unstoppable comeback machine. That said, the later days of the meta, as in the past few years, seems to have moved towards Zero/Doom/Vergil, as the EVO tournament this year had two of that team in Top 4, with one of them winning it. Granted, the other half of Grand Finals was Ghost Rider/Arthur/Haggar.
Seeing as I'm a britbong, it was the euro title.
Wolverine Origins
it had a lunge action
fuck yea
mornin' sam
Is there a video that puts the retro Disney and retro Looney Tunes games head to head? It's gotta be close in how many good games there are.
A game that shouldn't exist and has no right being as good as it is.
>X-men Origins Wolverine
>X-men 3
>Batman Begins
>Jaws Unleashed
>mfw people keep sharing my favorite game
>mfw it becomes more and more mainstream
Fucking great game. They even got Tom Jane to reprise his role as Frank "The Punisher" Castle.
honestly I've always thought ghost rider was the lamest fucking marvel anything in the history of anything. Like he tried to be badass but he just never clicked for me. At least until the agents of shield rendition. That shit felt good man.
Nigga, this shit fucking gold
the autistic mod community is just icing on the cake
>I-I was only following orders! (orders... orders... orders...
Frank's smashes mooks skull into the pavement
>Orders are no excuse
Vol. 6 by Daniel Way is my favourite Ghost Rider story maybe try that.
I really need to play through Warriors some time
its surprisingly good
is Yea Forums's wanking over that movie well-founded or are they just being contrarians? I never saw it.
I never watched the tv show so idk maybe its one of those things where you really gotta be a fan to like it but to me it was shit
The PS2 era was kino.
>warning this game is cannon
Way too much fucking time in my childhood lost to this game
>Japan can't make good kaiju games
>Have to leave it to the gajins instead
By far the best Ghostbusters game we’ll probably ever get, now that Harold Ramis is dead. Bill Murray phoned in his performance, too, and there’s no Dana or Louis, but god damn if it didn’t feel like a decent third movie. Really looking forward to the remaster in October.
The movie sucked
Despite being so colorful and bright it just felt sterile and lifeless, the CGI races just wash over you with no real impact, and the guy who played Speed really seemed like he wanted to be anywhere but in that movie in almost every scene
Susan Saradon's GMILF hotness couldn't even make up for it
Don't know about the Wii version but the DS is a total blast.
The Wachowski's Speed Racer asspulled these "pro-stunt-fight" races where super CG cars, on super CG tracks, car-fu'd each other, while the OG Speed Racer was more about Rallies on "normal" landscapes. Back when it released people disliked it but over the years it's been getting better and better reviews. The movie is good, user. Just go watch it and ignore the 2000-tier CG of some parts.
Return of the King makes me incredibly nostalgic for some reason. Played through it over and over again with my childhood friend on co-op mode back in the day.
I don't know how well any of the combat holds up now, but it was just fun being in that world with that classic movie OST blaring across the battlefield.
>literally the perfect HP games
>they can't make a modern version
>shitty mobile money machines instead
We live in a cursed timeeline.
Enter the Matrix was better, imo
Best Xbox game imo.
I was fucking surprised at how good and replayable this was.
>ravensoft relegated to making CoD maps forever.
One of my first Platinum Trophies.
t. stinky cat
go eat a mouse ugly
Does pic related count as licensed?
>Batman (NES)
>Adventures of Batman and Robin (SNES)
>Adventures of Batman and Robin (Genesis, and yes, it was a different game and developer from the SNES)
>Aladdin (Virgin Interactive, with the Genesis port probably being the best)
>almost any SNES Dragon Ball Z game (those quiz games can to to hell though)
>Yu Yu Hakusho (Mega Drive)
Really? No one has posted this yet?
Are Ralph the wolf and Wile E. Coyote the same person?
when you say licensed games literally nobody thinks of tony hawk
nah, but in a lot of ways they are pretty much the same.
i didn't want to include it cause it'd be unfair
Why was he just a Wile E. Coyote pallet swap? It's not like that has any benefit in traditional animation.
I did.
>not like that has any benefit in traditional animation
It does. Reusing cells is a thing and it saves time and brainpower on designing a different character.
This game is severely underrated. Probably because it only came out in Jap-Land.
it would've been my first
(fuck those dog tags)
holy fucking shit yes, I still prefer this over the Prototype games
>ESRB logo
Why are Americans incapable of processing anything that isn't anger?
nice blog
WHy? That's a good game, dumb amerimutts.
>you'll never get another mvc game thats any good