Is my PC any good?
Is my PC any good?
Not really ?
Enjoy getting hacked dumbass.
Nice malware, idiot.
How is it not really good?
What do you mean I'm gonna get hacked?
How is Speccy malware?
decent gpu but dual cores just don't cut it anymore
>Pentium processor
>8 gigs of ram
>single monitor
>midget gpu
>two dishwashers
> how is it not really good ?
A 3ghz Pentium isn't that bad but some modern games might max it out. Your GPU is fine.
Just get i7-4790k and you're golden.
Seems like a typical low budget but not complete toaster build. You can still run modern games but on low settings.
whats a pretty good budget cpu in 2019? hopefully something with a motherboard that supports ddr3 so i can use my ram
rate my modest specs. p.s my cpu isnt that hot. its around 40 degrees speccy doesnt like ryzen cpus
>windows 10
Upgrade to Windows 10 LTSC.
Buy a I5-4460 for $30-40.
Another 8GB in RAM is $25-30.
Better GPU?
Second screen?
Get windows 10 2019 LTSC.
Outside a GPU upgrade everything is ok.
Ryzen 2600.
>Old used computers
Get a used Thinkcentre for $80.
I feel like UNKNOWN speccy is getting UNKNOWN worse at mapping hardware UNKNOWN to human UNKNOWN friendly names UNKNOWN.
44 is still high for idle temps
Not him but I gotta use w10 because I have an i7.
If I upgrade anything else in this box it will be the CPU, this thing cant even run games at a stable framerate in 1050p.
Haswell CPUs are piss cheap user, you can upgrade any time.
Either a cheap I5 (i5-4460 is $35-60) or a Xeon for $70-100.
>Buy a I5-4460 for $30-40.
What? Where?
Where are you from?
I'm not OP btw. An i5 costs something around $250,00 dollars here. My i7 was $410,00 and my 1080 was $750,00 and that's because I got it cheap.
exaggeration land. they're $100 used on eBay, no way are you getting them for $40
I don't know why my idle is so high
It only gets worse during games
even my fan is maxed
i just found 2 of them for 50/60 dollars on ebay what are you smoking friend
Yeah you are not getting it for cheap in Brazil.
Haswell CPUs have gone way down like you have no idea since Coffee lake and Ryzen CPUs are a thing.
speccy is not accurate
not him but im sitting here with both msi afterburner open and speccy and they're both outputting around the same temps
>buying in PC parts
>while being Brazilian
Speccy is not accurate only with Ryzen because it never got the update to support it so it reads the temperature sensor in the motherboard rather than the one in the CPU.
Speccy development got cancelled once Avast bought piriform in 2016 and fired everyone.
what cooler are you using?
>using speccy
If it can play what you want to play, it is fine.
Don't buy in to the hype: No one's going to give you points for having a super strong PC unless you're doing scientific work that requires that much power.
What is this autism?
would it be worth it to upgrade from a fx-6300 to an i7-3770?
Yes if the upgrade is cheap.
cpu + motherboard would be like 120-130 dollars
Sounds a bit expensive to be worth it.
Which motherboard?
Locked or unlocked version?
whats on our current build that youre swapping over?
>Locked or unlocked version?
kinda pointless since the cpu isnt unlocked
So its the locked I7-3770 and not the I7-3770K.
Not exactly worth it, it is a upgrade from the FX-6300 and would allow you to reuse your RAM, it just a bit too expensive for what you can get currently when it comes to something new.
I ran Witcher 3 on a dual core years ago when i built my PC. There is a program called BES battle encoder that will force a game or program to use all the two core available rather than trying to space the workload between a4 cores, which pretty much all games want to use these days.
get a cheap b450 and a 2600 if you only game at 1080p 60hz
>Which motherboard?
found an ASUS P8H61-M
>Locked or unlocked version?
i am unsure
got a GTX 1060 6gb with 16GB of EVGA 1333mhz ram
what would you suggest then? i dont really want to spend money on ddr4 ram when i can go for something slightly less powerful and just reuse my own
jesus fucking christ I've been rangebanned from posting images for a month, what the fuck is going on? I wanted to post an image just to check if I could but I'm still fucking rangebanned. Why are mods so incompetent?
The problem is that we are not longer in the "slightly less powerful" zone anymore.
This alone makes the deal not worth it since its the kind of motherboard that doesn't last.
the 8ch migration put everyone on edge so mods are just banning random IPs right now.
Complain in IRC.
Nah I mean it's been like this for a month now. I haven't been able to post any images on Yea Forums, /vg/, or Yea Forums.
This has been going for atleast 4 months now, affects mostly US and EU users.
What else do i need?
how shit is the R3 1200?
Not sure why speccy doesn't detect it but my CPU is a i5 8400
Another 8GB RAM to get Dual channel RAM.
>Kingston A400
>Locked Coffee lake instead Ryzen
Worse than the I7-3770.
Try looking for the 2000 and 3000 series instead the 1000 series.
kind of overspecced for the rx 580
you're fine for 1080p
>idle temps with stock cooler @ 50c
>buy watercooling kit with radiator on the exhaust
>idle temps at @ 45c
did i get fucking memed on?
Yes, watercooling sucks bigtime and only its useful in ITX builds.
Its loud, expensive and inefficient.
Return it and buy a NH-D15.
im happy to say that im a proud owner of one of these CPUs.
wish i had a better GPU to compensate.
Actually a Freezer 33 or 212 EVO will do since all you are using is a locked CPU.
Buy a used 1060/1070Ti?
why the fuck would you watercool a budget build? You should have spent that money on actual improvements.
>Its loud
that's something i have to disagree with, the thing is fucking silent even at 2000rpm, i can barely hear it at max speed.
i agree with everything else though, thankfully the kit was cheap as shit.
i got the kit for like 30 bucks, brand new.
then again it's some mexican shit brand but apparently it doesn't matter, all of the watercooling kits i've seen have barely any improvements over regular air cooling.
user in another thread told me to get the 165hz dell monitor and so far Im enjoying the Gsync and 165fps over 60fps 4k, which is now my media consumption monitor
user stop buying eagle warrior shit, you are getting scammed.
I guess that's alright then. I think getting a cooler for noise levels is fair enough.
Expensive 4channel browser + warframe player
it wasn't eagle warrior actually, it was YEYIAN.
i have yet to buy anything from those mexican jews at shitgle warrior.
CPU might be garbage but the 1050 Ti triggers me to no end. Such a terrible value card.
high framerate is really something else
get off discord faggot tranny
yeah i mean at least it's better than a stock cooler, if only by 5-8c.
nonsense. You are enjoying a good monitor. No need for the sync shill. Thats for shit monitors
It really is very nice, even normal browsing and stuff on it (besides watching videos or doing any /p/hotography editing, which my 4k IPS panel is far superior in color reproduction) feels better on it with the higher frame rate and response time
You using stock thermal paste&cooler?
If so there's your problem.
Getcha a water cooler setup, or at least buy a zalman/noctua aftermarket fan and some decent thermal paste. You'll get it down in the 20s-30s
It's not quite as powerful as I wanted when I was buying the parts but the CPU was on too deep a sale to pass up.
>windows 10
What will you do in 5 months?
Keep using 7.
Are you retarded?
On 1st of Febuary 2019 all Windows 7 PCs will crash. RIP
Is my PC any good?
You already know the answer.
You can make it usable for $40 though(E8600 or Q6600 and getting 8GB RAM).
Also a $30-50 GPU.
>Get new PC
>Opt out of dedicated wireless card because motherboard had it built in
>So crap that Arkham Knight is downloading at 200 megs a minute.
Fucker cleaned out my bank account so buying a dedicated card is a month away.
If you see Realtek when you buy a motherboard then avoid it.
Expect it to shit itself with anything faster than 50Mbps when it comes to ethernet or Wlan, even if its rated for 1Gbps.
Only know the basics so just followed logical increments then adjusted to account for industry horse shit. IE devs are so lazy about memory this gen that I grabbed a 32 gig 3200 hz or whatever the transfer speed is to account for their laziness next gen.
Its mostly because arch differences when it comes to CPUs the reason why high RAM speed is important now rather than lazy devs.
Except in fallout, there it affects speeds because Bethesda.
Logical increments only gives you a basic idea about what build but doesnt tell you what you should avoid.
Example, Gigabyte and ASRock motherboards.
Corsair PSUs.
Kingston SSDs.
Seagate HDDs.
Gigabyte GPUs.
I avoided all of those but I did buy a Corsair case and RAM. Skipped out on a HDD altogether in favour of 2 SSD's, only internals I could find were Seagate which all had shit reviews so I'm long term borrowing a 2 TB External.
Replace the one on the mobo with an intel 9260 (they go for 5-20 bucks new on amazon)
You'll thank me later
Corsair cases are ok because they are just cases.
RAM doesnt matter which brand because only Samsung, SKHynx and Micron make RAM, everyone else just adds fancy heatsinks to them.