Can you be a fan of a game you never played?

Can you be a fan of a game you never played?

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you also cant be a hater of a game you never played
people do it anyways so whatever

yeah, touhou fanbase exists


I'm gonna watch it on youtube as well

They already got their check from Sony so yeah.

you also can be a hater of a game you never played

I have never played Daggerfall yet I post in every Elder Scrolls thread calling anyone who hasn't played it a zoomer.

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>impossible to hate this pretentious trash
Fuck off

Yeah just ask final fantasy and smash fans

Kojima is a lot like Christopher Nolan: hasn't made a quality product in years, but still maintains a fanbase of rabid twats

yeah I've only played Persona 5 because I can't get into the dated gameplay of the others but I like the idea of the series

Same as Fate, most fate fanboys didn't watch the anime, played the VNs, nor played Fate GO, they just google waifus and read wikis

>kojima bad

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I don't need to play video games because I am already gay

you can be a fan of the aspects of it that dont require you to have played it to experience.
like the cover art

My phone suggests articles by this absolute cuck constantly and I always talk shit in the comments. I'm wondering what it takes to actually get blocked.

I hate smash but I watch the EVO last night

No, but you can be a fanboy

I can kind of see where he is coming from. MGS5 was the one of the greatest games ever made, and then it was released.

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I love that guy. His story about telling Kojima about The Man Who Turned Into a Stick is hilarious.

>I don't need to play Death Stranding
Well, considering it's a movie, I don't think he needs to worry.

>Can you be a fan of a game you never played?

Sure, but you absolutely can't review it.

90% of Earthbound's fans never played it

Classic never played it

Depends. You can't like the gameplay if you haven't played it. But you can like what it does if you don't play it.

But your opinion is less valid because there may be unforseen issues that crop.up while playing. That you can only expect with a lot of experience with those types of games.

Which is why/v/ can technically reasonably love or hate a game before it comes out. But it should be taken with a grain of salt.

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I can hate a shitty game if it really is a shitty game, it doesn't matter if I've played it or not.

>hating something you've never tried
t. never touched their prostate

I cant believe OP actually made a serious thread out of Tim Rogers satire video.
God you all are fucking retarded

I disagree. Unlike video games, hate is free.

I never played undertail and I hate it because it looks like shit pixel trash game for poor niggers


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>tfw I really like the idea of Resident Evil but I can never get more than halfway through one because I'm a dumb impatient coward