>want to replay game
>remember THAT level
Want to replay game
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that level was great, ba ba ba.
I loved the swamp, it had real mystery and a spooky atmosphere
is this game any good
it is the best in the witcher series
Depends on your tolerance for eurojank.
I'm in this level right now and I'm tired of all those shitty random quests.
Yes, it's also a massive pleb filter.
how does eurojank has anything to do with a game being good or not
I have no problems whit Megaman X6 but...
Every single time this fucking stage is the worst of them all.
it's pretty good. a little rough around the edges for sure, but more than makes up for it.
don't be put off by the way attacking works, that isn't the extent of combat, just think of it as a slight complication of NWN-style click-to-autoattack stuff. the meat of the fighting gameplay is in signs, oils, etc.
it's neat, sequels are better though
The swamp is fun though, you actually get to do some witching.
which one is it
i thought it was witcher 3
Name one (1) track comfier than this.
1 > 3 > 2
It's Witcher 1.
its harder than 3, and you know Yea Forums, harder = better
this entire segment kills any desire to replay
For me, it's youtu.be
I was surprised to find out this game came out in 2007. From screenshots I always figured it came out in like 2003
Because Eurojank is directly related to the quality of said product.
What kind of question is that?
Fuck this entire act
1 > 3 >>>>>> 2
3 > 1 >>>>> 2
What the actual FUCK went wrong here?
Confirmed for not even being alive in 2003
TW1 looks roughly as good as a STALKER game, maybe slightly better.
Nothing I beat it twice
>the meat of the fighting gameplay is in signs, oils, etc.
I've done three playthroughs and I never used a sign or oil, did I miss out on something?
They wanted the retarded console audience. Plays like a horrible early 360 game with all the usual shortcomings and annoyances.
literally nothing once you install FCR2
TW3 is better for modern sensibilities. everything is streamlined that a baby can literally play it. but as far as immersion, gameplay(sans combat) and story, it's TW1 > TW2 > TW3.
Gwent is the best mini game because it's not about bullshit.
too hard for casual Yea Forums
It means how well do you tolerate bullshit if it means you're going to get something unique or interesting out of it.
Fantastic level, very comfy, but challenging in the beginning.
i also beat it twice, just to make sure I didn't fuck something up the first time I played
turned out to be as shit as the first time
witcher 2 didnt fix the bad things from 1st game, and transition into action game was rough, where they sorta managed to fix it in 3 (still would prefer tactical combat like in 1, but expanded)
>want to replay game
>remember THAT chapter
if they just fixed a few things the game would be fantastic how some of this shit made it into the game I can't imagine
>kayran bossfight
>QTE garbage
>riposte has long animations where you're completely vulnerable
>dying in finisher cutscenes
>finisher cutscenes at all
>traps in general are awkward and don't fit the level design
>getting hit while dodging
>all those missions where you play as someone else who has no signs or the ability to fucking roll, lol hope you invested into swordsmanship tree
>pokemon gold
turned out THAT level was the whole game
that level was one of the only swamp environments in vidya i ever enjoyed. fuck the echinops though.
I always get bored in Primm.
It's decent. Nothing exciting (except the atmosphere), nothing irritating. I liked it more that Witcher 2 because it has more gameplay, less talking and it's less sluggish in general (UI navigation, movement, combat).
If you are going to play it, polak dub is mandatory. Especially considering that the studio was literal whos back then.
For me, its the freeside area that bums me out. It's just so horribly layed out. I still love the game, but fuck that area
I mean I guess it really isn't that hard but goddamn did I hate doing it. So tedious.
the section right after you break out of your cell has probably the only decent stealth level design in the entire campaign, if only for like 5 minutes. I'll never understand why people think 2 is the best playing MGS unless they are talking about Substance and its VR kino.
fuck yeah it is
pure unfiltered eurojank comfyness
>that mission where you play as Serrit/Auckes and you have to retread the older footstep marks on the ground
>any slighty deviation and it fails
>Timesplitters 2
>half the goddam game
The woods is the one that always makes me reconsider playing the game.
>Bloodlines Sewers
>The first 3 dungeons of OOT
I love the game but god damn does it jump up in quality once you get Adult Link. You could probably say this about most Zelda games but I think OOT is the most boring in terms of its' first dungeons.
i'm in chapter 1 of witcher ii and it's it's very frustrating when I want him to interact with specific objects or target certain enemies
Great and atmospheric level. I was really excited when I saw W3 swamp bullshots
Fuck that's the place with the respawning enemies right? Fuck that annoying shit.
1 is the only good game in the series
It's not even hard at all though.
That part on Dragon Age Origins where you go in the dream world or whatever the fuck
Best potions
Best lore
Very good writing
If you ever plan to play witcher games, you gotta start with the first one. 2nd and 3rd game dont give you the exposition to the backstory.
In Red Dead Revolver the mexican one on the bridge. Always hated that when I was young.
Had easy time as adult.
and to top it off, the music is so cool that it feels really disappointing to know you have to avoid it.
at least I can play it now on Legacy Collection thanks to baby mode. I don’t like using it for the entire game, but shit like this and blaze heatnix’s donuts are justifiable.
First playthrough I thought this was easily the worst Souls area but it's grown on me.
swamp is great. outskirts of vizima is the real cancer
Where all walkthroughs end
Torvus Bog before beating Chyyka. Worst enemies, worst traversal, and the fucking Alpha Blogg.
>shitting on the best water level in the series
>"The Witcher 2 is beautiful, surprising, marvelous. In other words, it's a masterpiece."
who even believes this shit lmao, the game was fucking aids
>very good writing
Why didn't they mention Yennefer or Ciri at all?
I understand Triss not saying anything in order to take advantage of Geralt, but Zoltan and Dandelion who are his best friends should have at least brought up that he has a wife and daughter.
The rest of the game's plot is okay besides that
>want to replay game
>remember THAT level
RTCW, Catacombs
>chamber of extinction/birth
>gate of illusion
>dimmensional corridor
>twin labyrinths
>tower of ruin
>tower of the goddess
>shrine of the mother
In fact this entire game is pretty shit
>want to replay game
>remember THAT combat
Ciri is mentioned, but never directly. She's implied in lore books throughout the entire game.
yeah, this place sucks. But nightmare frontier is even more trash as it has no redeeming qualities at all
>Gonna replay Halo on PC.
>Gonna do every mission on Legendary.
>Gonna be easy as fuck with KB/M.
It's great. Played it pre-EE on an imported UK disc for the uncensored tiddies. Super janky and crashed ~25 times during the playthrough, but I still loved it. On a technical level it's much more polished now. It kind of feels like a slog during Act 2, but after the swamp it really picks up. Anyone who dislikes this game has a mother who sucks dwarf cock.
>the ras al ghoul portion of arkham city
>all of the perplexing pool caves in pikmin 2
>most of the sewerish levels in classic doom
>the fade in dragon age origins
>the entire 3rd act of diablo 2
Nightmare Frontier is also entirely optional.
>replay game from years ago
>all the memories came back
>drop it halfway
Literally the best Witcher game.
The game wasn't supposed to be a faithful follow up to the books, they probably had some sort of deal with the book author were they weren't allowed to bring back some characters. It's why you get Alvin as a replacement for Ciri
the beginning parts of all 3 nu fallouts suck
literally nothing wrong with any of those
God I hate that shit swamp. It was the most boring piece of shit level.
best witcher game
Level was fine. Just stroll along clearing out a map. I'll be honest, after beating it, I didn't see people's problem with it. The map isn't even big.
Is that 1 or 2? I remember it looking way worse, but then again i was playing it on Windows ME pc.
>tailing mission through foggy rain-soaked streets
>that fight scene in the hideout
>motorcycle level was pretty exciting
>Raging Raven = the best boss in the game
Sure the cutscenes were retarded especially the last one but fuck you I liked it.
The art direction was fantastic.
The gigantic boring tailing mission was a fucking chore.
>Got to the swamp
>Mouse breaks
>"Oh, I'll just buy a new mouse this weekend"
That was over a fucking decade ago, I have no idea what the fuck I was doing.
Are the other games worth getting? I was gifted 2 like 5 years ago for christmas.
opening mission of mgs5
99% is slow crawling
How would you rank the acts themselves?
1 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 5
I got ass blasted more times in this level than the entirety of the game combines
>muh infinite respawn
>Those church giga Chad's that just fucked your shit up as soon as they saw you
At least I can say its memorable
For me its the docked cargo ship/tanker because it gets really boring and I get lost.
The worst levels of bloodborne are the dungeon labyrinths or something. It's fucking hysterical. I actually gave up on the platinum after being stuck for like 2 hours in one of the bosses there. I was level 90+ and was getting 1HKO. fuck that shit.
Good thing they are optional I guess.
idk, gameplay is awkward and actually runs worse than witcher 3
Ailing Loran chalice was the worst desu
>comfy demon campaign
>suddenly thousands of elf dragons
I hate the missions that make you run away like this
This was a goddamned nightmare on Insane. I'm also dreading the tank segment in the next game.
oh jesus god
seriously fuck act 3, fuck all those tiny little passageways, and fuck those trilogy of terror dolls.