Ok user post that game that everyone here on Yea Forums loves but you hate

Ok user post that game that everyone here on Yea Forums loves but you hate.
I'll start with Lobotomy Corporation, honestly dont know how people can play that.

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What don't you like about it?

>Basically no gameplay
>first two hours are just a tutorial
>lots of reading (this is totally personal, I like vn like anybody but the game is not a vn)
>only good thing are your female companions
It's just not the game for me, the "lore" and mystery behind it is intriguing I would give you that

>take interesting game concept
>completely shit on it with obligatory le qt anime waifu x3 moeshit

Hollow Knight
I've never played it, I just hate the indie 2D Metroidvania genre, especially if tries to incorporate Souls gameplay.

Dead Hand, but then again I hate "churazey" games

I understand completely. It's not exactly easy to get into, is honestly a bit of a buggy mess, and can be downright obtuse at times.
I fucking loathe Fallout: New Vegas and any other game that falls under the same formula (Fallout 3, Skyrim, Oblivion, etc). I used to play them a lot but now I can't stand them. They all feel the exact fucking same and I always end up feeling like I'm wasting the time I could use for drawing or writing or some other shit.

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I got to the part where a bunch of kids get set on fire for no reason and realized that it was too mean-spirited for me to enjoy. Gameplay didn't grab me either and the walk speed was too slow. Only game I've ever deleted out of my steam library.

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Yea Forumscore games like Terraria and Risk of Rain are stupid. Everytime I play them I have no idea what's going on and get carried the entire time.

Gachas. I understand the waifu aspect of it but most of the time the game part is just shit and you might as well get the fanart and skip the """"""game"""""" part of it.

>Deus Ex 1
>Devil May Cry 1
>God Hand
>Nier Automata
>Sleeping Dogs
>Most Resident Evil games
>Counter Strike
>Fear 1
>Metal Gear
I do like Deus Ex HR and MD, DMC 3/4/5, Fear 2, RE 4/7/Remake 2.

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I don't like anything about it. I like RPGs but it bores me.

Fallout new Vegas, 1 and 2, plane scape torment, metal gear solid 2 and 3, melee, breath of the wild

>Shadow of the Colossus
>Symphony of the Night

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You're entitled to your opinion, but that game is phenomenal man. It's the most polished metroidvania I've played in as long as I can remember.

I was shitposting, have a nice a day.


It sucked balls and was boring as fuck.

Oddly enough your pic reminded me I really wasn't fond of any of the Dead Space games.

I don't hate it by any means, but I always feel out of the loop when I see people praise TWEWY so strongly. It's a good game for certain, but it didn't make even half the impact on me that it seems to have made on a lot of people.

God Hand, it's fucking garbage

>Deus Ex 1
>Sleeping Dogs
>Fear 1
shit man those are both in my top 5, what the fuck

Not so much hate I guess, but 4 and 5 are such glaringly obvious improvements over it. Yet Yea Forums will suck 3's dick until they wear a hole in their mouths. Literally why would you ever want inferior gameplay in your action game, is it simple nostalgia?

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silent hill 2 what a snorefest
enjoyed 4 much more

Mount & Blade
I'm sorry but it's just so fucking boring and shallow. You just recruit people, attack places, recruit more people to attack more places, keep attacking stuff. Nothing but attacking since there is nothing else to do. The battles are cool but most of the time (At least early on) you're just watching your dudes duke it out and it's not very fun.

New Vegas. As much as I enjoyed Fallout 3 it just felt like I was playing Fallout 3 again and ended up losing interest half way through.

Posted already but just remembered I really didn't like Fire Emblem Fates Conquest, Pokemon Heartgold, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (the 3DS one is the one I played, fucking despised the camera), Skyrim or really any ES game, even with mods, and Devil Survivor Overclocked.
Also every single moba out there, holy fuck they're so damn boring I don't know how people can dedicate their lives to that vomit

What's wrong with SOTN?

Not fun

i'll post a game i like and Yea Forums hates instead
i like portal 2, even more than 1, but most people here seem to just call it reddit garbage or whatever, the gameplay is way better than the first and you have workshop levels and coop

> The battles are cool but most of the time (At least early on) you're just watching your dudes duke it

Bruh you have to join in, literally just go lance and fuck shit up.

People seem to be fairly positive about it in general, I think it's a fucking travesty how shitty it is compared to its predecessor.

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I could explain why if you want.
Regardless I don't think there's any that I genuinely hate that Yea Forums loves. At the most there's ones I just kind of feel neutral but not positive towards like Monster Hunter games.

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>portal 2
wait I thought people like the sequel more wtf?

wow classic

>I could explain why if you want.
By all means do I already post the reason why I dont like itthis isnt me but its a great reason too

Though I have no experience with RoR, yeah Terraria is very much a game where you should learn it at your own pace. It's obnoxious how even a small difference between the players and their knowledge of the game turns it into 2~3 people doing a playthrough, and the other x-amount of people just tagging along for the ride.
Understandable. You have to be very much into the idea of how the game does things to want to like it or play it. I personally love it even despite all of its faults, but it's pretty easy to see why shitty TL, guess work + restarting could put off anyone to the game.

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Same. I just find it a cheap knockoff of SCP.

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>Devil Survivor Overclocked
That one seems like a fan favorite but the game is just so goddamn slow and the combat, at least at the start, lacks any impact.
It probably gets better further in but so far I have dropped it 3 times.

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I've finished it and I'm not overly fond of it either. It's fine, but it's far from my favorite MegaTen.


SCP is a knockoff itself. I hate SCP fans because they seem to firmly believe it's the original and dismiss everything else as a knockoff in the exact same way Pokemon fans dismiss all moncap games as Pokemon knockoffs.

The pacing of the plot is horrible as well, it's starts extremely slow and then in the end it jacks up like crazy. I hated most of the characters, the Bels felt extremely anticlimactic except for Jezebel, and while the death clock was supposed to drive a sense of urgency it never felt urgent. Miserable game.
The gameplay was also even more of a baby's first TRPG than even the shittiest Fire Emblem game could be but a ton of people claim it's challenging and well designed.

any story/atmosphere/character centric game with trash gameplay, specially rpgs with several hours worth of playtime like vtm bloodlines. if you cant make serviceable combat just settle for a vn

Same, I couldn't get into that level of micromanaging and VN shit, too complex for my ape brain
I have a weird love/hate relationship because its genuinely impossible at times where the trick to the level is a mechanic you never knew existed

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Dark Souls.
I just find combat way to slow for me to enjoy.

The game isn't really about the combat. But I get what you mean.

Well alright, although I'll first say that just because the fans sperg out about the female character doesn't really make it that at all. If you play longer, it reveals that all but one of them are really box-shaped robots with blobs of misc. flesh inside. The main draw is the monsters, boss fights, and the mission progression.
>the game isn't really fast except for in some boss battles (namely any that refuse pause as well as The Midnight of Violet)
But it means I tend to be able to actually manage shit better than I would in a game that plays more like an RTS. This is key because one of the main draws is picking a mystery monster and figuring out how it works, what it likes, what it does, etc. with minimal agent casualties
>Customized agents
They make you feel attached to them so when you play, it's sort of the same feeling I get during games like Etrian Odyssey, I have to keep all my little people alive
>The bosses
Ranging from simple gimmicks like cutting off all forms of healing to straight out boss battles with a superpowered nightmare of an enemy, the bosses offer a lot of variety and take a break from the usually slower paced gameplay of the rest of it. Whether it's ordering your employees to desperately run to an elevator as 4 portals open with giant monster tentacles about to wipe them out, or trying to quell a swarm of meltdowns to lower the defense of a titanic foe, the game does a damn good job with the big battles, and managing your agents into beating them is immensely satisfying.
>the monster variety
This is what draws in the most people, and why a lot of them stay. Despite the poor quality translation, the monsters/artifacts are almost all top notch and consistent in quality, and always make for unique playthroughs. Get train and Mountain in the same facility? It's hell for you, good luck. Get all the clerk-loving beasts at the same time? Enjoy those suppressions.

>all of dark souls

I play competitively in both traditional fighting games and For Honor at a high level but the above games are trash. They are boring to play and are not difficult, only tiring.

any autism simulator like any grand strategy or factorio

>For Honor at a high level
As I posted before, at least dark souls was not about the combat. It puts you in a dying world and lets you figure out the setting and your place in it for yourself while being fitttingly punishing to complement the dreary the mood.
The combat itself is as barebones as it can be, and the fact that From has shifted focus towards the combat with Sekiro is an atrocity.

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The monster variety also offers a lot of choice too even if you repo out bad ones. Do you take a dangerous ALEPH demon that'll bust your dept. in half if it gets out, but gives amazing gear and makes you finish the day way faster, or do you take a mediocre monster with no danger that provides little other benefits? The only legitimate complaint about non-HE monsters that I agree with is that many of the tools (i.e. artifacts) feel extremely cheap gameplay wise, often with Panic or death for no good reason and no significant benefit. The stories for the monsters are good as well, and make for solid worldbuilding.
As a sidenote, the story is pretty good if you can tell what it's saying through the ESL-level translation of it (apparently the devs got scammed by the translator they hired then some ESL fans redid it a bit better). The characters are interesting and the way it reveals what happened is very well done, with a great twist at the end that makes it all worth it.
As for your reasons, basically the same thing the other people have said, that's fine, it's not for everyone and it's a niche genre regardless, even with such a strange game. I will say though, the tutorial stuff is necessary because of how many people refuse to read the manual.

>expecting that an ai challenges you the same way as a human

What'd you get stuck on mate? Was it something you could find in the manual or was it something related to a monster's tip?

I just didnt like how the game played out, didnt really get stuck on anything
all I remember that pissed me off was my guy randomly fucking dying in a tentacley mass out of nowhere on like day 2

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>with a great twist at the end that makes it all worth it.
What is the twist? Bought the game but I have realized that I hate these games in which the main point is to figure out the rules. I just get remined of Cultist Simulator and almost vomit.

Tentacley mass? From what? At day 2 there's not much I can remember that can cause a tentacle related death. Did you smack the beast too many times?

It won't really make sense unless you've played the game or at least seen some other parts of the plot.

no, probably later than that
I just remember the room being obscured by tentacles or something and then boom, my guy died

Guess I'll never know then

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>room being obscured by tentacles
The room or the whole screen? Did they transform into anything or were they just lying dead on the floor?

just the room, dont think there was a corpse even

What'd the thing look like? Tentacle-blocking isn't ringing any bells, i just remember the iron-wall block when Woodsman kills someone and the jail-cell block when someone's dueling the Snow Queen.

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i dont remember its been a month since i played it

You didn't miss much.

Was it this thing?
The horns sort of look like tentacles when they burst out of the employee's eye sockets.

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yeah, I think it was that

It's usually very easy to take care of, just unlock the managerial tips first.
In the case of Beauty and the Beast, using Repression has a high success rate (because it wants to die). If you use Repression twice in a row, the beast will die and the employee sent to work on it will double over in pain as horns burst out of their eyes, a cluster of eyes bursts out of their throat, and their head twists backwards, turning them into the next Beast (which is why there was no corpse, they turned into the monster itself). Otherwise if you just use a work in between or use any non-repression work, it doesn't do anything. The monster can't even leave containment or deal physical damage.
Always get the tips first. The first tip for beast warns you that repression negatively affects its health.

Just watch it on youtube and read the manual for gameplay context written into the plot if you really want to know and really don't want to play.

U wot
SCP is the original unless you're expecting me to believe that the loose assortment of creepypastas that are its progenitor count

Fair enough.

SCP is not an original concept. There were books and also TV series before it like Friday the 13th that had a concept of taking supernatural/strange things and putting them in a containment facility, vault, or observation building for various purposes.
/x/ is so far away from SCP now that even if it were the original to come up with the concept of monsters or artifacts in a secret facility (which it isn't) the thing SCP has turned into is just a fucking incoherent mess and the "ripoffs" do a far better job. RPC is ok and closer to what /x/ had at least but thankfully no one talks about that.


Earthbound and Mother 3. They both feel like a bunch of random bullshit happening for no reason.

That's a lie. But if he didn't like it, whatever.

If you want a serious answer, it's because it has better bosses and enemies than the next two games. Almost as though people want to fight interesting and well balanced things in a game focused on fighting. 4 and 5 are definitely huge gameplay improvements but that doesn't mean the actual game they built around it is better.

>leviathan heart
user come the fuck on, vergil is good but a game does not live on a single damn bossfight.

As for enemies, eh, the only shit enemy in 4 was the damn seeds. Enemies in 5 are all pretty great.

You literally posted the 3 worst bosses as though they prove that the bosses in 3 are bad. Although I can't really value your opinion since you think Geryon is bad, which really is just an indicator that you don't know how to play the game.

I dislike the ability to restart the day in Lobotomy Corporation, and the fact that it seems essential to play the game. If I can mulch a bunch of agents to learn what an anomaly does, then reset, why not just look it up on the wiki and save myself the time? At that point there's no discovery, it's just a game about spinning a bunch of spooky plates.

Dark Souls 3, not that it was two terrible, but #2 was way better.

Honestly, Nier Automata.

I have no clue why many call this a masterpiece and GOTY/GOTD. The combat is shallow, the levels are bland and lifeless, replaying the game again with a more boring character just to get the real ending is a stupid choice, the hacking minigame rivals Bishock's hacking, holding Shift all game isn't fun or interesting, the sidequests are laughable, and the story tries a little too hard.

Game is a solid 8/10 but if you think it's anything more than that you have shit taste in games

>Hollow knight
>Persona series

>Enemies in 5 are all pretty great
They are the same as 1, 3 and 4.

>this is a really good game but if you enjoy it any more than this very specific amount you have shit taste

The fuck are you talking about dude

Geryon is not a good boss, man. He's filler as filler can be. Don't know how to play the game my ass, you literally are not in danger during geryon's fight. Like, at all. He's just a dummy target on wheels.

Good to know you stopped playing after you finished Normal.

why'd you throw the bucket of gasoline on them instead of the bucket of water?

Shadow of the Colossus
Sekiro's boss fights
Spider Man 2018
Monster Hunter World

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I wouldnt say everyone on Yea Forums likes it but there is certainly a loud fanbase on here.
I cannot stand Life is Strange. Max is just the wooorst MC I've had the misfortune to come across. At first I felt some pity for her, but then after seeing just how incredibly pathetic she was I started to feel like she deserved to be bullied. I"m all for a challenge, but being a total pathetic loser is just too much for me.

Republic Commando. aged like milk.

Don't worry, I couldn't even finish the damn thing. Her and most of the other characters are just irritating as fuck.

Maybe not everyone but Yea Forums seems to like the Divinity Original Sin games a lot more than I do and I can't understand why, basic gameplay and awful writing.

don't you dare attack my nostalgia like that you freaking baka.

I don’t hate it, but I don’t get the overwhelming praise for Dark Souls. I really like how cohesive and connected the world feels and the first half is fine enough but after Anor Londo the game nosedives pretty fucking hard and never fully recovers. I tried Bloodborne as well and dropped it right after I finished the Forbidden Woods, nothing offensively bad with this game, it just never really hooked me and I didn’t really enjoy how samey the game looked from what I’d played.

I get the appeal of the series but I cannot for the life of me get into it.

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